Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 25 Marine Civilization

New Year 0301 AD.

"God had three hundred queens back then, so there must be a certain number now." Zhong Qingyu planned to find more fairy grasses and embarked on a journey.

New Year 0305.

After three carpet searches, the harvest is not small.

Of course, she carefully bypassed the capitals of the three kingdoms, not daring to approach them, even the slave dynasty that had no power.

That Emperor Shi Guangzhi, who had killed the three great emperors, claimed to be benevolent and upright, but he was too good at this kind of thing. Who knows if he released false news, saying that he didn't get power, and seduced people to die?

If the opponent is angry, going deep into the opponent's capital by himself is no different from sending him to death!

"After collecting 5 plants, I can't find them anymore. Is this the limit?" She pondered in her heart, with great joy, "This is enough to create 5 Zhuwus!!"

This is not actually the limit,

For the fourth batch of servers this time, the supply quantity is relatively unlimited.

The reason why she couldn't find it was because a certain immortal who traveled around the world started to act earlier than her. That person plucked all the goose, and she just picked up a few leftover weeds.

And this "plant" not only includes terrestrial plants, but also marine plants.

When it grows randomly on land, it is basically picked up, but when it grows in the sea, it is not pulled out.

So over time, there are more and more servers in the sea, and finally 1,000 servers are concentrated on the seabed, and the land never appears again.

New Year 0311 AD.

People were horrified to find that a terrifying mysterious monster was born in the ocean, like a shadow in the deep sea, attacking the passing fishing boats.

Human beings find themselves no longer at the top of the food chain.

The three major powers unanimously stopped their internal fighting and focused their attention on the sea.

Because a huge sea monster appeared.

New Year 0313 AD.

The fishermen in some fringe areas of the Bronze Kingdom were unable to go to sea, and the ignorant people chose to offer sacrifices, and a wave of waves in the city intensified, "In order to beg the forgiveness of the sea god, we must offer sacrifices!"



The city lord was furious in the city lord's mansion.

He is a scholar from Bronze Jingshan Temple, how could he believe such a stupid thing?

But there is no doubt that the monster possesses power comparable to their emperor.

After some hesitation, he finally compromised, but it was not cruel and heartless, "Send the condemned female criminals in the prison to the seaside, and send them to feed monsters as living sacrifices."

"Yes, my lord."

"Wait." The city lord stopped the other party again, "Just in case those condemned prisoners swim away, they will be beheaded directly at the seaside, cut off their heads, and throw them into the sea together with their bodies as sacrifices."

The mayor thought very clearly.

However, his decision will completely change the fate of the entire human history.

In the distant future, he was reviled as a sinner of history by some radicals of later generations. When he was old, he finally couldn't bear the condemnation of everyone and hanged himself in the study.

Pooh! The head was chopped off, and blood spread everywhere.

The heads and corpses were thrown into the sea, and the blood spread in the sea water.

A shadow of a deep-sea wriggling giant slowly approached, stretching its soft tentacles to grab the corpse, and suddenly a strange scene appeared, one of the eight tentacles of the octopus sucked the woman's head, the woman His head slowly opened his eyes.

"who I am?"

An octopus has one main brain and eight attached brains, and the eight attached brains are on each arm, and one of the arms and legs is attached to a human head as the auxiliary brain, which seems to have undergone a different change.

New Year 0318 AD.

The sea monsters became more and more terrifying, as if they possessed wisdom, and attacked humans on the coastline in various ways.

Seaside You Country has the largest range of coastline land and bears the brunt of it!

Some fishermen even said that they seemed to see a crude undersea building kingdom in the deep sea.

People saw the most terrifying shadow king of the deep sea, a huge octopus with a human head on each of the flesh suckers of the eight tentacles, each with horror, joy, joy, numbness, and anger.

The Bronze Kingdom, the Slave Dynasty, and the Seashore Nation began to send envoys, the unprecedented first meeting of human civilization.

"A new civilization has emerged?"

"A second civilization different from ours?"

"They're growing!"

"Cancers, big fish, and conchs are invading the coastline and preying on humans!"

In the end, the meeting reached an agreement to form a world alliance.

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. We humans will use the coastal country as the frontline battlefield. The Bronze Kingdom and the Slave Dynasty will send soldiers and troops, scholars, to the frontline to support!"

For the first time, humanity is united under external pressure.

Deep inland, the slave dynasty without a coastline also chose to agree, because Emperor Shi Guangzhi knew that this was not only about the survival of human beings, but also the best opportunity to divert attention.

Over the years, other countries have tested them, and they have become increasingly suspicious that they do not have repressive-level force.

"My country agrees."

"My country also agrees."

Soon, under external pressure, the first great union in human history appeared.

The three major powers took out their accumulated historical materials one after another, and the wisdom of countless strong people gathered, and civilization exploded.

New Year 0325 AD.

The emperors of the Three Kingdoms integrated "Wizhu Shiqi Theory", and the practice method has advanced by leaps and bounds.

New Year 0327 AD.

One of the four strongest emperors, the Black Copper Cloud Crab God attacked the seaside port, and the huge crab claws cut off countless mortals. Witchcraft, "Grasp of Returning to You" affects the energy of heaven and earth, with a huge momentum, crushing the crab shell and repelling the giant beast king.

On this day, the seaside country officially comprehended their research route: entraining Qi method, drawing the Qi of heaven and earth, truly swallowing wind and breathing, and launching an attack.

In August of the following year, in the midsummer, the Bronze Emperor led the Bronze Jingshan Temple to study the corpses of monsters on the coastline. With the help of the ascetic monks, he finally developed a witchcraft weapon and also stepped out of a new realm.

Everything is only the slave dynasty, there is no breakthrough.

It seems that they have no coastlines and no wars in the last regional countries, but in the eyes of discerning people, they seem so unnatural.

"If this continues, our dynasty will perish."

As a mortal, Emperor Shi Guangzhi was already an old man. He was too tired these years and had no real combat power, so he could only procrastinate in various ways.

But other countries are developing rapidly, only their own

On the throne, the elderly man held a golden scepter, looked at the empty and gorgeous palace, and thought about the past.

He thought of the weird gestures made by Emperor Shi Guang Changshou before his death, his life of rebellion, and even the tea shed at the beginning, and the traveler he met.

It was a windy day and the sun was scorching. The man with the mole was drinking tea and chatting with himself.

"The things you fought so hard for are often by your side." He seemed to hear that gentle figure bathed in the golden sun, looked at the top of the tea shed, and once again whispered in his ear like the god of fate.

He suddenly thought of something completely, and suddenly walked out of the palace, walked up the wall of hundreds of stones, and looked down at the tea shed in those days. The weeds were of the same species, and he finally knew what the look in his eyes meant.


He suddenly laughed heartily, "The man with the mole of tears."

On this day, divine power descended from heaven and returned to the slave dynasty again.

Zhu Zhengwei didn't want to pay attention to what kind of life, death and tribulation they went through in the war.

I wish Zhengwei is interested in the advancement of civilization and the birth of the extraordinary!

"Finally united. Sure enough, throughout history, human beings are such a kind of animals. They still have to let go of some pressure. They stopped fighting among themselves and took out the materials and data they could come up with to integrate their spiritual cultivation system. , deduce the progress of civilization!"

"Wars and disasters are catalysts for sand table civilization!"

Zhu Zhengwei was in the dormitory with two sand sculpture roommates playing on the computer, glanced at him, feeling vaguely excited, this was the first time he had the sweetness of making trouble, "It seems that this kind of thing will be done more in every civilized era in the future !"

He scratched his head, then thought about it again, "Witchcraft has begun to become orthodox, and even the Bronze Kingdom has produced a soul witch weapon. Isn't it that I can use it in reality?"

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