How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 94 Breaking open

Chapter 94 Breaking open

"One-two! One-two!..."

"Everyone, work harder! The finish line is ahead! Come on!"


"One-two! One-two! One-two!..."

The speed of speech in the channel accelerated, and the sound of the beating limbs in the tunnel also accelerated. The collectors of the excavation team all accelerated their digging speed as if they had taken a stimulant.

When the last piece of ice between the excavation team and the container was chipped away, the excavation team finally saw what they were digging for.

"We did it...we did it! We did it!"

"Ah! Did it!"

"we won!"

The gatherers of the excavation team cheered for such a long time and spent so much effort, all for one goal - to liberate the will.

At this moment, there was a knocking sound from the back of the corridor, and the supply team arrived at this time.

"We've brought you food..."

"Huh?! You succeeded?!"

Supply team No. 233, who had just arrived with food, showed a mixture of surprise and joy after seeing the silver-white metal surface at the end of the corridor.

If they had tear ducts, they would probably have tears in their eyes on the spot.

"Hold on! Hold on fast!"

"We still have to eat food! Our side is starving to death!"

Seeing that the No. 233 supply team stood still, the food transported tended to roll down, and the collectors of the excavation team suddenly became flustered.

During the previous burst of sprinting and digging, the digging speed increased, but the consumption also increased. The excavation team was so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs. Just now, they only saw the container encapsulating the supreme will, and the excitement temporarily suppressed the hunger.

After a while of commotion, the positions of the supply team and the excavation team were switched. The excavation team took over the food from the supply team, and used their fangs to tear the meat strips vigorously and put them into their mouths.

A supply team member looked at the silver-white metal wall and tapped it with his fangs, making a crisp knocking sound.

"What? Do you want to break open the container?"

The excavation team who was eating noticed the behavior of the supply team, so they asked this question.

"Well, liberating the will as soon as possible is the right thing to do. Perpetually said that there may be unusual changes on the bottom of the sea, and we are worried that it will affect this place. We can't wait any longer."

"It seems that we must act as soon as possible, but are you nourished enough? If you don't have enough, it will be very dangerous."

Breaking open the violent packaging container requires a single-molecule blade, and their single-molecule blade can only last for two seconds when the energy of the whole body is exhausted, but the actual use is only one second, because after the two-second energy is exhausted, it is dead on the spot.

"Of course it's enough. You don't know. There are hundreds of millions of traitor corpses under the sea. We came up after we had enough to eat. Don't worry."

"There are so many?! How did you do it? Didn't you say that the organized gathering of those traitors made it difficult for you to start?"

"It's mainly the hand of the titanium screw."

"It's actually...?!"

The members of the excavation team were all taken aback. According to the records in the genetic memory, it was the combat power under the Supreme Will.

"It's all thanks to the will. It gave us the genetic blueprint of the titanium snail, which gave us such a strong combat power. Otherwise, we would have to work harder."

With that said, members of the supply team and the excavation team all looked at the silver-white metal wall.

"Let's start quickly."

A member of the supply team showed its fangs and pressed against the metal wall, but it was suddenly stopped by the excavation team.

"Wait, in case the cutting transition hurts the will inside..."

The supply team members looked at each other and asked.

"Then what do you mean...?"

"This container was originally an upright thing like a stone pillar. Now it is lying down. You dig along the metal wall to both sides and break the container from the end. The place should be the farthest away from the will and will not hurt it."

"You have a point."

The members of the supply team affirmed this plan one after another.

"Let's get to work."


The members of the supply team were all full of energy and began to dig towards the sides of the container.

Over time, members of the excavation team joined the ranks.

It has to be said that the volume of the packaging container is indeed very large. When the next batch of supply teams arrives, the excavation work of the excavation team and the No. 233 supply team will come to an end.

However, this other supply team that came from the bottom of the sea was different from the No. 233 supply team. They were full of vigilance and vigilance until they met the excavation team.

Due to the long distance, communication between the excavation team and Seabed Perpetual was disconnected, so No. 233 did not return for a long time, making the collectors on the bottom of the sea think that something happened to the excavation team.

It is precisely because of this that the supply team expressed dissatisfaction with the No. 233 supply team after knowing the situation.

"No. 233! Can you at least send a member to make a deal with us? The people below are very worried about you, afraid of any accidents!"

"Sorry, I'm really sorry, we didn't think carefully."

No. 233 sincerely apologized, the matter of participating in the excavation of the packaging container was too stimulating to their nerves, so that many things were forgotten at once.

"With another excavation like this, you probably don't have enough nutrients, right?"

"You eat the food first, and we will take over the broken work."

After the supply team pushed the food to the excavation team and supply team 233, they sent an individual back to the bottom of the sea to deliver the message, and then began to prepare to break open the container.

A gatherer stood calmly at the end of the packaging container, and pressed its fangs against the silver-white metal surface.

"For the group!"

It was the first time in this collector's life that he used a single-molecule blade, and he was full of anxiety and tension, but he didn't feel afraid, because he knew that even if one of them failed, there would be tens of thousands of others of the same race to replace it. position, fulfilling its unfulfilled long-cherished wish.

Under the action of bioelectricity, the fangs are constrained into a monomolecular line, and the fangs easily penetrate the metal wall of the packaging container, as easily as a hot knife piercing cheese.

Unfortunately, the duration of the monomolecular blade is too short, even if the time is compressed to the minimum, it only breaks a small hole in the metal wall.

"My family's long-cherished wish is finally..."


Before the collector could express his feelings about what he was doing, he was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture by the cold current gushing out of the small hole.

"This is troublesome."

"What next?"

"Does it need to be said? Of course, the action continues, and the long-cherished wish of our family is there. What is the mere cold snap, what is the mere us? Isn't it just being frozen? It's not like it hasn't happened before."

"Well, but we still need to send an individual to deliver the news here, and we can't let Yongxuan mess up."

After a brief discussion, the collectors moved the frozen companions away, allowing new individuals to continue to expand on the original opening.

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