Eighty million possibilities.

From the outside, it seems that Mei, who is in the ultimate form in the Golden Throne of this world line, seems to be covered by herself in various space-time rings all the time.

From a scientific point of view, Mei in this state is like a superposition of countless identical and different individuals, with a "super quantum entanglement superposition" that transcends the space-time axis and cannot be known to the outside world at all!

So, theoretically, as long as Mei in this world line doesn't wake up on her own initiative, I'm afraid no one will wake her up at all.



However, at the same time, May, who is on the normal timeline, feels something.

"...that was just now?"

At this moment, there were some doubts in my heart, but soon, Mei's attention was diverted.

Because at this time, although the people were still in the secret base that once belonged to Anti-Entropy, May also learned the news of the coming of the destiny through her arrangement in the St. Freya Academy.

But May doesn't yet know, at almost the same time, what's going on in the future world line.


However, it is said that the final world line, within the scope of the entire environment with the solar system as the coordinate, suddenly began to clutter each other. An extremely disgusting sense of time and space confusion is directly filling the world!

In an instant, a huge space-time dimension membrane envelops the entire solar system!

In the next second, the various rules, concepts, numbers, and words defined by "people" in the solar system completely turned into chaos.

Obviously, this is an attack from the Honkai side.

——And what’s even worse, this is just the beginning!

In this, with the whole solar system as the central base point, in this large scale relative to the whole universe, a dimensional membrane is formed which is independent of the universe world.

The entropy value of the entire solar system instantly broke through to the limit, reaching a truly astronomical figure.

In this dimensional membrane, in the entire time and space, all regions and all things are forced to be at the exact same absolute temperature! ! !

It stands to reason that this is a situation that will only appear in the final heat death of the universe. At this moment, from stars as small as neutrinos, all the matter in the solar system is decaying and decomposing, and the entire solar system is beginning to disintegrate all the matter at an extremely fast speed. In this way, the final solar system seems to have only the last dead silence - uniform and complete cold, dead silence, and empty space!

But in fact, in the face of this scene, not only Mei in the Golden Throne of this world line is still asleep as if nothing happened, but even one of the twenty super individuals created on the basis of Lei Lü fragments. The girl Guilliman didn't seem to take this level of attack seriously.



From the results, although the solar system was destroyed soon after, but soon, the entire galaxy arm, together with the low protons in the quantum entangled state of all the information in the entire solar system, began to regularly emit magnetic field fluctuations.

"Solar system destruction detected..."

Accompanied by the sound of machinery coming from nowhere.

In the next second, the atoms of the entire solar system began to recover rapidly.

"The space-time ring is woven again..."

That's right, this is the absurd world at the end of the future timeline, with layers of time and space and phases, constantly re-covered and reset.

Fundamentally speaking, if you want to break this Mobius ring, I am afraid that you have to start from an earlier point in time.

At this moment, his eyes shifted to Mei on the normal timeline.


However, Mei, who brought the girl Kaiwen to hear the news and came to join the many Valkyries, witnessed Hollander jump off the floating battleship Hyperion with her own eyes.

The most important thing is that Hollander did not carry any equipment when he jumped from the air, and there was not even a single crack on the slate of St. Freya College Square at the foot of Hollander except for a loud noise when he jumped down. Among them, the physical quality and skills shown by Hollander are really amazing.

[Is this the strongest combat power of this parallel time and space destiny? 】

At this moment, looking at the blond girl in front of her, Mei's mood is a little subtle, or, in fact, Mei did not intend to appear in the eyes of this organization.

After all, in May's personal opinion, Otto, the man who was in charge of destiny in this period, was really not a good person for communication and communication.

However, after all, it was the news not long ago that made May completely change her mind. May knew very well that her plans might indeed need to be changed.

So, by now, Mei is no longer resisting contact with Mandate of Heaven.

【But the problem is... 】

But how should I put it, at this time, Mr. Mei felt that something was wrong with the look in the eyes of the blond girl with a special dull aura.

In fact, May did not feel wrong...

【Is there anything special about this person? 】

At this moment, looking at Mei in front of her, Youlandel couldn't help but think of the strange reaction of the artificial intelligence of the floating battleship Hyperion not long ago.

Well, I want to say here that in a certain Bengbengbeng setting, the artificial intelligence love clothes of the Hyperion battleship are actually a product of the pre-civilization era.

It was only later that Aiyi became Hyperion's artificial intelligence AI after a series of events.

So, here comes the question, to say that Aiyijiang knows Mei

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