Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 201 Deserved

"How?" Lu Ye humbly asked.

"The function of the fruit core is not fixed. Some cores have this effect, and some fruit cores have that effect. There is a sect in Tianzhou who once obtained a fruit core. After using the core, it will connect them. I found an unknown small world, and there is a top-grade spiritual vein in that small world, which is full of top-grade and top-grade spirit stones, and its value is immeasurable."

"There are also fruit cores that can allow people to enter a very wonderful state of cultivation. In that state, whether it is practicing magic or doing anything else, it will get twice the result with half the effort."

"More fruit cores can be sold directly to Tianji Treasure House, starting with one hundred thousand merits!"

Lu Ye was shocked by this number, one hundred thousand meritorious service, how many merits are counted as fire in the heart of the earth? And this is still a starting number, maybe even more than one hundred thousand.

"There are also fruit cores that can be placed in some magic circles as the core, which can increase the power of the magic circle several times. There is a second-rank sect in the core circle, so they are destined to get such fruit cores. Their family's magic circle is the entire Lingxi The most powerful formations of all the sects on the battlefield are those of the first rank that cannot match."

Li Baxian and Feng Yuechan talked about the various functions of the fruit core, and Lu Ye was greatly surprised. This kind of treasure that only Qidao can produce is really extraordinary.

This place was originally occupied by the cultivators of Wanmo Ridge. If there is no accident, then the Haotian Union will never get their hands on this sago fruit tree.

However, the outstanding performance of the low-level monks this time made the wishful thinking of the Wanmoling side come to naught. In the past few days, the monks of the Haotian League, led by the strong people in the inner circle, swept the state and land layer by layer. Killed countless enemies, and completely drove out the monks who were entrenched here in Wanmo Ridge.

Seeing that the treasure that was about to be obtained was robbed, the Wanmo Ridge side was not reconciled, and had organized several strong attacks before, but the number of low-level monks and high-level monks on the Wanmo Ridge side is far less than that of the Haotian Union. Can it be attacked?

On the contrary, many people were lost.

Now that Li Baxian and Feng Yuechan are here, Wan Moling dare not come here presumptuously.

It is foreseeable that the following days should be very peaceful. Haotianmeng will stay here and wait for the fruits to mature, and will not take the initiative to attack again. Even if Wanmo Ridge is jealous, it can only swallow its anger.

The battle to defend Lingxi is coming to an end, but before that, Xiguo can mature.

"There are only nine interest fruits. How do you divide them among so many sects?" Lu Ye asked doubts in his heart. Everyone would definitely want such a good thing, but low-level monks are not very competitive. There is a fight here, and the distribution is based on strength. If this is done, it will only give the Wanmo Ridge a chance to sneak attack.

"Generally, bidding is adopted in this situation." Li Baxian has obviously experienced many such scenes, so he explained to Lu Ye: "The envoys of each guard bid on behalf of their respective sects, and the one with the highest price wins. The sects are equally divided."

"That's okay." Lu Ye nodded. This method is very fair and reasonable. Presumably those sects that are not competitive are willing to do this. No matter what, they can share some benefits.

As time passed, many people in the Haotian League were recovering from their injuries, but most of them were gathering in twos and threes to discuss matters.

This kind of situation where many sect guards and deputy envoys gather together is very rare. The Lingxi guard battle is an opportunity. Almost all sects that have a station in the Lingxi battlefield will participate. If there is any cooperation or important matters between them, they can discuss here, and even sign a contract of alliance here.

Guardian envoys are qualified to conclude the contract of alliance sects, but such conclusions are limited to the Lingxi battlefield. If two sects want to truly become alliance sects, they need the head teachers or sect masters of their respective sects to come forward.

Lu Ye and Huaci's side was also very lively, and many acquaintances ran over.

At this moment, Lu Ye is playing with a small and exquisite mechanical creation. This thing is a ball with a pair of small wings that can fly. There are two crystal-polished eyes on the surface of the ball. Explain the principle of this mechanism creation.

Gadgets are not very useful, they can be regarded as a special kind of spiritual weapon, which can be released by monks after refining to observe some dangerous places.

"Brother Yiye, if you are interested in this Dao, come to Qianji Pavilion when you have time." Lu Yushan warmly invited them, and the friendship between the two can be regarded as a fateful friendship, and Qianji Pavilion has never meant to cherish its own inheritance. Because Yanshi has always been a small sect, and each generation of Qianji Pavilion masters has taken this sect as their own responsibility, so the gate of Qianji Pavilion has always been open to the major sects of the Haotian League, regardless of their origins, as long as they are against Yan Anyone who is interested in art can go to Qianji Pavilion for further study.

Therefore, in the entire Haotian League, although the Qianji Pavilion is not high in rank, only a mere eighth rank, it has a wide network of contacts. In the nine continents of the nine states, each state has many sects who have signed an alliance with them.

However, Yanshu pays attention to a talent, so even if Qianji Pavilion has worked so hard for generations, the number of Yanshi is still very small, especially after the cultivation base is advanced, the number of Yanshi has declined sharply. The main reason is that Yanshi's external force Dependence is too serious.

When their cultivation base is not high, they can use all kinds of magical mechanism creations to exert their strength far beyond their own, but if they do this for a long time, it will definitely be detrimental to their own cultivation.

It's not that Qianji Pavilion is ignorant of this disadvantage, but there is no way to solve this kind of problem. The fundamentals of Yanshi doom them to spend a lot of energy on mechanism creation.

There is also a school of beast control that has the same experience as Yanshi. There are very few people in this school. They mainly control beasts. They have chosen a monster of their own destiny since they were young, and they eat, live and live with the monster. , it can be said that they regard monsters as their lifelong partners.

Whether it is the Yanshi School or the Beast Control School, although they belong to the minority, they are definitely not easy to provoke, and they can often defeat the strong with the weak. Their strength is related to the creation of institutions and the monsters that control the emissaries, and they can only be judged from their cultivation base They can't show their true skills.

"Brother Lu." Lu Ye suddenly remembered something, "Do you have a big guy with a big shape that allows monks to stay inside and cooperate to kill the enemy? It doesn't have to be a beast, but a human shape is also acceptable. Yes, um, preferably in human form."

"You mean Yanjia?"

Lu Ye suddenly became interested: "Really?"

"Yes, but I can't make that thing now, and I need to continue to practice." Lu Yushan smiled, "When I can make it someday, I'll give you one."

"Then thank you Brother Lu first." Lu Ye looked forward to it.

Yanjia... I don't know if it's the same as what I think, but it's a good thing.

This time in the Lingxi garrison battle, he opened his eyes a lot. The more he understood, the more he discovered the unfathomable depths of the practice world.

Although the gathering place was lively, they did not let down their vigilance. Ten miles away from the Xiguo tree, there were ghost cultivators hiding their bodies and monitoring the surroundings, so as not to be attacked by the people from Wanmo Ridge. Although this possibility is not great, it should be Those who are on guard still need to be on guard.

At a certain moment, the fruit fragrance suddenly disappeared, and the monks who noticed it looked towards the sifruit tree one after another, only to see that the fruits over there were already ripe, and nine blue fruits were hanging heavily on the branches.

At the same time, the barrier that had been lingering around the fruit tree disappeared instantly.

The reason why the Wanmoling side did not destroy the Xiguo before being repelled was mainly because the Xiguo tree has natural protection. There is a transparent barrier next to the fruit tree. This barrier will always exist until the Xiguo matures. If you lose the fruit, you can't get close to it.

Otherwise, when the situation in Wanmo Ridge is not good, how can it leave such good things to the Haotian Union? If you can't get it, you can destroy it.

Pairs of eyes stared at each other, and everyone's eyes were full of longing. Although the uses of the breath fruit core were strange and strange, all of them were of great use, and even the worst ones could be sold to the treasure house of heaven's secrets for a hundred thousand meritorious service.

It can be said that every interest fruit is of immeasurable value.

Desires return to desires, but no one goes up to pick them up. Anyone who dares to act rashly at this time will be killed immediately and turned into scum.

"Li Daoyou, please!" Someone suddenly said.

A group of people cast their eyes on Li Baxian one after another.

Li Baxian smiled slightly, and clasped his fists in all directions: "Then respect is worse than obedience!"

With a leap, he stood in mid-air, searched among the nine fruits, and didn't know if he saw any difference, so he took one off, took out a wooden box, and put it away carefully.

Immediately afterwards, he came to Lu Ye and handed over the wooden box: "Junior Brother, Junior Sister Hua Ci, this is yours."

Lu Ye looked at him in astonishment.

Li Baxian said with a smile: "This time you and Hua Ci have made such a great contribution, the major sects can't just thank you verbally. It was discussed before, and you will have a share of the fruit."

Meng Si also looked at Lu Ye, nodded and said: "This is what the Jade Blood Sect deserves, please accept it."

Lu Ye glanced over and saw pairs of eyes full of smiles and approval.

This sudden happiness surprised Lu Ye a little. He naturally wanted such a good thing as Xiguo, but the fourth senior brother said before that they would adopt an auction to determine the ownership of Xiguo. The monks here represent their respective sects. The door bids, the highest bid wins.

The Jade Blood Sect is now a dying population. Apart from a few small fish and shrimps and a few spiritual peaks, there is nothing good in the sect. How can there be capital to participate in such an auction?

He originally thought that it would be good to share the proceeds of the auction with everyone, and that should be a big gain. Who would have thought that such a good thing would actually happen to him.

This time Lingxi guards and Jade Blood Sect have made great contributions. Without the team of monks gathered around them, there would be no current situation. When Qidao completed the final fusion to form the state land, those senior monks were avoiding Wanmo Ridge One side's pursuit, even Li Baxian brought dozens of people to join Lu Ye, not to mention other people, it was the battle of the low-level monk team on the periphery, which extinguished the arrogance of the Wanmo Ridge side and restored the decline .

For such a credit, verbal thanks are no longer enough to express the gratitude of the various sects, a fruit is the real thing.

As Mengsi said, they deserved it.

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