I Am God!

Chapter 209 The Skeleton Field of Anhofors


Asai played with the bone ball in his hand and closed his eyes tightly.

He heard the voices of everyone in this prison, and he even felt that he could feel the heartbeat of the city.

Although cities are not used to describe living creatures, he truly felt the pulse of every life.

The signals radiated from everyone's brain gathered together and turned into an ocean of memory and light.

Asai heard rapid footsteps, and two inhuman beings entered the prison.

They whispered.

They have evil intentions.

They were uneasy.

"The judge of the Demon Hunting Group may be coming, so hurry up and deal with this trouble before then."

"Damn it, you meddling guy."

"Does such a small person need the two of us? Just find any reason to kill him."

"The elder of the Barrett family wants us to take him there."

Asai stopped moving and slowly opened his eyes, his pupils empty and lifeless.

He spoke, and although he didn't address anyone, the evil mage knew that Asai was speaking to him.

Because the only person here who can listen to him is himself.

"You're right."

Evil Mage: "That's right."

Asai: "When a bone demon is found in a place, it means there is a large group of them."

The evil mage laughed: "Of course, can these monsters still appear out of thin air?"

"Ever since the evil demon Anhofors created an existence like the Bone Demon, this kind of thing has spread throughout Xiinsai like a plague."

"The Temple of Truth thinks it can eliminate this kind of monster through encirclement and suppression. It's ridiculous."

"The scary thing is not the bone demon, but death."

"The majority of people are those who are greedy for life and afraid of death. What does faith count for?"

The Temple of Truth must also know that this method cannot completely solve the problem, but if it is not suppressed and banned, wouldn't things like monsters gradually replace the three-leaf people?

The king is a monster, the nobles are monsters, and the three-leafed people are also monsters.

At that time, it will be a group of long-lived monsters that will enslave all the Sanye people.

Asai did not discuss the issue and just said: "I'm going out."

The evil mage felt that Asai was dreaming: "How to get out?"

Asai said softly: "Someone will take me out."

The evil mage laughed at him: "You are a poor boy from the countryside, who will come to fish for you?"

"This is a prison for special prisoners. It is the most heavily guarded place in Anhuo City. Do you want to get out alive?"

"Stop dreaming."

Asai didn't defend himself, because someone was already coming outside.

Two richly dressed men, accompanied by prison guards, stood outside the cell door and looked inside with their heads raised.

They felt the humidity in the prison and smelled the stench.

There was a look of disgust on his face and he covered his nose tightly.

The two glanced at each other, and finally looked at a figure crouching inside. He had his back to the door, hiding himself in the shadows.

The man was thin and had a gloomy temperament all over him.

One of them pointed: "Take him away."

The cell door opened, and the shackled Asai was carried by several soldiers, like a corpse being dragged up.

He was dragged outside like this without any reaction.

The evil mage thought that someone was really coming to get Asai, so he excitedly stuck his head in front of the cell door and shouted at the people outside.

"Take me away!"

"I want to go out too, so take me with you."

"You can do anything you want me to do."

He shouted at Asai: "Help me! I want to get out too."

"I don't want to...I don't want to..."

"Die here!"

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him. He could only watch Asai go outside the prison that he had been longing for for who knows how long.

Asai was put into an iron prison car and then followed the prison car to the suburbs outside the city.

The car came to a manor, and the servants forcibly arrested Asai and sent him to the manor.

There was a party going on in the manor, and most of the attendees were bone demons.

Anhuo City, the largest city in the northwest of Xiinsai, has turned into a cave of monsters. Many of the upper-class nobles and big shots have given up their identities as clover people and become monsters.

Asai was taken to an altar and thrown to the ground.

This is a dark hall dedicated to the God of Knowledge, with a circle of cloaked members sitting around it. Their eyes are high, looking at Asai like an animal about to be sacrificed.

The leader looked at Asai angrily: "Those who kill the Barrett family will surely receive the most severe punishment."

Unlike what ordinary people know, the Barrett family has not declined.

They are still the controllers of Anhuo City secretly.

Asai finally cheered up: "You are the people of the Immortal Society, right?"

He looked at the president of the Immortal Society: "And you."

"You should be the ghost cultist who was wanted by the Temple Demon Hunting Group back then. Unexpectedly, you didn't die, but instead became a bone demon."

"We have also established such a powerful organization to quietly control Anhuo City in the dark."

It turns out that the member of the Barrett family who joined the Ghost Order did not die completely, but was transformed into a powerful bone demon. It was through him that the baron obtained the power of the demon.

The members of the Immortal Association who were talking about each other immediately fell silent, and the president of the Immortal Association looked at Asai seriously.

"Wallylan Barrett told you?"

"It seems like you know a lot. It was indeed the right thing for me to have someone bring you here."

Valeron Barrett was the previous baron, the first bone demon who died at the hands of Asai.

Asai also nodded: "Thank you for bringing me out, otherwise I really wouldn't have been able to get out of that prison."

Everyone laughed, and they were preparing to have some more sacrifices brought up for sacrificial rituals to please their gods.

Asai pressed his legs and stood up little by little.

He held his temple with one hand and showed a painful expression.


A violent mental shock spread and enveloped the entire manor.

Those bone demons felt their brains buzzing and fell down from their seats one by one.

Kneel on the ground, facing Asai.

It's like meeting your own king.

They tried hard to resist this force, but they couldn't move.

Each of these members of the Immortal Society seemed to be suppressed by a big mountain, and this was even more true in their hearts.

They looked at Asai in horror, showing incredible expressions.

Especially the president of the Immortal Association, who was lying on the ground, gritting his teeth and opening his mouth in disbelief.

Every word he spoke came with great pressure, so it was like a stammer.

"Fourth level divine grace?"

"Realm of Bones?"

"How is it possible? This is the realm of bones of Anhofors. How can it reappear in this world?"

The president of the Immortal Society knows the origin of the Bone Demon. He knows the past of Anhofors, the man who created the Bone Demon. He also knows that only one person has ever owned such a thing as the Skeleton Field.

However, Asai did not have the power of the fourth-level divine grace that he imagined, but he was gradually able to influence the tumor in his mind through consciousness and use part of the power of Anhofors.

It is clear.

Xiao promised the God of Knowledge that his method would not give Asai the power to complete the experiment without fail, which was an element of bragging.


It's also possible that Xiao did it on purpose.

This bone field may not be that powerful for priests, at least they still have ways to resist.

But it's completely different for these bone demons, as if they were the supreme king ordering his slaves.

As a price, Asai completely lost his sight in both eyes.

But this doesn't seem to be a big problem anymore. He doesn't need vision but can see the world more clearly.

Asai limped and walked step by step towards the president of the Immortal Society.

His empty eyes looked at the president of the Immortal Society, a towering figure in Anhuo City, who was lying in front of him trembling.

It's like a bug that can be crushed easily.

With such a powerful feeling, perhaps in the past Asai would have felt complacent and proud of his own strength.

But right now, that's not what he's focusing on.

He has noticed the extraordinary things about himself and the irrational things in his life.

Asai's dull gaze put tremendous pressure on the president of the Immortal Society, and he found himself trembling.

"Priest of Divine Grace?"

"grown ups!"

"Stop, stop, we don't know your identity."

"Who are you? How could someone like you appear here?"

"Are you from the Temple of Truth? Or have you come down from the Holy Mountain?"

"Impossible...impossible...I have never heard of anyone like you."

Although the president of the Immortal Society has a high status in Anhuo City, it is obvious that he is far from being an important core figure of the Ghost Religion, let alone knowing any news about the Wisdom Road experimental plan.

In his eyes, the former Asai was just a wild boy who came to Anhuo City from the countryside to pursue his dream.

In his eyes, there are only a few divine priests in the world.

But it is clear that Asay clearly does not belong to any of them.

Asai: "Who am I?"

"I don't know who I am, but I'll find out."

Asai has no intention of accepting them as slaves. Firstly, his power is not stable and has huge flaws. Secondly, this Immortal Society is a subordinate organization affiliated with the Ghost Religion. It is impossible for him to control them.

Asai raised his hand, and a powerful twisting force was born directly inside these bone demons, crushing these monsters into pieces.


The sound of twisting and cracking was accompanied by a wail of pain.

Although this place was already outside the city, under Asai's special skeleton spiritual field power, these monsters didn't even have a chance to reveal their true form in front of Asai.

Asai directly killed all the bone demons in the Immortal Society and collected their power.

The bone ball in Asai's hand continued to expand and get bigger and bigger.


A pair of arms stretched out from the bone ball, and a pair of bone legs stretched out.

A tall skeleton puppet was born in front of Asai.

The skeleton puppet faced Asai and raised his knife.


Asai's shackles were cut off, and he finally stood free on the ground.

Asai lowered his head and groped around, picking up the chain that had been binding him.

An expression finally appeared on his face: "Finally... it's broken!"


It was not only the chain on his feet that was broken, but also another shackle that had been bound to him.

That night, there was a riot in the prison in Anhuo City.

An extremely powerful being attacked the prison. In an instant, skeletons grew and exploded everywhere in the prison, crisscrossing every corner.

The sudden burst of power tore apart the prison and killed some of the notorious prison guards as well as all the villains imprisoned here.

Only one prisoner escaped, and that was the evil mage Polik, who had been imprisoned here for many years.

The inmate who was incarcerated with Anhofors.

The evil mage Porick escaped from prison in a panic, and he was completely frightened.

He witnessed countless people being penetrated like blood gourds, and the entire prison turned into a purgatory, a sea of ​​blood.

He ran wildly along the street in the dark, and finally saw a familiar figure at the end of the road.

A guy wearing a trench coat and holding a cane in his hand.

Polik looked at Asai and was stunned for a moment.

Then he immediately realized something and opened his mouth wide.

He shouted to the shadow in the darkness: "Asai?"

In the shadows of the street, next to Asai was this extremely powerful skeleton puppet.

The puppet knelt on the ground and bent over.

The terrifying figure and aura emanated, making Porick's whole body feel cold.

It was hard to believe that the person in front of him was his stupid, dead-looking inmate.

The skeleton puppet is not a bone demon. Like other puppets of the curse priest and the grace priest, it is an extension of power, so it is not bound by the oath of the monster.

Polik slowly moved forward and finally saw the outline clearly.

"Is it really you?"

According to the purgatory-like situation in the prison just now, there is also the powerful skeleton puppet.

He could basically guess that all this was done by the person in front of him.

Polik was stunned. Not only did he not guess that his cellmate was a powerful figure, he also did not guess that the other party was such a ruthless character.

Asai looked at Porick's stiff expression and posture and said.

"After being imprisoned for so many years, is there anything else you want to do?"

"Or do you just want to survive?"

Asai turned around and dropped a sentence.

"If you still want to restore our past glory, just follow us."

"If you just want to live, then say goodbye here!"

The evil mage Polik looked at Asai's back walking away with his crutches. His steps were slow and awkward, but he was firm and without any hesitation.

He also saw himself in the back, a loser crawling out of the mud pit.

He recalled the image of himself in prison chattering about the glory of the past. He proudly puffed out his chest and talked about the ambitions of his boyhood and youth.

Even though he turned into a bed bug in the dirt in prison, he never forgot his past.

He is an unscrupulous priest, but the more he does this, the more it proves that he has the wildest dream he has ever had.

"Wait for me, I'm willing to do it with you."

“I’m willing to do whatever it takes, even the craziest things.”

He chased after him without hesitation, shouting as he chased.


"What kind of person are you?"

"who are you?"

the other side.

Xiao stood on the top of a tall tower not far away, looking at Asai who finally broke the first shackles.

A smile appeared on his face and he stretched slowly.

"The fun stuff is about to begin!"

He sighed: "Unfortunately, the God of Knowledge has hidden most of Anhofors' important memories deep within the Gate of Truth."

"Otherwise, I might be able to see the real Anhofors and get to know the genius who created the four-part secret technique of the Divine Grace Stone."

"It seems that my god is quite afraid of him!"

It was he who delivered the bone demons of the Immortal Society to Asai's hands, and it was he who let Asai escape from his cage.

Just two days ago, he had already conveyed the news of the success of the Wisdom Road experimental plan to the God of Knowledge.

Asai has no effect on the man in the bottle.

When he reported the success of the Road to Wisdom experimental plan, it was when Asai, the target of the experiment, was about to be recycled.


Xiao waited for a day in the hidden temple of the God of Knowledge, but did not wait until the God of Knowledge asked him to recover the oracle of Asai, the experimental target.

He knew that not only Asai was useless, but he himself was also useless.

The God of Knowledge should have sent people to Anhuo City to recover him and Asai.

this person.

Xiao was still speculating before that this person might be the original sin or the truth.

Just now, he got the news.

The High Priest of Truth left the Kingdom of Demonic Abyss and rushed to the Holy Mountain.

Thinking of the Priest of Truth, Xiao couldn't help but recited silently.

"O door to truth!"

"It couldn't have come at a better time."

He walked towards the tower. This tower was inside an iron workshop, and many workshop buildings could be seen below.

Several people were already waiting for Xiao below to obey his next instructions.

"Master Divine Contract."

Xiao looked at these ghost believers who were kneeling on the ground and regarded themselves as the emperors of the dark world and said.

"What happens next is out of my control."

"The Chief Priest of Truth is coming soon, and everything here is left to him."

The people below looked at each other and didn't understand why the High Priest of Truth came here. Wasn't the other party always in the Kingdom of Demonic Abyss?

"Lord Truth?"

"Why did he come here?"

Xiao bent down and looked at these ghost cultists kneeling on the ground with their heads pressed against the stone bricks.

"Of course it comes with God's will."

He imitated the tone of the villain in the bottle and spoke to these ghost cultists in a condescending manner.


"You want to defy God's will?"

In one sentence, these ghost cultists were scared to death.

Several people dared not speak or even move.

Xiao straightened up: "How can a mortal guess God's will, and how can a mortal defy God's will?"

When Xiao said these words, he had a playful tone.

Xiao couldn't resist the power of the villain in the bottle. He knew that if he was caught, he would definitely die. The only good news was that the villain in the bottle could not easily leave the holy mountain. He would probably have to let others deal with him.

Xiao released Asai just to attract the attention of the villain in the bottle.

For such a crazy genius who personally created the villain in the bottle, the other party should be the most aware of his terrifying features.

At that time, the most anxious person will be the man in the bottle. The other party will definitely be eager to put Asai or Anhofors back into his bottle at all costs.

The man in the bottle is worried that Asai has lost control and that the old Anhofors has returned again.

Xiao was not worried.

Even if Anhofors is really as powerful as the rumors say, and even his big comeback against the wind has become a myth, what does that have to do with him?

He already possesses fourth-level power, and he has found the path to wisdom.

His biggest enemy now is the myth that gave him the source of myth blood.

The monster in the bottle.

Only when the other party is dead can Xiao be able to embark on his own path of wisdom and mythology with peace of mind.

Xiao walked past several ghost believers step by step, muttering silently.


"You can live up to your reputation and at least attract more attention for me."

After saying this, Xiao turned into a shadow and disappeared into the night.

Several ghost cultists stood up and then stood up with a sigh of relief.

"Master Xiao is gone?"

"Maybe he took the oracle to another place. We can just wait for the chief priest of truth to come."


holy mountain.

After receiving the oracle and hurried back from the Kingdom of Demon Abyss, the Chief Priest of Truth boarded the pilgrimage ladder. He cautiously passed through the stone statues of two generations of kings of wisdom, and did not stop until the City of Servants of God appeared in sight. Down.

"O great god of knowledge!"

“Thy servants, humble followers of the truth come to hear thy will.”

The light of original sin burst out from the top of the mountain, and the shadow of myth appeared behind the holy mountain, overlooking the chief priest of truth.

"Truth, go to Anhuo City now."

"Kill Xiao."

The Priest of Truth raised his head in surprise, not understanding what this meant.

"Kill the divine contract?"

"God? Why?"

The God of Knowledge did not bother to explain to a slave. When he heard that a slave dared to question his own oracle, his tone immediately changed.

“Are you questioning God’s will?”

A look of fear appeared on the face of the chief priest of truth: "I don't dare, great God of Knowledge."

"I will go to Anhuo City now and kill the traitor who dissatisfied God."

Good guy, he branded the other person as a traitor in just one sentence.

However, the chief priest of truth said next: "But the power of the divine contract is far stronger than mine, and I am not sure about dealing with him."

The Shadow of Myth spoke again: "I give you full authority over the Gate of Truth. Xiao's divine blood comes from me. His power will lose all effect in front of the Gate of Truth."

"Kill him and let him return to my kingdom as a ghost."

Having said this, the Shadow of Myth suddenly paused.


"Bringing back the experimental goals of the Wisdom Path."

The Chief Priest of Truth did not know about the experiment on the Path of Wisdom. He raised his head and asked: "The goal of the experiment on the Path of Wisdom?"

Man in a bottle: “You don’t need to know too much, you just need to know.”

"That's a... mortal named Asai."

"Bring him back, whatever it takes."

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