In the eyes of the Herrscher, the world seems to be shaking.

For a moment, it seemed that the composition of all things in the world collapsed slightly, and the light between heaven and earth dimmed slightly.

Then, in reality, in the sky above the abandoned city where the Third Herrscher of Mu Continent is located, the invisible and vast magnetic force of the planet under his feet is a human-shaped entity.

It turned out that after the first battle with the Third Herrscher in the South Pole, through the data collected, Mei's understanding of the power of the magnetic field has become more and more in-depth.

Today, perhaps even the Tesla of Xingyue World and the collapsed world combined cannot compare to Mei in the electromagnetic force of the four fundamental forces of the universe.

Therefore, as long as it is within the scope of the earth, the current Mei can even form a temporary body with the help of the magnetic field of the planet under her feet.

There is no doubt that a certain Herrscher girl is indeed dangerous.

Because at this moment, May is ready to make a move.

Although frankly speaking, Mei did not expect that she would meet the Third Herrscher again so soon.

But in the end, reincarnation matters, and May knows how helpful knowledge from other cosmic worldviews can be.

"...Go back, Third Herrscher."

At this moment, Mei, who appeared with the help of the power of the magnetic field, had a tone of indifference as always, but with a will that people could not ignore.

At least, the third Herrscher was slightly intimidated by Mei's, and there may be some Herrscher girls who were shocked by the way Mei appeared.

"...What exactly do you want to do?"

So, the instinctive girl of Thunder Law took a step back.

Of course, Lei Lu girl soon discovered her behavior, and she couldn't help feeling a little ashamed and annoyed.

However, before the girl Lei Lui tried to say something to regain her place, the girl the Herrscher ushered in an unprecedented blow once again.



At the same time, everyone in the Savior Squad did not know that a far-reaching battle was about to break out on the Mu Continent.

"...It was really dangerous just now!"

At this moment, after finally leaving the battlefield, Jiuxiao and others from Penglai Temple, who had just arrived in the mission world and ushered in the face of a nuclear warhead, are still afraid of what happened just now.

After all, if you had not reacted in time just now and faced the explosion of a nuclear bomb less than 200 meters away, even though the Savior Squad who are all seniors will not be reduced, they will be embarrassed and even injured.

"It's all thanks to Hubby..."

Therefore, even Jiuxiao of Penglai Temple, a second-year junior high school student, instinctively patted the girl in the machine armor beside him.

"...No need to thank you, according to Hughbi's calculations, the chance of casualties even if Xiubi didn't act just now was only 2%."

However, the girl of the mecha-type is very calm. Maybe for the girl of the mech-type who came from a world where wars have lasted for tens of thousands of years, everything just now is just the basic operation.

However, just as everyone in the Savior Squad was talking, Reincarnation Space finally sent the follow-up information.

"The plot begins, and the quest world of "Honkai 3: Pre-Civilization Era" is closed and completed. Before the end of the team battle, all reincarnators must not leave the range of the solar system, otherwise, they will be immediately obliterated."

Mission time: Pre-civilization Third Herrscher period.

"Friendly reminder: During this team battle, you can choose a faction to join. Since you are the priority team, you have the right to choose first."

"Main quest: The third Herrscher camp, destroying human civilization.

Reward: 1 SS-level story card for all players, 100,000 reward points.

Failure Condition: The Third Herrscher is killed.

Failure penalty: None.

Main quest: Human camp, stop the Herrscher from destroying civilization.

Reward: 1 c-level story card for all team members, 2000 reward points.

Failure Condition: More than three billion humans are wiped out.

Failure penalty: deduct 2 B-level plot cards, reward 20,000 points

"...Are the main quests of these two factions..."

However, after listening to the main quest, everyone in the Savior Squad couldn't help but feel a little weird.

The main reason is that the quest rewards and punishments for the two mainline factions are too subtle.



Not to mention for the time being how the Savior Squad feels about the tasks given by the reincarnation space.

On the other hand, the battle between Mei and the Third Herrscher is still going on, or in other words, this is already a one-sided crush.

"Turn it around..."

At that moment, with Mei spreading her own magnetic field power, finally, a mutation occurred.

The line of sight shifted to a base located more than 3,000 meters underground in the American continent in this era.

By the way, the American continent in the pre-civilization era was not as lively as the later generations, and it could even be called desolate.

So, in the past, Mei urged Moth Chasing Fire to build a base here, and as for the purpose, it goes without saying...

At this moment, in the all-metal giant box-shaped structure, the dim indicator lights flickered.

The metal hall is so huge that there is no end to it.

Thousands of transparent cabinets that are three meters long, 1.2 meters wide, and 1.2 meters high are placed neatly and half-suspended layer by layer under the support of the alloy frame.

Countless neat pipes that are full of mechanical beauty and can be called the gospel of the compulsor are criss-crossed.

In every cabinet,

There was a clone girl lying down.

The cabinet is filled with transparent

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