How come this main god space is filled with stitching monsters!

Chapter 961 The Jade Emperor ascends the throne and the Three Purities reunite!

"No! There is still a chance!" A majestic middle-aged man in the Great Sage of the Ancient Heaven shouted sternly: "Hurry! Follow me to worship the Jade Emperor! Welcome the Jade Emperor to the throne!

As the high sage shouted harshly, those despairing celestial saints finally realized that they still had a last straw to grab. They turned around and worshiped the statue with dark eyes, saying one by one. They all shouted loudly: "I respectfully welcome the Jade Emperor to return to the throne and ascend the throne of the Human Emperor! Long live His Majesty the Human Emperor!"

Among the Xuanhuang Yuanling, Fuxi quietly accepted the pull of the infinite resentment, but even if he was pulled by the resentment, when Fuxi heard the high saints from the ancient heaven shouting "Long live the Emperor", the expression on his face was still there. He twitched violently.

"It's a good thing that I abdicated, otherwise I would be the one who suffered. Isn't this a curse for people to die early?"

Although he laughed without restraint, Fuxi definitely felt uncomfortable at this time. The pull of this resentment cannot be said to be pleasant, it can only be said to be extremely painful. This is the pull of immeasurable resentment. Even if a high saint is pulled by this resentment, he will be dragged directly into a low latitude and never be able to stand up!

The Human Emperor enjoys infinite power of will, but it is also a responsibility. Once the Human Emperor turns his back on the human race, the infinite willpower originally dedicated to the Human Emperor will immediately turn into infinite resentment, directly pulling the Human Emperor to the lower latitudes, a place full of chaos, madness, darkness, erosion, and all kinds of extremes. A place of nightmare where negativity condenses.

But Fuxi didn't need to go, because he didn't abdicate voluntarily, but passively abdicated. It was the prehistoric heaven that asked him, the human emperor with heinous crimes, to voluntarily abdicate and give up his position as human emperor to the Jade Emperor.

There is indeed resentment, but it only belongs to the humans in the ancient heaven, and only a part of it. Compared to the infinite human body in the entire multiverse, the resentment of hundreds of millions of humans in the ancient heaven is not even a drop in the bucket. It can only be said that it is Ocean water.

They chose the Jade Emperor and forced Fuxi to abdicate, so Fuxi would be burdened with some infamy at most, and it was an infamy arranged by the ancient heaven. It was not on the same scale as the resentment he would have to bear if he took the initiative to quit.

He, Fuxi, is the biggest winner this time.

The status of human emperor is gone.

Low latitudes? The final emperor? No need to go.

There is no need to stop the human history, at least it will not stop here. As long as there are no accidents, the next few [calendar] can be completely skipped and go straight to the great catastrophe of sublimation!

Most importantly, he was free.

'This time, Taibai should be the first hero. He not only helped me get rid of the shackles of the human emperor's status, but also allowed me to abdicate in an act of abdication. It also ensured that human history would not be broken, and it also greatly weakened the power of the ancient heaven. With deep luck and luck, you can accomplish three things with one stroke, and you should have unparalleled miraculous achievements. In this way, subsequent merits, dreams, freedom, and light should not come, and the multiverse can directly lead to the great catastrophe of sublimation.’

Fuxi enjoyed this moment very much. He had never felt this taste of freedom since he became queen.

'I still need to go to low latitudes. I must go to low latitudes. Taibai's cause and effect is not small. Thousands of words can't change the good thing about Taibai's great kindness to me. What? It's up to me when the time comes. ’

Under the surprised and delighted eyes of all the saints, the black and yellow energy on Fuxi's body continued to decrease, while the gold and silver colors on the Jade Emperor's body became more powerful! The rules around the Jade Emperor are becoming more complex and more stable! The 365-year-old God, who had been a hard-working programmer for the Jade Emperor for countless years, burst into tears and cried with joy.

——Fuck! Am I dreaming? The program actually learned to fix bugs on its own! And it can still run and fly after repairing it!

Which programmer doesn’t want to cry when he hears this!

The status of the Human Emperor has really begun to abdicate, or in other words, has begun to shift!

Now for the immortal saints in the ancient heaven, the process is wrong, but the result is right.

The good news is that the Jade Emperor directly became the Human Emperor, but the bad news is that the one from the old era has already begun to unblock the Four Symbols.

The immortal saints in the ancient heaven know that whether they can survive now depends on whether the Jade Emperor who has become the Human Emperor has the ability to protect them.

"It's done, it's done?" Seeing the Jade Emperor surrounded by human will power, a high sage asked in disbelief: "Has the Jade Emperor really ascended the throne as the Human Emperor?"

The leader, the tall sage who looked like a majestic middle-aged man, shouted excitedly: "It's done, hurry up! Come with me and continue to worship His Majesty the Human Emperor and the Jade Emperor!"

All members of the Prehistoric Heaven, whether they were high saints, immortals, or those soldiers of the Prehistoric Heaven Legion who were protected by the immortals, all began to pay homage to the Jade Emperor. On the mainland of the Prehistoric Continent, the government of the Prehistoric Heaven began to appear crazily for the previous ones. Patched for so many unexpected abdication rituals.

But what even the senior officials of the Prehistoric Heaven did not expect was that their brainwashing work seemed to be a little too good, so that the people of the Prehistoric Heaven were extremely enthusiastic about approving the Jade Emperor after learning that they were going to ascend the throne.

It may be that they have become accustomed to the Jade Emperor over the years, or to be precise, the Lingxiao Palace Council Member System (which is, to put it bluntly, a constitutional monarchy), and their recognition of the Jade Emperor as the Human Emperor far exceeds that of Fuxi, the unifying human emperor.

Xuanhuang Yuanling watched this scene quietly like a vegetative state. He allowed the high saints of the ancient heaven to mess around, and allowed the huge resentment in his body to tear him apart. Xuanhuang Yuanling remained motionless, as if he was dead. . But some people really can't hold it in any longer.

"I don't know what's wrong!!! How dare you!!!"

Kill, kill, destroy, trap!

Four swords come out at once!

The first one to take action was naturally Li Si, who burst into tears before!

You must know that Fuxi has lost his status as a human emperor and is not the only one who has lost his restraints!

The divine light from Lingxiao surged and easily turned into a barrier, blocking out the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

"How dare the thief!"

The furious Li Si continued to attack, but was blocked by a golden bridge.

"Boss, get out of the way, I'm going to kill these wolf-hearted beasts! If you don't let me practice the earth, wind, water, and fire of the ancient continent again, is it still wrong for me to kill these beasts?!"

"Fourth, the Human Emperor's Zen position has begun, you can't interrupt it." I looked as usual, as if all this was expected: "If you continue to attack, you will become a sinner of mankind."

"Sinner?! Okay! Okay! Then I, Li Si, will be the sinner today! Kill the enemy! The four swords come out at once! The Killing Immortal Sword Formation - start!!!"

John Doe has always been a sweetheart, and it can even be said that he is similar to a certain idiot swordsman who is leading the Daxizhou team on an adventure in the law-abiding Gotham City. It's one thing for Fuxi to seal his memory, it's another thing for him to have resentment against Fuxi, but this doesn't mean that Li Si doesn't recognize Fuxi's achievements when he was the emperor. It can be said that if it weren't for someone's deception, Dafa, the ancient saint of mankind is still standing beside Fuxi until now, and the Jade Emperor cannot be created at all.

Therefore, when the prehistoric heaven really dared to seize Fu Xi's power as human emperor, Tong Tian was really angry. The Four Swords of Zhu Xian constructed the Zhu Xian Sword Formation, and the number one killing spirit treasure in the multiverse struck heavily on the layers of Ling Xiao's divine light, causing the Ling Xiao's divine light to show signs of being broken!

No! It’s just broken!

The long flags are swaying even if there is no wind, and the energy of chaos is rolling in! The energy of chaos turned into sword energy, and on top of the shattered Lingxiao divine light, it once again exerted force to open up a passage!

"You evil beasts, how dare you do this!"

The person who followed Tongtian in action turned out to be Yuan Yuan! The original murderous aura was no less than that of Tong Tian. There was indeed a gap between him and Fu Xi, but there was absolutely no way he could tolerate such betrayal of Fu Xi by the Great Heaven!

If it weren't for the Conferred God List, he would definitely use Yuqing's assimilation energy to show these evil beasts what a conceptual attack is!

"Hey, you two unlucky kids, when will you be able to stabilize your point in Tai Chi! Town!"

Thousands of words turned into a sigh, and the Tai Chi Diagram flew out from Tai Qing's head, turning into a golden bridge and suppressing it directly on the road opened by Pangu Banner! Taiqing's face was calm, but he was indeed the most ruthless one. Not only did he use his own innate spiritual treasure, the Tai Chi Diagram, to turn it into a golden bridge, suppress the original passage, and build a direct passage to the other side of the sky (the place where the goal in his heart is). .

It is completely different from the rampant Tongtian, who is also rampant, but also has a certain guilt factor. Taiqing didn't think so much at all. He still maintained an extremely calm state of mind, as if he was not assassinating the new emperor with his two brothers at the moment, but drinking afternoon tea.

Taiqing's idea is very simple. Just like countless brothers facing their younger brothers, before the younger brother looks for trouble, he repeatedly tells him not to cause trouble. But when the younger brother really makes trouble, that is - he will beat him even if he is afraid. What did he do? Beat him!

Since the Sanxiao incident, this is the first time in thousands of years that the three Qings have joined forces!

And the Sanqing also proved to the world with their actual achievements - the Sanqing is still the Sanqing, and as long as they are willing, they will still be the funny angry young trio!

At this moment, what is in front of Tongtian is a broad road leading directly to the Jade Emperor!


A clear and pure long sword appeared in Tongtian's hand. Tongtian said the word "intercept", and there was a chance of intercepting one in a billion. The Qingping sword slashed down, shattering the layers of barriers! Annihilate every obstacle! Cut to the body of the Jade Emperor!

The 'protectors' exclaimed by the surrounding saints seemed extremely ridiculous at this time, not only because they could not protect the Jade Emperor, although they were counting on the Jade Emperor to protect them, but also because they could not even protect themselves.

The tiny runes condensed into a small and exquisite furnace from Taiqing's hands. The furnace was formed in Taiqing's hands, and then lightly tossed by Taiqing. It grew into the wind and turned into a huge alchemy furnace in an instant!

The alchemy furnace contains a variety of flames, the fire of the five elements, the fire of Bagua, the true fire of Samadhi, and the golden flame of the Great Sun gushes out from the eight furnace mouths like the Three Gorges flood!

The great lord once used the great immortal technique Anti-Bagua Furnace in the ancient times. It was extremely powerful. It was said that non-celestial beings could not practice it. The risk factor was extremely high. If you were not careful, you would be sent away with a bang. But the anti-Bagua Furnace cannot stand up to this Tushita Bagua Furnace, not only because the Anti-Bagua Furnace itself evolved from the Tushita Bagua Furnace, but also because it was developed by the Lord of Tushita. , established by Taiqing Tianzun himself!


There was no scream at all, and all the non-holy ones in contact with the flames were annihilated without even a chance to react!

The middle-aged sage holding the Kongtong Dharma Seal barely resisted the terrifying power of the Five Elements Fire, but not to mention him, even his acquired spiritual treasure Kongtong Dharma Seal was about to collapse under the burning of the flames.

"Tai Qing Tian Zun! You have to do -"

A silver bracelet came through the air, directly bypassing the protection of the Kongtong seal, and exploded the holy body of the middle-aged saint. Then the fire of the five elements surged up and engulfed Guangchengzi's holy path.

"Gua Nao, the Fourth Brother has already taken action, how can I just watch? Hum, since they have all taken action, let's kill them all and let their blood flow like a river."

It can be said that compared with what Taiqing did at this time, whether it was Tongtian who assassinated the Jade Emperor or shredded the Lingxiao Divine Light that symbolized the authority of the new Human Emperor, they were all trivial in front of Taiqing. . This is killing someone in front of the current Human Emperor. Taiqing will definitely be liquidated next.

But Taiqing doesn't care, just like what he said many, many years ago: "I, you can do whatever you want!"

Only I can take care of my younger brother!

All the mortals and immortal saints who belonged to the Great Heaven were almost slaughtered by Taiqing in just one encounter!

There was no river of blood because there was no blood at all.

The Jade Emperor just watched this scene unfold quietly. Except for the rising sun and moon in his eyes, which were as dark as the abyss, there was no emotion at all, and he had no intention of taking action. The screams and wails of the ancient heaven There were also pleas for help that he ignored, as if what he inherited was not the human emperor at all.

The high saints in the ancient heaven didn't understand why, why the Jade Emperor could watch them being slaughtered without caring at all, even though he had already ascended the throne as the Human Emperor, and even ignored their requests!

This, this is impossible!

They, they are the essence of mankind

The infinite power is directly centered on the point where the sword tip touches the Jade Emperor's body and sweeps away in all directions. The 365 righteous gods closest to the Jade Emperor are still working hard to help the Jade Emperor recover even at the last moment. Bug's loyal programmers were annihilated just when they came into contact with this infinite power of Planck!

broken! It's broken!

The Jade Emperor's body was broken open by the Qingping Sword!

However, just by piercing the tip of the sword into the chest, it can no longer penetrate even an inch. Following Qingping's sword, a drop of blood slowly flowed out, and even the space was crushed at the low point. The moment the blood flowed out of the protective range of Lingxiao's divine light, it instantly began to corrupt and distort.

"Foolish, all this torment is leaving a drop of blood."

(This chapter took a whole afternoon to revise, and I have condensed all the places that might make you think I am stupid. Don’t say I am stupid again.)

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