On the second day of the Winter Festival, when the temperature plummeted, Woolley canceled his plan to go shopping and let Nepton, who was temporarily quiet due to the closure of the mill due to the festival, burn the fire in the fireplace, and then sit in front of the fire and think about it, and even took a nap. Seeing that he was asleep, Nepton lightly put a blanket over him, turned on the fire in the fireplace, and thought that the time was almost up, and went out to bring lunch to Caesar, who was guarding the mill.

Woolley was baked warm by the fire, and slept quite soundly, and Nepton, who had been waiting for his return, called several times in a row, and then sat up straight with sleepy eyes: "Nepton, why can't you let me sleep longer?" "

Master, there is no way, Mrs. Leah of Glyndor Manor sent the housekeeper Gauguin to deliver a letter, saying that he invited you to go to Grendo Manor for dinner tonight, and now Gauguin is waiting in the living room. Nepton said.

"And sure enough, it came. A smile tugged at the corner of Woolley's mouth, and then he waved his hand, "Nepton, you go and tell Gauguin, and I'll be there on time." "

Master, don't you see him?" asked Nepton, after a moment's hesitation.

Woolley shook his head: "There's no need for that, besides, I don't want to see him, Nepton, you can tell him this sentence directly, if he dares to be rude to you, I will definitely not mind giving him some color." "

Well, master, if you really like to do so, I will convey your words to him at once. Nepton said with a smile, with his rich experience, he couldn't see Woolley's energy anywhere.

"Go, after sending Gauguin, find a wine shop and buy two bottles of wine, I don't want to be told that I went to the banquet empty-handed. Woolley took out three silver coins from his money bag, "Just buy a silver coin and a bottle, buy one more bottle, when I go to the feast, you heat up the dried meat in the kitchen, and then bring the wine to the mill, remember not to let Caesar drink more, that stinky boy, if you drink too much, you will cause me trouble."

""Good hosts. Nepton respectfully took the three silver coins and turned to head to the drawing-room.

As soon as Nepton left, Woolley's eyelids drooped, and after a yawn, he tugged at the blanket that had slipped to his knees and nestled into a wide chair.

"I finally dreamed of Bingbing, I don't know if I can connect this dream......" he said vaguely, closing his eyes.

While Woolley was daydreaming, Lady Leah was busy directing the maids and slaves to prepare a dinner party, which was specially organized for Woolley, with only one purpose, to reconcile with Woolley.

In the past few months, Mrs. Leah has had a very unsatisfactory life, this year's rain is not as good as in previous years, so the harvest of crops has also been discounted, and the income of the shop is barely the same as in previous years, but this year's tax rate has been increased by one percent, and the price of necessities has also risen with the tax rate, and it has come and gone, which is the first time that the Grindor estate has suffered a loss - this has never been done before.

Managing money was not Lady Leah's specialty, and she wasn't sure enough to find a new rich husband anytime soon, so she was a little worried, especially when she saw her haggard face in the bronze mirror the morning after a hangover.

Of course, with Lady Leah's beauty and fame, as long as she is willing to give her arms, there are still many rich men in Seneca City who are willing to accept it, but Lady Leah has never been willing to be someone else's lover, and secondly, she knows very well that the price of taking the initiative to send to the door and others taking the initiative to pursue herself will definitely not be the same.

So after Simon Glindo's death, Lady Leah continued to be elegantly reserved, waiting for her suitor to appear, but the more she waited, the more empty her heart became, because she was no longer young after all.

So, Lady Leah remembered Woolley. Woolley has been in the limelight lately, so much so that Lady Leah can hear his name from friends every once in a while, and some people even persuade Lady Leah to take Woolley back to Rindor Manor, because Woolley is not the pitiful little child who lost his father a few months ago, but an upstart who has been granted the right to sign contracts and the mill franchise by the temple one after another.

At first, Lady Leah was indifferent, and although Woolley's accomplishments made her envious, she knew very well what she had done to the parentless child when Simon Glindo died, so she always felt that it was appropriate to keep her distance from Woolley, but as Woolley's reputation grew, and her friends persuaded her to do so, Lady Leah got her mind moving.

"The kid was stubborn, like his father, really, I'm afraid I won't be able to convince him. Lady Leah once said to a friend.

Her friend shook his head disapprovingly: "After all, he is still a child, he will need a family, no matter what, he must admit that you are his stepmother, besides, isn't Tina also sixteen years old, she inherited everything from you perfectly, so, you can make her Woolley's fiancée, that is good, I heard that Woolley's mill earns at least six hundred silver coins a month, and the relationship with High Priest Mikoyan is very good." "

Tina doesn't look down on Woolley, for the past few years she has been living with her aunt in Assyria, and has seen a lot of children from great noble families, and in her eyes, Woolley is a redneck. Lady Leah shook her head, but there was a hint of joy in her eyes.


Sometime before the evening, Nepton took Woolley to the door of the Glyndor Manor in a wheelbarrow carrying the noodle bags, because when Woolley went out, he said that it was the proper way for a nobleman to go to the banquet by car, but at the same time he despised this contrived and hypocritical etiquette, but in order to show respect for the Glyndor Manor and his own title of nobility, he decided to reluctantly take a wheelbarrow.

That made Nepton laugh all the way.

After saying goodbye to Nepton, Woolley walked to the manor with his head held high, and the two slaves who had been waiting outside the door for a long time saluted and pushed open the gate of the manor - this was a very solemn ceremony, at least the last time Woolley returned to Glindo Manor to take Nepton and Caesar, it was through the side door.

After the door was opened, Gauguin, who had a new costume, greeted him flatteringly: "Honorable Young Master Wu Lai, welcome."

Woolley glanced at him and handed Gauguin the two bottles of wine he was carrying: "This is a gift I brought to Madame Leah, very good wine, ridiculously expensive." "

Really?" Gauguin hurriedly and cautiously took the bottle and looked at it.

"Of course, old Nepton said the price for a long time, and the others agreed to three silver coins and four bottles. After Woolley finished speaking with a serious face, Gauguin's throat seemed to be blocked by something, and by the time he came back to his senses, Woolley had already taken a dozen steps.

Gauguin sneered as he quickly caught up with Woolley, but the smile on his face was not forgotten: "Master Woolley, Lady Leah and Miss Tina have been waiting for you for a long time. "

Tina, is she back?" Woolley flashed the appearance of a little girl in his mind, Tina was born to Lady Leah and her first husband, very beautiful, but also followed her mother to raise a body of squeamishness, hypocrisy, a few years ago was sent to Assyrian City by Lady Leah to learn etiquette, in fact, Woolley knew very well what Lady Leah's true purpose was.

"Come back, Master Woolley, Miss Tina, after being nurtured by the aristocratic atmosphere of Assyria, tsk, beautiful and elegant, there is no better in Seneca than Miss Tina. Gauguin exclaimed.

"Oh, then you have time to congratulate her on my behalf, just say that the fifth heir in line congratulates the second in line and wish her a speedy recovery. Woolley pouted.

Gauguin suddenly felt a little confused.

A moment later, Woolley sat down at the table with a smirk, Lady Leah sitting directly across from him, and to his left was a reluctant Tina.

"Woolley, today is a family feast, both to celebrate the Winter Festival and to celebrate the reunion of our family. Lady Leah said with a smile as she motioned for the maids to serve food and drink.

"What about Quentin and Aden?" asked Woolley curiously, Quentin is the youngest brother of Lady Leia, in his early twenties, and Aden is the only person in the Glyndor estate who is now related to Woolley - he is the crystallization of Simon Glindo and Lady Leah, and he is only a few months old.

Mrs. Leah didn't understand what Woolley meant for a moment, so she explained with a smile: "Quentin lives with my parents, and usually rarely comes to the manor, and Aden has just finished feeding and is already asleep.

"I see. Woolley nodded and said, "I thought that those who had the right to inherit my father's estate would appear at this family banquet, but it turns out that I am not a family with them."

Lady Leah's face sank, and she could hear the jealousy in Woolley's words, because in the will she concocted, Quentin's succession was ranked third, then Aden, and Woolley, was ranked last, and in Simon Glindo's real will, Woolley had sixty percent of the inheritance, and the remaining forty percent was inherited by Lady Leah and Aden.

"Brother Woolley, how can you talk to your mother like that?" Tina frowned, for most of the months since she returned to Seneca from Assyria City, she saw that everyone had found the other to be savage, rude, and rude, especially at this moment.

"Oh, Sister Tina. Woolley looked at Tina with a smile, "That's your mother, my mother is now with my father, sitting in the clouds watching their only son in this world wander away." "

Tina, you're a sister. Seeing Tina's face change, Lady Leah hurriedly shouted, "Your brother Woolley's ambition and ability are not comparable to ordinary nobles, didn't I tell you, your brother Woolley is now the only miller in Seneca City, and he is still a special person of High Priest Mikoyan, so apologize to my brother quickly."

Woolley heard Mrs. Leah's praise against her will, and quickly pretended to be embarrassed: "Mrs. Leah, you have a good reputation. But I laughed secretly in my heart, and my heart said that I was not annoyed by such amusement, and I really asked for it after seeing it.

Tina wanted to refute it, but when she looked up and saw that Lady Leah was struggling to wink, and thought of the real reason for her return, and what her mother had said to her during the day, she could not help but apologize, and said to herself, how could my mother have thought of betrothing me to such a rough fellow?

"It's okay, I'm not going to take it to heart. Woolley accepted the apology with a big grin, and then turned his face to Gauguin, who was waiting on the side, "Butler Gauguin, since it's a family banquet, then bring the wine I bought, although I'm not very old, I should still give Mrs. Leah a few glasses." "

Oh my God, can you drink that bad wine you bought?" Gauguin did not move, but looked at Lady Leah with a look of embarrassment, and said in his heart, honorable hostess, you must not listen to him.

Lady Leah glanced at Gauguin and almost understood what was going on, but Tina obviously didn't develop her mother's eyesight, and her mind just turned back to obeying her mother's arrangement to show favor to Woolley, so she echoed and said, "Gauguin, bring the wine that Woolley brought."

Lady Leah was about to stop it, but when she saw Woolley looking at Tina with a smile on her face, she waved her outstretched hand naturally, but her words changed: "Bring it up." "

Yes, ma'am. Gauguin nodded, turned and exited the restaurant with a wry smile and went to take the wine.

Lady Leah had just taken the opportunity to relax the atmosphere and make a few small talks with Woolley, but Woolley had already taken the initiative to talk to Tina.

"Tina, you've become pretty. "

Thank you. "

You smell so good, do you wear any flowers?"

"No, I rubbed the best incense powder I bought from the city of Assyria."

"It turned out to be the incense powder of the city of Assyria, no wonder it smells so good, is it expensive? If it is not expensive, I can buy more for you." "

No, how can there be a reason for a younger brother to buy incense powder for his sister, according to the habits of the aristocracy, that is...... I won't tell you. Tina's cheeks turned crimson.

It's good, I haven't lived with your aunt for so long in vain. Lady Leah smiled and praised inwardly.

Sample, just the two of you are also playing beauty tricks with me? Tell you, maybe you will be tricked in a few years, now, hum, it's early. Woolly smiled and said proudly in his heart.

After all, there is still a sister-brother relationship, and it is not appropriate to continue. Besides, the smell of his body is really smoky. Tina whispered to herself as she peeked at her mother.

Woolley quietly moved the chair to Tina's side, and said in her heart that I felt panicked with this sheepskin on my body, why didn't Tina react at all?

Woolley's small movements naturally fell into the eyes of Mrs. Leah, and after a little thought, she took the opportunity of Gauguin to serve wine to the table, and pretended to ask: "Gauguin butler, I heard that the noble children in Assyria are engaged at a very young age, right?"

"Yes, ma'am, I've heard of this, not only in Assyria, but also in all the city-states of the territory. Gauguin poured a glass of wine and replied according to the pre-set words, "It is a trend, and all the nobles are proud of it, because it proves one thing, and that is that both parties to the engagement are excellent."

"Oh, you're right. A look of yearning appeared on Lady Leah's face, "Woolley is very good, Tina is also very good, I really worry about it, what kind of people must be found for them to be worthy of them, right, Gauguin?" "

Of course, Master Woolley and Miss Tina are very good. Gauguin said respectfully, "Gauguin took the liberty of reminding Madame that Miss Tina's surname was Minafa. "

Oh my God, Gauguin, you reminded me. Lady Leah stood up with a look of abrupt realization, and her eyes quickly glanced at Woolley and Tina, and said, "Woolley and Tina are the best couple in Seneca City-State, and there is nothing more suitable for them to be together." "

Mother, Woolley is only twelve years old. Tina shyly said that more than half of this shyness is true, after all, it is a girl's feelings.

Woolley was really stunned, and said in his heart, Mrs. Leah, this is too exaggerated, are you still playing really?

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