I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 795: end of memory 1

   Chapter 795 The End of Memories 1

As long as this kindness is not lost, in the end of the world, from various perspectives, Li Henian can have deep friendships. Coupled with his amazing potential, it is very likely that he will become the second ninth-order new human being, which is more in line with Su Sigui. The more candidates for ninth-order new humans on the human side, the more favorable the situation will be.

As for Su Sigui's words, Xu Tianyu nodded. He didn't have any doubts. He was the strongest general under her command. Whether he had time to follow Su Sigui, everything else could be doubted, but Su Sigui's words But not necessarily to remember.

   She taught everything to be the best survival policy in the last days, and the people who doubted her were two meters tall by the end.

"Withdraw the branch from the Lian-controlled area, but what should we do next? Once Li Henian completely masters the Lian-controlled area, he is the largest in South China, and Jiuge can compete with him. , We have made a lot of evil with the Peace Club before, will he let us go?"

Su Sigui shook his head and said, "I don't know that, but Xiaoyu, remember, we didn't create the City of Bright Moon to control the rights in human society. Good fistfighting, our rights need a crowd to exist, and once the human race is wiped out, the rights in our hands are like that short and thin wooden stick, which has no effect at all.”

   "Have you noticed that as the last days exist for longer and longer, more and more people have died in this era. In time, how many of us will there be?"

   "My original intention was to build a place where human beings can thrive, rather than just fight for power. After all, we have less and less time."

With Su Sigui's voice, Xu Tianyu's eyes became more and more respectful. The reason why he followed Su Sigui was because she had an invisible and intangible temperament. Power was indeed fascinating, but no After all, what is the use of power?

   "Okay, in fact, a turtle is very restrictive in southern China. We will move our forces to central China next. Our goal has never been to dominate southern China."


   "Do you know what the biggest base is now?"

   "I know, Yunxia Base."

"Yes, don't look at it as just a base, but it has a province under its jurisdiction, where many strong people gather, and there are two strongest forces in it. What we need to do is to enter the Yunxia Base. In the future, if there is no accident, Li Henian will also lead his Peace Club to the Yunxia Base."


   "Whether it is Liantong District and Jiuge, or Jiangcong Headquarters or Gaihe Nineteen, they will all be forced to enter Yunxia Base soon because of the situation."

   "So the mayor wants to enter Yunxia Base in advance to win a seat?"

   "Yes, under the battle of these forces, those small forces can only survive under the breath. We must be fast."


   "Go ahead and prepare for it tomorrow. The transfer of power is very important. There will be many troubles in the process and cause too much loss, but we have to do it. Also, there is no need to transfer all of them, so keep some people here."

   "Ah, if this is the case, what should we do when Li Henian turns his back on us? That loss is a bit unnecessary."

   "You don't need to worry about this, just leave some people, these people only have one task here."

   "What mission?"

   "The main task of this mission is Li Henian, save his life when he is about to die, he cannot die!"

   "Why?" At this moment, Xu Tianyu was completely puzzled, is it because Su Sigui often finds trouble with Li Henian and falls in love with him when he finds it?

But this is also possible. After all, some love is born in such a **** plot, and Li Henian is the only strong person who can compete with Su Sigui. It seems that Li Henian can match a strong woman like Su Sigui. she.

"No reason, because he is a strong man, what happens next is not something you and I can grasp. We need strong men, the sky is falling, we need tall people to stand up, and tall people are getting more and more Less, the pressure will only increase for us in the future, and Li Henian's character is still a very cooperative partner for us in the last days. Therefore, he cannot die, and even in the future, human beings will He may have the final say in his fate." An inexplicable light flashed in Su Sigui's eyes.

   "Mayor...I...I don't understand."

   "You'll understand, only you live to that time."

Xu Tianyu was silent for a while, as if he was thinking. Su Sigui's words were too inexplicable to him. However, Su Sigui seemed to be such a person before, and what he said was confusing. time to understand.

   "Mayor, you have a lot of secrets... There are many people below who say that you have traveled from the future. Is this... Is this true?"

   "If I told you, would you believe it?"

  Xu Tianyu shook his head, but then nodded again.

   "Okay, do what you should do, there are too many things in the future, I need you to help me solve it."


  Xu Tianyu's face was straight, he nodded and left, while Su Sigui was in the corridor, looking through the window glass to the blue sky outside, the white clouds were full of colors from the anime.

   After a long time, she took out a photo from her pocket. It was empty. There was no one there, only the scenery. The only thing was a winding railway track with a few yellow weeds growing on both sides of the track.

   Looking at this photo, Su Sigui fell into contemplation, and the memories rolled in her mind. At this moment, she seemed to return to that time.

   "Kid, mom has a new family, so don't contact me in the future."

   "Tell me everything you know, and we'll deal with it as appropriate."

   "I don't know either, I just saw a job advertisement there, and I passed by. Who knows, it turned out to be..."

   "Then why did you go?"

   "Because the wages are high there."

   "Can you break the law with high wages?"

   "I...I don't know, I don't even know what that job is, I was wrong, I didn't know it was drug trafficking at first, if I had known, I wouldn't have gone!"

   "Forget it, you are also a college student. You should know that it is a society ruled by law now, and you will be sentenced to 15 years in prison for transporting drugs. After you finish the transcript, come with us."

   "Is there no other way?"

   "No, the law doesn't care about human feelings."

   "Then can you do me a favor?"

   "What are you busy with?"


   (end of this chapter)

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