How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 204: Extra one

Spring, an ordinary morning.

Sunrise and birdsong wake up the whole city. In the center of the royal city, the magnificent palace group stands majestically.

This sprawling complex is waking up with the city.

Cooing sound.

The sun shines through half of the room through the linen veil, and also on the drapery of the large four-poster bed in the center of the room, with the gentle warmth of spring.

After layering the curtains, Luo Das woke up on time.

The silver-haired **** slowly sat up and looked aside, Eleuil opened her eyes at some point, turned her face halfway, and looked at her with a smile.

Since the official coronation, Queen Solan's affairs have become more visible to the naked eye.

If it were a normal day, at this point in time, Eleuil was already dressed and went out, and the work place was either the royal court or the government office.

The queen will handle affairs efficiently until noon, dine with Luodus, and continue to work until the end of the day's political affairs, usually this time will not be delayed until dinner.

The next time is free to arrange, generally used for physical, archery and swordsmanship exercises, as well as entertainment and relaxation, Eleuil especially loves two-person entertainment.

At the end of the day's schedule, you have to go to bed before midnight to ensure adequate sleep.

Although in theory, the queen is a demigod and is so young, she no longer needs to care about health maintenance, but the habits of the previous years are still retained, her work and rest is very healthy .

Of course, the above is a daily schedule for working days.

But today is different, this day is the fixed day of January 1st in Solanchia, which means that Eleuil is on holiday.

His Majesty did not get up early during the holiday, nor did he take the opportunity to sleep more, Eleuil half leaned on the soft pillow and looked at Luodus without blinking.

"It's gone again."

She sighed in a low voice, a little regretful.

Luodus said warmly, "There's nothing you can do about it."

What they are talking about is some kind of traces made during two-person entertainment. I have to say that the kind of bruises and red marks on the body that wake up early in the morning will basically not appear here in Luodus.

It was Eleuil that faded more slowly...

Luodus raised her hand and smoothed the queen's hair, covering the long hair behind her shoulders, and her honey-colored skin was printed with a little red, like petals falling on honey satin.

Eleuil grabbed the wrist, kissed her fingertips, and licked the tip of her tongue.

"I'm off today."

The hidden meaning is obvious.

Luodus paused for a while, and suddenly heard a thudding sound from outside the window. The divine power instinctively sent back a sense. It was the golden eagle sisters who were impatiently waiting for breakfast, knocking on the edge of the window with their beaks. .

"The sisters have to wait. And seriously, are you not hungry?"

"Hungry, so I have to feed me before thinking about them. Let's hurry up, shall we? Lotus."

The river goddess indulges the young queen's morning turbulence.

When the two masters of this palace finished their entertainment and opened the windows, the golden eagle sisters got their wish and got fresh meat.

During breakfast, a personal guard reported that the former crown prince Romul left the royal city this morning, and someone followed him secretly, so he could keep track of his movements at any time.

Luodus looked at Eleuil, who had no expression and only responded lightly.

To speak of Romul, one must mention his father.

Before the war ended, Horst was imprisoned in prison, and it was not until after the war that stability was restored. A few days before the coronation of Eleuil, he was escorted out of prison, and he was announced against him and the murder of the former king. The disposal results of the relevant personnel shall be implemented immediately.

Horst, as the mastermind and the ultimate perpetrator, committed a heinous crime, Eleuil ordered him to be taken to the tomb of the former king and his wife.

Horst probably knew that he was going to die.

Eleuil didn't answer, only showed a cold and murderous smile in Horst's eyes, in the eyes of the editor who suddenly panicked and regretted, he raised his knife and cut him down 's head.

Horst will not have a funeral, his body will be sent directly to the unnamed cemetery on the outskirts of the city, the unbaptized soul will be trapped in the body, and there will be no way to return to the underworld and enter reincarnation.

As the brother of the editor and an accomplice in the murder, Taz could not escape his death, even if he made contributions in the recent war.

Erruel made it clear long before he was activated that the merits and demerits are not equal.

Taz peacefully accepts the death penalty.

He can be baptized and buried as a general after his death.

Those who were dealt with together, as well as those involved in that year, were punished separately.

In addition, it is Romul that cannot be avoided.

Romul did not participate in the events of the year. As the crown prince, he had no faults, but his father was Horst.

For this reason, even if Eleuil does not execute him on the spot for any reason, the noble ministers will not raise objections, and maybe they will help find reasons.

In the end, the verdict for Romul was - exile.

Deprived of royal status, exiled from the royal city, and not allowed to return to Acht for the rest of her life, and cannot be pardoned under any circumstances.

This judgment is not harsh, and it is relatively light compared to Romul's identity.

After the trial, Romul and Eleuil had a brief conversation.

"Sorry," Romul said.

Eleuil was unmoved: "If it's for Horst, take it back, I don't accept it."

Romul smiled wryly: "No, for myself. For my stupidity, blind faith and ignorance."

"Even if His Majesty does not announce this sentence, I will have no face to appear here again... In the future, I will probably become a bard, walk as much as possible, see as much as possible, and also for the sake of My father made atonement."

At this point, this revenge after nearly 20 years has finally come to an end.

The day after Eleuil's coronation, the souls of the former king and his wife returned to the underworld with the **** of death and entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Although there is still nostalgia for them, they will no longer worry about it. Everything about Eleuil is very good, far exceeding their expectations, whether it is intelligence, ability or love.

The late king and his wife left in peace.

And today, Romul left the royal city, according to the verdict, he will never be able to return here.

As a matter of fact, as soon as he regained his pre-God memory, Luodus realized that Romul's appearance was eight-pointed like that of Eleuil's former city lord brother.

According to Suojia, the **** of death Emmet and the reincarnation of the underworld were born within a few decades of the establishment of Solancia, and the time when the first generation of King Solan died can indeed enter the reincarnation .

Similarly, the petite girl who was rescued by Rhodes thousands of years ago and later became the first priest of the river goddess is the ancestor of the priestess of the temple of Katiera today.

And Ruiya, who came from this line, is almost exactly the same as that girl.

Are Ruiya and the girl the same soul?

Is Romul the reincarnation of the first King Solan, or is he just similar in appearance?

These two questions may only be answered by the **** of death, but neither Luodus nor Eleuil, who also recovered the memory of the previous life, did not ask.

Not necessary.

This is different from Eleuil's situation. Queen Solan has never entered reincarnation. She and Luodus have slept at the bottom of the Ilu River for thousands of years, and their memories are only sealed rather than washed away, and their essence has never changed.

The news of Romul's departure from Acht did not make Eleuil feel anything. She ordered the follower to continue to follow, and regularly reported the whereabouts of the former prince and put it aside.

Retire with personal salute.

When he straightened up, he thought he was very secretive and glanced at Luodus.

After the divine marriage, Luo Das continued to stay in the palace as a Lorca maid.

In her opinion, even if she doesn't make it clear, at least the maids who take care of the daily life in the bedroom and the personal guards who follow the queen all day will notice the relationship between "Lorca" and the river goddess contact between.

But I don't know since when, the maids of guards guessed it, just guessed in another direction-they thought that the lady Lorca had become the descendant vessel of Luodus.

If it wasn't for the day of the divine wedding, Luo Das personally came forward, maybe someone would guess even more outrageous, for example, the river goddess is just a shield, and your majesty and Lorgar are true love and so on.

In short, the inside of the palace now believes that Luodas is the Luodas, but it has not been confirmed, it is not good to call the goddess directly, so simply call "Your Excellency", "Sir", whether or not No disrespect to the gods.

It was Tina, Mortis and other old people around Eleuil who vaguely realized that this female official lady, who has hardly changed since she realized it, was probably the goddess of the river or her incarnation from the beginning. .

A few people silently recalled, did they disrespect the gods in the past? After confirming that it was not, he breathed a sigh of relief, and decided to treat the lady official with the same attitude as usual—perhaps more politely.

The personal guard who came to report didn't know about the above, and naturally he didn't know that after he left, Luodus quickly changed back to the silver-haired deity posture, and went down with Queen Solan. Animal head chess.

On this day, some people left the king city, and some people returned to the king city.

The latter is naturally Naimar who can finally leave Surinia.

Some time ago, Eleuil issued a decree to abolish the concubine system, completing the agreement when the alliance was formed.

Naymar couldn't wait to escape from the city of the sun **** at night.

Eliuil chatted with the only remaining blood relative, and Naimar said goodbye, saying that he would go back to the light-tight mansion and go to the royal mausoleum when night fell. Tribute to her brother.

For the rest of the day, no one else came to report the news or ask for a meeting, Eleuil could be considered idle, leaning on Luodus's shoulder and squinting comfortably.

It is still described as usual, like a big cat lying lazily after hunting.

"It's a nice day."

Eleuil said.

Luodus: "Yeah."

She raised her hand and stroked the queen's hair.

It was a good day indeed.

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