How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 13 This chicken soup is very precious

Neat marble tiles cover the ground, and the headlights overhead are bright and beautiful.

The street leading to the entrance is not long, but there are markets on both sides, there are sign shops that look expensive and decorated, and there are also densely packed retail investors going to the market.

The flow of people is not too dense, but there are at least a hundred people if you look around.

Some people were yelling loudly, while others were silently reading in front of their booths, only looking up when someone came over.

"How much is it?"

Lu Pingan pointed to the long sword on the booth. Men are always interested in these controlled knives.

There was a faint blue light flowing on this long sword, and it looked like a legendary magic weapon if there were not a dozen of them on the cabinet behind.

"A piece of 2600, although it is a standard one, but the attached [Puncture] effect is quite suitable for novices with insufficient attack ability. If you are not directly fighting, I also have a weapon with [Bleeding] here, which is the price the user has to bear A little heavier."

The shopkeeper looked at Lu Pingan, and saw that his right wrist was empty, and immediately became more enthusiastic.

"I still have protective gear here, which is also a newcomer suit. If you buy two pieces at a time, it only costs four thousand."

Is he acting like a newcomer? Lu Pingan muttered for a while, said no, and put down the long sword.

He doesn't know how to use a sword, and he doesn't want to be a rookie sent to his door to be slaughtered.

Even if the other party has a conscience to give a market price, but there are too many things in the market that are not cost-effective, the initial capital that is not much must be used wisely.

"Spend all the three thousand you just got."

Looking at the prosperous streets and hundreds of shops, Lu Pingan was also a little surprised.

What did he imagine the dangerous secret exit would be like? Is it heavily guarded, the kind guarded by barbed wire and men in black? Or one sentry post at ten steps and five steps, the kind with automatic machine guns and monitors?

"I didn't expect it to look like a subway market."

The passageway to enter is a turn under the hospital subway.

Looking at the exquisite products and shops, it is hard to make a choice.

"This way, this way meow!"

Fortunately, he didn't come alone. Lei Shuiyun, who disappeared without a trace as soon as he entered, finally remembered her job as a guide.

And the shop she was in was near the end of the road, which was also the reason for everything in front of her.

"'Is the secret realm wealth'."

Seeing the "New Red Cross" patterns everywhere in Linci Hospital, and the familiar holy emblem of the Praying Daughter in the Forest appearing in this underground world, Lu Ping'an felt a bit out of time and space.

"Two wristbands, one of zero order and one of first order."

"Xiao Yun, you've reached the first level? Congratulations, congratulations."

Opposite the triumphant Mao Mao is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, with slightly mature makeup and a slender white robe, she looks like a graduate student intern at a university.

In fact, she really is a graduate student.

"Lu Ping'an, this is my senior sister Zhao Yingmiao, who is now a first-year graduate student at the University of Science and Technology. This is Senior Brother Liu and Senior Brother Li, both juniors, who are here for internships."

Looking at the enthusiastic cats and cats of his sister and sister, Lu Pingan wanted to ask, "How many brothers and sisters do you have, and why do you have good brothers and sisters everywhere?"

But judging from the degree of intimacy between the two parties, and the fact that Kitty calls everyone Senior Brother and Senior Sister, the answer is probably many

"Could it be that Xiao Budian can be a good social player by making full use of his own advantages?"

Lu Pingan, who had a lot of inner drama, smiled and said hello to his senior brother and senior sister.

The Gucheng University of Science and Technology is also a famous local school, but the school named after science and technology has a professional department of mysterious subjects, which always makes people feel inexplicably ironic. What's more ironic, probably only Lu Ping'an can perceive this Well, everyone else takes it for granted.

"Here, remember enough is enough, many newcomers who have just made a breakthrough, it is difficult to grasp the speed."

After taking the bracelet and attaching a booklet, Lu Pingan also knew why the previous shop owner could see through it that he was a newcomer at a glance.

The warning bracelet, commonly known as the bracelet, emits a faint white light the moment it is put on Lu Pingan's right wrist.

"Very good, you are in good condition. But for newcomers, you have to be ready to come out when the light is yellow, and you must come out when the light is red. If it is purple or black light."

The color of the light indicates the degree of "withstanding original pollution".

Talents and abilities are your own pollution, if left unattended, it will grow naturally.

The occupational system is the pollution of the outside world, and it can reach a balance with you, the radioactive source, so that you will not be alienated.

But the professional system also has limits. When the original pollution is excessive, the unstoppable alienation will naturally increase significantly.

Balance and moderation are the most important principles of the Keeper. If you step on the gas pedal, you may become stronger, but you are more likely to become a monster.

"Newbies have very weak anti-pollution ability. If you don't want to get more tentacles and eyeballs for no reason, it's best to come out when the yellow light comes out."

Although the other party said so, Lu Pingan noticed that the bracelets of the senior brothers and sisters were basically red lights, and Ms. Zhao's was still red and purple.

"Us? We just finished the trial and are in the digestion stage."

Zhao Ying pointed to the desktop, where there was a pile of thick reference books and reading notes spread out.

On the table in the back, some people were carefully flipping through books, some people were dispensing medicine on the temporary test bench erected, and some people were arguing about something.

This is the property of a certain pharmaceutical company under the name of Lin Ci Church. Since several brothers and sisters are interns in this company, most of them are fellow travelers on the path of "doctors" and "gardeners".

Unlike runners in the "Physical Department", doctors and gardeners are both knowledge-accumulating professions that tend to be civilian.

Like the crazy runners, they consume the primitive and dangerous pollution by turning pollution into professional skills and introducing the transformed taboo knowledge into their professional system.

"Knowledge is power, so, do you want to buy some power?"

Finally, the well-meaning senior sister tried to sell her to Lu Pingan.

The wristband is free, which is one of the responsibilities of the secret environment manager.

But the "Illustrated Book of Common Demonic Plants in the Linci Secret Realm (Version 101)" in front of me includes most of the magical plants that may appear in the secret realm, but it is a little expensive.

"Junior brother, you can take home a thousand illustrated books, and also a breeding manual compiled by me, including the cultivation points of 15 common magic plants, which is very suitable for novice gardeners."

"Xiao Shuiyun said that you are here to set a track and take office, so it takes a long time and long-term supervision to make the magic plants grow. You have to come and see them often and be careful of boring people from destroying them. Our company has a safe zone garden inside. , specializing in customer service for the half-year employment package, guaranteeing you a one-time job placement success, only 5,000."

"By the way, junior brother, it's your first time here. You shouldn't be familiar with the monsters in this secret realm. This survival manual only costs 200 yuan. If you get a plant drawing lottery, I will give it to you as a free gift! By the way, I can also send you some painkillers and antidotes, which are very useful inside."

After a long period of sales promotion, I really deserve to be the acting team leader of a local company.

But after a little more hesitation, Lu Pingan reluctantly took out his wallet and took down the plant illustrated book and survival manual.

This is the planned purchase. As a knowledge-based profession, gardeners need to have their own illustrations and even taboo books.

As for the inaugural package that "only takes half a year"? If I didn't guess wrong, I'm afraid I won't be able to use it.

And after the consumption, the attitude of the other party became more enthusiastic, one bite at a time called Thieves Six.

Now, it's Lu Ping'an's turn to "see you in poverty".

"Senior sister, are you a second-tier gardener? In fact, junior brother, I also have a very interesting BUFF-type talent, try it for half the price."

Both Lei Huo Ren and Xia Qin are busy, and they don't even have time to come back to add BUFF, so the quota cannot be left idle.

Now that I am going to be a gardener, it is also possible to change the object of the share.

Zhao Ying was a little hesitant, a few hundred yuan is nothing, can the messy BUFF be accepted casually?

But seeing Lu Ping'an's back, nodding Maomao constantly making "promise" mouth shapes, Zhao Ying still agreed.

"I'm pretty good to Xiao Shui Shui, she won't cheat on me."

The next moment, she was stunned, and the way she looked at Lu Pingan became a little subtle.

".The voice of the rules, how could such a high-level rule-based ability appear on a newcomer? Has there been another monster newcomer this year?"

But in the next second, she was not surprised but shocked.

The red light on her wrist flashed suddenly, then jumped to a yellow light, then turned into a green light, and finally turned into a "pollution-free" white light!

The "learning process" that was originally expected to be at least three days ended early in an instant, and she could enter the secret realm again and start a new round of improvement.

She reacted instantly and directly covered the bracelet.

Look around, but fortunately no one is paying attention.

Looking up again, looking at Lu Ping'an's eyes, he felt a little uneasy and even scared.

Then fear turns into surprise and even greed.

And at this moment, Lu Pingan was also in a daze, inexplicably thinking of the cry of a certain big cat.

".You have no idea what precious treasures you took away from me"

It seems that it is really a little treasure, and a little expensive.

"Hey, don't look at it, there will be no discount if you look at it again. The quota is limited, and the full price will be charged tomorrow, and it will increase later."

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