I Am God!

Chapter 655 Duma, our family will be together soon!

In the heavy snow.

In the white world, a tiny figure walked along the railway track from the end of the sky, gradually walking towards the city in the distance.

Suddenly, a fast shadow flew over the tracks.

"call out!"

The speed of the flying shadow was much faster than that of ordinary winged men, and they were considered rare "skills" among ordinary people.

He was carrying a heavy leather bag and hurriedly said something about being late.

Seems extremely busy.

In such a biting wind and snow, it is difficult for even Yi people to bear it. Most Yi people usually hide at home and light the fireplace at this time. The number of vehicles and even trains on the road begins to decrease or even stop running.

Nite was attracted and looked up, watching the man disappear in a hurry into the heavy snow.

"What is that man doing?"

A voice rang from my ears: "It's the messenger."

Nite looked at the heavy snow and the howling wind.

"It's such a cold day?"

The voice said: "That's what the messenger is like, he never stops at any time of the year."

Nite continued to walk forward. He did not go to the distant city. Instead, he followed the guidance of his mother Mijina and came to a place outside the city and stopped here.

Heavy snow has submerged the entire world, but the ruins of broken walls can be vaguely seen in the heavy snow.

There seemed to be many buildings and many people living here a long time ago, but now they have long been abandoned.

The most conspicuous thing is an ancient obelisk building, which is wrapped together by three spiers.

There are many scattered buildings below the main building, all built around the obelisk.

But now this place has long been deserted.

People around didn't dare to come over. I heard that strange things often happened in this building. It used to belong to a powerful person, but he died in a very strange way.

Nite looked at this place: "Where is this place?"

Mijina told him: "This is a secret residence of our former family members."

Nite didn't see anyone: "There's nothing here."

"They're all dead," Mijina said.

Nite was silent, and after a while he said, "Did those sky angels do it?"

Mijina did not say that some of them died under the holy light on the spot at the foot of the Holy Mountain, while the other large part died due to the entanglement of the curse.

For example, if someone dies after escaping so far, it is most likely because of the curse.

She just said vaguely: "Yes."

Nite didn't ask any more questions, he just kept it all in mind.

The vague family hatred in the past seemed to become concrete with the ruins in front of him, superimposed with his personal experience.

Megina and Nite began to make arrangements here for their plan to destroy the Kingdom of Light and the Sky Angel.

The place here is the southwest of the Kingdom of Silence.

According to what Migina said, the three countries of Oracle, Good News, and Silence have been equipped with three very large ritual formations a long time ago.

When the Holy Mountain of Light rotates to which country, which ritual array will be activated, and then it will hover over that country for a period of time.

The function of this ritual array is to guide and protect those powerful people who are not angels of the sky but comply with the contract of heaven. When the ceremony is started, the Holy Mountain of Light will receive the previously deceased people at once, and then undergo a transformation.

Time and time again, the Holy Mountain of Light has transformed many times over the years.

It has risen higher and higher and become more powerful.

Perhaps it won't take more than a few uses before it undergoes its final transformation.

"The next cycle is when winter is coming to an end and the new year is coming."

"The Holy Mountain of Light will lead to the Kingdom of Silence."

"From that direction, pass through here."

"What we have to do is to erode and control the surrounding ritual array nodes one by one, and make this huge ritual array ours."

"When it kicks in, let it become our strength."

Nite asked his mother: "Transformation?"

"What transformation has been completed?"

Megina: "A long time ago, our ancestors left a message saying that the Angel Lomir might become a myth in our era, and now God tells me that this is indeed the case."

Nite: "Why don't you go to the capital of the Kingdom of Silence? That should be the core points of the ritual array. Are you worried about being discovered by those guys on the Holy Mountain of Light?"

Mikina told Nite a secret: "Because the Kingdom of Heaven Contract is here, it may not be important normally, but when the last moment comes, it will be the core and key."

Nite: "Mom, how do you know this?"

Megina: "Didn't I tell you? We are a family of archangels. We have devoutly believed in the King of Angels for generations, starting from the most ancient times."

"It's just that in the end, it ended up like this."

“We are destroyed by what we believe in.”

As Mijina spoke, she struggled out of Nite's body and looked at the sky excitedly.

"I...we got nothing and they got everything."

"That hypocritical guy, the guy who pushed me into darkness, actually wants to become an immortal god."


"I will never make it easy for those guys, and I will never allow that guy to succeed."

The mother Mijina's eyes were a little scary and her voice was hysterical.


Nite thinks this is nothing.

Because he only dreams about those dead people when he dreams back at midnight.

The look in his eyes must be so scary!

Next, Nite lived here.

He used the power of the apostle to easily repair the tower and the buildings below. Occasionally, he would release the ghosts in his body so that they could wander around here.

Nite will also become what he once was, wandering inside and outside the building and greeting the wandering ghosts.

This way it looked like it had become the town he once lived in, the home he was so familiar with since he was a child.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the power of a god to truly build a kingdom of gods for ghosts.

But even so, this scene made him look forward to something.

he said, standing in front of the steeple window with his hands on it.

"This is the country I want."

Mikina: "Is this what you want?"

Nite: "That's what I want."

Some are ordinary, even a little humble.

But that's what Nite wants.


every day.

Nite will sneak into a nearby temple or prayer hall.

The servants of God who preside over temples and prayer halls will also be awakened in that darkness.

At this time, Mijina will reveal his terrifying eyes from under his cloak. Anyone who is stared at by these eyes will be taken away from his mind.

Being controlled by Mikina is part of the power of the Eye of Jealousy.

According to Mijina.

She can also use these eyes to completely replace another person, making it difficult for even gods to detect him in person.

Nite looked back as he left: "They're going to help us replace the ritual, right?"

Mikina said: "Yes, when everything succeeds, you will replace the King of Angels as the God of the Winged People."

"For them, you will also be their future god."

"And I am the mother of the Winged God."

Nite: "What about the King of Hell?"

Mikina: "The King of Hell is the god who controls the death of all mortals!"

Nite was still a little confused: "Will I do it well?"

Mikina: "What to do?"

Nite said: "Am I really qualified to be a god?"

Mikina: "Didn't you do a good job when you were an apostle?"

"If those sky angels didn't come over."

Nite thought.

"Yeah, without those words of sky angels."

"I should still be living well with everyone in Tugezman now, and I will definitely bring everyone happiness together!"

"Everyone will open a bakery, go to school, become a tailor, and..."

He walked in the dark night, looking a little absent-minded and stopped talking.

He kept thinking about what would have happened next if nothing had happened that day.

The following days.

Nite always leaves quietly at night and returns at dawn, quietly eroding everything around it.

It was dawn again that day before he returned to the steeple.

He opened the window outside as usual, looking as if he had just gotten up.

But something different today is that guests came to this remote place that is said to have terrible things.

His window had just been opened.

Just then, a familiar figure quickly passed through the sky, and skillfully stopped in front of the window on the top of his tower in the cold wind.

The other person was shivering from the cold, huddled on the eaves and rubbed his hands, using the building to get a little shelter from the cold wind.

That's a messenger.

Wearing a hat and goggles, and a scarf wrapped around his face, the hat must have been torn, with a "sun" sewn on it to cover the holes.

The messenger moved his scarf down a little, exposing his mouth and breathing out white air.

Her face was red from the cold, but looking at the outline and eyebrows, it was clear that she was a girl.

The messenger lady saw that the window was open and moved to the side.

"Hey, when did someone come here?"

Nite didn't say anything either, he already recognized the other person.

The person she met was the busy messenger delivering letters in the heavy snow that Nite had seen before. Today she was still carrying the bulging messenger bag, but she was no longer in such a hurry.

The girl folded her wings and leaned against the wall. She had already taken out the food and was about to eat it. When she saw someone, she wanted to put it away again.

But after hesitating and thinking for a while, he was ready to eat before talking.

While she was eating, she looked at the scenery in the distance.

She asked Nite who was in a daze beside him: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Nite was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Then, he looked at the messenger's face and nodded with some subtlety: "It's beautiful!"

The girl smiled and said, "Yes, I like it here too, seeing the scenery from this angle."

"When there was no one here, I would rest here when I was tired, relying on this dilapidated tower and watching the whole world by myself."

"Then, I feel less tired."

Oh, that’s what it means to be beautiful.

Nite stopped talking again.

After the messenger lady finished eating, her short rest time was over, and she became in a hurry again.

She quickly wiped the powder from her mouth, pulled up her scarf, and prepared to start again.

She spoke politely to Nite. "Sorry, I took your place."

Nite shook his head: "It doesn't matter."

The messenger lady flew away, telling Nate as she flew away.

"I am the courier in this area. If you have letters or packages to send, you can leave them to me."

The messenger girl is always busy, but she often passes by Nite's door.

Although she was so busy, she would always stop to take a break in front of the window of Nite's house, leisurely looking at the scenery or eating.

Nite didn't know whether she came to see the scenery or to see herself.

Most likely it’s the former!

After all, compared to myself, the other person is more familiar with this building. I and the other person are not friends, but this tower that always allows them to stop in the wind and rain should be.

But every time this time, Nite would open the window of the house and have a chat with her.

In fact, it can't be called chatting.

Because Nite just opened the window and said nothing, waiting for the messenger lady to say a few words to him.

Sometimes the messenger would tell him stories about what was happening around him, as well as fresh rumors.

"Did you hear that?"

"An ice fairy has come to our country."

Nite: "Fairy?"

The messenger lady smiled and said: "It's not the forest fairy or the lake fairy in the previous legends, it's the ice and snow fairy."

Nite: "What's the difference?"

The messenger lady said: "I heard they can turn back time."

Nite didn't believe that even the gods couldn't do such a thing: "How is it possible!"

The messenger lady did not refute: "But it sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Who wouldn't want to have the ability to turn back time? It would be nice to even fantasize about it."

"After all, most of us can't actually meet a fairy!"

"What's the difference between true and false?"

Her smile is not bright, nor is it sunny, it is just an ordinary smile, but it gives people the feeling of being cautious and gentle towards the whole world.

Every time she came over, she would only stop in front of the window and never go in. She would stay outside to hide from the wind, eat a few bites of food, and then leave in a hurry.

Once, Nite finally asked her to come in and sit because it was snowing heavily outside.

She still didn't go in.

She told Nate, pointing to her messenger bag.

"I still have some packages to deliver. An old woman sent a birthday gift to her grandson. I must deliver it today."

"This is a surprise birthday present, something very important."

She asked again: "Don't you still have nothing to send?"

Nite shook his head: "I didn't."

She didn't ask any questions. After finishing her meal, she waved goodbye to Nite, then plunged into the wind and snow, heading to the door of the next recipient's house.

Nite looked at each other.

I don’t know if I’m really busy, or if I simply declined his invitation.

The other person's tenderness is cautious and always keeps a distance.

It seems that she also knows that being too gentle may hurt others.

She was kind to everyone she knew, but she always remembered that she was a messenger and her responsibilities.

Miss Messenger walked far away, and Nite was still looking into the distance.

He didn't know when he started, and he was looking forward to the arrival of the other party.

That kind of expectation is not very strong.

It's like waiting for the twinkling of stars in the sky on a dark night to make people suddenly stop and look up, feeling calm in their hearts.

At this time, a face appeared in the wide hood of the cloak.

Mijina was also looking at the figure, she said.

"I used to be a messenger too."

"I am a messenger from heaven."

Nite asked his mother: "Mom, are you the same as her?"

Mikina said: "Of course it's different. I am a messenger who brings the message from heaven to mortals, and she is just a messenger who delivers letters to ordinary mortals."

But Nite said: "I think she, like you, mom, is a person who brings hope and happiness to people. Mom, you brought dawn to the people in the town, and she also gave everyone warmth in the cold wind."

Migina didn't speak. She looked at Nite and felt that this sentence was a bit sarcastic.

After a while, Migina took in a sand clock from the side and placed it on Nite's table.

"Now, the countdown can begin."

"When the hourglass runs out, the Holy Mountain of Light will pass by."

"I can remember the time without it," Nite said.

"This is to remind you at all times that time is running out," Mijina said.

"Don't use your mind on unnecessary things."

Mijina seemed unhappy and said: "Have you forgotten our hatred?"

Nite finally withdrew his gaze and head: "Of course I haven't forgotten it, I always remember it."

He looked at the sand clock and clenched his fists.

When the last grain of sand is gone, they will go to the kingdom of heaven and catch all those guys in one fell swoop.


Deep in the dream world.

Mijina quietly left reality and appeared in this illusory space.

She penetrated the barrier between reality and illusion, followed the familiar pull, and finally came to a place that belonged to her.


Mikina followed the instructions and appeared on the first floor of the broken dome, which was the black mud abyss.

Not long after she appeared, she was discovered by the king of this abyss without any cover.

A mythical altar moved in the blink of an eye and appeared in front of Mijina. The nine-winged fallen angel holding the staff of primitive desire was watching her.

"How dare a chosen seed come here?"

"Or, you already think you are the King of the Abyss."

The other party's voice was cold, with an indifference that suggested he was superior to all things in the world.

"Or maybe."

"That villain wants to find me, but is he so cowardly that he doesn't even have the courage to come forward?"

Megina came here to find Meld and to join forces to deal with the Sky Angel and the Holy Mountain of Light.


Everything was not as easy as she and Nite said. It seemed that she could deal with the angel Lomir easily.

She also understood that it was impossible to take over Yiren's Kingdom of Heaven by just relying on such a simple method, one person or one force.

Although Megina was very annoyed by Meld's tone, she still remained calm and spoke.

"Lord Naproses is preparing to become a myth, and all of this is the will of Original Sin. Lord Meld, you should understand what this is for, right?"

Meld did not speak, as if waiting for Mijina to continue speaking.

Mikina: "I know that you have a lot of arrangements in the land of light. I need the help of those dark men and demons you have arranged."

The King of Lust asked Mijina: "Why do you?"

There was no emotion in the words, but the contempt was clearly evident.

Megina said only one name: "Duma, the King of Angels."

After saying this name, I saw the expression of the King of Lust change slightly.

At this time, Migina continued.

"No matter how good your previous arrangements are, if you want to truly devour a prepared god, I'm afraid it's still not enough."

"But this time, your arrangement and the power of hell will definitely be able to swallow up a myth that ascended to the gods."

"There is also another god who is walking on the road."

"Your daughter, later the King of Angels."

After finishing speaking, Migina continued: "Which one should I choose among the two?"

"The King of Hell doesn't matter. We can also leave Lomir to you and choose to swallow the King of Angels and other sky angels..."

But before she could finish her words, the King of Lust interrupted her: "Duma is mine."

Mikina raised her head and looked into the eyes of the King of Lust. The fallen angel's eyes were as firm as a rock and as cold as ice.

Warning her, and the King of Hell, with unshakable and denying power.

The Lord of Lust desires Duma far beyond all others.

Even if I suffer a loss because of this, I don’t care.


It was the child she gave birth to, the child born to the gods.

The corners of Mijina's mouth raised slightly: "No problem, then we want Lomir."

The Lord of Lust asked her, "What are you going to do?"

Mijina didn't say how to do it, but talked about other things first.

"My family has followed behind you, and we have experienced all the subsequent events, including the incident where Lomir embarked on the road to becoming a god."

"My ancestors recorded that on that day the bells of heaven rang, and Duma, the king of angels, did not appear again."

"And it was also at that time that the three major kingdoms of the world established that incredible and huge ceremony. It was not until much later that we knew that Lomir had embarked on the road to becoming a god, and that huge god-making ceremony should be the Angel's Day. The King is prepared by the angel Lomir."

The King of Lust understood what Mijina meant: "So, Duma is in the human world now?"

Mikina nodded: "Yes."

Meld: "Where is she?"

Mikina: "No one can know, maybe you are the only one who can find her, after all you were her mother."

That's one of the things they wanted Melder to do.

Melder thought for a moment, and then couldn't help but say.

"She is still as naive as before, and she trusts others so easily. If Lomir betrayed her, couldn't he just replace her and become the god of the winged people? Why should he listen to her?"

"She really can't do anything without me!"

Megina said: "However, Lomir seems to be really preparing to become her god."

When Mijina said this, the envy and longing in her eyes were real, so strong and uncontrollable.

she murmured.

"What does it take for a person to make another person become a god just to become her god?"

"Paying all the costs just to make her achievements higher?"

"In the records of my ancestors, she is also such a holy and trustworthy person. She is the coveted King of Angels. Everyone follows her and never abandons her."

"Does such a person really exist?"

Melder, however, was noncommittal.

When Mijina left, Meld suddenly asked.

"Who do you represent?"

"Is it Naproses, or is he and our master."

Mijina didn't say anything and left directly.

The King of Lust watched Mijina leave and stood there with a cold snort.

"One for each person?"

"What if I want them all?"

Meld turned around, and she disappeared into the sea of ​​black mud in the blink of an eye, returning to the palace.

She held the staff of primitive desire and looked at the statue, then lowered her head and said intoxicated and expectantly.


"Our family will be together soon."

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