How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 467 Unexploded Bomb

"Beast God AKS? Its fields include war, blood, life, and beasts."

After Catherine completely defected, Lu Pingan naturally obtained more comprehensive information. It can be said that at this time, they finally grasped the situation and knew how deadly they were.

Gods have their own priesthood and divine power, and the weaker the gods have less divine power and the more useless their priesthood.

Theocracy is the "rule" and the "principle of the world".

Things like mountains, rivers, and the sun still exist even if there are no gods. Therefore, allowing multiple Gods of War and Vulcans to exist, this level is for the gods to find the corresponding responsibilities and reasons.

But even with the same priesthood, different gods are very different. The "God of Life" that Lu Ping'an knows is close to double digits.

If these gods want to become more powerful, "collecting" the "reason" of other gods of the same line is the simplest and most effective way.

In Big Cat's words, it is "blind men feel the elephant", using other people's "truth" to narrow the distance between themselves and the "source".

To put it more simply, it is the merger and engulfment of "clergy". Civil wars among gods of the same line are frequent, and no one thinks that their priesthood is too perfect. The big cats have been avoiding the gods of the life department.

The world of "Silent Mountains" does not have a second sun god, nor does it have a fire god or a light god, because all "similar concepts" have been swallowed by the sun god.

There is no such thing on the face of the earth, and a large-scale war between gods is not allowed. The righteous gods bully the evil gods? That's not called war, that's "eradicating evil."

In a sense, it eliminates the possibility of rapid mass production of high-level gods, and makes the gods more dispersed, so that there will be no "seven main gods" surrounded by gods like the "Silent Mountain World".

Powerful gods often only need to look at their divine power and priesthood to know.

".There are four known theocracy? They are all the mainstream ones, which is a bit outrageous."

This obviously exceeded the strength of ordinary gods in Lu Ping'an's impression, and there was also the "life domain" of his father god, which showed that he was deeply favored.

By the way, this kind of "religious knowledge" is impossible for low-status clergy to know. Only a "prepared pope" like Catherine has a wealth of knowledge reserves.

And seventy-eight years ago, right here, the Beast God was easily killed by the Sun God.

His corpse was discarded here and sealed on the spot. Sealed by the sun god himself!

"The seal of the sun god, can those believers lift it?"

It was learned from Catherine that the Beast God had not only died in battle, but his body had been sealed by the Sun God, so theoretically it was impossible for him to be resurrected.

"If the owner of the seal is still there, it is impossible, but now." The implication is that it is indeed possible to lift it now.

Considering that the prophecy is turning into reality, if they come here, they are already fully prepared and have begun to revive their own gods.

This information instantly gained the attention of a certain big cat.

"They must have good goods in their hands. Maybe there is a rule-level treasure. At least, it is something related to the gods. Whether it is theology or artifacts, it is worth grabbing. At least it is a rule-level start."

The Beast God believers must have more information and secrets, but Catherine, the "double agent", has been away for so many years, so she really doesn't know much about it.

"My mother should know that if there is any trump card, it must be in her hands, but the agreement we signed is to protect her life. Please rest assured that she is definitely not a religious lunatic."

Catherine is quite sincere, and the information she provided has been quite useful.

"Beast Taming and Transfiguration? It really looks like a beast god."

Beast god believers, in the past history of this world, are also veritable righteous gods. They also have their own power system and Templars.

As the vanguard of the gods, the Beast Army of the Beast God is famous for its bravery and skill in fighting.

The warriors among them are good at all kinds of beast transformations, some can turn into wild beasts, orcs, and some can even turn into legendary phantom beasts, they are extremely powerful and good at fighting.

This is not just the transformation technique, but also the combat, training, and coordination abilities after transformation. On top of a simple transformation technique, there is a whole set of tactical systems and the possibility of supernatural advancement.

They also have the legendary Dire Wolf Legion and Tiger Knights. They have fighting styles and supernatural abilities that are very suitable for lycanthropes. Naturally, they also have sealed items and corresponding spiritual training techniques. In this regard, Lu Pingan and his team are very excited. .

There are quite a few lycanthropes in our own world, even cats and cats, and they should also benefit.

Even if the gods are lost and most of the gods are lost, the techniques, training skills, and fighting methods should still be preserved.

And the priests among them are better at recruiting and domesticating all kinds of monsters and wild animals. They seem ordinary, but in fact the upper limit is extremely high, similar to the animal taming system on the human side.

This is undoubtedly good news for Lu Pingan, he is in need of knowledge and equipment in this area.

Lu Pingan is willing to save Catherine's mother's life if conditions permit, because the "treasure" in this regard is probably in the hands of the high priest of the beast god.

Catherine herself knew something, but it was still quite elementary, after all, she was too young at the time.

"So, it is possible that the local monsters were domesticated by those believers?" Thinking of the appearance of the Wolf King, Lu Pingan was a little unconvinced.

Although that thing is still intelligent, it can be automatically put together after being cut open. No matter how you look at it, it is out of the category of "creatures".

"My mother used to tame a lot of monsters here and acted as guards and sentries of the tomb. But we didn't even see an ordinary monster all the way here, so there shouldn't be any."

Lu Ping'an nodded, and this kind of meaning can be regarded as "common sense" of the beast taming department.

Enchanted beasts can be tamed, they are the products of the beasts being corrupted by pollution.

But if a beast has been completely eroded by pollution and lost its rationality and physical restraint, it is just a "pollution aggregate" in the form of a beast, and there is no possibility of taming it.

Beast cultists have prepared a lot here, but their largest force may have been wiped out by the changes of the times.

"Can they communicate? Their traceability is no longer possible."

"Absolutely impossible! They can't stop at all. That is their life, and it is their only expectation from birth to death."

Catherine and her mother made the same judgment. The only way to stop those beast god believers is to kill them.

A group of people walked a safe passage, but they were also preparing for an encounter along the way.

In addition to the beast god believers, there are probably a dozen red sand bandits, dozens of evil bone bandits, and an unknown number of polluted beasts.

Only the most dangerous and one must be careful, always

"Two pieces of truth-level rule-level items are really annoying." This is probably the most conservative. Beast god believers should have similar things. It seems normal for a direct line church that has not yet completely gone bankrupt to have a few artifacts.

Lu Pingan had already obtained information on regular-level items from the lord, so he needed to be more cautious.

If we only look at the number and strength, even if my team is not the strongest, it is still the first echelon.

But if you take into account these dangerous off-court factors, it becomes a bit stupid to force a breakthrough and face-to-face confrontation.

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