I Am God!

Chapter 400 The Miracle of Serial Number 48

Oran finally built his alchemy tower.

However, this alchemy tower does not look too tall. At the beginning, the interior was a metal frame less than ten meters high. The material was the famous Elena's magic gold from the Demon Abyss Kingdom in the previous era.

The metal frame is mixed with white soil for watering, which is the unique product of the clay pot demon, the demon soil; to put it nicely, it is called a companion creature, but in fact it can also be regarded as excrement.

But no one from the outside can grab this kind of good thing.

The two were finally shaped by the firing of the extraordinary spiritual fire of a large number of flame demon spirits, and turned into bright white.

What is shown is a three-story white lighthouse with a metal spire added to the frame, just over ten meters.

The surface of the alchemy tower is smooth and delicate, just like ceramics.

Oran's alchemy tower was built with the help of the demon spirits from the Demon Abyss City. The material Elena's magic gold has special extraordinary power, and the demon soil is also very suitable as a carrier of the ritual array. .

The demon spirits also installed glass windows and pure white floor tiles for him. They also presented him with various exquisite decorations, all of which were miraculous creations.

Only a place like Demon Abyss City could gather so many miraculous objects and extraordinary materials for Oran.

Of course, Olan also paid for it with all his wealth.

All the props, big and small, that he had refined over the years were given to these demon spirits.

Only two of the flying magic carpets were given away, and I even made IOUs with some demon spirits. It is estimated that I will have to pay off the debt for a long time.

"Success, great success." A group of demon spirits outside cheered, many of them holding various alchemy tools in their hands.

"Look at the spire over there. I made it. Isn't it very artistic?" A group of flame demons crowded together, and their big heads like glass covers hit each other, making a banging sound.

"We refined the magic gold." Several puppet demon spirits were sitting high up.

"We pulled the tower out~" a demon spirit like a clay pot said angrily.

Oran thanked all the demon spirits along the way and entered the alchemy tower.

The silver flower pinned to his chest turned around automatically and said to Oran.

"Lord Oran!"

Gamer looked at everything inside curiously: "Your alchemy tower is finally finished."

Design according to drawings.

The first floor is a small alchemy workshop, the second floor is the storage floor, and the third floor is the tower spirit control floor.

However, the alchemy workshop has not yet been laid out, the protection of the storage layer is completely blank, and the tower spirit control layer has not even been integrated with the tower spirit.

Even according to the design, the Alchemy Tower should have some offensive abilities, but these have not been engraved on it yet.

Oran: "Gamer, he's not healed yet."

"There is still a lot of work ahead, and this alchemy tower is far from ready to be refined."

"And for it, there may never be a time when it is refined."

Gamer asked Oran: "Why?"

Oran expressed his expectations for this alchemy tower: "Because it will always improve itself without end."

"It is an alchemical life form. It is like an intelligent species that can continuously strengthen and sublimate itself."

Oran and Gamer gathered on the third highest floor, took out the mature cup of desire, and placed it in the pool in the center of the tower spirit control floor.


"This is your body."

The Cup of Desire fell into the pool, and its roots immediately spread along the pool, penetrated deep into the magic gold, and connected to the ritual formation on the alchemy tower.

The entire alchemy tower seemed to come alive, emitting strong fluctuations.

Oran watched the ritual formation under his feet being opened, watching the three-story alchemy tower stimulating its own power, and the tower spirit getting familiar with its body.

Oran said: "Tower spirit, open the barrier."

Immediately, I saw the ritual formation opening, and a layer of light enveloping the entire alchemy tower.

Oran then spoke: "Ta Ling, clean up."

A force swept through the entire alchemy tower, everything inside was tidied up, and all the filth and debris created during the previous refining process were blown out from the doors and windows.

Although Gamer had heard about it from Oran, he still felt very strange when he saw this scene: "Lord Oran, what else can it do?"

Oran said to Gamer: "This is an alchemy tower and also a tower spirit workshop."

Gamer asked: "I know it is a tower spirit workshop, but what is this workshop used to make?"

Oran raised the corner of his mouth and expressed his plan: "The tower spirit of this alchemy tower was born because of my obsession with the mysteries of the tower spirit."

"Its desire is to let our civilization flourish and build our own Tower of Babel."

"So its purpose is to make tower spirits."

Gamer: "Used to make tower spirits?"

Oran nodded: "That's right."

"But the alchemy workshop on the first floor has not yet been arranged. I have not thought about how to make a new tower spirit or how to use the new tower spirit."

"That's why I said that this alchemy tower has not been successfully refined yet."

In Oran's vision, this is just the first alchemy tower.

There will be second, third, and countless alchemy towers in the future.

What he wants to do is to allow more such alchemy towers to be born, so that the mysteries of the tower spirit and the dreams and wishes of the past can truly be realized.

But Gamer suddenly thought of a question, how could Olan take away such a big alchemy tower?

So he asked directly: "Lord Oran, how will you take it away then?"

Oran was prepared: "This tower is only ten meters high and can be taken away directly."

Gamer said, "Sir, this is a ten-meter-high tower."

"Even if you take it with you through the desert, it would be difficult."

Oran's strength can easily lift the tower, but it is still very troublesome to carry such a ten-meter-high tower around at all times.

Oran raised the bracelet on his hand and said, "It just so happens that my storage grid is only ten meters long."

How could a person like Gamer, who had never even owned a storage item, know about Olan's arrogance.

In Thunder City, the storage items owned by the richest and most powerful people are no more than the size of an ordinary package.

As for their storage props, every point in the grid must be carefully calculated and will not be used until critical moments.

Once this kind of storage prop is used at a critical moment, its role is unimaginable. A storage prop can even be passed down as a legacy by a family of powerful people.

This one is better. He opened his mouth to stuff a ten-meter-high tower into his storage item.

In the following time, Oran has been perfecting and arranging his alchemy tower.

He took out a few of his storage items and placed them in the alchemy tower. The originally empty alchemy tower began to have a breath of life, with tables, bookshelves and various alchemy items placed there. equipment.

On this day, Oran pulled Lei into his alchemy tower as a guest.

Lei said sitting in front of the window and looking outside.

"Everyone likes your flying magic carpet very much, even more popular than my flying machine."

In the past few days, I have always seen those demon spirits flying around in the sky on flying magic carpets. On the contrary, Lei's aircraft was not seen coming out.

Oran has consulted a lot of books recently, and the most important thing is that he analyzed a lot of things based on the last time Lei rushed into the Sea of ​​Storms.


"I found something very interesting this time. Take a look."

"When the Aiweier people left Ruhe Island, there were many speculations about how they left, but I believe one of them more."

"That was their time. The black storm surrounding the huge island of Ruhe dissipated for unknown reasons."

"There are speculations and records in this book about this situation."

After Oran finished speaking, he placed another chart on the table, pointed to a place on it and said to Lei.

"Lei, look carefully, this is the sea area from decades ago."

He picked up the pen and drew a line on it, then moved it some distance to the outer layer and clicked on another place.

"And this is the place you arrived last time, but this place shouldn't be what you see. It was all a black storm a long time ago."

"It's just that when you flew over, the storm here disappeared."

"Have you noticed?"

Oran replied immediately before Lei could respond.

"This means that the black storm surrounding the entire Ruhe Island is dissipating."

Olan pressed on the chart and said to Lei.

"Ray, what happened once is likely to happen again."

"The door to the outside of Ruhe Island will be opened again."

"The miracle we are looking forward to, the miracle created by the Aiweier people, will come again."

It can be seen that Olan is also very excited, because this is not just a matter for Lei alone, it is a matter for the entire Ruhe Island.

If the door to the outside world is opened, then everyone can leave Ruhe Island and explore a wider world.

Although Oran didn't understand why the black storm started to dissipate last time and this time, it didn't stop him from looking forward to this matter.

It's just different from what Olan thought. Lei didn't feel excited at all.

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Lei raised his head towards Oran, scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly.

"Because I decided not to leave the Demon Abyss City."

Oran was stunned: "This doesn't look like you, Lei."

"What happened?"

Lei was silent for a while. He didn't seem to know how to answer, or was struggling with the words.

"Because I suddenly discovered that what I was pursuing might not be what I really wanted to pursue."


"I suddenly discovered that all my desires and expectations were all a dream."

“I forgot about my ideals and goals, and was left with only the urge to pursue my dreams.”

"I fly to the sky again and again, but I don't know what I am looking for."

"Because what I'm looking for has already been found, and my old dreams have long been realized."

"But I still live in the past, chasing the phantoms of yesterday."

Lei: "I don't know whether I am Lei with persistence and dreams, or a shadow living in the past that refuses to dissipate."

Oran asked Lei: "That's it?"

Lei raised his head: "Isn't this enough?"

Olan laughed: "My dream has come true. This is such a happy thing. Lei, you should cheer for it."

“If your last dream comes true, then go pursue your next dream.”

"The reason why species of wisdom are called species of wisdom is because we have desires that are never satisfied and desires that never stop."

Lei turned his head and leaned against the window.

A longing appeared in front of his eyes, for the blue sky, for the distance, and for the sun at the end of the day.

"But I still want to go far away, I still want to fly."

"But I can't tell whether these are what I really want or whether they are false."

At this time, something slipped out of his collar.

A compass.

Oran immediately noticed such a thing and felt the fluctuation that did not belong to the power of wisdom.

"Miracle prop?"

The most common thing in this world is magical props. Alchemical props are just magical props created by alchemists. Alchemy is just the production method, and magical props are their real names.

Miracle props and life props are extremely rare.

But Olan can recognize it because he also has a miracle item in his body, Olan's wooden heart.

It was left in his body by Saint Raphael, the storage fairy, who once saved his life.

Ray grabbed the compass: "This is Ms. Elena's treasure."

"It's called the Compass that's more than just a guide," Ray told Oran.

"Although I don't know why Ms. Elena gave me such a thing, maybe she was worried that I would lose my way in the sky!"

"Thanks to it, I was able to find the direction to escape back in the dark storm."

Oran did not dare to look directly at Elena, the God of Demon Spirits. At this time, Oran noticed that this was a miracle prop.

Oran looked at Lei: "Lady Elena is willing to give you his miracle props. Lei, he values ​​you very much."

Lei suddenly became happy when he heard this, and joy couldn't help but flow out of his words.

"Ms. Elena said that I am his student."

"He also said that I was the last person to inherit his legacy and ideals."

When Lei said this, he suddenly couldn't help but repeat it again.


"I am the successor of Ms. Elena, the ideal heir."

Oran looked at Lei and listened to his words.

He also seemed to understand something and remembered some ancient secrets he once knew.

He suddenly felt a numbness in his scalp.

"The Temple of Truth!"

Oran once followed the Storage Fairy Saint Raphael to visit many gods. He knew a place where many gods were born due to the inheritance from the previous era.

Except for the gods of desire and alchemy who come from the Kingdom of Creation, almost all the gods in the world come from this place.

Since Lei is Elena's student, he must also be from the Temple of Truth.


In the yellow sand.

Lei ran outside the Demon Abyss City again and wandered in the yellow sand.

Picking up rags among a pile of garbage used to be the happiest thing for him every day.

Every broken part picked up from the yellow sand and the exquisite structure analyzed made Lei extremely happy.

But this time, he didn't seem to be in any mood.


"What exactly did you inherit?"

"What exactly do you want to do?"

He asked himself boredly, but he couldn't answer it.

In a daze, he walked to a place where ancient ruins were piled up. Here was a large pile of rubble made of waste rocks. Most of the time, it was submerged in the yellow sand. Occasionally, it would emerge from the yellow sand. exposed.

Lei stepped on the pile of rocks and walked towards it. Many of these rocks still had writings on them, recording the oldest stories and myths.

But those who can understand it are only the remaining creatures from the ancient times.

"Jesel, Prince of the Moon, our ancestor King Lederiki, Saint Tito and the original King of the Demonic Abyss."

"Even after hundreds of millions of years, there are still people who remember them."

“It’s great to have your own story!”

Lei looked at the remaining blurry words, but he had already added in his mind what was written on them, because many stories could be found in every corner of Demon Abyss City, in the Demon Spirit Palace and in the temple.

Lei suddenly felt envious of these people. They existed for a short time, but turned into eternity over the years. Their stories are still being sung by people in this era.

And although he has crossed the long river of eras, even he cannot remember himself.

Walking along the undulating rubble, Lei suddenly discovered something.

He took a few steps back and looked inside through a gap in the rocks.


Under the sunlight, something was reflecting inside.

Lei stretched out his two arms, and the metal palms popped open, lifting the stone to reveal what was underneath.

It was an aircraft.

"There is actually one here."

But Lei stepped forward and immediately discovered something was wrong.

Because this aircraft was so new, it was as if it had just been made, and it still exuded a dreamy colorful light.

That is the light of extraordinary power, the light of miracles.

Lei seemed to feel something, and his hand froze in mid-air.

"This is?"

He stepped forward and gently wiped away the yellow sand on it.

There is a line of words on the upturned wings of the aircraft, which was engraved by its original creator.

It reads: "Dreams are God's most beautiful gift to us, and flying is the most beautiful dream in the world."

And there is a signature below.


This sentence made Lei stand on the spot.

This is the world's first aircraft, and it was also made by the original Thunder.

I don’t know how long it has been missing here. It may have sunk here since the last era.

[Miracle Item·Thunder's Flying Machine]

【Serial number 48】

[Lei built the world's first aircraft. He did not rely on any extraordinary power, but relied on his own wisdom to soar into the sky; he saw the continent formed by clouds, the brightest light and the most dazzling sun. . 】

[He will not dream from then on, because flying is the most beautiful dream he can have. 】

[Ability 1 Wings on the Clouds: Once this aircraft reaches the clouds, it can obtain the Dream Barrier bonus and gain unimaginable speed. 】

[Ability 2 Dream of Flying: This aircraft can temporarily jump into the dream world above the clouds and rest in the dream world; no one can leave the most magnificent fantasy dream in the world, just like Nothing can stop people's desire for the sky. 】

In the previous era, the granting of miracle props was different.

However, the weight of the aircraft is obviously much more precious than the compass. It is a very powerful miracle prop.

Lei's hand touched the aircraft, and as its former owner, Lei immediately received a response.

He couldn't help but read.

"Flying is the most beautiful dream I can have."

"Nothing can stop people's desire for the sky."

Lei liked these words very much, and felt as if these words were written into his heart.

At this time, the compass hanging on Lei's chest suddenly vibrated, and the pointer inside began to spin crazily.

Ray turned on the compass, only to find that it started to slow down slowly after spinning.

at last.


The pointer pointed to the aircraft in front of me and to the sun in the distance.


"Why did it stop?"

Ray looked in the direction the needle was pointing, at the aircraft.

The desire in his heart couldn't help but expand again.

The yearning for the blue sky, the power buried deep in the blood and will, surged through the body irresistibly.

Lei stroked the wings of the aircraft and sat on it involuntarily.

He seemed to know how to control it without even thinking about it. As soon as he thought about it, it rose up with his consciousness and rushed down from the rubble.

After stumbling for a long time, the aircraft finally took off.

Lei, who had not flown into the sky during this period, rushed into the sky again, above the clouds.

A layer of colorful bubbles enveloped the aircraft, carrying it forward quickly and drawing a rainbow in the sky.

Ray laughed and let out a cheer.

"If all the dreams and sufferings we had have become a thing of the past."

"Then start a new future."

"If you don't fly for the past, then fly for the future!"

"Go on an adventure, go discover, go explore the world."

Lei piloted the miracle prop aircraft and penetrated the sea of ​​clouds. The propeller blades in front rolled up the stratus clouds.

He fell from the sky, and at this time, a hole opened in the barrier of Demon Abyss City.

He just spun like this and plunged into the Demon Abyss King's City.

The movement of the miraculous prop he had just controlled, and the wave of power that drew a rainbow in the sky, alarmed everyone in the Demon Abyss City.

Even Elena, the God of Demon Spirits, walked out of the pyramid, stood outside the temple and looked at him in the sky.

This time.

Lei once again violated the taboo he had committed before. Although he did not rush over the Demon Spirit Pyramid, he hovered within the forbidden range.

He stood up from the aircraft and shouted to Ms. Elena below.

Tell Him your thoughts and your will.

"If it's not for survival, then start the future for your dreams!"

"Ms. Elena."

"Perhaps the future of the demon spirit clan lies here."

"In this era, we no longer need to struggle for survival, and we no longer need to worry about the future."

"We just need to move forward bravely and create everything."

"We can be adventurers, we can be inventors, we can do whatever we want."

Elena looked at Lei and couldn't help but smile.

Looking at the decadent Lei these days, Elena didn't know whether what she said before was right or wrong.

But looking at the new Lei at this moment, Elena said to him.


"You are truly worthy of being my student, a student of the Temple of Truth."

Ray was so happy.

He pulled the aircraft and flew in the Demonic Abyss City as usual, surrounding the tall Yessel Tower.

Groups of kite demons flew out, following Lei.

Not only that, there were also many demon spirits riding out on flying magic carpets, and the whole sky became a scene of joy.

Ray even got to see his former teammates.

Kite Demon No. 3, and No. 2, the big glass-covered head that rides the flying magic carpet in the sky like a skateboard and swings its body left and right.

A nondescript building on the ground floor.

Inside the white alchemy tower.

Oran and Gamer looked at the scene in the sky, this unprecedented celebration.

"That's the new miracle prop!"

"As expected, he is the descendant of the God King and the beloved son of the Creator."

"A clan that is always favored."

Although he was a little envious, Oran was still happy for Lei.


Under the sun.

Lei set out again, this time he put on a new aircraft, a miracle prop with serial number 48.

The two powerful abilities it possesses, especially the second one, give Lei the confidence to fly out of the sea of ​​storms.

This time, he didn't even need a companion.

"Lei, you can definitely fly out this time!"

"Lei, can you find a new continent this time?"

"Lei, your aircraft is so powerful."

Lei scratched his iron skull, feeling a little embarrassed.

But his chest involuntarily puffed up.

"It's definitely possible this time."

He replied.

But Lei carried the aircraft up the city wall, but did not set off for a long time, constantly looking back.

As if waiting for something.

But Lei waited for a long time, looking for the figure he wanted to see everywhere in the crowd; people came to see him off one after another, but there was never the person he was waiting for.

Just when he was a little disappointed and ready to set off.

Number 2 shook his glass head, appeared with a lot of things, and sat in the back seat of his aircraft.

No words were spoken, but the actions said everything.

The kite demon known as Number Three floated down from the sky and asked him a question in an ethereal voice.

"This time, can we fly to where the sun rises?"

Lei said happily: "I don't know, but I will keep flying."

Although I almost lost my life in the black storm, I have seen the terror of the storm and the terrifying monsters in the darkness.

But this time, the two companions chose to set off with Lei.

The three formed a team and rushed down from the city wall.

Ray cheered.

"Ray's Adventure Team!"

"Let's go again!"

Ray flew his Miracle Prop aircraft into the sky and into the distance, toward the early morning sun.

"This time, I will definitely fly out."

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