After Lin Beifan left.

Sun Tiandao asked puzzledly:"Master Jijiu, Master Lin is a popular person beside Her Majesty the Empress. He is very favored. His career is just around the corner. You must not offend him! Why did you just……"

"Mr. Sun, there is nothing I can do about this!"Liu Jijiu smiled bitterly:"There are rumors from the outside that Lin Beifan, the new champion, is a huge corrupt man. He only ransacked his house twice and embezzled huge amounts of money! If he is allowed to get involved in money-related positions and he repeats the same mistakes and tricks, both of us will be affected, and we will be left with nothing to lose! I also take preventive measures before they happen!"

Sun Tiandao lowered his head and apologized:"Master Jijiu has a long-term plan, but it's my fault that I didn't think about it!"

"No problem! Mr. Sun, from now on, you must not let Lin Beifan get involved in any financial matters. Do you understand?"Liu Jijiu warned seriously.

Sun Tiandao nodded heavily:"Don't worry about Jijiu, I'll save you the trouble of lowering my rank!"

Although the voices of these two people were very low, Lin Beifan was a martial arts practitioner and could hear them clearly while standing outside.

"Do you think this will make it difficult to hit me? Oh, you are too young!"

Lin Beifan adjusted his official hat and walked forward leisurely.

Today is his first day after taking office, and it is also his first time to the Imperial College, so he plans to familiarize himself with the work environment first, and then start specific work.

Along the way, Lin Beifan I saw a lot of young students.

Some ran past Lin Beifan laughing.

Some played chess in twos and threes.

Some were sitting by the pool, eating steamed buns and reading books without eating or sleeping.


Full of youthful atmosphere.

In a daze, Lin Beifan felt as if he had returned to the university in his previous life!

However, the students here work much harder than the college students in the previous life. They are more like high school, youthful and hardworking!

"It’s great to be young!"Lin Beifan sighed.

Although he is younger than most people here, he has experienced more and his mentality is inevitably much older.

Seeing the young students, he was a little emotional.

At this time, everyone also noticed Lin Beifan wearing a Young people in official uniforms looked over curiously.

Many people didn't recognize Lin Beifan, but I could still recognize the official uniform he was wearing.

Green robe, small miscellaneous patterns, plain silver belt...

This is the sixth or seventh grade Official uniforms that only officials can wear.

It means that the other party is at least a seventh-grade official.

The students present can't help but feel envious.

They come to the Imperial College to study just to become officials.

But the other party is the same age as them, and they are still studying to obtain fame, and the other party has already How can you not be envious of being a seventh-grade official? At this time, a student suddenly ran up to Lin Beifan and said excitedly:"You... you are the new top scholar in this year, Lin Beifan, the director of the Imperial College, right?"

Lin Beifan nodded majestically:"Yes, I am exactly that!" Who are you and what matters? The other party became even more excited, and even spoke a little awkwardly:"You... you are really Mr. Lin!" Great, I finally meet you, Mr. Lin! I have always admired you very much!"

It was a blast at the scene.

"Is he the top pick this year?"

"That monster who won three yuan for three years in a row?"

"Looks younger than me!"


Everyone gathered around excitedly.

Although literati look down upon them, scholars also admire scholars very much, especially those who read better than them!

Monsters like Lin Beifan who hit three yuan in a row are simply gods to them!

For God, they will only worship and not be jealous!

"Meet Mr. Lin!"The students leaned over and bowed, saying in unison

"Dear classmates, you are polite! Lin Beifan smiled slightly, held hands and said:"With the favor of Her Majesty the Empress, from today on, I will serve as the Secretary of the Imperial College, responsible for supervising students' moral conduct, discipline, and academic work!""

"Meet Lin Siye!"Students bid farewell

"Dear students, there is no need to be polite! Lin Beifan smiled again and said:"From now on, we will study together!" I hope that all students can work with Xiaguan to study diligently, work hard, and live up to the mighty emperor's grace!"

"Lin Siye is right, we must keep it in mind!"The students bowed again.

Lin Beifan suddenly liked this place a little bit!

The students here bowed to him at every turn!

Especially their adoring eyes, they were so happy to see him!

His little vanity was greatly satisfied!

"Lin Siye, can students ask you a question?"A student appeared, a little nervous and a little excited.

Lin Beifan was in a good mood:"If you have any questions, just ask!"

"Thank you Lin Siye for giving students this opportunity! The other party was very excited:"Students heard that you, Lin Siye, achieved success in an extremely difficult environment and got the top score in the exam!" Students want to ask you, how did you do it? Can you share it with students?"

Actually, I just asked Lin Beifan about his learning methods.

Everyone was looking forward to it, hoping that Lin Beifan, the god of learning, could share his learning methods.

Lin Beifan smiled slightly:"Of course, I'm more than happy to!"

So everyone became even more excited

"Great, Lin Siye is willing to share his learning methods!"

"If I learn how to do it, I will have a chance to take the imperial examination!"

"Shut up and listen to what Lin Siye says!"


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