Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 226: Feng Yue

The Feng family's residence was already in chaos at this moment, and the power of the protective formation was pushed to the limit.

More and more Zerg rushed over, crawled on top of the light curtain, and devoured the spiritual power flowing in the light curtain.

Standing in the garrison and looking out, those Zergs almost occupied all the field of vision with the light curtain, and many of them climbed into the air. Feng's invested a lot of spiritual stones and released all the accumulated spiritual power, but he could only barely Maintain the power of the large formation undiminished.

But the scale of the bug swarm is getting bigger and bigger. If it continues at this rate, the formation will definitely be destroyed in a few hours.

Feng Yue's face was pale, and it wasn't until then that she suddenly realized a problem. Just as Wujixuan blocked the entrance of her own wormhole, the resident side was attacked by a swarm of worms, causing hundreds of monks to be stranded outside and unable to return to help. coincidence? Someone still planned it all.

It's fine if it's a coincidence, but if someone planned all this secretly, it would be too terrifying.

On the other side, in Feng's insect nest, Feng Lianju, who was summoned, also panicked. If there were no people from Wujixuan, they could still return to the camp, but with people from Wujixuan blocking the entrance of the cave, how could they dare to stand up?

What's more, the bug swarm on their side has not yet been resolved, and they are anxious for a while, but there is nothing they can do.

Time passed little by little.

Three hours later, the protective formation light curtain of Feng's garrison was extremely dim, and it might be broken at any time. Once the formation is broken, the insect swarm can drive straight in. With the current scale of the insect swarm, only Feng's more than one hundred The stay-at-home monks couldn't resist at all.

Feng Yue was cold all over. She never thought that her residence would be compromised in such a way. Fortunately, it was only swept by the swarm of insects, not by monks. If it was breached by monks, Feng's loss would be great this time. .

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a rumbling sound suddenly coming from the rear of the station, followed by extremely chaotic spiritual power fluctuations coming from there.

Many monks of the Feng family were already in panic, and they were all taken aback by such a sudden change when Feng Yue issued the order to withdraw to Kyushu.

No one knew what happened there, but soon, a monk from the Feng family rushed over there, shouting: "Hundreds of monks are attacking the formation!"

Feng Yue felt his eyes go dark, and almost fell to the ground.

At this juncture, hundreds of monks came to attack the garrison? Which force is it?

It's over, it's over! She was just glad that the resident was only breached by the swarm of insects, but now it seems that things are not as simple as she thought.

With a loud bang, the formation shattered, and the Zerg that was oppressing the light curtain of the protective formation in front of the garrison fell to the ground, and more Zerg rushed into the garrison, and the sound of rustling and crawling was heard. in the ear.

"Go back to Jiuzhou!" Feng Yue almost gritted his teeth and issued such an order, and then hurriedly ran towards the Temple of Heaven's Mystery.

At this moment, quite a few monks of the Feng family, who saw the situation was not good, rushed towards the Hall of Mysteries, and one after another figure rushed into the Hall of Mysteries, and retreated to Kyushu with the help of the pillar of Mysteries, but those who saw the opportunity quickly were a minority after all, and more monks had not had time to react .

When they ran to the square in front of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, hundreds of monks rushed over from Ulala in front, all of them were murderous, the leader was riding a big snow-white tiger, waving a long knife in his hand, a monk from the Feng family had his head high fly up.

There is also a fiery red streamer flying beside this person, it is the streamer of the imperial weapon at first glance.

It was a young man that Feng Yue had never seen before. The aura on the young man showed his cultivation at the seventh level, but the purity of that aura was something that Feng Yue had only seen in his life, even in those monks in the Yunhe state of the sect. , She has never seen such a pure aura.

With her own eyes, she saw this young man slaughtering all directions, a sixth-level cultivator of the Feng family didn't even block him with a single blow.

The young man also spotted her, and his four eyes met. The young man's eyes lit up, as if he had seen some surprise, he flew directly from the tiger's back, and the bright sword flashed in front of Feng Yue.

This knife didn't kill Feng Yue, it wasn't because Feng Yue had the ability to block the knife, because when Lu Ye rushed towards her, the woman was short, her legs were bent, and she simply knelt down on the ground, At the same time, he shrank his neck like a turtle.

Lu Ye had calculated everything, but he didn't expect the other party to respond like this.

The Panshan knife cut across the top of the opponent's head, cutting off a few strands of hair.

Since entering the Lingxi battlefield, there have been a lot of monks who died under Lu Ye's knife. Some of them lost their lives before they could react, some fought to the death and refused to retreat, and some begged for mercy before they died, but the number was not many. It is said that if the two sides of the hostile camp fight against each other, if one side is not the opponent, there is basically no way to survive, because begging for mercy is useless.

But it was the first one to kneel down as straightforwardly as this woman!

This woman is still a seventh-level cultivator, which is why Lu Ye saw the other party's bright eyes. At the seventh level, this woman is either Feng's guard envoy or deputy envoy. Since she is staying at the station, all the good things must be on her. , as long as you kill her, it's all mine!

But the woman's reaction confused Lu Ye, and he forgot to change his move just now.

With his figure down, Lu Ye looked down at the woman kneeling in front of him. Her face was as pale as paper, she knelt her head on the ground, and stretched her hands, because this movement made her seductive figure outlined by her close-fitting dress. Take the soul.

Lu Ye raised his saber to slash. Although he was stunned for a moment just now, since the opponent was at the seventh level of the Feng family, he would naturally not show mercy. Putting on such a defenseless look would only make it easier for him to slash the opponent. head.

"I am a medical practitioner, this fellow Taoist, please forgive me!"

Lu Ye's raised knife stopped, and he frowned.

There is an unwritten rule in the Lingxi battlefield, that is, if the two warring parties can not kill, they will try their best to save the life of the other party's doctor.

Lu Ye didn't know about this before, but now he is also the guardian envoy of the Jade Blood Sect's resident, and he has a lot of contact with Shuiyuan and the others on weekdays, and he has learned a lot of common sense on the battlefield. Shuiyuan once specifically asked him to I'm afraid he also saw that his little junior brother was a bit murderous.

The reason for this rule is that firstly, the number of medical practitioners is rare, and secondly, because most medical practitioners are not good at injuring others. Most of the time, it is to save people and heal injuries. In the comparison of the combat power of monks of the same level, medical cultivators will always be at the bottom. Three times, they will save the lives of enemy medical cultivators, and they can also heal the wounded monks of their own side.

Back in the Xieyue Valley, when Pang Dahai pointed out the division of factions with Lu Ye and Yu Xiaodie, he also told Yu Xiaodie that as a medical practitioner, even if he was captured by the people from Wanmo Ridge, he would not need to Fear of being killed.

The two camps have been fighting each other for so many years. Although each other wants to rub each other on the ground, this unacceptable rule has always been maintained. This is also to try to avoid the reduction of the number of doctors on both sides.

Doctors are hard to come by, if you die too many, it will be troublesome to find someone to heal your wounds in the future.

Lu Ye understood why this woman fell to her knees when she disagreed with her. It turned out that she had the identity of a medical practitioner.

The long knife in her hand chopped off, and with Feng Yue's exclamation, there was a sharp wound on her arm, and blood flowed out, staining her clothes red.

"Prove it to me!"

Feng Yue quickly straightened her upper body, resisting the excruciating pain, raised her other hand to cover the wound on her arm, and the spiritual power as soft as water began to surge.

Lu Ye couldn't help but click his tongue, he is really a doctor.

"Chen Yu!"

Chen Yu, who was leading a large group of Jade Blood Sect disciples to resist the insect swarm, jumped back when he heard the sound: "Here!"

"Look at this woman, if there is anything abnormal, kill her!"

Chen Yu glanced down at Feng Yue, and said, "Yes!"

Lu Ye rushed forward, ran two steps and then turned back and said, "By the way, hand over the storage bag on her body, and also, ask her if she has anything valuable here."


After Lu Ye left, Chen Yu looked at Feng Yue who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "Get up, you should have heard what you just said, give me the storage bag!"

Feng Yue untied the storage bag resignedly, and handed it to Chen Yu, but she didn't get up, but raised her head and looked at Chen Yu pitifully: "I'm a little weak, can you help me?" Saying so, he took the initiative to extend a hand to Chen Yu.

The feeling of escaping from the dead was really terrifying. The effective methods used to deal with men in the past were useless in front of that boy. The way that guy looked at him did not have the look that a woman should have.

Looking at the soft and boneless white hands, Chen Yu's mind was agitated for a moment, but after looking up at Lu Ye who was killing the insects over there, he shook his head firmly: "No, get up by yourself."

Feng Yue got up slowly with a resentful expression on his face.

Chen Yuning said in a loud voice: "I warn you not to play any tricks, take me to find your valuables, hurry up!"

Saying so, he pushed Feng Yue who was dawdling, and Feng Yue let out a moan, which made Chen Yu's bones brittle...

The garrison was captured, the people were captured, and now they have to take them to find valuables. Feng Yue felt bitter, but he finally saved his life.

In the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, Hua Ci withdrew his hand, and said to Cao Huahong who was waiting beside him, "Senior Brother Cao, please."

Cao Huahong laughed: "Then I won't be polite!" As he said this, he put his hand on the Tianji Pillar and plundered the remaining blessings as much as he wanted, his eyebrows beaming.

He is the deputy guardian of Wujixuan. Before Lu Ye asked Ding Yushu to lead people to block Feng's wormhole, so that hundreds of people from Feng's family could not return to the camp, so he discussed with Ding Yushu and captured Feng's wormhole. After stationing, divide the blessing of Tianji Pillar equally.

Since they worked together, it is naturally impossible for the Jade Blood Sect to eat alone.

While the cultivators of the Jade Blood Sect were waiting, Cao Huahong rushed to join Lu Ye and the others.

Now he just took a trip and got a lot of benefits. This kind of thing is hard to find even with a lantern. I thought it was no wonder Senior Brother Ding respected the two of Jade Blood Sect so much. He also heard about what happened in the sea of ​​chess Well, the reason why the Haotian Union can turn defeat into victory is all due to the advantages accumulated by the two Jade Blood Sects in the early stage, and now they have gained so many benefits from here, it seems that they need to get closer to Jade Blood Sect in the future.

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