I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 3 Dream Come True (1)

Chapter 3 Dream Come True (1)

"Uncle, I just saw the servants of the Jingting Hou Mansion outside the door."

"What do they want to do again?" Uncle Zhongping couldn't help but feel a pain in his brain when he heard the word "Jingtinghou". Now the people in Jingtinghou's mansion are making troubles for his house every three days. If you meet someone who wants face, everyone will not make a scene in the open for the sake of face, but the people in Jingting Hou Mansion are not like this. Ban Huai will sing against him when he has nothing to do. His son From time to time, he comes to make trouble for Qilin, and sometimes even beats people, which is really insulting to the gentlemen.

"I don't know." The boy who came to report shook his head blankly. "He just squatted not far from our gate and didn't do anything."

"This family has brain problems from the master to the servants," Uncle Zhongping said angrily, "Let them go, do they dare to come to our house?"

The boy thought silently, didn't Hou Jingting bring a group of boys to smash down their door two years ago? This matter was later brought up to His Majesty, and it turned out that Jing Ting Hou had a mother who was the eldest princess. After being reprimanded by His Majesty, Jing Ting Hou was released after a few words, which made their uncle sick with anger. I couldn't get out of bed for most of the month.

In Uncle Zhongping's view, Hou Jingting is a rare flower that is hard to find in the whole capital in a hundred years. He is absurd and self-willed, shameless, and his father and son are all the same. Relying on their relationship with the royal family, they spend their days leisurely playing with cats and dogs. . In his decades of life, he had never seen such a brazen father and son.

Lao Tzu and brothers are all the same, how can the daughter born be better?

A family of absurd goods!

Uncle Zhongping was scolding Jingtinghou and his son in his heart, when the housekeeper hurried in.

"Uncle, something happened!"

The noble ladies and daughters in the capital have a new topic, that is, Uncle Zhongping's second son was riding on a horse, and fell down for no reason, and his eye just hit a stone and broke it. You didn't fall your hands or feet, but you lost one eye. What kind of luck do you think this is?

Someone who has something to do suddenly thought that this four years ago was engaged to the Lord of the Jingtinghou Mansion. Although the marriage did not work out afterwards, it was considered a period of time. Could it be that Lord of the Township? Otherwise, how could such a noble young master with superb riding skills fall off his horse so inexplicably?

When a person confirms something, he will cut out the intermediate logical relationship and directly give a simple and rough conclusion.

For example, Banxiang Junkefu.

The two families divorced two years ago, and Uncle Zhongping's mansion is also planning to re-engage Xie Qilin. Now that something happened to Xie Qilin, someone still blamed it on Mr. Ban Xiang.

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off," Ban Heng came back from the outside, and turned around the house countless times in anger, "These people are talking nonsense, Xie Huaishui broke his eyes, it's none of my sister's business, it's not My sister pushed him down. What Kefu, he is not my sister's husband, so shameless."

"Everyone in the world is ignorant," said Ban Hua, who was dressed in a complicated dress and this year's new palace flower on her head, and walked into her younger brother's yard surrounded by the maids, "What they care about is not the truth, It's a person who can gossip, and if you get angry at what these idiots said, your anger will be in vain."

"Who am I doing this for?" Ban Heng sat down on the chair, waved away the servants in the room, swallowed, and said, "Your dream... has come true."

Ban Hua sat down beside him, resting his chin with one hand, and sighed, "Five years from now, you won't be the crown prince."

"Then you are not the Lord of the Township anymore." Ban Heng glanced at the gold and silver jewelry on his sister, "Say, what should we do?"

The siblings looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Good girl," Ban Huai walked in with sweat on his face, holding a lot of scrolls in his hands, "Who is more likely to be that one?"

The four members of the Ban family knew who that was, but they dared not say it.

"This is Shi Chonghai, the right minister of the current dynasty." Ban Huai opened the scroll, pointed to the thin old man on it, and said, "This man comes from a poor family, and he seems to be loyal to His Majesty, but he knows people, face, but not heart. Could it be him?"

"It's not this old man," Ban Hua glanced at him and shook his head, "That man isn't so ugly."

"In your dream, you can't even remember what other people look like," Ban Heng asked curiously, "How do you know he's good-looking?"

"You men will never understand a woman's intuition," Ban Hua raised his eyelids, "Next."

"This is Yan Hui, Prime Minister of the Left, who often opposes His Majesty."


"Shang Shu ordered Zhou Bing'an?"


"Military servants shoot?"

After reading more than half of the picture scroll, Banhua only had one movement from beginning to end, and that was shaking his head, shaking his head constantly.

"This is already a more powerful official." Ban Huai looked at the picture scrolls thrown all over the floor, with a look of distress on his face, "The princes and county kings of the clan are all from the Jiang family, and they are certainly not. Who could it be?"

Ban Hua opened a scroll of paintings, which showed a very young man with a jade crown and brocade robe, which looked very elegant.

"Wrong, wrong." Ban Huai snatched the scroll from her hand, "This is an unmarried man from another mansion, who got in by accident."

"Father, don't think about this one." Ban Hua didn't stop Ban Huai from grabbing the painting, "There are so many women in the whole capital staring at him, it would be a shame to find such a husband."

"Isn't it okay to refer to it?" Ban Huai smiled, "Don't you like good-looking men, this must meet your standards."

"Thinking that we will live a difficult and difficult life in five years, no man, no matter how good-looking, can move my heart," Ban Hua lay on the table with a sleepy expression, "Anyway, after five years, I haven't succeeded in getting married. .”

Ban Heng patted her on the back distressedly: "Sister, you should go to Biezhuang to raise a few male pets. Life is short, enjoy yourself in time."

Anyway, those princesses and county lords have a lot of pet boys.

Banhua didn't want to talk to him. There are many good-looking men in the world, but there are very few good-looking and temperamental men, but such men generally have status, and even if they don't have status, they are taken away by princesses. Her turn?

Seeing that Ban Hua was not in high spirits, Ban Heng decided to tell some unlucky things about Xie Qilin to make her happy, "When Xie Badhui was brought home, I heard that half of his face was covered with blood. A heartless man should end up like this."

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