Chapter 76 Rainbow Island

The next day.

“Admiral Yellow Ape rescues Admiral Akainu, fights with a mysterious enemy, and is defeated and captured”

This news made the world boil again, and also made some people who originally thought that Luo An was a guy who walked luck, no longer dared to underestimate Luo An – defeating a general can be said to be luck, but two consecutive generals were defeated and captured by him, which is not explained by luck, obviously Luo An really has such strength.

At the same time, this news also reduced the prestige of the navy to the minimum, not only the people do not want to believe in the navy, but more importantly, the pirates also looked down on the navy, coupled with the capture of the general, the great route was not suppressed by the strong, the sea was suddenly chaotic, some pirates took this opportunity to unscrupulously begin to commit evil, the crime on the sea is getting more and more day by day, but the navy can do nothing about it, which makes the prestige of the navy damaged again, and even the world axe began to ask about this matter, urging the warring countries to solve this matter as soon as possible – Sengoku wanted to cry without tears.

On this day, Betty prepared the supplies for the voyage, and Roan took her and Grenolan, driving a small boat out of the docks of the Goya Kingdom. This time he mainly went out for a long time, so he only brought two people, as for the divine guard, he didn’t bring one, after all, after defeating the two admirals of the navy, no one in the East China Sea is his opponent, plus some powerful media got his pictures, so there are few people in the East China Sea who don’t know him at this time, and Luo An is not afraid of someone finding trouble for himself.

I have to say that Roan’s luck is really good, because on the afternoon of the second Tim that he just left, Karp rushed back alone.

As Luo An thought, after knowing that he had killed the agent of the world’s axe, Karp was quite angry in his heart, so that after he got the news, he took six devil fruits and stepped on the moon step alone, and it took two days to run back to the Kingdom of Goya from Marin Fandor, which is absolutely amazing – but considering that he had crossed the first half of the Great Voyage in one day before and ran back to Marin Fandor from the windless belt, this speed is considered normal.

“Damn Roan, get out of here for me.” After running to the dock, Karp couldn’t wait to shout, and the sound was so loud that it spread throughout half of the Goya Kingdom.

Groot in the palace naturally heard this voice, and immediately brought the guards to the dock: “Mr. Karp, you are late, Lord Luo An already went to sea yesterday. ”

“Huh?” Karp looked at Groot with a murderous gaze: “How do you know?” ”

“This…” Groot wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and replied more and more carefully: “It’s because Lord Luan entrusted me with the matter before he left—the two admirals of the navy and the leopard man were in my hands.” ”

“Damn the little ghost, let him escape again, it’s really slippery than a loach.” Karp said angrily, he thought that the last time it seemed to be like this, Roan was always able to escape from him a day earlier.

“But do you think you escaped?” Karp’s anger turned into a sneer, you can’t escape the first day of junior high school, you can’t escape fifteen, unless Luo An never sees himself in this life, this account will have to be settled with him sooner or later… That’s right, that’s how I take revenge.

Without Roan, this time the transaction went smoothly, Karp took out the seven devil fruits very happily, and exchanged them for the corpses of the red dog yellow ape and Luqi and Bruno – I have to say that Roan is indeed blackmailing, obviously Bruno is dead, and he is stunned to extort a devil fruit from the hands of the Warring States.

Karp left angrily, and Roan quickly got news from Groot, but he didn’t go back right away, because he was now attending an auction and consigned the auction items inside.

Rainbow Island, is a very famous commercial island in the East China Sea, belongs to a country called the Kingdom of Pfister, this country is a small country in the East China Sea, there are only three islands in total, and the area is not large, the population is not much, only less than 100,000 people, let alone the world’s right axe allies, can be said to be a weak chicken among weak chickens.

But it is such a country that has such an island as Rainbow Island, which is ranked among the top ten in the East China Sea in terms of commercial value, and the annual tax revenue from Rainbow Island alone makes this small country a happy country that is rare in the world.

It is said that the kings of the Kingdom of Pfister were very wise, so the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Pfister were very happy.

It’s just that it stands to reason that with the strength of the Pfister Kingdom, it is impossible to keep the gold-absorbing machine of Rainbow Island, but strangely, this island has not only been in the hands of the Pfister Kingdom for hundreds of years, but even for hundreds of years, no one has made trouble on this island, which is very strange.

Of course, Luo An was not interested in the secret, and Luo An himself knew that it was not that no one hit the idea of the Pfister Kingdom, but that all the people who beat their idea had been killed by the people of the Pfister Kingdom before putting their ideas into action.

Luo An did not mean to explore the secret, he only wanted to participate in the auction now, and then go back and continue to go, and when the time was ripe in a few years, it was time for him to really go to the world.

It’s just that the auction will be scheduled for the next day, and there is nothing to do today, so Luo An is very bored, so he took Betty out to go shopping, and by the way to see the style of this Rainbow Island – as for Grenolan, of course, he was very eye-catching and separated from Luoan.

I have to say that this rainbow island does live up to its name, because of the special geographical structure, so the sky here is always filled with water vapor, but it cannot reach the level of clouds, which leads to the sky often floating with seven-colored rainbows, and there are many of them, at least there are dozens, many times up to thousands, and even when the annual rainbow festival, the sky will even appear tens of thousands of rainbows condensed, the entire sky is diffused into colorful colors, which will not dissipate for several days, is one of the most famous landscapes in the East China Sea, Whenever this happens, tourists from all over the world come to visit, which can be described as a sea of people, which greatly stimulates consumption here.

It’s just a pity that Luo An came at the wrong time, now is neither the Rainbow Festival, nor the time when the rainbow is the most, now there are only more than a hundred rainbows in the sky, but only for Betty and Grenolan, it is also a very rare spectacle, the two who watched shouted, even Luoan, the mood was a little excited, such a scenery, even if he had never seen it in the wish world – but think that this is the “One Piece” world, it is normal, after all, there is even a sea of juice and candy rain here, What is Rainbow Island?

In addition to the scenery in the sky, the commercial atmosphere of Rainbow Island is also very strong, because it is close to the main shipping lane, so various merchants come here every day, bringing specialties from the four seas and even the great shipping route, which is very popular.

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