How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 24: goodbye signal (1)

The time goes back to the day before the festival.

After Eleuil made the deployment, she sat at the table and fed the golden eagle sisters fresh meat. When she saw the head of the one turning towards Luodus, she handed the meat slice to the mouth of the other one. , Strive to catch their eyes with food, don't reach out to Luo Tusi where to ask for touch.

Luodasi's attention was all on his own thinking, completely unaware of the turbulent undercurrent next to him.

After a long time, she said to the little princess: "It only takes a miracle, and the charges that Qiang An gave you will be self-defeating. Why don't you mention it to me?"

Eleuil turned her head and looked intently at the incarnation of the gods in the world: "Are you going to perform a miracle for me?"

Lotus: "As long as you want."

The little princess couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth: "It's still no, otherwise it will appear that I am too spoiled and arrogant."

Luodasi pursed her lips slightly: "No."

"I am very happy with your words." Eleuil said lightly, "Tomorrow will be the moon god, I still want to see the festival that belongs to you, I will definitely better."

As she said that, an undisguised yearning appeared in her eyes.

The ceremony of the goddess of the river has to wait for more than a year, and before that, Luodus is probably no longer with the little princess.

She subconsciously did not look at Eliuil's bright eyes, and said softly: "Tomorrow is the most suitable time."

Why doesn't Eleuil know?

The accident at tomorrow's festival will naturally arouse the associations of those present. They don't care what motives the two plan to destroy the festival, it will only be regarded as an additional topic.

The hapless princess with the blood of sinners".

At a time like this, a miracle is enough to set the tone for a rumor.

, choose the right time to hand my token to you."

"Miss Messenger?"

"Well, Miss Courier."

The deity of the gods has said this, and there is no reason to refuse, Eleuil readily accepts.

—That’s why this scene under the moonlight came into being.

The blue heron converges its wings and hangs its slender neck in front of the queen. The flower it holds is in the other's hand, and it is held in the palm of the hand in a precious and precious way.

The flowering period of snow tea is only in spring and summer, but this flower is clearly in full bloom, and each petal is white and moving, fresh and elegant.

Not only flowers, but the blue heron, regarded as the messenger of the goddess of the river, should not appear in the city of Tigbia in winter. Stay on the cold frontier.

Do the messengers and symbolic flowers that appear against the law of seasons mean the favor of the river goddess?

Everyone can't be sure, they can only see that at this moment, the black-haired girl's golden eyes are as bright as stars, her slender fingers caress the down feathers on the back of the blue heron's neck, and she smiles and whispers what.

The arrogant birds that have never been close to humans bowed their heads, unbelievably tame, and the light of the moon and lamps reflected the white wings, as if they were plated with a layer of light gold.

There are many poets and painters who participated in the festival of the moon god. They originally came to praise the moon god, but they were involuntarily deeply attracted by the picture in front of them. However, any language and brushstrokes seem to be unable to restore the scene One percent mysterious, magnificent and shocking.

Even so, they still do their best to record it, the paintings can only be kept by the powerful, but the poetry is widely circulated with the footsteps of the bard, which may be the countless legends of the Queen of Destiny the beginning of —

However, reality is often not as good as imagined.

The little princess is indeed smiling and whispering, but the content of the words is not suitable for outsiders to hear:

"Thank you, Miss Messenger, I miss it after a long time. Is your master nearby? I haven't seen Luodus since the festival started..."

The beautiful blue heron as the messenger of Luodus is indeed tame and bowing her head, but what she thinks is:

I often touch the head of the little princess, and in turn, it feels a little subtle to be touched by the neck feathers. By the way, is the highlight time enough now, can it fly away?

After staying for more than ten seconds, Luodus consciously built his momentum and flew away. He turned into a disguised human figure in a secluded place outside the square, and calmly mixed into the crowd watching the festival.

The blue heron left, and the scene remained silent for a while, until the city lord Heffitt took a deep look at Eleuil and signaled to the chief priest: "Continue the festival of the moon **** first."

The chief priest cleared his throat and announced: "The ceremony continues, the glorious goddess Amira, your loyal servant will offer you a rich sacrifice..."

Eleuil's attention has been completely taken away from the festival, her eyes are busy wandering in the crowd, and finally found the figure of Luodus in a relatively dimly lit place.

The little princess winked at her.

Luodus laughed, and the sense of alienation faded a little.

Eleuil is pleased with the results she has created.

After a long series of ceremonies, the Luna Ritual finally came to an end. The chief priest was old enough to preside over the whole set and was a little powerless.

He turned to City Lord Heffitt and said in a hoarse voice: "Lord City Lord, those two people who are disrespectful to the Moon God will be handed over to you, please be sure to strictly follow the law."

Heffett said briefly, "I will."

The chief priest salutes: "May the benevolent goddess Amira bless you."

He leaned on a cane, stepped aside, and urged the young and strong priests to place the incense wood on the float.

Hefeit walked to the other side and stopped in front of the little princess.

"I agree to your request. After a few days, I will send someone to take you to the barracks," he said.

"Thank you, Lord Heffitt."

"Don't thank me, this is the right you fought for yourself." Hefeit didn't know what to think of, sighed, and looked at the little princess more gently, "If the previous king is still there, Proud of you too."

Eleuil: "However, before I leave, I have something to discuss with you."

Heffett was taken aback: "What?"

Eleuil did not speak, and looked around in a circle.

Hefeit responded: "This is really not the place to talk, please come with me."

Eleuil handed over the evidence of the city lord Katiera's various violations of the law and greed over the years to Heffitt.

It also includes evidence that the city owner of Catiera colluded with several businessmen, who conspired to make more money by illegal means, used power to suppress competitors, and even killed people.

It was a coincidence that the name of the Caravan of Cara was listed in the long list of collusion—yes, it was the businessman who tried to sabotage the festival.

Hefeit took over the evidence. He looked fine at first, but his expression became darker as he went to the back. He was an upright city lord and could not bear the existence of such a pest in the area under his jurisdiction. .

"This is what you collected?" Heffitt took a deep breath and asked.

Accurately speaking, it was given to her by Luodus, but it certainly cannot be said. Eleuil said solemnly: "I have tried it too, but unfortunately I don't have that ability yet. The evidence was handed to me by a nobleman in Katiera. Take him down."

Heffitt: "So it is."

"How are you going to punish?"

"Such a person is not worthy of being the lord of a city." Heffitt paused and asked his staff, "What does the law say?"

Staff: "Article 5 of the Law, Military and Political Chapter, as an official colluding with businessmen, corruption and bribery, if the crime is serious, he should be deprived of his position and aristocratic status, and he will act as a commoner."

Hefeit waited for a long time, but did not wait for the second sentence: "This is the only crime?"

Pushed, according to the law can not be counted on his head."

Heffitt: "...Forget it, this one is enough."

Eleuil listened quietly for a while, then suddenly interjected: "What if you add the assassination of the royal family?"

"He also assassinated you?!"

"Yes, but it didn't work," Eleuil said briskly.

Heffett and his staff looked at each other and said in unison, "Death."

In the time of Gussolan, there was no concept of centralization.

The seat will be taken back from this family.

And within the jurisdiction of the main city, the city lord has considerable power, including the appointment and removal of officials in the secondary city.

Next, liquidate one by one.

The only difference is more or less.

Some people still think about asking for mercy for the city lord of Catiera, so that no one can help when it is their turn in the future, but when this person's guilt is placed in front of all the nobles, they can only silence.

Too many, too greedy.

This person has always shown a good-natured, fat, and good-natured temper. Who would have thought that he would do so many feats in private?

Ashamed, they are ashamed.


In the Temple of Katiera, the priestess still recited praises in front of the statue. She was not the only one in the worship room, but also her daughter Rhea.

Just now, the priest mother and daughter received a letter from the city of Tigbia, written by the princess herself.

She said in the letter: I have been allowed to enter the army, everything is fine, the Lord Heffitt will clean up the silverfish in Kadera, from now on, Kadera under the protection of the goddess Luodus will be back to harmony.

The messenger also brought back the news of Eleuil at the Luna Festival, about how she found out the merchants and priests who intended to destroy the festival, and about how the messenger of the river goddess came to the scene, The snow tea in full bloom is given to the queen.

The priestess said with relief: "His Royal Highness will not be willing to stay in the temple all the time, I knew from the first time we met."

But she did not expect that this child would grow up so fast, and the small temple could no longer provide shelter for her, so she could only hope that she would go further and achieve her wish smoothly.

Riya raised her head and said in a thin voice, "Mother, what else can we do?"

The stern face of the priestess rarely showed warmth: "My whole life is destined to stay in the temple of Katiera, this is my beginning and my destination. But Ruiya, you are different ."

"Huh? But I..."

"The goddess Luodus chose you, and you are destined to be her priest. Kadeira is too young. If you want to conform to the will of the goddess, you must go further."

Ruiya bit her lip unconsciously, and there was anxiety in her eyes.

Although she is no longer the little girl who stammered when she spoke, but at this time, it is inevitable that she lacks confidence.

The priestess raised her head, stared into the eyes of the god-like blue chalcedony, and said slowly: "Our family has been in Catiera since the birth of Solancia, and our belief has remained unchanged from generation to generation. Moving away with the royal family, and unwilling to upgrade to a higher-standard main city or even a royal city temple... These are never in accordance with the wishes of the goddess, but out of our own perseverance."

"And now is the time to take that step. Can you? Rhea."

The timidity of the little priest gradually dissipated with the words of her mother, and she was replaced by a firm color. Perhaps there was still confusion about the way forward, but in the face of absolute piety, she was nothing.

She said solemnly: "I will do it."

Riya was born in the temple, grew up in the temple, the first word she can say is not even "mother", but the name of the river goddess Luodus, the belief in the gods has long been rooted in Bone blood.

She has no ambition, and if anything drives her upwards, it must be constant piety.


In the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord of Catiera has long since lost the generosity of the past. He grabbed the corner of the man in front of him and begged humbly: "You save me, please help me to tell the adults, As long as Heffitt doesn't kill me..."

The man's face was hidden under the hood, and he said coldly: "You are not careful, and you want to drag the adults into the water?"

"How can this be, I obviously-I'm obviously obeying your orders-"

The man smiled and said softly, "Listen to us?"

The city lord shuddered, the words stuck in his throat, and he didn't dare to spit it out.

"Listen, if the adults are involved in your troubles, I guarantee you will regret not going on the road." The man patted the city lord on the shoulder, "That's right, I remember correctly. If so, you seem to have a daughter?"

Cheng took the initiative to move the corners of his mouth, silent for a long time, his expression changed, and then he let go of his hand as if he was venting his strength.

“…Talsa is young and she is not guilty.”

"Rest assured, we'll settle down."

The man turned around and walked out of the door without hesitation.

This extensive liquidation continued until the beginning of the second year. The city lord of Cadella was stripped of his position and noble status, his family members were treated as civilians, and he was escorted to Tigby. Yacheng, where his execution will take place.

The owner of the Caravan of Kara was also executed on the same day. He was punished for both bribery and collusion with officials. Not only was the death sentence to be imposed, but all his family property would also be returned to the city treasury of Tigbia.

The high priest who accompany him has been executed in secret after the incident last year. As a priest, he is disrespectful to the gods, and his sins are added. The people in the temple do not want him to live longer.

Let the Ilu River send his undead upstream, and see how death will judge this sinful soul.

This time, the executions of the merchants and the lord of Cadella are public.

In addition, with the pleasure of revenge and hatred, they will rush forward and trample the businessman's body when the execution is over.

People who have nothing to do with themselves are just watching the fun, and by the way they talk about the rumors they have heard.

"The Caravan of Kara has always been fearless, so what happened this time, don't provoke any nobles."

"Your news is too late, this person tried to destroy the Luna festival last year, and also wanted to put the blame on others, and was exposed on the spot! If it was not involved in the matter of the city lord of Katiera, he would He died last year, how can we wait until now."

"Oh, it was revealed by the queen, it seems that someone told me."

"Sinner Serena's daughter? She herself is a sinner, can she also go to the festival?"

After a brief silence.

"What nonsense, how can the darling of the Ilu River goddess be a sinner-"

"You haven't heard that the messenger of the goddess Luodus gave her a snow flower in public. It was winter, and it was a miracle of the goddess!"

"I was just outside the square, I'll tell you..."

In the middle of the crowd, the red-haired boy stared blankly at all this.

He couldn't understand why things had changed so drastically in just two months?

When I left, I didn't forget to scold him: "I don't want to stay with you for a long time to attract people's hatred. If it wasn't for your father's deed, who would want to be used as a punching bag by you every day, and as a lackey by others? The retribution is still to come, I'm waiting to see you fend for yourself, little master!"

Thinking of this, the red-haired boy shuddered.

Yes, those pariahs will not miss the opportunity when they see that something has happened to his family.

He has to hide himself first, and when he forms a big caravan like his father in the future, he will come back and beat all these people to death!

The red-haired boy pulled down his hood and quickly left the noisy crowd, but his red hair was too conspicuous, and a few strands were exposed, making it difficult to ignore.

In the crowd of onlookers, several civilians with eyes full of hatred waved to each other and followed silently.

What happened in the city of Tigbia, Luodus did not pay attention to it anymore, at this time she had entered the military camp with Eleuil.

Even for Eleuil, joining the barracks has to start from the bottom, but in the end, it is based on the identity of the princess, which means giving the position of a small captain.

In this case, ordinary scribes could no longer follow the princess, so Luo Das changed her body and became a female cavalry in the royal guard.

Even on the back of a horse, Luo Das's cool and indifferent temperament did not change at all, and even the horse was brought to a stable, long ponytail hanging solemnly behind him Shake it.

She didn't learn equestrianism before crossing, but as soon as she saw a horse, she naturally turned on its back, as if her body had a memory.

When Luodus rode on the horse for the first time, Eleuil looked at him curiously: "So you can ride a horse, is there a horse in the kingdom of the gods?"

Luodasi, who has never been to the kingdom of God, did not change his face: "Yes, but it is not a mount of God."

"What is the mount of the god?" Eleuil remembered the description in the mythology and paused suspiciously, "Oh, your mount is a giant fish in the Ilu River."

Lotus: "…"

Lotus kept smiling: "Yes."

The largest freshwater fish in the world lives in the Ilu River. The Solan people call it the giant fish. They are two meters long when they are not grown, and their broad scales usually show a pale moon. White, slender and beautiful fin tail.

These fish rarely come to the surface, and no one knows where the upper limit of their size is.

Outsiders regard them as water monsters lurking in the deep water, but the Solan people think they are the embodiment of the spirit of the river, the mount of the river goddess, and even the goddess herself can transform into a giant fish. , diving in the water.

In this regard, the river goddess herself refused.

Eleuil misunderstood her silence, imagine the picture of the goddess riding a fish in the mirror-like clear blue river, it seems that there is no violation, but it adds a certain A magical sense of divine beauty.

So the little princess said sincerely: "You look good on a giant fish."

…Luo Das didn’t want to know what the kid was thinking.

Lotus rolled over and dismounted, and the grey horse happily came over to lick her hand.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Mortis immediately put his arms around the horse's neck affectionately, ignoring the gray horse's struggling neigh, pulling the reins to lead it away. While walking, he said, "Tsk tsk, horse, I'm here to save you."

"Mortis, what are you muttering about here?"

A hearty female voice came from far to near.

With a dagger, and occasionally a trick, handy.

This female cavalry is the only daughter of the city lord of Heffitt, named Lena, who joined the garrison when she was an adult, and ten years later, she has been promoted to the deputy commander of the Third Frontier Corps .

Compared with other countries, the status of Solanchia women is quite high, women can join the army, but in the end it is limited by the times, promotion is always more difficult than men.

Under this background, Lena has been able to reach the present step by step without relying on her father's power. It is conceivable how strong her ability is.

Lena walked to a few people, looked at Mortis, who was alone with his arms around the grey horse’s neck, and looked at Eleuil, who was holding Luodus’s arm, and raised her heroic eyebrows: "Your Highness, are you... practicing horsemanship?"

Eleuil immediately denied: "No, Mortis is communicating with the horse, and my teacher and I happened to pass by."

Mortis was stunned: "No, me and the horse - let go!"

Before he finished speaking, the gray horse lowered his head and chewed his hair happily.

Lerna shook her head sympathetically: "It's a good mood to be so happy at an age."

Mortis rescued his hair and complained, "I'm only thirty-eight, Deputy Head Lena, and you are only ten years younger than me."

Lena rolled her eyes: "I was wrong, your tone sounds only eight years old."

Mortis and Lerna don't get along.

It's not that they can't deal with each other like the drama of happy friends, but they really don't like each other. Mortis feels that the other party has robbed Her Royal Highness the position of trusting the elders, and Lena feels that the other party will also Looks bluffing, the rest is really unreliable, it is better to let Xian.

After going back and forth, Liangzi is formed.

Eleuil watched the battle indifferently, and smiled when she looked at Luodus: "Let's go, teacher."

Luodus: "Yeah."

The real and only reliable river goddess is also used to seeing this kind of scene, and can't help but worry.

The adults around the little princess don't seem to be worthy of trust. Is there really no problem after she leaves?

At this time, Lena's mind jumped out of the childish sarcastic dialogue, and returned to before being pulled into the low-age band by Mortis, calmly said: "His Royal Highness, today's routine regiment The discussion is over."

Speaking of the business, Eleuil's smile settled down, and said solemnly: "How is it?"

"They decided to send someone to ask for more troops." Lena said, "The situation is indeed unusual, although the Sanur people have never been known to be safe, but this time they jumped too high. already."

The Sanur are nomads living on the plateau outside the northwest of Solanchia. Because of their decentralization, they cannot even be called a country, but at most a union of tribes.

In stark contrast to the loose system, is the strong fighting power of this nation.

The Sanur people are burly, warlike and cruel. They were born in the cold and barren wasteland. They covet the rich land and products of the Solan people, and from time to time they will loot on the frontier.

When Solanchia's national strength was prosperous and the people were prosperous and soldiers were strong, Sanur migrated to the depths of the wasteland, restraining the pace of plundering, so as to avoid confrontation with Solan's army.

And when Solan's national strength weakens a little, they will quickly arrive, looting, and sometimes try to occupy the city and invade the interior, which is more than a vulture who smells blood quick.

But no matter whether Solan is strong or weak, their plundering operations will never be completely cut off, especially in the cold winter—

From a certain point of view, this is also a helpless move. If they do not plunder the supplies, the Sanur people will die in the winter. The low-status serve as meat reserves.

Such a nation that retains many primitive customs is the enemy that the border guards of Tigbia face all the year round.

It is the turn of winter and spring.

It stands to reason that by this time, Sanur's plundering operations should gradually decrease, but they did not. Their actions gradually became reckless, as if they were testing the response of the border guards.

Lena sighed: "I've been here for ten years, and this is the first time I've seen such a situation. I heard that it means that the Sanur people think that we are easier to bully now."

"They will soon realize that they came early." Eleuil said, without elaborating.


After a brief chat, Lena said goodbye and left, and Mortis had to leave soon. This is the camp of female warriors, and he may be beaten if he stays.

The sky was getting dark, and the soldiers who were practicing outside returned to the camp one after another, and dim candlelight lit up in the simple and practical tents

In one of the tents, which was not very conspicuous from the outside, Luotas held a small pottery pot and carefully applied medicine to Eleuil.

Eleuil buried her face on the pillow and refused to look up.

On the exposed honey-colored skin, bruises and bruises can be seen everywhere, and some lacerations are broken, especially on the back, wrapped in gauze, making the little princess look miserable and pitiful .

The reason why Eleuil didn't spend time on martial arts today was because of the injuries she had left when she first came to the military camp.

The barracks field is completely different from the ordinary training ground. When the little princess encounters an evenly matched opponent, she has a strange madness of exchanging injuries, and it becomes more and more obvious here.

The result is blue and purple, and red on the back.

When fighting, she didn't say a word, as if she didn't feel the pain. When she saw Luodus after the scene, she started humming, and she couldn't bear the slightest pain. Neither is laughter.

"You told me you've grown up." Luo Das pressed down on a bruise, ruthlessly ignoring the little princess' groaning, "You are So sensible?"

Because her face was buried in the pillow, the little princess's voice was sullen: "Everything always has an accident."

"Yes, it's an accident that the military doctor advises you to rest in peace."

"..." muttered.

Luo Tus thinks it can't be done, so he has to reflect on himself.

Give believers an oracle, and believers will even retaliate. This **** is too imposing.

Unable to hear Luodus speaking, Eleuil was a little flustered, worried that she was really angry, and immediately said with a correct attitude: "I must pay attention next time."

Lotus sighed.

Next time it must be equivalent to I know, but will I pay attention next time? Unknown.

After applying the medicine, the little princess still lay prone on the bunk, motionless.

When the heat on her face subsided, she sat up, covered her chest with her clothes, and looked at Luodus quietly.

After all, I've never heard anyone blush because of their piety.

When the injury is healed, Eleuil will officially start daily training.

She kept her promise to "be careful next time", and occasionally got hurt during training, but never to the same extent as last time.

Barracks life is more honed than you think.

When she was in the Katiera Temple, Eliuil's strict control of time was quite close to militarized management, but she was here for a month, far more than her training for three months. .

Until one day, the team of the little princess was about to set off to attack and kill the Sanur who looted the nearby villages and towns. When everyone was ready to go, the staff of the legion commander found her.

Eleuil: "Is this the order of the Legion Commander?"

The staff paused: "No, just my opinion."

Eleuil: "Sorry, as long as it's not a military order, I must go."

The staff has no choice.

He thought, the big deal is to arrange for other soldiers to watch her, lest something really happen, and when this little girl has really experienced the battlefield full of blood and death, she will not make trouble again .

However, that night, the legion commander read the military merits reported below, was silent for a while, and handed the thin piece of paper to his staff.

The name of the princess appeared on the paper, and her record was attached.

A hundred meters away, an arrow pierced the throat of the enemy leader.

Even though the opponent was just a small army of Sanur looting in nearby villages, and even though it didn't even qualify as a battle, her record was enough to make anyone look at her.

This is just the first time the princess has set foot on the battlefield.

The staff were speechless.

The commander shook his head: "It seems that we all underestimate this princess."

"What should I do in the future, stop her from going to the battlefield?"

Staff: "…"

I suspect you are connoting me.

At the same time, in the tent at the other end of the camp, Eleuil also said to Luodus: "No one will stop me in the future."

The light like broken gold flashed in those eyes, she murmured slightly in a trance: "I don't like the battlefield, and I don't hate..." - but she enjoyed the moment of killing the enemy.

This is not normal, and it is not suitable for the ever-pure river goddess to know.


Luodus touched her hair and accidentally touched the ear hidden under the hair.

The little princess who was immersed in **** thoughts just now and was about to turn in a strange direction suddenly bounced.

Lotus: "?"

Eleuil covered her ears and froze in place. After a while, she coughed uncomfortably: "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Luodus didn't care either, she looked at the little princess with complicated eyes, as if she saw a cat whose ears flicked when touched, ah, not only flicking ears, but also It will suddenly jump up like a cat.

Sure enough, from childhood to adulthood, only the cat-like thing has not changed much.

After this attack, Eleuil participated in several small battles, and once went to another camp as reinforcements and made many achievements.

In a sense, she was born for the battlefield.

There is only one thing that makes the Queen unhappy.

At this time, the attack was rampant, and she could only lead the ten-man team assigned to her by the legion and obey the command.

The little princess can learn to obey, but she doesn't like being ordered.

So, even if it's just to make herself comfortable, she has to take every opportunity to climb up.

With the accumulation of military merit, Eleuil was successfully promoted to the squadron commander, and he had a hundred men under his command, and he was on the same level as Mortis.

Mortis: "I have a premonition that I will be surpassed."

Lena disagreed: "His Royal Highness is very powerful, but it will take some time for me to be promoted again. It took me three years from the squadron to the brigade."

Mortis said deeply: "You don't understand. The only experience I have learned during this time is, don't use common sense to measure Your Highness."

In the early summer of that year, Eleuil led a squadron of 100 people, taking advantage of the terrain and a sudden torrential rain to besiege nearly a thousand Sanur people.

Several Sanur people escaped by chance, one of them turned back while running, and in the dense rain curtain, the figure that was extremely petite and slender compared to the people around him came into view.

She drew her bow and arrow, aiming in her direction.

—This is the last picture Sanur's deserters saw before he died.

That winter, the legion commander handed over the captain's token to Eleuil.

"As far as I know, your Royal Highness joined the army in order to accumulate enough military merit so that you can return to Acht." The exile's standard of atonement has been met, so do you have any plans to go back?"

Eleuil smiled and said nothing.

Nearly a year of fighting on the battlefield has made her temperament show a sharpness that cannot be hidden, but this sharpness is not enough, and it needs more polishing, dyeing and honing again and again, Until it becomes a more restrained and more dangerous force.

She didn't speak, but the regiment commander seemed to have received an answer, pinched his beard, and left with satisfaction.

After being promoted, he was supposed to get a long vacation for the soldiers to go home to visit family, but Eleuil saved this vacation to the second year.

"Early spring next year, ice

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