After almost two months of peace, Woolletomi Goyan's business was finally done.

This time, even the always fastidious Woolley had to praise Mikoyan for a beautiful errand - he found an old nobleman who had been bankrupt for several years in the southern gold city-state for Woolley through roundabouts, and this old nobleman happened to know where to buy slaves who knew how to make glass, and finally the old nobleman arrived with a rudimentary suitcase and two purchased slaves in an ox cart.

The old nobleman's name was Siban Oak, sixty-one years old, very much in line with the image of the classical butler imagined by Woolley - full of silver hair, thin but tough, his gestures were completely in line with aristocratic etiquette, he knew how to flatter but not too much, in a word, measured, very measured.

Woolley was in the temple to meet Siban Oak, when he saw the wind and frost between Siban Oak's eyebrows and the old clothes and boots on his body that were still neat, Woolley nodded with emotion, and stretched out his hand towards Siban Oak: "My name is Woolly Ring, you can call me Woolley, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Siban Oak's slightly withered hand shook Woolley, and at the same time bowed his head slightly: "Siban Oak, I have met Young Master Woolley, and at the same time remind Young Master Woolley, I am here to serve the young master, and I feel very honored for this, especially, it is still under the recommendation of High Priest Mikoyan." "

Very good at talking. Woolley said in his heart.

After seeing the ceremony, the three of them sat down separately in Mikoyan's small living room, and then, Mikoyan briefly explained the situation of Sibanok, after all, Woolley is the employer, and Woolley is satisfied with this matter.

"So, the bankruptcy of the citizens of Spain is actually due to family reasons?" asked Woolley after listening to Mikoyan's introduction.

"Yes, Master Woolley, I'm ashamed, I made a stupid decision at the age of fifty-four, I thought that I had experienced another real love, but what I didn't expect was that she loved my property. "So, after much deliberation, I gave her all my possessions and love, and forgive me for not saying her name, and besides, it is okay for Master Woolley to call me Siban, and my current situation does not match the word citizen."

Woolley nodded, and after exchanging a look with Mikoyan, he asked, "Well, Siban, I have one more question, that is, what kind of treatment do you need to be willing to be my butler?"

"I can hear from Master Wu Lai's words, Master Wu Lai is willing to hire me, since Master Wu Lai is so sincere, then I might as well say it bluntly, first of all, I hope that when I serve Young Master Wu Lai, I can retain my humble vanity, second, I am no longer suitable for managing money accounts, and finally, in addition to having a clean and independent room, I think I may also need clothes that match my status and a fixed monthly salary. Sibanok said, "If Young Master Woolley is willing to give me this, I will do my best to serve Young Master Woolley."

"Anything else? I feel like you should have at least one more condition. Woolley's eyebrows furrowed, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Siban Oak pondered for a moment and nodded: "Yes, there is another one, the decline of the Oak family is due to my father, but it is I who really buried it, but although I am bankrupt, I still have a hillside in Nanjin City, which is the cemetery of the Oak family, and the Oak family has been buried there for six generations from the first ancestor to my father, I hope that if I die one day, I can be buried there, and stay with my ancestors."

Siban Oak's account moved Woolley, and after a little hesitation, he nodded seriously: "Siban, I agree with your conditions, and I am willing to make it clearer in the presence of His Excellency the High Priest." I promise that I will arrange a clean and tidy bedroom and bathroom for you in the White Stone Building, and will purchase clothes and accessories for you that are in line with your citizenship, and every month, I will pay you fifteen gold coins as a salary, and every three months, you can also get an additional ten gold coins as a reward, I will not arrange for you to manage the money account, nor will I let you work too hard, I need you to stay in the Seneca White Stone Building, use your experience and wisdom to entertain citizens and officials who are friendly to me, and deal with citizens who have bad intentions towards me. Official, your status will not be diminished by the presence of the White Stone Building, for I have just decided to hire you as my tutor, not as a housekeeper, and as for your last condition, I will help you fulfill your wish and protect it from anyone during my lifetime, but all this requires you to exchange your loyalty and efforts for me.

Siban Oak slowly got up and bowed respectfully to Wu Lai: "Young Master Wu Lai, please accept my respect, I am willing to serve you, from the bottom of my heart, and I feel extremely honored."

"Now that you've both agreed, sign the contract. Mikoyan laughed and applauded.

The signing process was smooth and pleasant, and soon, Sibanok led the two slaves who knew how to make glass and followed Woolley back to the White Rock Building.

After handing over the two slaves to Gauguin, Woolley took Sibanok on a tour of the White Rock Tower's construction site and complex.

"Master Wu Lai, the White Stone Tower is magnificent, I dare say that there is no citizen's mansion in Assyria that is as big as yours. Sibanok said.

"I believe so, but it's because there are too many people in Assyria, unlike Seneca, which is so little that there is empty ground everywhere. Woolley said with a smile.

"Young Master Wu Lai is very modest, the scale of the White Stone Building is enough to accommodate a thousand people, by the way, what kind of place is that?" Sibanok pointed to the back mountain.

Woolley glanced at it and replied, "It's a training camp, and two of my bodyguards are training me some little slaves for future use to protect my property and safety."

Xiban Oke nodded thoughtfully, and after a moment of silence, he said: "On the way here, I heard that there will be a war soon, but unfortunately Young Master Wu Lai trains some small slaves, if it is a middle-aged slave and can have a good relationship with the military, you can take the opportunity to participate in the war and make profits, many citizens do this, so after each war, many slaves will die, and many slaves will be free, but the biggest benefit is often the meeting of citizens and nobles."

"I didn't think that far, High Priest Mikoyan should have told you that after the New Year, I will go to the Assyrian Civic Academy. Woolley replied.

"High Priest Mikoyan mentioned that Master Woolley, the Assyrian Civic Academy is a sacred place in the minds of citizens, but once you enter it, you will be able to grasp both opportunity and disaster, so you have to be cautious. Sibanok sighed, and then said, "To tell you the truth, I went there back then, but I ended up with a grudge against someone, implicated my father, and laid the foundation for the decline of the family.

"Thank you for telling me this, I'll be careful, I wanted to object to it at first, but then I think about it, and it seems like a good experience. Woolley said.

"What Young Master Wu Lai said makes a lot of sense. Sibanok smiled.

At lunchtime, Woolley summoned the housekeepers to the White Rock Building to dine together, firstly to catch the wind for Xibanok, and secondly, to officially introduce Xibanok to everyone. Sibanok's kind attitude towards the housekeepers made Woolley very satisfied, but before that, he was still a little worried that Sibanok would not be able to put a shelf in front of these civilian butlers, which would cause resistance from several butlers.

When he was not in Seneca, Woolley naturally hoped that Baishilou would be monolithic, and friction and strife of any form and scale were what he did not want to see.

Over the next two days, Sibanok was allowed to visit all of Woolley's workshops. However, what impressed Sibanok the most was not the products of these workshops, but their clean and tidy environment, and the living environment of the slaves.

Two days later, he came to two conclusions. First, Woolley's slaves lived happily and contentedly, they had plenty of clothing, food, and meat, in addition to their staple food. Fish, including food, their working hours and rest periods were fixed, which were difficult to see anywhere else, and secondly, the slaves under Woolley were both fearful and respectful to Woolley, which Sibanok observed from the eyes of the slaves, and their fear was from the bottom of their hearts, and their respect was also from the bottom of their hearts, but although he was surprised, Sibanouk did not dwell on the reason, because he felt that it was very rude to do so.

The day after the visit was over, Woolley took Sibanoak on a trip to Glyndor Manor to meet with Lady Leah. Lady Leah was delighted by Woolley's arrival, and likewise surprised by Sibanok's appearance. However, after learning that Sibanok was a tutor hired by Woolley and that she had tasted something from Sibanok's elegant manners, she became much warmer about Sibanok.

Lady Leah and Tina warmly invited Woolley to dine at Rindor Manor and taste this year's new wines, and as Tina pulled Woolley aside to whisper, Lady Leah smiled and approached Sipanoch.

"Can I call you that, Siban?" asked Lady Leah.

"Of course, that's a fitting name, Lady Leah. Sibanok smiled and nodded.

"Look. Lady Leah pointed to Woolley and Tina, who were not far away, and motioned for Sibanok to pay attention, "They are really a perfect pair, a perfect match, aren't they?" Sibanok

glanced at it, and continued to smile and nod: "Lady Leah's description is very apt.

"You don't know, Siban, how much I want them to be together, Tina has given all her heart to Woolley, and...... Alas, I don't even know how to talk to Woolleti anymore, he's an impulsive but somewhat naughty child, oh, Siban, maybe you can help me make this happen, I'll thank you, surely, what do you think?" said Lady Leah tentatively.

Sibanok pondered for a moment, then smiled and nodded for the third time: "I will seriously consider it, Lady Leah, please believe me, like you, I hope that Young Master Woolley can marry a beautiful and gentle wife, not with a beautiful slave girl, an elegant citizen should not be like that." "

Is Woolley messing with a slave girl?" Lady Leah's face changed.

"Lady Leah, this is just a metaphor of mine, and it may not be appropriate, but as far as I know, Master Woolley's private life is very pure, he is not keen on pleasure, and his time is basically devoted to work except for regular bathing and exercise. Sibanok replied with a smile.

"Then I am relieved that many men can become indulgent and rude because they are tainted with slave girls, and I don't want to see Woolley do the same, you should be able to understand that. Lady Leah breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"Of course I can understand, Lady Leah, but I beg all due diligence that I do not think that a true citizen would be as you have just described, for a true citizen must be graceful and modest, and I can now proudly tell you that Master Woolley perfectly meets the standard of grace and moderation, which is rare, especially at his age, whether in Nanjin or in Assyria, where most children of his age are still indulging in amusement? Lady Leah, you should be glad and proud of that. Sibanok did not hesitate to praise Woolley.

Lady Leah nodded in agreement, but sighed again: "It's a pity that he doesn't belong to Glyndor Manor now, he is an independent nobleman and has his own unique emblem."

Sibanok smiled slightly, and his voice was a little softer: "Lady Leah, as long as Young Master Woolley stabilizes the current momentum for ten years, he can become a hot nobleman in Assyrian City, so maybe you should change your mind, for example, consider letting Glyndor Manor attach to the White Stone Building, instead of worrying about Young Master Woolley's departure."

Mrs. Leah frowned: "Attachment?" "

That's right, it's attachment, although I have just entered the White Stone Building, I already have a general understanding of the White Stone Building, in Young Master Wu Lai's workshop, the income of the mill is used to cover the cost of food, according to the momentum, Young Master Wu Lai will soon buy a batch of new slaves, in that case, the income of the mill will soon be insufficient to support the actual needs." In this case, it is undoubtedly not cost-effective to buy food with money, so Master Woolley will need some land that can be cultivated, and these are exactly what Glyndor Manor has. Sibanok said.

Lady Leah was silent for a moment, and bowed slightly: "What you said makes sense. "

Lady Leah, as far as I know, Master Woolley has already begun to consider the purchase of land, so Lady Leah needs to seize this opportunity. Sibanok lowered his voice a little more.

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