Human Shackles

Chapter 2 Food

Luo Kai had solved them all in less than ten seconds, and then looked expectantly at the fierce-looking jailer outside the iron gate. Sometimes the jailer would be kind enough to give him an extra bowl of gruel, but today the jailer was obviously not in a good mood and faced him. He spit a mouthful of phlegm at him, cursed and left with his rice pail.

Luo Kai expressionlessly wiped the phlegm on his forehead, sat back down, closed his eyes deeply, and tried hard to return to sleep. It was not just that life in sleep was too beautiful, but every time After dreaming, he would feel that his groggy head became clearer and his resistance to hunger became much stronger.


Just when he seemed to be asleep, a weak rat scream came from beside him. Luo Kai did not open his eyes. He had already blocked the rat hole tightly, and the iron window of the cell was nearly two meters high. , the smooth granite wall is impossible for mice to climb up.

This big mouse has been here for three days, and it will gradually become as weak as him, and finally become a delicacy in his stomach. In a trance, Luo Kai returned to his dream, and his mother was preparing to make his favorite white cut. Chicken, but the old-fashioned farmhouse stove could not light up the fire, and he was anxiously circling in front of the pot...

"Boom!" The ear-splitting thunder sounded, and the cold wind wrapped with icy rain blew in from the iron window. Luo Kai woke up with a jolt, stood up in a hurry, raised his feet and put his mouth to the window , he quickly accumulated a large mouthful of water, and after the cold rain entered his stomach, it turned into a warm current to moisturize his body.

He greedily drank the rainwater until his stomach could no longer hold it. This kind of heavy rain was so rare that he only encountered it three times in the nearly one year he was imprisoned.

After drinking, Luo happily moved to a position out of the reach of the rain and prepared to continue sleeping. At this time, the mouse poked its head out, walked carefully to the place soaked by the rain, and gently licked the wet ground.

When he saw Luo Kai looking at it, the mouse did not run away like before, but stood there shivering. Through the dim light shining through the iron window, you could see its small green bean-like eyes. With a hint of fear and pleading.

It was hard to imagine that a mouse's eyes could express emotions. Luo suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. He struggled to get up and reopened the mouse hole that he had sealed with stones, and then slowly retreated. go back.

The mouse hurriedly rushed into the mouse hole. After a while, it poked its head out again and squeaked at Luo Kai twice before disappearing.

Luo Kai secretly smiled bitterly. He didn't know how long he could live, but he still had the leisure to act kindly. He stepped forward to cover the mouse hole, then returned to the corner and curled up and fell asleep again.

The days of silence and despair seemed to have no end. After more than a dozen days and nights, Luo Kai felt that he was getting weaker and weaker, and even peeing became difficult. Through the reflection of the yellow urine in the urine bucket, he saw in front of him a skinny and mummified corpse. The figure's long-term inactivity has caused his muscles to atrophy, and severe malnutrition has also caused some of his organs to fail. He doesn't have many days left!

Late that night, Luo Kai woke up on time. Although sleep could escape reality, it could not relieve his body's weakness. He wanted to continue working, but he could no longer drag his tired body...

Luo Kai looked at the pale moonlight outside the iron window with empty eyes. He was originally a professor in a university. Later, he moved into the business world and went through many obstacles all the way. Finally, in his forties, he became an executive of a large enterprise. He was already considered a senior executive. A successful person, but behind these four words, he has sacrificed too much, including ideals, marriage, family, and even the bottom line of human nature... The past and present life passed through his mind like a fleeting cloud, which is in line with the old saying: "The things of the world" A big dream, a few cool autumns in life.

He sighed secretly in his heart. He should have died when the plane crashed. There was no point in surviving for such a long time. Death might be the best relief for him. Instead of starving to death, he might as well commit suicide. .

He slowly took out the iron awl from his armpit. This iron awl had been sharpened over the past few days when he found it while digging the tunnel. He took a deep breath and pointed it at his chest... …


At this moment, a weak rat squeak suddenly came from the floor beneath him. The sound was inconsistent and intermittent.

Luo Kai put down the iron awl in his hand and looked around blankly. Hungry made his thinking slow. After a long time, he remembered something and moved his body hard to reopen the stone slab covering the rat hole.

The big fat mouse came again. Over the past ten days, it had grown bigger again, and its gray fur reflected a satin-like luster in the moonlight.

Luo Kai's throat twitched and he couldn't help but swallow.

The mouse peered around, and when it saw Luo Kai, it squeaked slightly at him, then retracted back into the mouse hole, and when it came out again, there was already a small salted fish in its mouth.

Just like this, mice kept coming in and out, and soon Luo Kai was filled with all kinds of food, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com There are small pieces of bread, naan bread, bacon, and smoked fish.

After finishing the work, the big mouse half sat on the ground in a humane manner, sticking out his tongue and breathing heavily.

The food in front of him made people feel dizzy. Luo Kai rubbed his eyes, and then pinched his waist hard. The insignificant pain proved that he was not dreaming.

The mouse gently pushed the food towards Luo Kai with its head and squeaked twice, as if to say, eat it quickly.

For a person who was about to starve to death, nothing was more important than food. Luo Kai tremblingly picked up a piece of bacon and stuffed it into his mouth. The waves of satisfaction coming from his taste buds told him that this was really not a dream.

The food entering his stomach immediately aroused a gastric acid reaction, and waves of warmth rose from his stomach and quickly spread throughout his body. His body seemed to belong to him again.

It was too quiet late at night, so he didn't dare to make too much noise, or even chew. He swallowed whatever food he wanted directly into his stomach.

Life seemed to be getting better, and the mouse would bring some food every few days. Although it was not much, it brought Luo Kai back from the edge of starvation.

This young body is infinitely stronger than his previous body that was hollowed out by wine and sex. His weak body recovered quickly, and his confused head became sober. With the strength, the efficiency of tunnel excavation instantly increased countless times. , within a few days they dug more than ten meters until they were blocked by a granite foundation.

The granite foundation is very long and deep, and he is not able to break through it at all. Moreover, the soil here is soft. If the route is changed, there is always the danger of landslides in short or long distances.

It took Luo Kai more than a hundred days and nights to excavate this tunnel. Now all the efforts seem to have been in vain. Destiny is always so unpredictable, and the hope that was originally born was once again shattered.

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