Granny New continued:"It seems that a pirate named Blackbeard defeated Fire Fist Ace and became the new Shichibukai"

"The people in the center want to make the most of the pirate identity of Ace, the big man they suddenly acquired. This time..."

Then came the opening scene.

Luffy grabbed Granny New's hand and said nervously: Ace is his brother.

Granny New's eyes widened and she asked in shock:"What did you say!"

"I don't know what happened when he was caught and executed."Luffy said.

Suddenly Luffy thought of Ningchuan.

He asked:"Mother-in-law, is there any news about Ningchuan in the newspaper!"

"Ningchuan? That Ningchuan?"

Luffy calmed down and said to Granny New,"That's Ning Chuan in the navy."

"Navy Headquarters Rear Admiral Akame Ningchuan! wait...Wait, let me look for it..."Granny New thought to herself, Luffy asked what this person was doing. But seeing Luffy like this, he also grabbed the newspaper and started looking through it.

She glanced through the newspapers and found no news about Ning Chuan.

Finally, she shook her head at Luffy and said,"No, but why are you asking for news about him?" Granny New asked curiously.

"He is also my brother, but he is in the navy. He must know the news about Ace's execution. but...But why didn't he tell me..."

When Granny New heard Luffy say Ning Chuan was his brother, she was even more surprised than when she heard Ace was his brother!

What's going on with this family? One brother is a marine and two are pirates!!

"How is your relationship between brothers?"

Luffy looked at Granny New and shouted seriously:"We are brothers who have drank the sworn wine! Like real brothers!"

Afterwards, Luffy said in a low voice:"But why didn't he tell me the news about Ace being captured? We obviously just met him in the Chambord Islands...."

When Luffy said this, Granny New breathed a sigh of relief.

She pulled Luffy over, asked him to calm down first, and said to him

"Luffy, calm down. Since Ace and Ning Chuan are both your brothers, they are still your brothers, so you have to trust them. I think if I really want what you said, even Akame Ningchuan, who is a marine, would want to save Ace.""But his identity is a navy, and we cannot judge his actions based on the actions of a pirate."

As expected of the previous emperors of Nine Snake Island, the essence of the problem can be seen at a glance.

Different status, naturally the approach will be different.

Luffy also nodded and said:"Yes, mother-in-law, you are right."

Grandma New sat on the chair again, picked up the newspaper and said to Luffy:"So you have to calm down now. If Whitebeard can win this battle, maybe he can be rescued."

"what to do....Where is the execution place?"

"place of execution...The square of 'Marinvando', the city where the naval headquarters is located...The newspaper said it would be a week later, but it would be six days from today."

Luffy then asked about the time it would take to get to the Shampoo Islands from here and the time it would take to get to Ace. After getting Granny New's answer, he began to ponder.

Suddenly Luffy thought of something and took out a piece of paper that was gradually burning from his straw hat.

When Granny New saw the paper that Luffy took out, she was surprised and said:"This is...Your brother's life card?"

Looking at the burning life paper with only a corner left, Luffy nodded and said this is Ace's

"Ace has his own adventure..."

He recalled that when Ace handed his life sheet to him, Ace was still talking and laughing with him at that time, and was still worried about him. But now, he is in fear of his life

"For such a powerful brother to ask me to rescue him would only make Ace angry. but..."

He thought again of his friends who had been beaten away by the bear.

On one side is his partner, on the other side is his sworn brother, Luffy is caught in a dilemma.

But in the end he chose to save Ace.

Partners can meet up late, or they may get beaten up. But after my brother was executed, he was really gone....

Granny New heard about Luffy's choice and told him about the current situation, but Luffy chose to save Ace no matter what.

Finally Granny New said:"The best way now is to persuade Snake Princess to agree to the Navy's order to summon the Shichibukai, and set off immediately while the Navy warships are still there...."......

"Ha~" Ning Chuan yawned while sitting on the warship returning to Marineland. He was bored to death in Marigio these past few days. Although he went to tease the dead flamingo when he had nothing to do, the marshal was afraid that he would really talk to him. A fight broke out, so they and their grandson were sent back to the Navy Headquarters together with Garp.

He was lying on the recliner he made with wooden escape, and Ningchuan thought: The Shichibukai still has Boya Hancock not arriving. Everyone else has arrived, and they should be on the warship heading to Impel Down now.

But Luffy was so lucky, and was actually photographed on Nine Snake Island. The bear must have done it on purpose, after all, he is the young master of the Revolutionary Army.

Alas. , think about yourself, you have been single in your past life until now, and you don’t know when you will be able to say goodbye to being single....

And that dead flamingo, kill him sooner or later....

Ning Chuan had random thoughts on the boat.

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