I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

Volume 1_Chapter 2634: Attack with blood, Qin Zheng is attacked


Hearing the frightening sound of swords, the spies of War God Lei Tian and Origin God changed their expressions wildly. They immediately stopped arguing, looked at each other, and then turned their attention to the source of the sound.

I can only see...

Xiao Qing, who was originally covered by the endless energy thunderstorm, flew towards a high place, piercing the energy thunderstorm, exuding supreme power, and the entire sword body was surrounded by thousands of fluctuations.

The green sword light shrouded the surroundings, making it mysterious.

Just looking at it makes your eyes hurt, your soul trembles, and you can't help but want to kneel down!

Energy thunderstorms avoid it!

"Top artifact!"

"It's a top artifact!"

"Chen Fan succeeded!"



At this moment, the spies of War God Lei Tian and Origin God quickly came to their senses, and then turned around and ran away without hesitation.

If you don't run, you won't be able to escape!

"Xiao Qing."


Chen Fan looked at the current Xiao Qing with great satisfaction, feeling the power exuding from it, and couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

He could feel the power contained in Xiao Qing, although it was inferior to the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Sword, but...

Not too different!

In a real fight, it is still unclear who will win and who will lose!



Xiaoqing's excitement shot through the sky, and in an instant she was in Chen Fan's palm.


Immediately, all the power in Chen Fan's body surged out, came to Xiao Qing's sword hilt, flowed to the sword body, and after a certain amount of amplification, emerged from the sword tip. Its power was shocking and breathtaking.

"Let me see how powerful you are."

He turned his attention to the god-kings who were gradually disappearing from his sight, and decided: attack with blood!


Some of the spies of the God of War Lei Tian and Origin God with keen senses had the hair on their bodies standing on end, alarm bells blaring in their hearts, and they immediately went on defense.

One of the God Kings felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave and subconsciously shouted: "Chen Fan!"

"If you dare to attack, I will blow myself up!"

"When the time comes, no one will have a good time!"

"If you want to die, let's die together!"

He was ready to blow himself up.


Chen Fan looked calm, as if he hadn't heard anything, and slashed out with his sword.


The next moment, a green light shot across the void, as if it was going to cut the entire void in half.



The attack was as fast as lightning. The spies of War God Lei Tian and Origin God had no time to react and were cut in half!




Without exception, all were killed!

"Killing eight god kings with one sword is not bad."

Chen Fan nodded, feeling quite satisfied as he had a better understanding of Xiao Qing's power.

"Congratulations to the owner!"

"Congratulations to the owner of the village!"

Wuming took a step forward, cupped his fists and raised his hands.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Chen Fan nodded, looked at Wuming who looked exhausted, satisfied and ecstatic, and said with a smile: "As for your reward..."

"5 million merit points!"

"Thank you, owner!"

Wuming's whole body relaxed, and his consciousness instantly fell into darkness.

He passed out!


At this moment, the God of Cookery rushed in, saw Wuming falling, and rushed forward to hug him, nervous.

"rest assured."

Chen Fan said: "He is fine."

"Not only will nothing happen, but I have gained new insights into the art of weapon refining."

"When he wakes up again, his combat effectiveness will be further improved."

"That's good."

The God of Cookery breathed a huge sigh of relief.



"When you came in, your aura leaked out, and you even used god-level movements and divine power. Why was there no energy thunderstorm?"

Chen Fan was quite surprised.


The God of Cookery didn't know what was going on, so he made a random guess: "The energy thunderstorm has been exhausted?"

"Otherwise, when I came in, why could I rush over directly? I didn't even take any detours! There was no problem with my perception at all!"

Originally, there were no energy thunderstorms in the outer and inner areas of the Tomb of the Gods, only the deepest part still existed. Now... when Xiaoqing transformed, the deepest energy thunderstorm no longer existed!


Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, carefully sensed his surroundings, and then said with a strange expression: "You are really right."



The God of Cookery also had some surprises.

Even more unbelievable!

The Tomb of the Gods, which had existed in the void for so long, was just... gone?

"Maybe the energy consumption here is excessive."

"So thunderstorms can't form."

Chen Fan said: "As time goes by, maybe it will return to its previous appearance."

Energy thunderstorms are themselves formed by the gathering of various energies and unknown changes.

"Let's go."

Immediately, he shook his head, no longer thought about it, took away the loot, and then said: "We still don't know what's going on at Wanjie Bank!"


The God of Cookery hugged Wuming and followed closely behind.



Soon, they left.



"It seems that there are no energy thunderstorms in the deepest part of the Tomb of the Gods?"

"Should we go in and take a look?"

"It is said that there is a big opportunity here. If we don't get a big opportunity, why don't we get a small opportunity?"



The surrounding god kings watched for a while and then chose to enter.

The Tomb of the Gods has undergone earth-shaking changes. This may be an opportunity, and they must seize it!

at the same time.

Qin Zheng has just completed the transaction and is preparing to return to the nearest God Realm No. 6.






He was suddenly attacked and his body exploded.



"It's a puppet!"

"Qin Zheng is not here!"

"try to find!"


The attacker's expression changed, and he immediately searched for Qin Zheng's whereabouts.



Watching the four god kings searching for him, Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, I listened to Wang Dabao's suggestion and used the ghost puppet to conduct the subsequent transactions."


"The person who must die just now is me!"

The sneak attacker is good at hiding, and his attack power is extremely terrifying. He has no time to react. Once he is hit in a vital part, he will definitely die.

"I've lost touch with the system."

Qin Zheng subconsciously wanted to enter the Wanjie Bank system, but he couldn't do it at all. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart sank: "Sure enough, I came prepared!"


He turned around to leave.



However, the next moment, a figure stopped in front of him: "Qin Zheng, you are really cautious."



The other three god kings noticed the movement and stepped forward, blocking Qin Zheng's way.

"who are you?"

Qin Zheng's eyes narrowed, ready to explode at any time.

His natal magic did not greatly improve his combat effectiveness, his own divine level was low, and he had not fought hard for a long time. His combat experience was severely lacking, and he was even unfamiliar with the immortal-level secret skills.

How to fight this?

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