Whitney blocked David and Clark's way with a cold expression.

"Whitney, what do you want to do?"

Being stopped at the door of his home, Clark looked wary and suspicious.

"It's not obvious. In the war surrounding Lana, he can't beat you, so he plans to use other methods."

David didn't understand that Clark's character was shy and honest, and he didn't know much about romance. Whitney was also a typical handsome blond guy. He didn't lose much points in terms of appearance, and he had a foundation of past relationships, so he couldn't compete with them. Clark is also a failure.

"Clark, I advised you.

What happened today is not my fault. "

Taking his hands out of his pockets, Whitney clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, as if he was a beast about to attack.

"Whitney, what gives you the courage to show up in front of my house like this?"

Turning a blind eye to his aggressive gesture, David looked Whitney up and down, his tone seemed to be confusing.

In the past, David had effortlessly knocked him down in a bar with several other football players. After that, it was undeniable that Whitney was a little afraid of David, but that was in the past.

"I admit that you are good at hitting, but now you can't even touch a hair on my head."

Whitney sneered and rolled up her sleeves, revealing the fluorescent tattoo that was previously hidden under her clothes.

After joining that team, this tattoo gave him strength and abilities that ordinary people didn't have.

"Whitney, even if you beat me up, it won't change anything."

Under the radiation unique to the meteorite, Clark's Kryptonian super power quickly dissipated. His feet became weak and his expression felt uncomfortable. He tried to persuade him.

"Your solution is exactly what Lana doesn't like."

"I'll fight first and then talk."

Clark's words just added fuel to the fire. Jealousy flashed in Whitney's eyes, and she punched Clark who didn't know what was wrong.

David moved to block Clark's punch, which was not even a tickle for him.

"Let me show you my power.

Look how I teach your disobedient brother in front of you! "

Whitney raised her fist and smiled contemptuously. Her body was like a phantom, passing directly through him and punching Clark in the head.


David turned around and frowned. In his eyes, Whitney's rapid movements seemed like a silent movie that had been slowed down ten times.

His body disappeared in a flash, taking Clark twenty or thirty meters away in the blink of an eye.

With a sure punch, Whitney punched him away, and the two brothers disappeared from sight, like ghosts in the distance.

His expression changed and he took a deep breath, wondering if he was hallucinating.

"You...how did you do it?"

"Whitney, your body?..."

Away from the tattoo containing kryptonite, Clark regained some strength and was equally surprised when he recalled the scene when Whitney passed through his brother like a ghost.

"Are you okay, David?" He hurriedly turned around and asked David if he felt any discomfort as his body was penetrated.


David replied briefly, looked at the astonished Whitney in the distance and raised his eyebrows.

Whitney also gained abilities due to the meteorite.

This is not too surprising.

"Other people in the town can gain abilities due to meteorites. How could Clark, the love rival of DC's son, be so ordinary and not get involved by fate?

And the abilities Whitney received seem to have unique advantages! "

"You also have superpowers? Do you also have tattoos?"

The weak Clark was ignored directly, and Whitney stared at David in shock and anger.

I remembered that I and my team members had been knocked down by this kid who had gained special abilities, and we were humiliated in front of everyone.

"I finally understand how you defeated us back then!"

What tattoo does Whitney think gave him his powers?

"Don't think of me like you meteorite weirdos."

David glanced at the tattoo on Whitney's wrist, his eyes moving slightly.

"Did someone discover the fluorescent effect of kryptonite and use it to develop a unique tattoo?"

How many people have been tattooed? Could it be that a large number of ability users have been born in this small town now?

"Wait until I beat you and see if you can still maintain this superior attitude!"

Whitney rushed over quickly like an angry bull roaring.

call out!

David kicked a stone from his feet.

The stones on the road shot out like bullets, but they passed through Whitney's body without causing any harm to him. Whitney smiled disdainfully and continued to charge.

"It's useless, you can't hurt me at all!"

"Is it possible to accurately control the ability to let stones pass through? Or is it not necessary to control it at all?"

He raised his eyelids, appeared behind Whitney in a flash, and struck with his knife.

The speed used was such that Whitney couldn't react, and the result was like a projection being struck through, with no force left.

call out!

A sharp sound.

After David finished the fight, Whitney realized it belatedly. He suddenly turned his head and saw David behind him. He punched angrily with eyes wide open, but the punch missed again.

David effortlessly moved his body dozens of meters away, giving him time to observe him.

Whitney felt like a monkey being teased and shouted angrily.

"What's the point of being able to stand still and hide here and there?"

But David ignored him.

"It's not an ability that requires constant adaptability and maintenance, but it's passive?" There was thought in his eyes.

Whitney has gained abilities, although he does not have the speed and strength of previous ability users, and he is no more powerful than ordinary people.

"But in terms of defense, we are uniquely blessed!"

Directly turns into a phantom, penetrates all entities, and is immune to physical attacks!

Not even Superman can handle it.

David's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Whitney, calm down."

Seeing that David was much faster than him, Whitney punched Clark, but Clark would not stand there stupidly waiting for him to hit him, especially when he retreated dozens of meters with the light of kryptonite on his arm.

"You also have the ability?

That's right, you are a pair of brothers! "

Shocked that Clark also showed ghostly speed, Whitney looked at this and that, facing the two brothers who couldn't even touch the corners of their clothes, and roared with anger.

"Don't hide if you can, and fight me head-on like a man."

Just now he said that David couldn't touch a hair on his head, but now he was like a clown and even more embarrassed.

"If you don't hide, what can you do?"

Having a little suspicion about his ability, David showed no expression on his face and appeared in front of Whitney.


Whitney punched David hard on the chest. The extraordinary punching force of nearly eight to nine hundred pounds did not even scratch the itch, but it felt like hitting a steel plate. He held the painful hand and stepped back. And went: "Why is your body so hard, my hand!"

Regardless of Whitney's groan, David frowned and looked at his palms.

"I originally thought that when Whitney's power hit someone, at least the palm of her hand would regain its physical form."

The chest was hit by a painless attack for a millisecond. I didn't want to use my hand to catch it, but it was in vain.

But the speed was so fast that Whitney didn't notice it at all.

"Even when you attack others, your physical condition is still a shadow?"

You can hit others when you hit them, but you can't hit yourself when others hit you. Your body is in a superposition of physical and virtual bodies?

"The ability is very good, but it's a pity that your strength and speed are too weak."

Looking up, David sighed in slight surprise.

Having this ability is almost invincible, but with a little bit of super strength and speed, it will be difficult for Clark to face him even after he is fully grown.

"If I hadn't been merciful just now, you would be lying on the ground in pain now, instead of still having the strength to laugh at me."

Under the burning pain, Whitney covered her bruised hands and gritted her teeth and growled.

He shouldn't have kept it, he should have taught this proud guy a lesson that he will remember for life!

"Oh? How are you going to deal with me?"

David asked, wanting to hear it.

He is not like Clark who has a kryptonite weakness. Facing Whitney, he can only stand far away and dare not get close.

"I will go right through your flesh and punch you in the heart!"

Whitney couldn't believe that David could still mock him so calmly despite being punched so hard on his fragile organs and intestines.

"You will kneel on the ground and know what hellish pain is!"

He said and punched again.

"that's all?"

David thought he had some other ability and easily dodged it.

With his physical strength, there would be no problem even if his relatively fragile internal organs were bombarded by missiles, but he had no interest in standing still and being attacked by Whitney, who had figured out his abilities.

"Go home, Whitney."

Clark stepped closer, held David down, stood between the two of them, and persuaded Whitney to go home with a serious expression.

"This matter ends here. You are just an angry impulse. Don't embark on the road of crime."

He knew his brother's character deeply, and he could not take David's previous attack to heart, but the punch that was about to hit his internal organs just now definitely touched David's nerves.

"You already said it's too late."

Whitney recalled this incident with an angry sneer on her face.

"Where do you think I got this tattoo?"

"What do you mean?" Clark's expression changed. Could it be that Whitney has used this ability to do something bad?

"The bank robbery was committed by you and others?"

David thought of the bizarre bank gang robbery on the noon news.

There was no damage to the vault door or floor, but the jewelry and gold bars were missing.

"I was already on the verge of getting Lana to change her mind, and it was all because of you!"

Regardless of their questions, Whitney punched Clark again.

In just a few days during extra training for the football team, Clark took Lana away from him. When he went to find Lana again, Lana politely said not to keep pestering her.

“She didn’t want other people to misunderstand that we were still together.

You tell me who that other guy is, Clark! "

But the two of them arrived dozens of steps away. It was as if they were being teased and humiliated. Whitney clenched her fists and burst out with anger in her eyes.

It's self-evident who he is. After that, he went to a bar to get drunk and accidentally got acquainted with a group of people.

One of them had watched his baseball game and thought he was a strong prospect, so he was brought into the team.

“You only need a meteorite solution mixed with a little tattoo ink to give a person the ability to become virtual, allowing him to enter and exit a bank vault like nothing.

But I didn’t expect that I and others easily fooled the police, and now I just want to give you a simple lesson but can’t do it. "

As she expressed her overwhelming resentment, a trace of ferocity suddenly appeared in Whitney's eyes.

"Clark, David, I wonder if your parents have the ability you have!"

He thought of how to force the two of them to get closer to him.

"That's enough, stop."

Looking at Whitney who turned around and walked towards the farm cabin, Clark looked shocked. He blocked him in front of him and shouted in a low voice: "You are no longer like you, Whitney!"

He couldn't understand.

Although he and Whitney have always been rivals in love, the former Whitney was just a little arrogant, rude and concerned about face, but she would never do such a thing.

"Jealousy is one of the original sins of mankind. It is very difficult for people to learn well..."

He was not interested in how Whitney became like this. He only heard that he was going to do harm to his parents. David's voice became cold and his eyes lit up with purple light, "It's easy to become bad!"


A purple energy ray shot through Whitney's legs and struck at his feet.

Like a missile bombing, waves of earth collapsed, and a deep pit more than two meters high suddenly appeared. Whitney did not suffer any injuries, but her feet fell into the air and she fell.

“You can actually shoot lasers from your eyes like a robot.

David, you opened my eyes. "

David reached the edge of the pit in a flash, and Whitney stood up from the bottom of the pit. Her eyelids twitched to conceal her shock, and she raised her head to look at David.

"But you think that's going to stop me?"

Clenching her fists, Whitney proudly used her virtual and real body to walk into the soil, like crossing a river and stepping on the bottom of the river step by step.

"The power of destroying tall buildings can't hurt you at all. Your ability is amazing. It's a superposition of reality and reality."

Looking at this scene, David said slowly without any fluctuation on his face.

"I just don't know if you've noticed that you're still breathing."

It is a matter of course that people need to breathe. Many people would subconsciously ignore it, but he didn't.

Whitney's human nature has not changed much. He cannot fly, cannot counteract gravity, and the most fatal thing is that he needs to breathe!


Whitney paused in her steps and looked at the expressionless David. She had a bad feeling in her heart, but she had a sneer on her face.

"So what? Can you put me in a box and suffocate me to death?"

"What can hold me?"

He paused for a moment, his tone was sarcastic, and he pounced forward, trying to insert his hands into David's chest and grasp his heart, but as expected, he missed.

"Or you have to suck the air out of my eyes in one breath."

Everyone has to breathe, so that's not a weakness at all.

"I don't have that ability."

David dodged a few meters away, controlled the energy of the universe and fired high-temperature rays to sweep the surrounding area.



The intense high temperature caused the air within dozens of meters around to evaporate and become thinner. As soon as Whitney walked out of the soil, he found it hard to breathe and fell to his knees before taking two more steps. He covered his neck as if he was poisoned, his face suffocating. Got to be red.

"But I have another way to achieve the same effect." After a pause, he continued calmly.

"I...I can't breathe, help...help me!"

Whitney was crawling awkwardly on the ground trying to leave this thin place, with a bruised face and a begging look on his face. The fear of death came to him like a tide. He trembled unconsciously and struggled to reach out to the two of them.


Almost used to his brother's cruel methods, Clark hurriedly wanted to run forward and try to help Whitney, who was about to suffocate to death.

But as soon as he got close to Whitney, the tattoo of kryptonite solution knocked him back to an ordinary human being, or worse than that. Instead, he began to pass out due to weakness and lack of oxygen.

After a few seconds, David turned around and took out the unconscious Clark. As for Whitney, who was on the verge of death, he glanced at the tattoo on his wrist and withdrew his gaze indifferently.

"Superposition of reality and reality, tattoos..."

"I...I don't want to die."

Her eyesight turned black, and under the pain of suffocation, Whitney's consciousness gradually blurred, and the last thing she saw was David's cold face.

He suddenly regretted that he should not have come to teach the two brothers a lesson, but unfortunately it was already too late.


The hands that stretched out to beg for mercy and help fell to the ground weakly, and Whitney gradually lost her breath.

"Why, why is this happening!"

The bright mirror was slammed to the ground, and the antique copper mirror shattered the floor and penetrated deep into the ground before disappearing.

Behind the desk, Aikins roared like a shrew, her voice hoarse and unpleasant.

Even though she is now extremely powerful, extremely fast, and her body is stronger than steel and is invulnerable, and the submachine gun is like a toy in front of her, like a real god, it cannot make up for what she has lost.

"This is simply not right!"

In the study room decorated in an ancient and elegant style, Luther's eyes were filled with love that was deeper than the sea. He stood by without any regrets like a waiter, as if he would not hesitate even if Aikins asked him to reveal his heart.

Even though Aikins' face was extremely ugly at this time, her body was bloated, her skin was as rough as sandpaper, and her voice was as ugly as the cry of a vulture, like a monster that could stop a child from crying.

She clutched the stone in her hand tightly, her eyes sharp.

"Is this the wish that the wish stone fulfills for me?

No, I can't accept it, I want to make another wish! "

"Wait a minute, that's not right."

Akins suddenly thought of something.

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