I Am a Big Player

Thirty-three, you who pick the stars

21 chapters owed chapters, even Ren He’s codewriting speed is a bit too much, and it took only 4 days to pay off all the debts, and when the repayment was over, some people shouted: "Roe deer, when will you play games next time?! "

Playing with your sister, I'm going to play myself to death...

However, when there are many updates, there are naturally many rewards, and the number of subscriptions is increasing at an abnormal rate.

After the big push, the average subscription of the divine book directly soared to 15,000, and because of this battle of the gods, the influence of the divine book is also increasing, which is a virtuous circle.

Now I can finally relax, and the war of gods has come to an end.

Xu Nuo, who was sitting next to him, looked at his face: "Why are you so haggard..."

"You still don't understand," Ren He rolled his eyes, and he wrote a small note to Yang Xi: "Sing to you the brightest star in the night sky at night?"

Yang Xi was a little surprised and replied a small note: "Okay, let's go together after school tonight!"

Xu Nuo looked suspiciously at the two passing notes to each other. When did these two interact so frequently? Since Yang Xi transferred to another school, she quickly became famous in the school because of her outstanding looks and temperament. However, the junior high school students in 2005 were not so high-profile chasing girls. There were only a few of them, and most of them watched from a distance.

Of course, there were also times when he received a love letter, so sometimes Ren He would go to the door of the class and stand there when he had nothing to do, as long as someone wrapped the letter for him and said: Please give it to your class Yang Xi.

Ren He directly agreed in person and then threw it into the trash can casually. The promise was still a little hesitant: "Isn't it bad to do this?"

Ren He glanced at him and ignored him.

When school was over, I promised to call him home together, and the two families were on the way.

"Let's go first," Ren He waved his hand and walked towards the school gate, Xu Nuo was a little curious, and then saw that Ren He and Yang Xi met and went in the direction of Yang Xi's house...

Xu Nuo felt that his heart was hit hard, these two people...

Yang Xi took Ren He home. At this time, Yang Xi's father hadn't come home yet, so Yang Xi took Ren He up to the rooftop after picking up the guitar.

The family building where Yang Xi and the others live is old-fashioned. If you want to go to the roof, you have to climb up the ladder on the top floor. Yang Xi originally planned to go up first, but blushed and said: "You go up first."

"Okay," Ren He happily agreed, Yang Xi was wearing a skirt today, he thought Yang Xi didn't notice it...

Now that it's autumn, although Yang Xi is wearing leggings, it's still a bit awkward for a boy to watch her climb a ladder under her. Yang Xi went to the rooftop and folded her skirt and sat there quietly, her hair fluttering gently with the wind. This is probably the girl Ren He wanted in his dreams.

The youthful blood has come back again, and of course there must be a girl who makes people dream of!

Yang Xi smiled and said, "I'll play the guitar to accompany you, and I'll listen to how the creator understands this song."

When it came time to sing, Ren He was still a little nervous. Although the rewards of the Heavenly Punishment System were magical enough, and he had tried singing and it really sounded better, it was still a bit awkward in front of the girl he liked.

However, when the guitar intro played quietly in Yang Xi's hands, Ren He seemed to have quieted down. He recalled the first time he heard this song. At that time, he had just experienced setbacks when he was young and proud. He listened to this song countless times, and it seemed that someone really gave him a hug in the dark night.

Yes, this song is by no means sad, it is the passionate tears in loneliness become crystal clear under the moonlight, and that person is playing the guitar and waiting under the moonlight!

"Can you hear the brightest star in the night sky?"

"The one who looks up, the loneliness and sighs in his heart."

I don't know why, Ren He is especially suitable for this kind of deep singing voice. There is a touch of emotion in that voice, which instantly pierces Yang Xi's heart.

Ren He seemed a little lonely.

Loneliness is gentle, loneliness is strong. Yang Xi can feel the strong and hard core in Ren He's heart, which seems to be rarely opened to anyone.

When Ren He first heard this song, he was fighting with others in the company. He quickly entered the role after he just left the campus. In the process of protecting himself, he showed scheming, means and endurance beyond his peers. up.

However, sometimes winning is not really winning. Once Ren Hehe and Fa Xiao drank too much, he said with a pale smile, "From now on, I will never dare to say that I am a good person."

What is the definition of a good person? Ren He himself didn't know.

"I pray for a transparent heart and eyes that can shed tears."

"Give me the courage to believe again, to embrace you beyond lies."

When Ren He sang here, Yang Xi suddenly felt that the other party really wanted to hug her, and she seemed to have really been embraced by the other party's singing.

At the end of a song, Yang Xi was speechless for a long time, she suddenly wanted to give Ren He a hug but couldn't help it, she smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to sing so well, and after listening to you, I feel that I am right The understanding of this song is really lacking a lot.”

Ren He was stunned for a moment. This is considered a successful pretense... He took out a piece of letter paper from his pocket and handed it to Yang Xi.

Yang Xi was a little surprised, what is this, another song, or... a love letter? If it was another song, it was hard for her to believe that the other party could be so prolific, and if it was a love letter, she hesitated whether she should take it...

Her father was a diplomat, and she followed her father after her parents divorced, so she traveled many places since she was a child, including when her father took her with him when he went abroad. So her vision is very broad, and she also knows about boys and girls, and she is more mature than imagined.

She has seen many unique boys, football geniuses or boys who got a job offer from a software company at the age of 14, or those cynical dudes in Kyoto, but she always felt that Ren He in front of her seemed to be more special. There is no basis for this feeling, it is pure feeling. And she didn't have any special thoughts after seeing those teenagers, they were just amazing friends.

There is no doubt that she has a crush on Ren He, just like that song, after Ren He sang that song, it seemed that she had turned into the brightest star in the night sky. But... She felt it was too fast.

She finally took the letter paper and opened it to see another chapter: Nanshan Nan.

"Is this your new writing?!" Yang Xi was relieved when she saw that it wasn't a love letter, but when she tried to hum the song, she found that the song was very successful again. her!

"Just take it for granted," Ren He said with a smile: "You should familiarize yourself with the score first, and I will sing it to you when I have time."

"Are you planning to become a singer?" Yang Xi asked, "I can't have your sheet music. It's too precious. You sing so well. Why don't you sing it yourself? With your talent, you can definitely succeed."

"I have more important things to do," Ren He said calmly, his ambition is not here.

There was light in Yang Xi's eyes, and she suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, then why don't you just write ten songs for me and I'll release an album?"

"Haha, no problem," this little thing can definitely be satisfied, isn't it just ten fucking tasks... You must not be cowardly when chasing girls!

"Then what's the name of the album?" Yang Xi pondered: "Since you wrote the song, you should name it, right?"

"You who picked up the stars."

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