"Of course I am worthy of it! Lin

Beifan chuckled softly:"There is no one in this world who is more worthy of Your Majesty, the common people, and the soldiers who died on the frontier than me!""

Mo Rushuang looked at Lin Beifan in shock.

She never expected that such words would come out of his mouth!

You have betrayed your country, how can you still be worthy of it?

Lin Beifan said while writing:"I ask you, 3 million per year Is the compensation for Duoluo Country too much?"

"many! Mo Rushuang nodded without hesitation:"As far as I know, Duoluo Kingdom is just a small country on the side of the Dawu Dynasty. It has barren land, scarce resources, a population of more than ten million, and an annual treasury income of only 8 million taels of silver!" If there is a bad year, this income will be reduced! The compensation of 3 million yuan has already occupied half of the national treasury income! Lin

Beifan nodded:"It seems you are not so ignorant!" Then I ask you again, how do you think the Doro Congress can raise this huge sum of money for compensation of 3 million yuan per year?

Mo Rushuang said without hesitation:"First allocate money from the treasury!" If there is not enough silver, we can collect it from the private sector through taxes, fees, etc. to make up the money!

Lin Beifan asked:"I will ask you again, do the people of Duoluo Country suffer?"

Mo Rushuang nodded:"It's naturally bitter!" Their conditions are so bad that even farming is difficult! The people of Dawu can barely solve their food problem by farming, but they can only rely on the sky for food! Lin

Beifan asked the second question:"If there are 3 million more people every year, do you think it will be painful?""

Mo Rushuang nodded again:"It will only make it more painful, and I may not be able to survive!"

Lin Beifan asked three times:"What would you do if you couldn't survive?"

Mo Rushuang said without hesitation:"Of course it's resistance!""

At this moment, Mo Rushuang was stunned!

Lin Beifan smiled slightly:"Look at you, you will resist if you can't survive, let alone the people of Duoluo Kingdom? If they resisted, who would they fight? Naturally, it is a powerful force that makes them bear a huge burden and destroys their hope in life!"

Mo Rushuang said nothing.

"Therefore, this compensation is actually a letter of challenge! Lin

Beifan sighed:"The people of Duoluo Kingdom can't bear it anymore, and they will definitely rise up and settle accounts with us, Dawu!" There will inevitably be another war in the border areas! This time is estimated to be no more than three years!"

"The peace we bought with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, this hard-won peace, is all destroyed just for a mere 3 million taels per year. Do you think it is worth it?"

"not worth!"Mo Rushuang's voice became weak.

"Of course it’s not worth it, and it’s very worthless!"

"Launching a national war would definitely consume tens of millions of materials and silver! This is still a visible profit loss, but the unseen behind it will be even greater and have far-reaching consequences!"

"And the number of people who died are all in the tens of thousands! Countless families have been destroyed and countless people have been displaced!"

"It will also cause national turmoil and social instability, affecting all aspects of people's food, clothing, housing and transportation!"

"Dawu is already chaotic enough, it can't be chaotic anymore! Lin

Beifan shook his head:"So, it's not worth fighting a battle!" Therefore, I have tried my best to abolish this indemnity at all costs! It’s for Your Majesty, it’s for the country, it’s for the country, it’s for the people!"

"I want to ask you, did I make any mistake?"

"you're not wrong! You did the right thing!"Mo Rushang lowered her head in shame.

"Well, you finally said something humane!"

Mo Rushuang:"……"

After thinking for a while, he asked:"But why open a treaty port and allow merchants from both countries to do business? I, Dawu, also want to send scholars there to preach and teach. Isn't this equivalent to increasing their national strength?"

"What should we do if they turn around and attack us after they become stronger?"

"You are just one of them, you don’t know the other! Lin

Beifan shook his head:"Business between the two countries is beneficial to both countries, and it is even more beneficial to Doluo Country!" Because they have people but lack a lot of supplies, we can exchange supplies for their labor!"

"To put it simply, we give them food, give them money, and give them everything they need, but they have to work for us and they have to work hard!"

"As a result, the people of Doluo Kingdom are all stuck at their jobs. Do they still have the energy to fight? Moreover, after obtaining our supplies, life has improved and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Do you still want to fight? Once war breaks out, their lives will be brought back to their previous state. Do you think they will still be willing to do so?

Mu Rushuang shook her head:"They are absolutely unwilling!""

"now it's right! As for preaching and teaching……"

"It is to educate them in the etiquette of Confucius and Mencius, the way of saints, and to make everyone knowledgeable and sensible! When conflicts arise like this, everyone can sit at the negotiation table and reason, but instead use fists! Lin

Beifan spread his hands:"Look, I put forward such a condition in order to avoid wars in the next decades or even hundreds of years!" This is equivalent to saving tens of millions of families and civilians, laying a solid foundation for the long-term peace between the two countries, and creating favorable conditions for the long-term peace and stability of the Dawu Dynasty!"

"Tell me, did I make any mistakes?"

"you're not wrong!"Mo Rushang lowered her head in shame again.

"Since everything is right, where can we start talking about traitor? Lin Beifan shouted.

Mo Rushuang panicked:"I just listened to what the people said."……"

Lin Beifan said disdainfully:"The vast majority of ordinary people are short-sighted and narrow-minded. They only focus on immediate interests and do not consider long-term interests. They are not good enough!"

"If I really betray my country, won’t the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty be able to tell? Can Her Majesty the Empress not see it? You are the smartest people in the world, and the long-term stability of the country cannot be separated from them! They don’t object, so why can’t we think about it carefully? Why don’t they object? Isn't it true that the whole court is stupid?"

"Um! you're right!"Mo Rushuang said angrily.

"Therefore, when you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you must think about it carefully. If you can't figure it out, you can ask more knowledgeable people. Don't follow others' opinions, otherwise you won't even know it was sold!"

"However, it seems that you also took money from the envoy of Doro Kingdom……"

"What's this? Lin

Beifan was excited:"I have paid so much for Your Majesty, I have paid so much for Dawu, I have paid so much for the people of Li, why can't I enjoy it?""

Mo Rushuang shrank her head guiltily.

Lin Beifan continued to get excited:"Look at me again. I have done so many good things, and yet I still have to bear so much infamy. Do you think I am suffering or not? If you don't take some benefits to compensate yourself, where is the justice? Where is the justice?"

Mo Rushuang was scolded like crazy.

She was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole in the ground.

In the end, she had no choice but to escape.

"Mr. Lin, I know I was wrong, I'm sorry! There was so much trouble just now, I went back to my room to rest!"

Looking at the other party's escaping figure, Lin Beifan chuckled:"Small! You are much easier to deal with than those old foxes in the court!"

He lowered his head and continued practicing calligraphy.

Soon after, Master Li came over with a smile and a cup of bird's nest.

"Sir, the bird's nest is here! Drink the bird's nest first and then write!"

"good! Lin Beifan nodded.

He put down his brush, walked over, sat down next to Master Li, scooped up the bird's nest and took a sip.

He frowned slightly:"It tastes wrong!" It wasn’t cooked by you, nor by Xiao Cui!"

"This is indeed not the work of Concubine and Xiaocui, but of Miss Rushuang!"Master Li smiled and said,"I know all about you, and she feels guilty, so she specially cooked bird's nest to apologize to you!"

"Um. Lin Beifan nodded and continued to drink bird's nest.

Li Shishi smiled and said:"Husband, you have a lot, so don't blame her!" In fact, if you hadn't told me at the beginning, I would never have thought that there was such a far-reaching consideration behind the compensation! Among the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty, you are the only one who can see deeply! You are the only one who truly thinks about Dawu and the people!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Beifan with admiration and fascination.

He just felt that the person he married was the best and most perfect husband in the world!

Lin Beifan laughed dumbly:"I have never blamed her! If I were angry over such a trivial matter, I would have been pissed to death by others! You know, there are too many people who misunderstand me, and there are too many people who hate me. How can I explain it? I just do what I think is right, and I just want to have a clear conscience! What does it matter to me what other people think? Master

Li held Lin Beifan's hand tightly and said emotionally:"Husband, no matter what the outside world thinks of you, no matter what the future holds, I will share life and death with you!""

Lin Beifan was in a very excited mood!

With a wife like this, what more could a husband ask for?

Lin Beifan finished the bird's nest in two gulps, and then hugged Master Li

"Madam, it’s already late at night, let’s take a rest!"

"Well, husband, please have mercy!"Master Li blushed and lowered his head.

The two quickly returned to the room and fell asleep without turning on the lights. On the other side, Mo Rushuang couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

Thinking of having the courage to question Lin Beifan today, she was so ashamed that she used her pillow to face

"I am so stupid! I questioned Mr. Lin without thinking clearly. He must have thought I was stupid at that time, right?" The more she thought about it, the more ashamed she became!

However, she did not regret it.

Because of this, she could see the truth of the matter clearly, and at the same time she also saw Lin Beifan's true face, which suddenly made her mood better

"Mr. Lin is not a traitor, he has never betrayed the country!"

"Everything he said was for Dawu and the people! However, no one in the outside world understood him, which caused him to bear a lot of infamy for no reason!"

"Although he is greedy, all he is greedy for is money from corrupt officials, but he never lets go of the common people!"

"He is greedy for money, but he is not unprincipled……"

At this time, Prince Hamu, who was far away in Doluo Kingdom, suddenly sneezed.

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