HxH: God Of Choice System

Chapter 319 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

320[Mobius Lake)

At an altitude of several kilometers, a giant bird is flying in the clouds.

On the back of the giant bird, two old men and a pair of young men and women were sitting.

The two old men are naturally Netero and Jeno.

The young men and women were Allan and the door.

Thanks to Netero's bringing Jeno over, Allan and the others can take Jeno's giant bird directly to their destination, the Birukhe Desert.

The Beluga Desert is located in the Locarrio Republic, and the Locarrio Republic is in the Mi-Tnie federal region.

There are several closed countries in this area, such as the NGL Autonomous Region and the Republic of East Gottaw which were successively occupied by chimeric ants.

Due to the invasion of chimeric ants, these two countries have now been taken over by V5.

In addition, there are also the Republic of Sigatoka and the Republic of Hass in the region.

Netero expressed doubts as to why he wanted to go to the Biru Gai Desert.

And this question is answered by Men Qi.

After Menchi's brief description, Netero was surprised that the Biru Gai Desert had access to the outer world.

Allan also took this opportunity to ask Netero about the Dark Continent.

Netero did not answer directly, but first replied: "The world in which we humans currently live has six continents, ten regions, and thousands of countries, large and small.

And these areas add up, all on a huge lake named Mobius.

This lake of Mobius, which carries billions of people, is just a small part of this vast world.

The location of the Dark Continent is just outside Mobius Lake, which is called the Outer World in ancient books.

But in fact, the Dark Continent, like Lake Mobius, is just another small part of this vast world.

No one knows how vast the world outside of Mobius is.

There is no way to know how many areas have life.

Someone must explore and take risks in order to know how vast the world we are in. "

"So, what is outside Lake Mobius? How far is it from the Dark Continent? Allan asked curiously.

Netero recalled: "The land we live on is surrounded by an ocean.

On the outskirts of Lake Mobius, there is a black sea.

Decades ago, I left Mobius Lake, and it took me several months to cross the vast sea before finally reaching the border of the dark continent. "

Hearing this, Allan began to think.

It is now known that the area of ​​Lake Mobius where they live is surrounded by a sea area.

This means that if you want to leave Mobius Lake and go to the outer world, you must theoretically pass through the waters around Mobius Lake.

But the question is, why is there a way to the outer world in the Birugai Desert?

In that desert, is there something like a gate of time and space or a space tunnel?

Now, Allan is skeptical of what Menqi said.

He even wondered if Men Qi had deliberately fabricated a lie to deceive him.

But he quickly overthrew this suspicion.

From this time he and doors to get along with Qi, Qi door of his character has been very understanding.

This woman has never deceived him.

So, Qi door to say should be true, there is no cheating on his possible.

A day later, Allan and doors Qi also Netero ride a giant bird came Jarrow Loca Leo Republic.

There are more restricted in the country, even its own people can not just get involved, only staff official institutions and professional licenses held by Hunter Hunter to enter.

And Lu than the desert, it was planning to restricted areas.

Just because this piece of desert is extremely dangerous and every year there are people missing.

Therefore, this desert is also known as "Lost Land", meaning that once into the desert, will be lost, disoriented, unable to come out.

Despite the rescue team who went in search of missing persons, but did not find.

There are even a rescue team not only failed to find the missing persons, and have actually lost in the desert, it is still missing.

Because there are too many people were missing, so this piece of desert is classified as a restricted area.

In recent years, few people enter.

From the giant bird landed at an altitude of several thousand meters on a hillside town, Allan and doors Qi and Netero trio jumped back from the giant bird.

Allan to Jarrow said: "Father, thank you for coming with us, save a lot of time.

0... ask for flowers...

Jarrow nodded his head and said: "Then I went back, I wish you all the success."

After leaving Jarrow, Qi pulled out a map and looked at the door and said: "Now we are in a special position of the city, from the desert than Lu as well as 20 kilometers away.

We now go to this town looking for a place to stay, and then go to the local farms rent horses, then buy some goods, start early tomorrow morning.

Allan and Netero have said there is no problem, then the three will find a hotel room in town to live down.

Where there is no large hotels, no high-end hotels, car no.

Common means of transport is horse and ox cart.

People living in the house are mostly bungalows, no high-rise buildings.

The standard of living relative to other regions should significantly behind.

Because it is near the desert area, the local water is very precious, poor people can not afford water, only went to a pool outside the ten kilometers away from the town to fetch water.

Qi door've been here before, it is more familiar here.

With Allan and Netero simple introduction about the local situation, with the two came to a farm town, he rented three horses to the rancher.

This horse is not an ordinary horse, but adapted to the desert Samak Sundaravej, you can walk through the desert.

After the purchase of supplies and water good enough, the next morning, Allan and doors Qi also Netero three will set off on horseback.

After they left the local town, starting on the road toward the desert than Lu, met several patrol officers.

The three patrol officers stopped by banning them from entering the desert than Lu.

Allan, Qi door and Netero trio have flaunted their own Hunter License, explain to the patrol officer to enter the desert is to do biological investigations.

Hunter Hunter holds a license to enter the professional world countries prohibit the entry of 90%, and 75% of the area, so the patrol officers could not stop the three entered the desert than Lu, because they have the qualifications to enter the restricted area.

Guard personnel had warned three, desert very dangerous consequences arising from them into the desert need them themselves, if danger, no one will go in to save them, they had better think clearly to re-enter the desert.

This trio just laughed, did not know you. wide,

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