When the vulture struck down the twenty-two, there was a blood groove on his body, and then, a second ......

By the time the thirty-fifth man was struck, the vulture had six more blood grooves on his body, half of his clothes were wet with blood, and those were also beginning to retreat, no, not retreat, but ...... to escape

In their eyes, the vulture is a fierce god, an evil spirit, and a peerless fierce general who is invincible.

The rout is like that, as soon as one soldier begins to turn and "move forward", there will be a second and a third.

In a moment, there were only those twenty or thirty soldiers around the vulture, who were screaming and trying to escape, perhaps because they felt guilty about Ivan, but those soldiers who escaped did not run too far, just outside the wall of the White Stone Building, and the bolder ones blocked the gate and waved their knives at the vultures from afar, but they did not dare to rush in again.

"Young Master. The vulture turned and walked up to Woolley, bowing in blood and sweat.

"Are you alright?" Woolley squinted as he looked at the vulture's wounds.

"It's okay!" the vulture straightened his chest, "Young Master, you have been practicing those things you taught before, although today is the first time to use it in actual combat, but the effect is absolutely not to say."

Wu Lai smiled slightly: "Let's bandage it, I also see what I taught you."

"Okay. The vulture nodded, turned and grinned at Puya, raising his arms and clenching his fists to signal that he was okay.

Puya smiled and nodded, although she didn't say anything, the concern in her eyes was real.

When Sibanok heard the questions and answers between Woolley and the vulture, he was also curious: "Young master, did you teach the vulture?" "

I just taught him something that can help him improve, this guy is originally a strong general." Woolley laughed and hooked his finger at Puya.

"Let's go. Puya viciously pushed Ivan in front of Woolly, and when he saw Buya's fierce expression, Woolley couldn't help but sigh, and said that these two are really a good match, and the vultures are hideous as soon as they fight, and this Buya gritted his teeth before he started fighting, as if Ivan owes her family ten lives.

"Are you convinced?" Woolley's eyes sank as he looked at Ivan.

Ivan gritted his teeth: "I'm not convinced, citizen, you are committing a crime!"

"Crime?" Woolley laughed, "It's a very strange word, you actually used it on me, tell me your reasons."

Although he was still sharp, Ivan also recovered from his initial panic: "Citizen, even if you have your men murdered the legionnaires and detained the lieutenant general, if you do this, your family will be destroyed!" "

Destruction?" Woolley's smile suddenly retracted, Adjutant General Ivan, let me remind you of one thing, you are the adjutant general of the garrison, and you are still a long way away from the adjutant general of the corps, and also, what you said just now, I seem to understand it as intimidation and destruction, you actually dare to say in my face that you want to destroy my family, you are so bold.

Ivan frowned, he had seen the bold, but he had never seen such a bold man as the Woolledlindo in front of him, conniving at his subordinates to wound dozens of soldiers in the garrison, not to mention, and detaining himself here.

"Citizen, it doesn't matter if I'm bold or not, wait, you're going to be finished. Ivan simply stiffened his neck.

"Well, I was going to tell you something, but since that's the case, then you're waiting here. Woolley sneered and said, stretching out his hand to summon Fox, "Go to the garrison camp and call the first lieutenant."

As soon as Foss finished nodding, Ivan suddenly laughed: "Stupid citizen, do you think that it is my personal decision that I came here? Can Vice Admiral Dayi still know this? You just wait for this white stone building to change its master! Everything you have will become legionary!"

Ivan's laughter was harsh, Woolley frowned, and waved his right hand lightly: "Kneel."

In the Assyrian territory, except for the slaves who would bow down to show respect for their masters, only captives and those who had committed crimes would be ordered to kneel, and listening to Woolley's meaning, it seemed that Ivan was regarded as a prisoner or a criminal? Ivan

was also stunned, he thought that he must have heard it wrong, but as soon as he had this thought, Woolley's roar suddenly sounded in his ears: "Kneel!"

That's right, it's roaring, with anger, with majesty, with majestic domineering.

Without hesitation, Puya withdrew her dagger and kicked Ivan hard in the crook of the knee.

"Poof" - Ivan fell to his knees.

Yaqi was silent, and even the wounded soldiers who were wailing and screaming in pain and the soldiers who were noisy outside the door subconsciously closed their mouths.

"Bring me a chair. Woolley said with a calm face, and Fox hurriedly rushed into the building to move the chair.

When Mikoyan's soldiers who had separated the door and entered the White Stone Tower, he saw at a glance that in the light of two torches, Woolly was sitting on a large chair, and under the steps in front of him, Ivan was kneeling crookedly.

When he walked straight to Woolley's side, Mikoyan couldn't help frowning, and said in a low voice: "Woolley, why are you making such a big fuss?

Woolley shook his head, then got up and saluted: "Honorable High Priest Mikoyan, I won't let you meddle in today's affairs, please go to the living room to rest for a while, I'll have a drink with you after I'm done in a while." "

Are you sure you don't need me to interfere?" Mikoyan asked in disbelief, beating the garrison and detaining the adjutant general is a big deal, even if he saves face, Mikoyan is not sure that he can save Wu Lai, but he also thought of a way, directly declared that Wu Lei is the disciple of the great priest, and then someone quickly finalized this matter, and the garrison and the legion are only left to calm the matter, after all, no one wants to refute the face of the great priest.

"Sure. As soon as Woolley nodded, the sound of horses' hooves and the cheers of the soldiers came from outside the door, and he knew that it must be the first lieutenant general of the garrison, Da Yi, who had come, so he smiled and continued, "High Priest Mikoyan, please go into the living room to rest, you are here, I am not convenient for you to stand."

Mikoyan groaned slightly, nodded in agreement.

As soon as Mikoyan entered the living room, two rows of torches surrounded a black horse into the white stone building. Immediately sat a man dressed in a linen robe, and under the light of the fire, the man's thin face exuded a gloomy and cruel aura.

He is the first lieutenant general of the garrison, Dayi Human, who is from the Human family, just like Eddie and Quake, who had a holiday with Woolley.

The black horse stopped in front of the steps, Da Yi glanced at Ivan, his left sleeve suddenly moved, and the cold light in his sleeve spat out, and a thin sword instantly stabbed at Puya.

"Ding" - Puya waved the dagger to block, sparks burst out at the sword and dagger collision, a sword and a dagger immediately swung away, and Da Yi immediately flipped his wrist and the thin sword stabbed out again, Puya's dagger couldn't be blocked, so he had to bounce back.

"Hmph. Da Yi stopped his sword and slashed, blocking Puya's forward posture, "If you have eyes, you have to learn to see things, since I am here, my people naturally can no longer be controlled by you."

Puya looked at Woolley, saw Woolley waving his hand, and immediately turned his head and stepped aside.

Ivan quickly stood up.

Da Yi returned the sword into his sleeve, his eyes were blazing, and his gaze fell on Woolley: "You are Woolley Greenor?"

"It's me." Woolley still sat with a loud voice, without any politeness.

"You've gone a little too far today. Da Yi said slowly.

"Do you think so?" Woolley snorted, "but I don't think so. "

Why are you doing this?" asked Dayi as he waved his hand to stop Ivan, who was about to speak.

"Because, said Adjutant General Ivan, now Seneca City is in preparation time, and all the Legion's wartime regulations are in effect. Woolley replied.

Da Yi frowned, and asked Ivan, who was standing next to the horse, with a sideways face, "You really said that?"

Ivan nodded in a daze.

Da Yi sighed softly and looked at Woolly again: "Woolly Green, does it have to be like this?" "

As for me, I am actually quite tolerant, and I know how to be grateful, and if others respect me, I will respect him." Woolley smiled slightly, "But if someone offends me, then I won't be polite."

"That's a good point. Dayi applauded Ivan in surprise.

"Since you've said yes, what do you think is appropriate?" Woolley waved his hand at the wounded soldiers of the garrison who were helping each other up.

Da Yi narrowed his eyes: "If you don't have an opinion on Woolly Green, I'll take them all away."

"I'm okay with that. "I haven't eaten dinner yet, they're here, and I don't have any appetite."

"Well, don't delay your meal. Da Yi simply turned the horse's head, "Ivan, go." "

Teacher Xiban, help me deliver to Vice Admiral Yi and his men. Woolley smiled and said.

"You're welcome. Da Yi didn't even ......look back

It wasn't until the gatekeeper closed the gate that Siban and Foss breathed a sigh of relief.

"Young master, how can Vice Admiral Da Yi ......

" "I'll talk about it later, I'm really hungry, let's go, let's go see the vultures first." Woolley waved his hand, stopping Fox from asking.

At the same time, Da Yi and his party had already walked more than 100 steps away from the White Stone Tower, and Ivan finally couldn't help it: "Da Yi, why are you so polite to Woolly Green?"

"When he came back in the afternoon, there was a fire at the entrance checkpoint of the city, and one of the soldiers was beaten badly. Dayi looked at Ivan, "But no one at the scene dared to say a word, because Woolley Green showed a tiger tooth nameplate." "

Tiger tooth nameplate, that's the highest honor of the legion, how can he have it?" Ivan was shocked, although the tiger tooth nameplate is the glory of the legion, but the issuance of it must be jointly decided by the temple, the senate and the legion, the tiger tooth nameplate has been around for less than a hundred years, and there are definitely no more than ten people who have won it, and all of them are military god-level figures with outstanding military achievements.

"So, it's time for you to weigh Woolley?" Da Yi glanced at Ivan.

Ivan nodded: "Then, do you have to

cancel it?" "Let's cancel it first, and then make plans when it becomes clearer." Dayi said.

Ivan nodded again and couldn't help but sigh ......

After seeing the vulture, Woolley walked into the restaurant, and when he saw the table full of delicacies, he couldn't help but move his index finger, and his appetite was not very good.

Unexpectedly, before his ass could be firmly planted in the chair, Foss hurriedly walked in: "Young Master, Lady Leah and Miss Tina are back. "

Hmph. Woolley's face suddenly turned cold ......

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