There were six people in a horizontal row, sixteen people in a vertical row, and the formation of ninety-six teenagers was no different from entering the White Stone Building that day.

At the end of the line were vultures and puya.

The vulture still has injuries on his body, but this is nothing, because today he is only in charge of command, and it is the business of Daishan's team to charge into battle.

"Shoot!" shouted the vulture with his sword drawn.

Before the words fell, the first row of the Daishan squad squatted, the second row half squatted, and the third row remained upright, and then raised their arms at the same time and pulled the trigger ......

The bowstring sounded continuously, and in the sound of a rapid shot, nearly half of the bandit horsemen who poured into the doorway wailed and fell.

The first three rows dodged back and reloaded, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth rows quickly filled in their positions, and the things that the first three rows had done came again, and for a time the horses roared and the bandits screamed continuously.

When he heard the screams coming from the doorway, Wu Lai laughed and said to the nobles who were still lying near him: "Get up!

Oselles was a revenant, but what could he do, for almost in the blink of an eye he was "engulfed" by his bandit horsemen and rushed into the gate for nearly half the distance, and almost instantly, he and his horse were seriously wounded.

Oselis fell, his horse's front legs folded, and his men around him continued to fall from ...... horses like dumplings

In just a moment, the teenagers in the last four rows of Daishan's team also finished shooting their first round of crossbow arrows......

The walls of the city gate cave have been splashed with blood, and on the ground, there are many small strands of blood flowing in the depression, the bandits howl and struggle, the horses neighing and struggling, and the fallen horses and people lie on the ground ...... most of the city gate holes

Oselles's gaze began to drift, although he wore thick copper armor, but he was the first phalanx to bear the brunt, so he was also "taken care of" the most, at this moment he seemed to be bleeding all over, before his consciousness completely disappeared, in addition to cursing Dayi, the most puzzled thing was why there was such a group of god-killing demon boys.

Because they had not yet poured into the city gate cave and were lucky enough to avoid the first round of crossbow arrows, the bandit horsemen had the strength to turn their horses' heads and began to run away, how dare not run, just ran to the door and saw the brothers in front of them falling one after another, and there were also black light-like things in the ears "Xiu Xiu" flew straight, with toes to think about it know what to do.

The wish is good, the reality is cruel, the difficulty of escaping is not ordinary, nearly 100 people fell in the doorway, and there are more than 200 people crowded outside the door, and some of the more than 200 miles still don't know what happened in front of them, so when they saw the front team turn the horse's head, their first reaction was to wait and see ......

This is called a crowded, the horse road is so wide, next to it is a slope ditch, soon, there are bandits with people and horses planted the ditch.

For a time, the bandit horse soldiers became a pot of porridge ......

Wu Lai looked at the city wall and smiled, and the nobles on the side saw him so determined, and the fear in their hearts had already been reduced a lot.

"Pursuit!" The vulture pointed forward, and the Daishan team pulled out the short dagger in the boot at the same time, and the thirteen rows in front of them moved, stepping on the corpses of the centaurs and began to pursue, and the three rows left behind had cold eyes and began to check the ......situation in the doorway

Not to mention the group of pursuits, the eighteen people who stayed to clean up the battlefield were terrified to see those bandits who fell to the ground and did not die, these are obviously a group of childish teenagers, but the ruthless strength will never be inferior to the most ferocious gladiators in the gladiatorial arena, I saw them two or three people in a group of four points, see the live mouth first check, minor injuries directly tied hands behind the back, serious injuries on the throat to make up a knife, people and horses

like treatment ...... When he saw Daishan's team rushing out of the cave to pursue the retreating bandits, Woolley couldn't help but stand up and applaud them.

"Woolledrindo, are these your private troops?" asked a nobleman curiously.

"What kind of private army?" Wu Lai glanced at him with a smile, "I take care of a few boys in the nursing home in Baishilou.

When the surrounding nobles heard Wu Lai say this, they all didn't believe it, look at the ruthlessness of these kids, look at the way these boys don't want to die, look at their skills, look at the magical thing on their right hand, and then look at their momentum of chasing horses with their legs and destroying the withering and decaying, the most brave and combative guy in the Guardian Yard Legion is nothing more than that.

"How can they run so fast?" asked another nobleman.

"I have practiced, and besides, they only wear thin leather armor, and their weight is low, and their speed is not affected. Woolley doesn't mind letting everyone know.

"Thin leather armor, that can be the top thing?" Some nobles were shocked, and said that even the generals in the army who didn't like to carry heavy loads should at least wear a copper buckle leather armor, after all, one more layer of copper means an extra layer of defense.

"The best defense is offense. Woolley said lightly.

That's a good saying, I'm going to have to write it down. A nobleman answered, and actually took out a piece of paper and took notes, Wu Lai was stunned, and said in his heart You really have the potential to be a reporter.

But after a meal, the battle was over, and when the horn of victory sounded, the city of Seneca was full of jubilation, and the nobles watching the battle on the city walls were even more happy, and everyone looked at Woolley with admiration in their eyes.

After Isolt supervised the repair of the northwest city gate, he led more than a dozen Conservative soldiers along the city wall to the main city gate to meet Woolley, and when he walked to him, he happened to meet the vultures who came to report the results of the battle.

"Dear Young Master Woolley. The vulture bowed and saluted, and said, "After counting, one hundred and twelve enemies have been killed, one hundred and forty-six have been captured, three hundred and nineteen weapons have been seized, and two hundred and seventy-one horses have been seized, of which forty-six are intact, fifty-nine have been lightly wounded, and the remaining one hundred and sixty-six are all dead horses. The

vulture placed a heavy leather bag at Woolley's feet, then took out a small cloth bag from his bosom and respectfully offered it to Woolley.

Wu Lai took it, and said in his heart that these bandits had a lot of jewels hidden, and immediately put it into his arms and asked, "Are any of my people injured?"

"Back to Young Master Wu Lai, only two of them were slightly injured, one had a cut on the corner of his forehead, and the other was tripped by himself, and his foot was swollen, and he was afraid that he would have to rest for a few days to get better." The vulture replied.

Nearly 300 people were killed and captured, and so many were captured, but only one of them scratched the forehead, and the other one actually broke his own foot, this combat power is too terrifying. The nobles next to them suddenly became hot, the nobles can lead the private army to participate in the war, if anyone has such a team in their hands, then they can make a lot of money on the battlefield.

Woolley nodded. The vulture hesitated slightly, bowed slightly, and asked, "May I ask Young Master Wu Lai, how to dispose of the loot?"

Wu Lai glanced around, laughed, raised his voice and said to the onlookers of the nobles: "Today the bandits are coming, you are brave and fearless to accompany me to watch the battle, you can't let everyone be frozen in vain, there is one person present, one good horse per person, one injured horse, two dead horses, plus fifty gold coins." "There were about twenty or thirty nobles present, and sixteen of them from the Tongji Alliance, and Wu Lai was also happy to do this favor.

After watching a good show, there is a lot of gain, a vote of nobles immediately applauded and cheered, not to mention good horses, injured horses can also be reared to be useful, dead horse skins can be eaten with meat, and the golden fifty gold coins are even better wow.

"Lord Aesop. Wu Lai looked at Aesop with a smile, "The Protector Army resisted the bandits at the northwest city gate, successfully dragged the bandit infantry, and ensured the victory of the main city gate, ten good horses, ten wounded horses, twenty dead horses, and a thousand gold coins, it should be regarded as a reward for the brothers of the Protector Army, what do you think of this arrangement?"

I can be said to be a hard worker, and your Woolly Ringlindor's eloquence is really unparalleled in the world. Aesop thought so much in her heart, so she laughed and said: "Citizen Woolly Green, this time everyone can see who contributed more, you don't need to flatter me here, you don't need gold coins and gold coins, I will take the horse you gave, besides, you can hand over the corpses and captives of the bandits to me."

"I'm okay with that. Woolley smiled and nodded, turned to the vulture and Gauguin, and after a few words, raised his voice again and said to the nobles, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to go to the official residence of Archon Anthony now, and there are some words that will not be unpleasant, so I will not accompany you." So

when Woolley drove to Anthony's mansion, there were twenty or thirty carriages behind him, and the commoners who didn't know about it thought that the city-state nobles meeting had opened again.

Aesop didn't join in the fun, he knew that Woolley was going to block Anthony, since that was the case, he couldn't show up, not to mention that he still had a lot of things to do, the corpses of those bandits had to be hung on the city wall to show the public, those who were alive, they should be interrogated, they should be sold, and in addition, they had to find someone to clean the main gate and repair the checkpoint that was collapsed when the bandits fled, so they were busy.


Anthony was happy when he heard the sound of the trumpet representing victory, he had been on the city wall, and he knew how many bandits were coming, and he thought that these bandits would be able to make a fuss for a while, and maybe they would come into the city to burn and loot, but he did not expect to die down so soon.

"It's finally safe. Anthony breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand at the butler who was accompanying him, "Go and see what's going on outside?"

The housekeeper sent to inquire about the news had not yet returned, and the doorman came in and said, "My lord, the citizens of Wooleglindo led more than twenty citizens to the door, please go to the door for a while, saying that it is inconvenient to disturb you because there are too many people."

"Tell him to fuck off!" Anthony's face sank suddenly, the door guard was stunned, and quickly nodded and turned around, and after walking two steps, he heard Anthony's angry voice, "Damn, that's enough, you go and tell Woolledrindo, I'll come out immediately."

After a moment's hesitation, Anthony calmed down and walked out of the living room with a solemn face.

Woolledrindo, I see what tricks you can play?" Anthony muttered as he walked.

A smile rose on the corner of Woolley's mouth when he saw Anthony coming over through the gatebar, and the nobleman behind him perked up, saying that now he could know what Woolley wanted to say.

Anthony paced to the door, glanced at Woolley, who was holding on to the railing of the door and looking at him, frowned slightly, and unconsciously showed a trace of disgust, yes, disgust, if he had complex emotions of love and hate for Woolly before, then after the dinner incident, his emotions for Woolley were only disgust and disgust.

"Woolley......" Anthony cleared his throat.

"Archon Anthony, you have such a big shelf!" Woolley frowned and his eyes were cold, and he interrupted Anthony's words fiercely, "So many of our citizens are asking to see us collectively! You don't even open the door?!!What's the matter?!The Archon is amazing?!"

Anthony was stunned, and said in his heart, what is the situation, didn't the person on duty say that you said that please let me talk at the door, and said that there are too many people to disturb?"

"Archon Anthony! What the hell is going on with Seneca City being attacked by thousands of bandits today?!!

Anthony hadn't come to his senses yet, but the members of the Tongji Alliance who came with Woolly had already figured it out.

Oh, our president is adding blockage to the consuls, not only to block, but also to the suspicion of planting, hehe.

Anthony was caught off guard by Woolley, and immediately spoke, Woolley was ready early in the morning, where would he have time to react: "Lord Anthony, if you don't make this matter clear today! I, Woolley Glindo, am not finished with you!" Anthony saw Woolley's

finger pointed directly at the door railing, and his heart sank, Oops, I was ...... by Woolley, a scoundrel

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