I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 80 Expedition

"Please gather all the freshmen in the playground immediately!"

"Please gather all the freshmen in the playground immediately!"


In the training center, He Mu immediately stood up when he heard the announcement on the radio, rubbed his hands, and walked towards the playground.

Not long after, He Mu came to the playground. At this time, the principal Shen Zhenping was already standing on the rostrum.

In addition, Wang Yanqiu, the teaching director, and Ni Jiaqiang, the director of the excavator department, stood behind him.

After almost all the students arrived, Shen Zhenping said solemnly: "Students, students in our school will have an experience in the first year of school. Originally, this experience will be at the end of the semester, but this year it has been brought forward.

This year's experience task is to go to Yunfeng City to rescue! "

He paused at this point.

A group of freshmen immediately began to discuss.

"I suspected that I was going to Yunfeng City. Two days ago, the news said that Yunfeng City was broken."

"It's a blessing, not a curse. A disaster can't be avoided. What should come will always come. We are also adults."


While the freshmen were discussing, Wang Yanqiu took out her mobile phone and tapped twice.

Soon, all students received a message in their student systems.

All the students didn't have time to think about it, so they clicked to check it.

Only then did I realize that what I received was an atlas, which included about twenty or thirty photos, all of which were real scenes of Yunfeng City at this time.

Seeing the bloody hands protruding from a certain ruin, and the flesh and blood everywhere, the faces of all the new students instantly turned extremely pale.

After all, it is one thing to listen to the teacher, but another to see the real picture.

Not to mention, the news did not mention that Yunfeng City has become so miserable.

"Nine days later, we will take the train to Yunfeng City with the prospective graduates of Lingzhou Medical University.

A total of 1,000 recruits from ten universities and the Southwest Military Region participated in the rescue mission, adding up to about 4,000 people.

Your main task is to drive the rescue excavator, search and rescue survivors, not to fight.

So, once you encounter a monster, run away as much as possible. "

After saying that, Shen Zhenping pointed to the distance.

"The rescue excavator is ready, and you can test drive it at will during these nine days."

Everyone followed his gaze, and immediately saw brand new rescue excavators parked on the open space hundreds of meters away.

Looking at the quantity, there are more than fifty.

"In addition, this mission has a total of one billion funds and 200,000 city contribution rewards.

This means that every time you save a person, you will get a certain amount of money and city contribution points.

You all know how difficult it is to obtain city contribution points by doing tasks, and you may not have such an opportunity in the future, so take advantage of it. "

After finishing speaking, Shen Zhenping stepped back, followed closely by Wang Yanqiu.

When they got off the rostrum, they both gave Ni Jiaqiang a meaningful look.

Ni Jiaqiang nodded incredulously, and as soon as they left, the old man jumped off the rostrum and jumped into the middle of the students.

Compared with the principal and the dean, the relationship between the students and the old man is obviously much closer.

Without waiting for the students to ask questions, Ni Jiaqiang said first: "Don't ask! I will teach you some safety tips first!

The first one is to learn to hug your thighs!

Among the ten universities this time, Southwest University is the best. They can be regarded as prestigious schools, and the entry threshold for admission has a combat strength of 65.

If you go to the rescue, it would be best if there is a student from Southwest University next to you.

No matter how bad it is, there must be a recruit from the Southwest Military Region.


Also, don't form a team with our Shiqi University students in the Southern Road, the people in their school are not good at fighting, they run very fast..."


He Mu silently listened to Ni Jiaqiang's earnest teachings among the crowd.

Not long after, Ni Jiaqiang explained the characteristics of each school, and said some tips such as how to hold thighs, how to sell teammates under any circumstances.

All in all, life-saving comes first.

The students were both moved and excited when they heard it.

The tall and tall You Dazhi patted his chest like an orangutan, promising to bring all his classmates back safely.


After a while, the students dispersed, and He Mu subconsciously wanted to see the rescue excavator and test drive it.

At this time, Ni Jiaqiang suddenly came behind him and patted him on the shoulder.

"He Mu, stop looking, there is no excavator assigned to you."


He Mu turned around, a little surprised.

Ni Jiaqiang glanced at He Mu, and said with disdain: "Why, you haven't learned much, isn't it normal without you? Could it be that you still want to drive an excavator to save people?"

Before He Mu could answer, Ni Jiaqiang patted him on the shoulder again.

"You are different from them. If you can, take care of them more within your ability."

He Mu was stunned when he heard the words, and seeing the sincerity in the old man's eyes, he immediately responded, "Okay."


After receiving He Mu's reply, Ni Jiaqiang smiled, turned around and left.


After leaving the playground, He Mu went to the training center again.

There are still nine days, and this period of time is neither long nor short for him.

After practicing handstand walking for a while, he came to the falling machine in the comprehensive training room.

Below the crash machine is a sandy field, and there is an irregularly shaped mobile platform in the sandy field.

When a person stands on the falling machine and presses the switch, the falling machine will exert force suddenly and bounce the person up.

After that, if you can land on the mobile platform and stand up within 0.5 seconds, you will be considered a success.

Under extreme difficulty, the mobile platform will be reduced to less than one square meter, the surface will be uneven, and the moving speed will be as high as 200 kilometers per hour. The angle sends you to heaven.

After going to the sky, there will be some metal blocks shooting at you.

And you need to use the strength of these metal blocks to balance your body, and finally land on the high-speed moving platform.

"If this is cleared, how strong will it be?"

He Mu muttered to himself, and then tried the lowest difficulty for a while.

Finally, without accident, it fell on the sand.

But he was not discouraged, but continued to try.

In this way, when his legs were tired, he practiced walking on his head, and when his hands were tired, he tried to fall to the ground.

After trying the fall machine, his legs have almost recovered, and he continued to run obstacles.

And so on and on, eventually a kind of cycle is achieved.


Time is like running water, in the blink of an eye, nine days have passed.

In the early morning of this day, a dark green military vehicle stopped at the gate of Lingzhou Vocational University.

At this time, a lot of students had already gathered near the school gate, numbering in the hundreds.

But these are not freshmen majoring in excavators, but some old students and students of ordinary majors.

All the students looked at the main road extending to the Red Mist Warrior Campus inside the school gate.

It wasn't long before a rescue excavator appeared at the end of the road.

Seeing this scene, the student group immediately became restless.

"I'm coming!"

"This year's new excavator major!"

While speaking, the rescue excavator got closer and closer, followed by more than fifty identical excavators.

There are so many identical excavators driving at a constant speed, and the freshmen driving the excavators are all wearing uniforms. At first glance, there is indeed some battle.

In the cab of an excavator in the middle, He Mu was wearing a yellow and red school uniform, sitting in the co-pilot's seat, silently looking outside.

Wu Lixiang, who was driving the excavator, kept his eyes straight and enjoyed the attention of many students, but he kept talking.

"He Mu, it's a pity that you didn't drive the excavator. You don't know how I feel now. It's like a military parade, or the kind of military parade that goes directly to the battlefield after the parade! It's so exciting!

I feel like I'm driving a tank! "

He Mu smiled faintly, and when the excavator drove out of the school gate, he looked back.

Only then did I find a banner hanging above the school gate, which said "I wish the 85th class of freshmen majoring in excavators a triumphant return."

The dark green military vehicle in front started at this moment and began to drive forward.

A long line of excavators followed, preparing to head to the train station.

At this time, several teachers including Ling Hanxing were already waiting at the train station.

At this time, Wu Ideal took the time to look back, and suddenly became extremely sad, and tears even appeared in his eyes.

"He Mu, I'm a little scared! I called home last night, and I've said my last words. I always feel that I'm afraid I won't be able to come back this time, woo woo..."

He Mu turned to look at him and comforted him, "No, don't worry."

"Then have you written your suicide note? What are your last wishes?" Wu Lixiang asked, wiping away tears.

He Mu was taken aback for a moment, turned his head to look forward, and said with a light smile, "I don't have anyone to leave a suicide note."

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