I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 977: I don't know what to do (first update)

Chen Yanjun was just an ordinary student. He didn't think much about it for the time being. He just felt angry when he thought that the person who caused Xia Chujian to "disappear" was going to be his classmate.

But Xia Yuanfang suspected that Qiu Zining was able to transfer to the Star Destroyer Command major at the Imperial First Military University precisely because Xia Chujian disappeared!

In fact, in their hearts, Xia Chujian is not missing, but dead!

Because only when someone dies can a spot be vacated in this major...

Xia Yuanfang is not unfamiliar with these operations in the university.

She came out of Chen Yanjun's dormitory, thought about it, and contacted Yan Xu, the director of the admissions office who recruited Xia Chujian at that time.

[Xia Yuanfang]: Professor Yan, I am Xia Yuanfang, the aunt of Xia Chu.

[Xia Yuanfang]: I'm at school, can I see you?

At this time, Yanxu happened to be in the conference room, having a meeting with school leaders, royal representatives, and first-year political attaché Zong Ruoning.

The school's vice-principal in charge of teaching was saying earnestly: "Lieutenant General Yan, the royal family has already spoken out about this matter. Can you continue to prevent me from going through the formalities?"

Yanxu said solemnly: "It's not that I disagree with Qiu Zining's transfer to our school, it's just that there are only ten places for the first-year Star Destroyer Command major."

"The quota is full now. Whoever you can convince to transfer out, I will let Qiu Zining in."

When Yanxu said this, the representative from the royal family was unhappy.

He said with a long face: "...Isn't there one less person in this major now? Why can't this person's vacancy be used?"

Yanxu's face was livid, he looked at the representative from the royal family and said, "Who is missing?! Why didn't I know!"

The representative of the royal family said arrogantly: "The general at the banquet still doesn't know much about the students... Isn't that Xia Chujian dead?"

"Since she is dead, won't her spot be free?"

Yanxu suddenly stood up and said angrily: "Did you see her die with your own eyes?! Besides, according to the law and the school's rules and regulations, you must see the person alive, and you must see the body after death!"

"There is no corpse, just empty words and white teeth and curse people to die. Is this the royal style?!"

The royal representative also changed his face and said sternly: "Yanxu! How dare you disrespect the royal family?!"

Yanxu sneered and said, "Are you worthy?! Is your surname Tantai? Or did a woman from your family marry into the royal family?!"

The royal representatives are only the staff of the royal family, but the word "representative" is not meaningless.

He also sneered and said: "That's really unfortunate. I was appointed by the royal family to negotiate with you, and I am representing the royal family!"

Yanxu said: "Do you still know that you are just a representative? If I didn't explain clearly, I would have thought that you regarded yourself as His Majesty the Emperor himself!"

What he said was so heart-wrenching that even the arrogant royal representative did not dare to refute. He could only stare at him with poisoned eyes, wishing he had a gun in his hand to kill him!

The vice-principal in charge of teaching got busy and smoothed things over, saying: "I hope you will calm down during the banquet. No one is cursing Xia Chujian to die. We are sending people to search and rescue..."

He also told the representative of the royal family: "Xia Chujian's situation is special and cannot be treated as death, so we have to reserve her school quota for her."

The vice-principal also secretly slandered this royal representative.

He is in charge of teaching, and he values ​​top students with good grades the most.

And Xia Chujian was not only recruited as the top scorer in the imperial college entrance examination, but after entering, his results were still very outstanding.

The school record alone was shattered!

Even this time in the starry sky adventure, her results were very impressive.

How could such a student, who was among the best in both book knowledge and practical results, be willing to give her place to others? !

Besides, they didn't dare to guarantee whether Xia Chujian was dead or alive. This royal representative took himself too seriously...

The royal representative also heard that the vice-principal of the school refused to agree to his request, and his face became even more ugly.

He couldn't help but cast his eyes on Zong Ruoning, who was sitting there without saying a word, and said, "Young Master Zong...Commissioner Zong, what do you think? This matter was tacitly approved by His Majesty the Emperor. If I don't handle it, I won't do it either." What a good deal..."

Zong Ruoning said calmly: "Is this matter really approved by His Majesty the Emperor? I want to go into the palace to talk to him."

When he said this, the royal representative suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He said awkwardly: "Don't! His Majesty the Emperor has so many things to do every day, why bother him with these little things?"

"This matter was actually decided by the leaders of the department responsible for the military academy in our royal family after discussion. It has not yet been reported to His Majesty the Emperor for approval..."

He had to tell the truth, because Zong Ruoning, the heir of the Zong family, really said that when he entered the palace, he would enter the palace, and if he wanted to meet the saint, he would meet the saint!

Because His Majesty the Emperor's sister married into the Zong family, although they were the second wife, the second wife and the eldest wife were brothers, so the relationship was very close.

And the most powerful thing is that Zong Ruoning’s uncle is the high priest Su Yanxing!

As for Su Yanxing, His Majesty the Emperor will obey his words!

With so many connections, he is nothing more than a royal representative!

So he dared to confront Yanxu and show off to the vice principal, but he didn't dare to make a mistake in front of Zong Ruoning.

The vice-principal and Yanxu both felt relieved, but also a little annoyed.

Isn't this trying to pull off a tiger's skin? !

Even without approval from His Majesty the Emperor, they dared to come directly to the school and ask for transfer procedures for Qiu Zining!

In fact, Qiu Zining has been at the school for a week. Naturally, someone has been working hard to arrange a dormitory for her, register for courses, and make up for her credits.

It's just that her student status has not been settled yet because the major she wants to transfer to is very special.

Qiu Zining was unhappy, and the pressure was put on the royal family.

These royal staff are particularly good at sharing the worries of their "masters".

Many things can be done quietly without the people above speaking.

It is with this ability that they can live comfortably in the institutions under the royal family.

Just like this, they didn't find it difficult.

Not to mention that Xia Chujian has disappeared during the starry sky adventure. This kind of "disappearance" is synonymous with death.

Even if she is not missing, with her status as an ordinary civilian, if she is asked to give up this spot, does that mean that she thinks highly of her and dares to support them? !

Unexpectedly, this ordinary civilian received a lot of explicit or covert support and help from the Imperial First Military University.

They tried their best to get Qiu Zining in, but they were stuck on her student status.

If he doesn’t have a student status, what if Qiu Zining can take classes here?

It's a complete waste of time and you won't get your diploma or degree certificate at all.

So he wanted to solidify this matter today, so that no one would blame them for "not doing things well" in the future.

Yanxu originally wanted to push back on the matter despite the emperor's pressure.

Now that I heard that these people had not reported it to the emperor yet, and that they wanted to "kill them first and report them later" to make it an established fact, he was even less afraid.

Yanxu put away his angry expression and said calmly: "His Majesty the Emperor is indeed very busy with many things to do."

"But the Star Destroyer command profession is a profession that His Majesty the Emperor personally pays close attention to and is a top priority."

"Especially this year's admission quota, His Majesty the Emperor has asked about it."

"If you really want to get this noble lady Qiu in, you can go to His Majesty the Emperor and approve an extra spot. Wouldn't everyone be happy in this way?"

"There is no need to encroach on other people's quotas, and you don't have to take responsibility."

The emperor's representative's face turned green.

If the emperor could grant one more quota, would they be like now? !

Someone among them had tried to trick the emperor, and they knew that the emperor was unwilling to add an extra quota, so they came up with this strategy!

Of course, it’s not actually a “bad move.”

Not to mention the university status of ordinary civilians, even their college entrance examination scores have been misappropriated by nobles...

He really didn’t believe that this thing couldn’t be done!

The royal representative said with a cold face, "Then you are determined not to transfer Xia Chujian's academic status to Qiu Guinv?"

Zong Ruoning said calmly: "Which noble lady of Qiu?"

The emperor's representative puffed up his chest: "Of course it's your noble daughter Qiu Zining!"

Zong Ruoning said: "To be called a noble daughter, one needs to have a noble title within the fifth generation of direct relatives."

"This noble daughter Qiu Zining, which of her direct relatives within five generations has a noble title?"

He knew Qiu Zining's surname was Qiu, but he still said this on purpose.

Because he knows Qiu Zining's identity, he can't come to the stage yet.

There was not even a hint from His Majesty the Emperor. It was these people below who got the news from nowhere and hurriedly sold it.

The emperor's representative was unaware of this and sneered: "Her surname is Qiu, so she is naturally a relative of Earl Qiu!"

"Her mother is the cousin of Earl Qiu!"

"Isn't this considered within five generations?!"

Zong Ruoning smiled and said, "Really? Her mother's surname is Qiu, so is her father's surname also Qiu?"

"If you get a noble title by taking your mother's surname, your father can only be the descendant of Qiu."

"May I ask if the father of this noble daughter Qiu is the Qiu family?"

Zong Ruoning is also very unhappy now.

People politely called her "Noble Lady Qiu", but she really regarded herself as a noble lady...

I really don’t know what to say!

The royal representative's face was purple with anger, but he did not dare to say what everyone knew unspoken. He just said angrily: "Her father's surname has nothing to do with you!"

"You only said that her mother is the cousin of Earl Qiu, so does she count as a relative within the fifth generation?"

Zong Ruoning put away his smile and said lightly: "Of course...it doesn't count."

The emperor's representative was shocked: "You, you, you... you actually dare to confuse right and wrong?! Why doesn't this count?!"

Zong Ruoning said: "Her mother is not the heir to the title, and she has not married anyone, so her daughter cannot be considered a member of the Qiu family, and has no direct relationship with Earl Qiu. Even if her surname is Qiu."

"There are so many people named Qiu in the Quanbei Chen Empire, wouldn't they all come to be related to Count Qiu?"

This is the first update, there will be a second update at five past 0:00 in the evening.

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