Chapter Twenty-Seven is reluctant to be the second

Luo An continued to deny: “Of course not the Navy, if I wanted to be a Navy, I would not be here anymore, but in the Navy’s boot camp.” ”

“What’s that?” Christine is even more strange, neither a pirate nor a navy, is it a bounty hunter?

“Actually, what exactly it is, I haven’t thought about it yet, because my goal is also king, but I won’t follow Roger’s path.” Luo An finally said what he thought, he wanted to become the king of this world, but he disliked that One Piece was a path that others had taken, so he was a little disdainful.

This is the pride of being a traverser, he is not willing to eat the leftovers of others, otherwise even if he ends up becoming One Piece, how many people will remember him?

Perhaps some people remembered him at the time and praised his prestige, but after a hundred years, he will still drown in the tide of history. But Roger is different, because he is the first One Piece, he created the era of pirates, so even in the official history there will be his name, will forever be in the hearts of the world – this is like the world only remembers that the world’s highest peak is Mount Everest, but how many people remember that the second highest peak is Chogory?

So Roan is not willing to follow Roger’s old path, after all, only the first to eat crabs is a warrior, and the latecomers can only be regarded as imitation. As a traverser, it is natural to take a road that others have not traveled, and then go to the end of this road and become a king, only in this way can you really be remembered by the world, and then pass on forever – since the first peak has already existed, then I will do the first long river, otherwise the first plateau can also be.

It’s just that although Luo An has such ambition, but which path to take has not yet been decided, first of all, the importance of this profession is no less than that of pirates, otherwise you can also rule the world’s shipping as a shipping king, but in front of those big people, it is still a small minions, and no one will really put you in their eyes.

It’s just that there are only a few professions in this world that can be comparable to pirates, navy, bounty hunter, but the navy is definitely not good, do you want to be a bounty hunter? Then unite the bounty hunters of the world, form the hunter guild, and become the hunter king?

Hmm~ This is a good idea, but it is not the best, it is to be decided, if you have not thought about it when you go to sea, then choose the path of bounty hunter.

“It’s a strange phenomenon, but if it’s not a pirate, I can entrust Grenolan to you.” Christine is not interested in knowing what Luo An will do in the future, as long as he does not do pirates, because pirates are the most dangerous profession in the world, not only to face the navy’s constant pursuit, but also to guard against their peers, but also to deal with the violent natural environment on the sea, it can be said that they are always struggling with life and death, and Grenolan’s father died in such a situation.

“Thank you, Aunt Christine, I will protect Grenolan.” Luo An assured: “I rarely make guarantees, but once I do, I will definitely do it, please rest assured that I will do it.” ”

“I believe you, your eyes tell me that everything you say is true.” Christine also nodded slightly, and she completely trusted Roan, the future lord of Grenolan.

“Okay, let’s start healing.” Luo An put his finger on Christine’s wrist, and at the same time turned on the domineering color, observed the situation in Christine’s body, and then activated his ability, with the continuous release of electromagnetic waves, the harmful substances in Christine’s body were slowly gathered in one place, and more and more, bigger and bigger.

In the end, most of the harmful substances in Christine’s body were all gathered together, and Luo An used his ability to push the harmful substances slowly to the throat position – this set of processes is very skillful, because Luo An has used this method to comb his body since he was a child, which is why he is sure to cure Christine’s disease.


As Christine spat out a mouthful of black blood, all the harmful substances in her body were removed, and for a while even breathing felt much smoother – think that this is normal, compared to the previous Christine’s disease is mainly a respiratory disease caused by blood pollution, now that all the harmful substances in her body have been removed, the disease is naturally better.

“Thank you, great God, for saving my mother.” Grenolan knelt down again, this time he was more religious, after all, Roan had saved his mother this time, otherwise it might take months for him to do this on his own.

But Roan was not complacent, because he knew that the disease was only half cured now: “Aunt Christine is sick because of the uncertain environment of the terminal station, and if she is not given a place with a better environment immediately, sooner or later she will still get sick.” ”

After all, the terminal station is a garbage station, the environment is harsh, the air pollution is serious, people who live here for a long time will get some diseases, and most of them are difficult diseases, ordinary doctors can only treat the symptoms, but it is very difficult to completely eradicate. And these diseases continue to torment the people of the garbage mountain, most of the money they earn is invested in medical treatment, and then because of the disease, can not improve their lives, and eventually form a vicious circle, most people until death, can only live in the garbage mountain.

Grenolan said, “Then what to do?” We don’t have anywhere else to live now. ”

“You don’t have to worry about this, I have already chosen a place for Aunt Christine to live, just on the side of Mount Gorbo, that is, my village, the environment is very good, and the villagers are also very kind, everyone helps each other, the atmosphere in the village is very good, just enough for Aunt to recuperate.”

“Thank you and praise the great God.” Grenolan is happy to thank you again.

Luo An was already a little immune to these fleshy words: “But now there are still things on my side, so I have to bother my aunt to wait for a few days.” ”

Christine said: “It’s okay with me, I’ve lived here for so many years, it doesn’t matter if I stay for a few more days.” ”

“Okay, then so be it, Gerinolan, you also accompany Aunt Christine first, and the matter on my side can be solved by myself.” Things were over, just sensing that his newly acquired punk Groot was also coming, and Zhang Chu was ready to leave.

“Congratulations to the great God.” This time, Grenolan rarely asked to follow Roan, but stood with his mother and sent Roan away.

“No need to send it, I’m leaving.”

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