I am Vardy

Chapter 500 Manchester United let go

The shooting of commercials is actually very easy. For Emma Watson, it is actually very simple to make thousands of styles in front of the camera. After all, she is a professional, and Vardy seems not bad. After all, he is also an actor. At the same time, the sense of lens is very strong.

The director was surprised by the speed of the progress. He thought it would take two days to shoot the commercial, but he didn't expect it to be done in half a day.

"Uh, let's go to the movies together?"

Just when Vardy was thinking about how to invite the little witch, the little witch actually opened her mouth.

Can Mao watch a movie?

Vardy doesn't like watching movies very much, or in other words, he can only watch one type of movie, which is comedy, and he can't watch any other movies, even those Hollywood blockbusters.

In Europe, there is actually a market for literary and artistic films, especially for literary girls like Emma Watson. Fresh, anyway, Vardy can't stand it.

Of course, for men, the main purpose of accompanying girls to the cinema is definitely not watching movies. If you really want to watch movies, then you deserve to be single for the rest of your life.

The two dressed up in disguise. Celebrities are celebrities. There are paparazzi and crowds of onlookers wherever they go to avoid trouble. They must not go out in such a high-profile way.

All the way to the cinema, Vardy smiled and said: "Let's watch this "Girl Detective"!"

It's a comedy, and at least Vardy has a little interest.

But who would have thought that Emma Watson's brows were erect, as if a little witch was about to erupt.

"I knew you were a pervert, do you want to see Emma Roberts?"

Emma Watson's questioning made Vardy stunned. Only then did he notice that "Girl Detective" was originally starring Emma Roberts, one of the four young stars in Hollywood.

Vardy can't laugh or cry, Emma Roberts is only 16 years old now!

"Conscience, I don't even know what Emma Roberts is!" Vardy smiled wryly, "Why don't we watch "1408"?"

Emma stared at Vardy with wide eyes, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Before Vardy understood what he meant, Emma Watson had already bought a ticket.

Vardy took the ticket and walked into the screening hall with Emma Watson in a daze. When the movie appeared on the big screen, Vardy suddenly realized.

It turned out that what she wanted to see was the movie "Ballet Shoes" starring herself.

Alas, this arrogant little witch.

Speaking of it, it seems that Emma Watson has not starred in any blockbuster movies except for the Harry Potter series. Vardy estimates that this movie is quite boring.

Sure enough, the boring plot looks very inspirational, but it is based on an empty foundation and has no obvious appeal. It is no wonder that the box office is not good.

After watching it for a few minutes, Vardy knew that if he continued to watch it, he would have to fall asleep.

Turning his eyes, Vardy felt that such a good atmosphere should not be wasted, so he quietly raised his hand and stretched out behind Emma Watson.

But stopping in mid-air, Vardy hesitated again, am I not molesting an underage girl?

By the way, what age is considered an adult in British law?

Emma Watson wasn't even 18 anyway.

No loss for three years, capital punishment?

Just when Vardy hesitated and put his arms around Emma's shoulders, Emma found out.

The atmosphere suddenly froze, so embarrassing!

"Uh, I'm used to exercising, and I can move my arms after sitting for a long time!" Vardy laughed, moved twice deliberately, and retracted the devil's hand again.

Emma Watson rolled her eyes, muttered "Cut, coward!" before turning back to watch the movie.

Now Vardy is even more embarrassing.

However, he found a feeling of youthful campus love, and the girl is still a much-anticipated star. This feeling really made Valdy's heart skip a beat.

"By the way, you don't have a boyfriend yet, right?" Vardy took the initiative to break the embarrassment.

In my impression, at least for now she is still single.

"What do you think?" Emma Watson looked at Vardy mischievously, with a smile that was not a smile.

"Oh!" Vardy stopped talking and turned to look at the screen.

Emma Watson was embarrassed this time. When she thought about it, the purpose of Vardy asking this question should be to confess to herself. She was still a little shy and proud.

But I never expected that Vardy would have nothing to say and posted her here!

"Then do you have a girlfriend?" Emma took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Vardy smiled and replied: "No!"

This is the truth, he really doesn't have a girlfriend now.

Then Emma Watson smiled, and said to Vardy with a smile: "That's reasonable, you deserve it because you don't have a girlfriend!"

After a movie, although the two quarreled from time to time, the strangeness disappeared, just like two old friends.

But Valdi Valdi has a bad feeling, Emma Watson doesn't just want to find a blue friend, does she?

Girls are indeed attractive to Vardy, and it feels wonderful, but things always take their time.

After watching the movie, the two went to a high-end restaurant for dinner, and finally Vardy sent Emma Watson home again.

Nothing earth-shattering happened at night as the readers imagined. Even before Valdy even held Emma Watson's little hand, Valdy felt that he had become pure.

Well, you can have goals, or you can come to a five-year plan, and Vardy is not in a hurry anyway.


Should I go on vacation, or go on vacation, or go on vacation?

The choice was in front of us, so Vardy chose to go on vacation!

In the past, I was very envious of professional players. They can turn their hobbies into a career and earn a lot of money. Even the ugly professional players never lack women, and each one is sexier and prettier than the other. Every offseason, these bastards are all over the world Traveling and vacationing, making myself itch with jealousy.

But now that I have become a professional player, I no longer have this mentality.

Indeed, the tense nerves, the huge pressure, and a long season are likely to make people collapse. Why don't they let the vacation take a good rest?

But this holiday is really no leisure for Vardy.

First, Ferguson's retirement made him not in the mood for a vacation. After finally adjusting, Vardy suddenly discovered that rumors of his transfer had been flying all over the sky!

Since becoming a superstar, the pursuit of Vardy by the major giants seems to have never stopped, and Vardy is used to it.

Perhaps Glazer wanted to sell himself to repay the loan, but because Ferguson has been pressing down, and Manchester United also has competitive needs, all the giants' purchases for him were rejected by Manchester United.

Several wealthy teams also seem to know that it is so easy to poach the backbone of another giant, so after being rejected by Manchester United, they did not persevere.

But now it is completely different. According to media reports, several giants are vying to make offers to Manchester United, and there is even news that Manchester United and so-and-so have reached an agreement. Vardy is destined to transfer to join the news. The entire transfer market is like Was dropped like a bombshell.

what the hell is this?

Although Raiola is greedy, he is indeed a competent agent. Soon, he appeared in front of Vardy to reassure Vardy.

It turned out that Manchester United let go!

When several giants tried to buy Vardy from Manchester United before, Manchester United clearly rejected it with the phrase "not for sale".

But this time, when the giants routinely offered Manchester United an offer to buy Vardy, Manchester United's wording changed.

——This offer does not match Vardy's superstar status.

Now it's not for sale, but your bid is not enough, if you want Vardy, then increase the price!

This was a complete surprise for several giants. They did not expect that Manchester United would really let go, so they began to frantically make offers to Manchester United.

Then it caused the current earthquake situation in the transfer market.

Manchester United actually let go?

This is something Valdy never expected.

If Vardy is the operator of a club, then he will never sell the core of the team when he has the strength to keep the core of the team.

After leading Manchester United to win the double crown this season, Vardy has become a well-deserved No. 1 player in world football. Even Kaka, the son of God, can only bow down. Vardy's dominance is unstoppable.

Although Manchester United may not be the number one club in world football, it is definitely among the top giants.

Isn't it the best match between a wealthy family and a superstar?

How could Manchester United consider selling themselves?

Vardy would never have thought that now it is not a question of whether he should choose to leave after Queiroz took office, but a question of Manchester United wanting to sell himself directly.

He could only swear, Manchester United are crazy!

In fact, the inside story is really not complicated.

After Glazer completed the privatization of Manchester United, he owed a large amount of loans to the bank, and a large part of his income every season had to be repaid to the bank. If part of the debt could be repaid, their pressure would be relieved a lot.

In the absence of a substantial increase in sponsorship fees, the fastest way to make money is naturally to sell players.

So Glazer discussed with CEO David Gill and new coach Queiroz.

After Ferguson retired, he didn't care about the team's affairs, and he didn't want to care about it, so as not to leave a bad impression of being too majestic.

Manchester United's most valuable player now must be the Trident. The lowest-valued Rooney is also worth close to 40 million pounds, and Ronaldo is close to 50 million pounds. As for Vardy, if you simply consider the competitive value, it may be over 100 million.

Who to sell?

Selling a Vardy will solve everything.

Glazer tends to sell whoever is more expensive, anyway, he doesn't understand football;

David Gill tends to sell Ronaldo. After all, both Rooney and Vardy are Englishmen, and Ronaldo overlaps with Vardy to a certain extent. Selling Ronaldo will reduce the strength of the team, but it will not be fatal. , The most important thing is that Manchester United should not sell the biggest star in the team, which will make people feel that Manchester United has no pursuit.

Queiroz clearly supports the sale of Vardy.

Of course, he won't bring it to the table to talk about the mess between Queiroz and Vardy. He just pretended to be fair and stated the fact that the existence of Vardy has affected Ronaldo to a certain extent. If there is no Vardy, then Ronaldo can grow to the same height as Vardy.

Selling a superstar and cultivating another superstar, Manchester United did not lose money and got a huge transfer fee.

And Queiroz promised that Manchester United's performance will not decline significantly if Vardy is sold. )!!

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