Chapter 89 Lockhart

The auditorium gradually became quiet. Ives looked around and found that Dumbledore had arrived.

So everyone took their seats.

Dumbledore slowly walked towards the podium, followed by members of the Wizengamot. Dumbledore wore a bright red robe today, with many shining silver five-pointed stars attached to it. These five-pointed stars showed colorful colors under the light of the chandelier, which made him the most beautiful cub in the room..

With everyone watching, Dumbledore stood in front of the microphone.

Through the half-moon glasses on the bridge of his nose, Dumbledore looked at the people in the audience, opened his mouth, and said solemnly in a loud voice:”Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Merlin Memorial Hall to participate in this event. investiture ceremony”

“Over the past year, a number of witches and wizards have made outstanding contributions to the world we live in, and their exceptional ability and dedication to their work have been recognized……”Dumbledore read a long manuscript, mostly a retelling of the awards and deeds of the winners.

“……Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to extend a special welcome to the winners who are here with us.”As he spoke, Dumbledore took the lead in applauding.

The audience burst into applause.

Then, Dumbledore slowly read out the name of the winner,”The recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class, Mr. Sirius Black.”

Everyone applauded again.

This year, the only recipient of the first-class medal is Sirius.

This medal is extremely difficult to obtain. It is mostly awarded to those who are well-known in the wizarding world, deceased or old wizards. Then there is the need for wizards. Those who have made significant contributions to the world, such as Albus Dumbledore, received an Order of Merlin, First Class in 1945 in recognition of his defeat of Grindelwald and restoration of peace in the wizarding world.

Sirius can at this age Receiving an Order of Merlin, First Class, is definitely a very high honor.

Sirius left his seat and strode towards the podium

“Recipient of the Order of Merlin, Second Class, Rodolphe Arthur Marcus…Avis Evans……”

Another round of warm applause.

Ives stood up, bowed slightly, and walked towards the podium.

Everyone’s probing eyes immediately shifted from the recipient of the First Class Order of Merlin to Ives, and they were all surprised by his age.

Among such a group of older wizards, having a child mixed in made Avis stand out.

I soon read the recipients of the Order of Merlin, Level 3. One of this year’s recipients had a name that Ives was very familiar with.

“……Gilderoy Lockhart……”

Lockhart stood up, first showed his signature smile to everyone around, and then walked to the podium coquettishly.

When he stood up, many middle-aged witches, including Mrs. Weasley, screamed, and they shouted Lockhart’s name several times feverishly. The solemn award ceremony suddenly became like a large-scale star chasing scene.

Under this kind of pursuit, Lockhart walked more and more slowly. As he walked, he turned back and waved to his fans, as if he was a Muggle star walking on the red carpet.

Dumbledore’s brows furrowed quietly, but he still smiled and said warmly:”I know this year’s winners are very famous, but in order to ensure that the ceremony continues, I would like to wait until the end to sign autographs with fans. Come on.”

There was a burst of good-natured laughter, and Lockhart had to hurry up and walk to the queue of winners.

Then came the awarding of medals to the winners.

Since Sirius was the only recipient of the first-level medal, it was soon the turn of the second-level me

dal to be awarded.

Dumbledore stood in front of Ives, holding an exquisite and luxurious medal in his hand,”On behalf of the Order of Merlin, I would like to award Mr. Ivis Evans with the Order of Merlin, Second Class.” Sir

Merlin The regimental medal consists of an elegant gold medal and a colored ribbon indicating the level of the medal. The ribbon on Dumbledore’s hand is purple, representing the second-level medal.

The first-class medal that Sirius received has a green ribbon, while the third-class medal is white.

Dumbledore motioned to Ives to lower his head slightly and put the Second Class Medal on his chest.

“Thank you, professor. Ives shook hands with Dumbledore gently.

Dumbledore smiled slightly,”After the award ceremony, come with me. I want to introduce some people to you.””

Avis nodded.

The following awards ceremony went extremely smoothly, with high enthusiasm and a lively atmosphere.

Dumbledore’s humorous jokes and speeches aroused bursts of laughter from the audience, and every winner came to the ground excitedly. On the stage, Sirius shared his acceptance speech.

Sirius thanked those who supported him on the stage and paid tribute to the Order of Merlin. He recalled the time he spent with James and Lupin, as well as his The experience of studying at Hogwarts Academy.

Some emotional witches secretly shed tears when they heard Sirius’s sincere words.

In the end, Sirius encouraged the young wizards to stick to their dreams and devote themselves to learning magic to become better people.

His speech was widely praised and everyone applauded vigorously.

Ives’s acceptance speech encouraged people to eliminate discrimination against Muggle-born wizards and face up to the creativity of Muggles. He hoped that the wizarding world would increase its efforts and introduce more Muggles. Gua’s technological products.

Many high-ranking officials and dignitaries present could be considered pure-blood supporters, but Avis’s speech was considered the mainstream trend in the magic world at the moment, and they had to applaud against their will.

Among all the people present, , only Mr. Weasley was interested in Ives’s speech. He had long wanted to study some Muggle technological products.

Among the others’ speeches, Ives paid special attention to Lockhart.

Lockhart’s speech It was more of a boast than an acceptance speech. He talked about some of his experiences during his travels, described in detail how he fought against dark creatures, and then pulled out a book from nowhere. , explaining to the people present that his new book was about to be released.

Finally, he dropped another big news – he had accepted Dumbledore’s invitation and would serve as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts after the school started. He expressed his willingness to bring his talents to Hogwarts.

Lockhart’s speech successfully attracted the attention of major newspapers. The number of flashes he endured instantly exceeded that of Sirius, the first-class Merlin Order of Merlin winner.

“I don’t know how he can keep smiling in so many flashing lights,” Sirius complained quietly,”Those flashing lights almost blinded me just now.”

Maybe this is the self-cultivation of idols,” Ivis thought in surprise.

Mrs. Weasley excitedly pulled the twins’ sleeves and swung them,”It seems that you will have a very good professor next year. You must follow him well.” study.”

George and Fred were disdainful but did not dare to refute. They could only keep nodding in agreement.


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(End of this chapter)

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