I Am In Love with Myself

Chapter 117: dig up the roots

The overpass accident was just an accident, and it wouldn't have attracted many people's attention. After all, various accidents happen every day. This kind of thing without any gimmicks is not eye-catching.

What makes people staggering is that in just one night, this incident quickly fermented at an alarming speed, as if someone deliberately contributed to the flames, it was squeezed into hot searches in the afternoon of the next day, and the topic continued to rise. The dead The identity was quickly picked up, and the hot search of the year was also topped.


#Most beautiful sister to buy fierce wheel female dry relatives#


As an accomplice, no one remembered his name. He was labeled as a man who stumbled and was talked about everywhere. Even if others stumbled, he ran all the way to Beijing and stumbled. This is very strange, especially before he stumbled. Harassed Jian Yixi repeatedly.

The police specially adjusted the surveillance. In broad daylight, the field of vision was very good and the video was clearer. The sports committee was on the flyover by himself, with the railing of the flyover, half of his body was bent down, his hands were gestured, and he didn't know what he was doing. He went down, head down, and died on the spot.

The police mobilized surveillance all the way and found Jian Yihu who was the last contact before the death of the Sports Commission.

Jian Yihu was investigated as Jian Yixi and said that he had been threatened by him, and he had to go to the hotel because of threats.

The roommate testified that the Physical Education Committee had indeed caught Jian Yihu viciously the night before, and the school security also testified that the Physical Education Committee had harassed Jian Yihu.

There are all personal and physical evidences, and the incident of the slip is very clear. Many people say that the sports committee is evil and there are evils, and the gods can't stand it and want to accept him.

Sports committees are all evil, but what about the most "beautiful" sister?

The good news soon came out that Jian Yihu had been released from prison two months ago, and now she continues to serve the rest of the control at home. She was a control in the past, but she was out of round X’s Yaozi, so the sentence was increased. , Control delay.

Today, Jian Yihu is still under control at home, and he is not allowed to leave Weicheng at will. After being released from prison, Jian Yihu was the first to find Jian Yihu, and then he drove the broken bread at home and appeared in Beijing.

Netizens diverged their thinking and easily connected Jian Yihu's harassment by the Sports Commission to Jian Yihu. Some people even listed a series of clues on the Internet to support this view.

Obviously such a simple accident, but the hotter and hotter it is. Several well-known big players have ended up. Every day, they have different opinions. One is more eye-catching and full of storytelling, and the same is more than one like weaving, and the sprayers are eager to end. , There are people who spray the sports committee, people who spray Jane and Lake, and more are spraying big v nonsense.

Smart people have seen that this is not easy. After all, making millions or even tens of millions of fans a version of nonsense per person is already very telling.

Just when the Internet spread more and more outrageous, and even the ghosts and gods came out, Jian Yihu stayed in the dormitory alone, restless.

"You repeat Mom? You said she is not dead yet?! Didn't I specifically ask him to do this? How could it not happen?!"

"Are you embarrassed to ask me? Are you crazy or something? You just trapped her, why did you... just feel like killing someone? How did she say it's your sister, you...you...this Too……"

Wen Qiaoyun couldn't say anymore. Tiger Poison doesn't eat her children. Even if she doesn't wait to see this daughter, she can't kill her.

Jian Yihu is really going crazy, mad, a little bit guilty about the sports committee before, but now there is nothing left, only complaints and hatred.

——I can't handle such a small thing, so why do you love her? It's all shit!

"Mom, are you really stupid or fake? It's a curse to keep her, if one day she runs away, you will have to go to jail, and I will go to jail too!"

"No, I will watch her jealously."

"You said so lightly, it's too late to regret after running away! I'm just afraid that you can't get your hands and let him pass. Why is he so stupid?!"

Wen Qiaoyun said: "I stopped, I didn't let it."

"Don't speak for him, he's just useless! After a few days, he won't be able to deal with you, dare to come back if nothing is done? Useless!"

"Everyone is dead, so just curse less."

Jian Yihu is in a irritable mood, and there are waves of news on the Internet, which are about to spread to her. What if the police pay attention to her, what should I do if she is interrogated?

The usual control reports are easy to handle. She can deal with it once a month before going back. Community education can be fooled by spending money. In case of spot checks, some people handed in the news in advance. She just rushed over and drove back. Just a few hours.

But it was in an unobtrusive situation, and there is now a lot of noise. Once the police conduct random checks, she will be over if there is no time to rush back. Even if it is too late, it is easy to be noticed at this time, in case she accidentally reveals stuff...

Thinking of the terrible consequences, Jian Yihu couldn't help shaking.

Obviously, as long as Jian Yixi dies, all the problems can be solved, and she doesn't even have to go back to deal with any reports. Why doesn't mom listen? !

——No, you can’t just sit and wait for death. You’ve killed one at all times, not bad for the second one!

"Mom! I'll tell you the truth, I've already had human life on my body, and now I definitely can't keep Jian Yixi anymore, or I might be exposed. If I die, you'll have to go to jail. My dad hasn't been out yet. Prison, the company will be completely finished by then."

This string of words and sentences hit the point, and Wen Qiaoyun was about to collapse.

"What are you talking about? You killed him?! You are confused! You are confused!"

"I'm not confused. People are dead anyway. Didn't you also read the news? Now the problem lies with Jian Yixi. Only if she died in place of me can this matter be completely settled! At that time, she will be said to be unbearable. Under pressure from public opinion, just jump off the building just to show your innocence. Don’t forget to wipe off your fingerprints. Safety comes first.”

In the past few days, the police asked her to make a transcript. She once asked her to press her handprint. She refused, saying that she was afraid that it would be bad to keep the case file, and she did not want to make a transcript for a person who had entangled her many times.

The fingerprint model is actually done, but it's still at home. Everything is ready now, even the timing of death is right. As long as Jian Yixi dies in her name, she will really become Jian Yixi for the rest of her life!

Jian Yihu lobbied her mother for a long time, just as she persuaded her mother to kidnap Jian Yixi and replace her. In the end, her mother was persuaded by her, or bought, she gave her mother the maximum limit of 990,000 on the spot. , And promised to call her mother immediately after the thing was done, so that her mother could turn around.

"Then I will blindfold her, take her to the top of the building, then remove the blindfold and push her down."

"Well, then I beg you mother, I must do it tonight, let her paralyze on the ground all night, if she doesn't fall to death, she will freeze to death, and call 120 tomorrow morning."

"Hey, good."

That's what I said, Jian Yihu was worried. She called her mother again that night. Her mother answered at first, but then she didn't answer the call. Jian Yihu was anxious and sent countless messages to intimidate and lure, and even promised something. After completion, another five million working capital will be added.

Her mother finally answered the phone, her voice short and crying.

"No, I can't do it, I can't do it when I look at her face exactly like yours, what she said is my biological daughter, I...I really can't do it."

Jian Yihu stared at the ceiling silently.

"I'm going back."

Jian Yihu has always been decisive, just like when she made up her mind to broadcast and humiliate Jian Yixi the next day, it was the same this time.

She calculated the time and asked her mother to log in to Jian Yihu's v-blog in advance, and post some ambiguous texts, watching the netizens sprayed together under the v-blog, and it was just early evening when she returned home.

Jian Yixi was locked in the basement of her house. It was a small basement, and every family in the villa area had them. Usually they kept some sundries, and some were used as tool rooms with hammer-head screwdrivers and weeding machines.

In order to prevent her from yelling, Wen Qiaoyun would stick her mouth with thick tape every time she left, blindfolded, tied her back, and locked her ankle with an iron chain, and then threw it on a small steel wire folding bed.

Back in prison, Jian Yihu had fantasized about this scene countless times, and also fantasized that she would madly kick this woman she hated, and felt that she was not enough to fight.

But when the day came, she had no such thoughts, just thinking about letting her die!

Jane Yixi was blindfolded, unable to tell the morning twilight, or who was coming, she only shrank up vigilantly, and the iron chains creaked.

Jian Yihu ignored her and observed her wrists and ankles. This time I really want to thank Wen Qiaoyun for her tenderness. Before tying it, she put cotton cloth in advance, so there should be no obvious tie marks on her face, just don’t know. What will it look like when the tape is torn off.

Jian Yihu got started and violently tore her off. Jian Yixi let out a painful cry and breathed for several breaths. Under her messy black hair, her mouth turned red. Fortunately, she tore it off when she was eating. It was not always sticking, red. It's not particularly serious, and a slow delay should be able to get over.

Jian Yihu started to help her untie the ropes on her hands again. As expected, her wrists were only slightly red, not very obvious, and she could come over slowly.

As soon as her wrist was free, Jian Yixi immediately pulled off the blindfold on her face.

"Jane Yi...hehe...hu?"

In just a dozen days, Jian Yixi lost a lot of weight. Looking at Jian Yihu's eyes, she lost her imaginary comfort.

She obviously hated this **** so much, how did she think that she was going to die, so she didn't feel so happy?

Blood nature? Or does the fear of about to kill transcend hatred?

Maybe both.

Jian Yihu bowed her head and untied the chains of Jian Yixi's ankle, and hugged her without waiting for Jian Yixi to stand up.

"I'm sorry...I just want to feel the feeling of being a prestigious school, and also want you to **** pain. I was locked up in jail, and my freedom was restricted like this. I was frightened and afraid of being beaten by my eldest sister every day."

Jian Yixi frowned and pushed her away, "Don't be hypocritical here, what do you want to do?"

Maybe it was fear, maybe it was irritability, maybe it was too much that happened recently, Jian Yihu actually shed tears, and looked quite sincere.

"I don't want to do anything. I have tried and retaliated. It's time to return to my normal life. I will take you away tomorrow morning. If you sue me, you can sue. Anyway, my life is ruined. If you don’t. , I thank you. From now on, we will shoot and break up. If we see you again, we will not recognize each other."

Jian Yixi rubbed his wrist, her black pupils were like stars, and looked at Jian Yihu hesitantly.

"You... really let me go?"

The author has something to say: cut grass and roots

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