Dong dong dong dong dong... a sound of drums sounded at the yamen door.

Lin Xiu opened his eyes suddenly and turned over to sit up.

Looking back out the window, the sky is already bright

"Sir, Sir, what's wrong, someone is playing the drums……"Zhao Sheng's voice came from outside.

Lin Xiu was startled.

Drumming? Ever since I moved to the Judge's Hall, the drum of grievance has been placed at the door.

But it has never really clicked.

This is the first time.

Lin Xiu quickly put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

"Notify the Yamen to be promoted to court!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhao Sheng turned around and left. Lin Xiu also immediately put on his official uniform and strode towards the front office with meteoric strides.

When he arrived here, the three squads of government officials were already standing in two rows holding ruthless water and fire sticks.

Zhao Sheng, Li Si, Wang Fen and Meng Lang were also standing in front of the table.

In the lobby, a man who looked like an ordinary citizen stood there with a pale face.

When he saw Lin Xiu coming in, he quickly stepped forward to salute.

"The grass people have seen the adults!"

"Excuse me, it was you just now, beating the drum to complain? Lin Xiu sat behind the desk and asked solemnly.

"Sir, it's a commoner, but instead of complaining, he's... reporting a crime! Hearing this

, Lin Xiu was startled:"What case was reported?" Can be detailed!"

The common man nodded, adjusted his emotions, and told the truth what he wanted to report.

This man's surname was Niu, and his name was Niu Wu. He was a clerk in a wine shop in Chang'an City.

Because there was a night in the Tang Dynasty. It's forbidden, and this is Chang'an City, so the wine shops will often close early before the street drum sounds. It was the same thing last night, and just this morning, when the sky was bright,

Niu Wu opened the door as usual. He was preparing to clean up the door and prepare to open the door to welcome guests.

However, just when he came out of the door, he almost got scared.

He saw someone hanging on the eaves outside the door. His eyes were protruding, his tongue was stretched out, and his face was so bloody that it was hard to see his appearance. Suddenly

, Niu Wu screamed in fright and ran straight to the Jingzhao Mansion Yamen.

The Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion was not as good as Lin Xiu's Judge's Hall.

There was no grievance drum at the door, and the door was closed and he couldn't enter. When Lin Xiu heard about it, he came to Chang'an City.

After the murder occurred, his expression changed slightly.

He couldn't help but immediately arranged for Zhao Sheng, Li Si and others to take the relevant government officials to the scene of the crime and ordered Wang Fen and Meng Lang to go to Jingzhao Mansion to capture Tang Kai and others. Wu Zuo also went to find him.

A murder occurred in the capital, which was not a small matter.

Lin Xiu did not delay, and then rushed to the scene with Zhong Kui.

When he arrived here, he found that there was a murder case in the capital. It was almost blocked by the onlookers

, and Zhao Sheng and Li Si did not dare to act rashly.

This was the scene of the crime, and no one was allowed to destroy it until no one came.

"grown ups!"

Seeing Lin Xiu appear, Zhao Sheng hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

When he saw the corpse, Lin Xiu's face suddenly froze.

Although this man's face was blurred with blood and flesh, it was difficult to distinguish.

But he was wearing the clothes of a foreign tribe, and he was still very good. If you are right

, isn't this the Tibetan envoy who you just met in the palace yesterday?

Just now,

Yin Tangkai, the governor of Jingzhao Mansion, came over in a hurry. He was sweating profusely. He was obviously frightened when he heard about the murder in Chang'an City, and it also alarmed Lin Xiu.

How could he not panic?

"Meet... Meet the Marquis!"Tang Kai bowed and saluted.

Lin Xiu turned around, glanced at him, and looked behind him.

Sure enough, the female widower was among them.

"We came just in time. This person was one of the Tubo envoys, but he died here so mysteriously. Let's get him examined immediately!"Lin Xiu said coldly.

After the female widow gave a slight salute, she walked forward with her wooden box.

After first looking around the body, she asked someone to put the body down.

While she was doing the autopsy,

Lin Xiu said. Xiu also ordered to find witnesses from last night, especially the waiters and shopkeepers of the restaurant.

In addition, Lin Xiu also asked Zhong Kui to bring people on this street. He visited every house and asked if anything unusual happened last night or if he heard anything strange.

After several inquiries,

Zhong Kui came back with some success.

"grown ups!"

"Is there any gain? Lin Xiu frowned.

"Sir, my subordinates will check all the merchants and people on this street. There are several suspicious things among them!"Zhong Kui said.

Lin Xiu nodded, indicating for him to continue speaking.

"Last night around midnight, they heard a cat meowing outside at home!"

"Someone else heard someone playing the flute at the same time!"

"Meow? The sound of the flute?"

When Lin Xiu heard this, his brows gradually furrowed.

"Did anyone see anything? Lin Xiu continued to ask.

Zhong Kui shook his head:"Because it was too late, everyone was already asleep, and even the people who heard the sound got up by chance and heard it!""

"I see! Lin Xiu frowned.

"Sir, could this case be caused by a cat demon?"

When Lin Xiu fell silent, Zhong Kui came forward and said

"Cat demon?"

Suddenly, Lin Xiu frowned.

He suddenly thought of the last case on the moat outside the city.

He saw a black cat by the river.

At that time, Lin Xiu felt that the black cat was a little strange, and it seemed to be leading him along the way..

But after chasing into the forest, the black cat disappeared.

Now half a month has passed, and Lin Xiu has gradually forgotten about the black cat.

Who would have thought that it would happen again today. The murder was related to a cat.

Could it be...

Just as he was thinking of this, he heard a commotion coming from outside the crowd.

When Lin Xiu turned around, he saw dozens of soldiers wearing Tubo costumes, who were very barbaric. He pushed the crowd around fiercely.

Then, the leader was one of the two Tibetan envoys yesterday. He also had a big beard. When he came closer, his face changed immediately when he saw the unrecognizable Tibetan envoy. Come to the front in a hurry

"General Soda... General Soda? Who, who did this...who……"

The bearded man's eyes widened, and he roared with great redness.

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