How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 87: feast of creation

In the evening, the white armored cavalry from the palace brought Horst's invitation—or a notice.

The first day of each year is called Creation Day, which is an important festival for the Solan people.

Horst's invitation at this time is reasonable.

"Tomorrow, please come to Her Royal Highness."

The white armored cavalry emphasized that their voices were cold and impersonal.

The white armor he wears is the unified configuration of King Solan's guards.


Consciously conveyed it in place, the white armored cavalry salutes and bid farewell, just turning around, they see Mortis standing by the door with a sword in both hands.

He paused: "Commander?"

"It's hard for you to remember me, boy." Mortis didn't give this person any face, "However, I can't bear this commander, if you don't mind the trouble, call me 'Your Majesty', how is it?"

“…Your Excellency.”

The white armored cavalry looked at Mortis vigilantly from under the helmet, said nothing more, and walked away quickly.

When the others walked away, Eleuil asked, "You know him?"

The captain of the Guards shrugged: "I used to work under me, and I was able to fight. I don't know when he joined Horst. Anyway, he joined the Guards a few years ago."

"What is his name, Niwin or Niwa? Forgot."

This information is enough.

Niwei, the current commander of the Guards who is rumored to be very skilled, once saved Horst's life in an assassination operation, and is deeply trusted by him.

Such a person will be sent to inform her, which shows that Horst attaches great importance to tomorrow's Creation Day banquet.

Eleuil tapped the armrest of the seat casually, and suddenly sneered.

If Horst can reach an agreement with the diehards, then there is only one possibility, one that is good for both of them, but not good for the princess.

And the feast of Creation Day is obviously the best opportunity for them to reach out.

Eleuil's slender fingers were raised, their fingertips closed, as if to crush something.

—don't even think about it.

Lotus leaned on the other side of the low table and lowered his head to read a book, a shadow suddenly fell on the page, and a long black hair fell in front of him, straight and soft.

Lotus looked up.

The princess didn't know when she stood up, and half leaned over the table, her eyes drooping slightly, staring at her silently.

It was a little closer, and I could almost feel the other party's steady and regular breathing, slowly falling.

Luodasi's eyelashes blinked extremely fast, too fast to be ignored: "Huh?"

"I want to borrow your name." Eleuil suppressed her voice, revealing her secret earnestness, "Just tomorrow, can you?"

"Okay." Luo Das agreed without asking the princess what her intention was in borrowing her name.

Eleuil smiled softly, straightened up, sat back on the chair, and brushed the slipping hair back behind her shoulders.

Yuguang swept across Luodus' waist inadvertently, but there was no sign of carrying the mirror, and his eyes softened.

For some reason, the bronze mirror that inexplicably attracted her when she was a child was especially annoying when it was placed with Luodus.

This is probably something of a god?

Eleuil didn't think much of it.


The next day was bright, and the door of the princess' mansion was open, and a carriage bearing the royal coat of arms drove out.

There are only two people in the carriage, namely, Luo Das and the princess.

On this occasion, even the princess can only be followed by one person. Lena and Mortis will also be present, but not as personal guards, they will sit at the same level with their military titles among the ministers.

The carriage went all the way to the north, but it did not drive towards the palace, but in the direction of the temple complex.

As the royal city of Solancia, Aht City has the largest and most complete temple complex in the country.

Eight main **** temples of the same size are located in the center, forming a standard circle, while some **** temples with more beliefs are built outside the center circle, radiating in all directions, but Accidentally did not follow the principle of symmetrical beauty.

If you can overlook it from the sky, you will find that the entire temple complex is a star with a large area, with a center and irregular edges and corners, and it seems to follow some strange law. Gives a quiet shock.

The nobles and officials who attend the banquet will come here first, because before the banquet, it is more important to sacrifice to the gods.

The festivals of ancient Solan are basically related to the gods. The same is true for the creation day called God's Christmas by folks. The festivals and prayers are also indispensable.

Only, on other festivals, it is usually the priests of various temples who preside over the sacrifices, and on this day, King Solan himself is in charge.

Eleuil stood in front of many nobles and watched the ceremony.

Having presided over the ceremony for several years, Horst was very familiar with it. He was wearing a complicated and complicated gold dress, holding sacrificial objects, and his expression was solemn and pious. He looked quite like So what happened.

At this time, the statues of each of the main gods were carried out of the gate of the temple, and an altar was placed in front of them. The exquisite candles were placed in the center of the altar and were not lit.

Lighting the candle is Horst's task.

Starting from the king of the gods, the **** of the sky, who is independent of the Seventh Day, Horst held a torch, lit a candle, recited verses of praise aloud, and from the priest behind him Take the offerings in their hands and enshrine them on the altar.

The next major god, Suriel, the sun god.

The offerings were performed in the order of the sundays. When Horst stood in front of the statue of the river goddess, Luo Das heard the princess curs something in a low voice, roughly meaning…

"He deserves such a hypocritical guy?"

The corners of Luodus' mouth couldn't help but smile, she raised her head slightly and looked at her idol.

This statue is taller than life, and with the base at the bottom, the hanging hands are almost level with the top of Horst's head.


The only similarity is that cool and peaceful look.

Lotus: "…"

She suddenly felt that if she changed back to the deity here and took off the iconic ornaments such as Xuetu, I am afraid that no one in Aht City would be able to connect her to the goddess of the Ilu River together.

Eleuil also looked at the statue.

At a certain moment, she remembered that she had hid behind this statue a long time ago, leisurely eating figs, and avoiding the harp lessons learned by noble girls.

The temple musicians searched all over this place, but no one thought that the princess would hide here.

This is an interesting story worth sharing, but Eleuil turned her face to the side and realized that she tried not to talk about her childhood for a while.

Luodus cast a questioning look.

Ai Liuyi paused and whispered: "You haven't used your body to see me for a long time."

In fact, it is the body that is always by your side.

Luodus was silent for a moment: "Then enter..." Dream.

Eleuil quickly looked away, pretending nothing happened.


Luodus was amused, so she let her reveal the matter.

The sacrificial ceremony was over, and everyone present came forward to present bouquets to the main gods of their beliefs.

Flowers that bloom only in winter, bundled with ivy branches, are the most suitable offerings for Creation Day.

Eleuil placed the bouquet in front of the statue of the Goddess of the River, and swept her eyes to confirm that she was the freshest and fullest of all the bouquets, with beautiful flowers and leaves.

She nodded secretly, bowed to the statue, and turned to Luodus: "Let's go."

"Next, it's time to go to the palace."

It was the afternoon, the sun wheel was still a long way from the western horizon, and the palace banquet hall was already ready for the upcoming dinner.

In the hall with only a few people.

Horst, who hurried back to the palace ahead of time, changed out of the complicated robes during the sacrifice, with a smile on his naturally upright and resolute face, but his eyes were quite impatient.

In front of him, several old men wearing ministerial robes had bright eyes.

Most of them have gray hair, and the youngest is a year older than Horst. Just looking at the clothes and expressions, you can see a stubbornness and old-fashioned energy.

For Horst, the stubborn old people are the most difficult part of the Wangcheng power system, they are old, stubborn, not easy to cheat, the key is that they still have actual power - these old stubborn They all came from powerful nobles.

"Your Majesty, this is what we negotiated, you won't regret it."

One of the old men squinted and looked suspicious.

Horst laughed: "I never go back on my word, let alone this is a good thing for us, how can it be pushed out. Don't you believe me?"

The old man also laughed: "How dare I question what Your Majesty said. However, does His Royal Highness know about this?"

"I'll find out tonight." Horst's expression didn't change.

The old man seemed to disagree, but scattered footsteps sounded outside the banquet hall. It was the group of guests who had just arrived.

Several old men exchanged glances and walked to the arranged seats, waiting for Horst's answer.

It didn't take long for the banquet hall to fill up.

The position of Luo Das and the princess is the first on the right. Turning his head and looking up, it is Horst. Across the wide singing and dancing venue, directly opposite is Romul.

With such a seating arrangement, if the queen's psychological quality is slightly poor, it is easy to eat at the banquet, and the taste is the same.

Lotus glanced at Eleuil.

The latter has a calm demeanor and a natural behavior. The expression of Horst and his son is the same as when he sees the diehards—there is no turbulence, but his eyes are looking at the air.

She waited for Horst to speak.

As expected, halfway through the banquet, when the musicians and dancers left the stage, Horst cleared his throat.

"Eleuil, I remember you being an adult, right?"

Princess: "Yes."

"Most girls of your age are engaged." Horst said sadly, "Unfortunately, Brother Wang is no longer there, so I can't help you. As an uncle, I should also take care of it. take this responsibility."

"—My son Romul, who has not been married yet, his mother has been worrying about this, I think it is time to reassure her."

"What do you think of Romul?"

Luodus raised his head suddenly, frost in his eyes.

Under the table seat, her fingertips clenched unconsciously.

The author has something to say:

Horst, a **** who likes to step on thunder with precision.


Thanks for the thunder cast by Zhouxia Yunying, my heart!

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