I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 54 Military Regulations Are Like Mountains, People's Hearts Are Like Seas

Watching Ling Hanxing enter the file room, He Mu became quite nervous.

Since the military has put my brother's file in the B-level file room, it means there must be some secrets in it.

Because his elder brother joined the army before, he has a certain understanding of the military, and he knows that aside from some truly top-secret documents, military files are divided into four levels: A, B, C, and D, among which level C is not something that ordinary people can understand. contacted.

Let alone B grade.

Just now when the short-bearded officer said that at least the rank of major can be checked, the idea of ​​taking time to go to the front line to become a major flashed through his mind.

Fortunately, there are teachers.


After waiting silently for about half an hour, footsteps came from the file room, and then Ling Hanxing walked out with a serious face.

Impatient, He Mu immediately wanted to go up to him, but seeing that the teacher didn't look at him at all, and blinked his eyes twice, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately stopped and gave up his position.

After Ling Hanxing left the file room and disappeared into the distance, He Mu stayed there for a while, then turned around and walked towards the door of the military office.

The short-bearded officer watched He Mu leave with a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

At this moment, a tall and well-built soldier in his thirties, wearing a uniform, stepped out from the corner next to him.

The short-bearded officer saluted immediately upon seeing this.

This person who came was his immediate boss, Xu Wei, the director of the military office.

"You can't fail to see their poor acting skills?"

Xu Wei glanced at the short-bearded officer coldly, his tone quite serious.

The short-bearded officer shook slightly, and subconsciously wanted to play dumb, but after seeing Xu Wei's cold eyes, he immediately dismissed the idea.

"Report sir, I see it."

"Then you still let Ling Hanxing enter the archives? Second Lieutenant Qian Jin, is this how you are the administrator of the archives? Don't you know that you have the right to make temporary decisions?"

Xu Wei's tone was stern, and the short-bearded officer didn't dare to look him in the eye.

After a while, he replied softly: "I am willing...to accept punishment."

For some reason, he choked up when he said this, as if he had been wronged so much.

Seeing him like this, Xu Wei became more and more angry.

"Thirty years old and still shed tears, what do you look like?"

Qian Jin, a short-bearded officer, suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, his eyes were reddish and he said, "Sir, I didn't do this because I was afraid of being punished, but because... I also have an older brother, and I can understand that boy's feelings."

Xu Wei narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

Qian Jin suddenly became very excited at this moment.

"My brother... lurked into the New Moon League and sacrificed... He still doesn't even have a tombstone! Sir, can you understand? I can't find a way to worship him! So I saw He Mu, I don't know bear..."

Xu Wei took a deep look at Qian Jin, and asked in a deep voice, "Did you peek at files that you shouldn't?"

Qian Jin nodded in recognition, tears rolling down his face.

"Yes, if I didn't see the file, I even thought my brother was missing!"

Xu Wei fell silent after hearing this.

After a long time, he said: "Although your brother died, the special operations team also severely damaged the New Moon League in Lingzhou.

He anticipated this happening in advance, and left a suicide note saying not to erect a monument for him, because he was afraid that the New Moon Alliance would retaliate against those close to him who worshiped him.

Like you..."

Hearing this, Qian Jin wiped away tears, his eyes were full of anger and sadness.

"I know! I know everything! He said that after he died, he didn't want anything... he didn't want to leave anything behind! He said he only wanted one thing...

It is to transfer me from the front line to a safe place, otherwise I will not be injured or disabled, so why should I be the administrator of the archives room?

But... in his eyes,

Are you really that afraid of death?

Are you afraid that I will be retaliated against, or that I will die on the front line?

I'm a fucking soldier too! "


Looking at the emotional Qian Jin, Xu Wei looked sad.

There are too many helplessness in the world, but what can be done?

Is it possible to set up a monument for Qian Jin's brother, write down his real name, and then write down his great achievements in re-creating the Moon League?

No, because in the eyes of Xinyuemeng, Qian Jin's brother is a traitor, and Xinyuemeng is extremely cruel to traitors.

Qian Jin took a deep breath, stopped sobbing, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, and he smiled maniacally: "But if you think about it carefully, if I were him, I would probably do the same thing, sir, can you tell me?" It's funny, this is the fucking brotherhood!"

"No matter what, military regulations are like a mountain!"

Xu Wei stabilized his emotions, and his tone became severe again.

Qian Jinzhan straightened his body, his expression gradually regained his composure, and finally said a little lonely: "I am willing to accept the punishment."

"Archivist Qian Jin, the organization has decided to punish Qian Jin with three days of confinement and three months of fined salary! Effective immediately!"

Xu Wei announced in a cold voice.

After that, he turned around and walked towards the door of the military office.

As a result, just two steps away, Qian Jin's doubtful voice sounded from behind.

"Sir, have you been watching in the dark just now?"

Xu Wei's tall back suddenly paused, and then he said in a hoarse voice: "He Feng used to be my chief."


"Xu Wei, director of the military office, was sentenced to three days of confinement, a fine of half a year's salary, and a two-level penalty!

After I punish Ling Hanxing, it will take effect! "

After Xu Wei left a word, he quickly ran towards the gate of the military office.


And at the same time.

In the car in front of the military office, Ling Hanxing carefully took out a USB flash drive, and said to He Mu, who was on the co-pilot: "This is the information I copied, and I took a general look inside. Your brother's death is indeed strange. .”

He Mu raised his heart when he heard the words, but his face changed slightly in the next second.

Because there was an extra soldier outside the car window behind Ling Hanxing, looking at the back of Ling Hanxing's head with indifferent eyes.

Ling Hanxing seemed to be too focused and didn't notice it, and still said to himself: "Did you know that Professor Liu Zhen, who was killed by a giant beast attack, just completed a strategic scientific research achievement the day before the disaster happened?" , the result has not yet had time..."

bang bang bang...

At this time, there was a sound of knocking on the car window.

Ling Hanxing's face changed, and he said to He Mu: "I haven't had time to start, why did you get in the car, who are you? Do I know you?"

"Stop pretending, Ling Hanxing, although the sound insulation of your car is good, I heard what you just said."

The cold voice of the soldier came from outside the car.

Ling Hanxing turned his head, opened the car window embarrassingly, and at the same time quietly hid the USB flash drive.

"Sir, ahem, I'm a fast-talking person, and I definitely didn't mean to reveal the secret."

The soldier looked at Ling Hanxing's face from beginning to end, and didn't look at other places.

After a long silence, he finally said, "Lieutenant Colonel Ling, originally you were going to be court-martialed, but considering that you are not a regular soldier, I decided to punish you directly."

"Then do you want to fine me, or put me in confinement?" Ling Hanxing's face softened a little, and his tone became more confident.

"The military rank will be demoted to three levels, the military merits and contributions to the city of the Red Mist Alliance will be cleared, and they will not be allowed to enter the archives for life."

The soldier said coldly.

Hearing this punishment, Ling Hanxing's expression changed all of a sudden.

"Sir... Is it too cruel to clear the meritorious service and city contribution points?"

The soldier glanced at Ling Hanxing indifferently, then at He Mu on the co-pilot, and said in a deep voice, "Military regulations are like a mountain! How can you be square if you don't follow the rules?"

After that, he turned around, took off his hat, and strode into the gate of the military office.

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