House Witch

Chapter 742 741 Intrusive characters

Chapter 742 741. Intrusive characters

The meteor shower in the sky was still scattering, and amidst the constant exclamations of the crowd, these meteors changed again.

The little bits of starlight expanded and deformed during the movement, and then transformed into all things, from flowers, birds, fish and insects to birds and beasts, to various major races such as elves, mermaids and so on.

There are even meteors exploding like fireworks in the sky, forming many natural landscapes such as mountains, rivers, lakes and seas.

These should all be rare natural wonders in various worlds, each with its own unique beauty. Ordinary people would be lucky enough to witness the magnificence of one or two of them with their own eyes.

But now, the audience standing still took in the magnificent natural beauty with their eyes.

They saw a group of people and horses running on the grassland. The leader, a heroic female horse, bent her bow and shot an arrow, pointing at the eagle in the sky.

They saw the winged men soaring above the sea of ​​trees with their wings spread. The leader of the winged men with extraordinarily strong and white wings swooped down quickly and threw the spear in his hand at the fish swimming in the lake.

They saw a beautiful mermaid dancing solo in the deep sea, but only the quiet sea could hear her ethereal singing.

This kind of magnificence has surpassed ordinary witches' understanding of magic. They never knew that magic is such a free thing, so this is designated as magic.

A magic beyond magic.

People cheered for such a wonderful performance and were moved by this miracle that transcended reality. This was also a rare vent and relaxation in this depressing night city. They watched this magic show as if they could forget it for a short time. All kinds of unsatisfactory things in real life can escape directly into this world of magic, and freely feel the beauty of the world and life.

However, although these performances are wonderful, Miss Magician has performed them many times before. Although everyone never gets tired of watching them, Miss Magician just said that there will be more exciting performances today.

Thinking of this, the audience looked forward to it even more. Everyone's eyes were attracted by the beautiful figure on the stage, and they were eager for a new performance.

In other words, new freedom.

And amidst all the attention, Hermes on the stage did not mean to disappoint the audience. After a simple warm-up, the talented young witch raised her staff high.

"Ladies, welcome to the world of freedom."

she shouted.

As a result, a little starlight rose from the audience below, and under the guidance of Miss Magician, these starlights gathered into a group of bright lights in the sky, and through that light, it was vaguely visible that there was a dreamlike figure in it. Brave new world.

"Fuck, create the world?"

Even Dorothy was a little uneasy now.

Even now, she is still not sure about creating a world, even if Senior Sister Fanny is willing to provide magic power.

This is not a question of magic power or not, it is simply a lack of ability.

After all, although she is now considered to be omnipotent in nine areas, to be precise, she is only a junior omnipotent. After all, the assessment she passed before was just the preliminary assessment for an ordinary witch to advance to the level of a great witch.

Later there are the intermediate qualification exams for the great witch to advance to the pinnacle, and the high qualification exam for the pinnacle witch to advance to the sage.

Especially the high-level qualification examination, which is not like the preliminary examination and the high school entrance examination, where you choose one of the nine subjects. In the Sage Trial, you are tested on nine subjects.

As for single-person creation, that is a real miracle that only true sages are qualified to try to get started.

It can be seen from this that she is still far behind.

Well, so far, the subjects that Dorothy is sure to take in the high school entrance examination after passing are only the Warcraft Department, the Alchemy Department (civil engineering and shipbuilding), the Potion Department (Culinary Arts), and the Necromancy Department (the creator of Hades and the current Yin Zhan). ), spiritual system (Bodhisattva's state of mind) and transformation system (dragon transformation technique blessed by the talent of the Jormungandr family), summoning faction (Moon Rabbit and Hundred Ghosts).

Well, there are only seven departments, and the remaining two departments, prophecy and plasticity, are a bit mysterious.

There was no need to mention the prophecy, which was a big problem. She could only gamble through the witch's coin game.

If the inspiration is successful, then she who has witnessed the future will be the most powerful fortune teller. If the inspiration fails, nothing will happen, or she will just write nonsense. After all, she can't hand in a blank paper.

The Evocation School can't help it. After all, this school is the headquarters of the Bombardment Witch, and the Bombardment Witch knows everything.

It just needs to be big enough, thick enough, and durable enough.

Dorothy can meet the first two conditions, but her magic power is less than 100,000 mana. She is the type who will stop immediately after one shot.

In response to this, the otaku witch has become angry more than once.

Fortunately, the Evocation School is not like the Prophecy School, which has no way to start. They can only rely on gambling on how to improve their endurance. The otaku witch feels that as long as she thinks more, she should be able to find a solution.

Just like now, looking at Hermes's so-called "magic" technique, she suddenly felt inspired.

Yes, although I am not durable enough on my own, I can exercise with multiple people, ah, I borrow the power of others.

Who wouldn’t want to become light?

Watching the little bits of starlight below spill out from the audience, and then together form the "magic" of the tiny new world in the sky, the otaku witch suddenly became enlightened.

However, she still felt that there was something wrong with it.

After all, it has been said that single-person creation is a high-end technology that only wise men can try, and Hermos is just a big witch now.

And the audience below is even more ordinary. No matter what they think, it is impossible for the two parties to really succeed in creating the world.

However, the beautiful and dreamy world in the huge ball of light in the sky is so real.

"Ah, bah, I almost got detoured. What I'm seeing now is not real history. I'm just watching a musical performance. Everything here is just an illusion and special effects."

The otaku witch, who almost got into trouble, slapped her forehead with her conscious body inside the lying girl, and came back to her senses.

Well, I can only say that everything around here is too real, which makes her a little too into the drama.

Moreover, in fact, the best deception is to start from the truth that everyone knows.

For example, Miss Magician's previous performance started with the starlight technique that everyone knows.

Everyone knows the zero-ring trick, but everyone is not that proficient. They happen to be in a state where they know it but don't fully master it.

And this just gives the scammers enough room to play.

It's the kind of people who don't shake the bottle half as much as they can, and it's the best to cheat.

It’s just that the full bottle and the half bottle are relative.

Compared to most witches, Dorothy is a full bottle, but compared to sages and the like, the otaku witch is a half bottle.

And sometimes the more you know, the more you will discover your ignorance. This is also very dangerous. If you are led by others, you will easily get into trouble.

That is to say, oneself lied to oneself.

Dorothy was almost trapped just now. She thought that Hermes had mastered some secret technique to create a world quickly.

But now that I think about it, the Liar Girl in real history was probably not as powerful as in this stage illusion.

After all, the most famous ability of this sage of lies is the illusion of "Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in Water". She is a professional at deceiving people.

"Tsk, the ladies acted according to the script, and the script was written by Holmes herself. It seems that even the bosses can't escape the bad habit of bragging."

Dorothy complained in her mind.

After understanding that this so-called new world was still just a trick, the otaku witch looked at the audience below who had almost become fanatical believers of the Lie Girl, and suddenly felt a little complicated.

He is worthy of being a big boss who can become a sage in the future, and he is also a sage who is a demon witch. This method of using desire as bait to play with people's hearts is not much better than that of a real demon.

I can endure the darkness simply because I have never seen the light.

These demons and witches who live in the City of Night and have been oppressed by the Thirteen Blood Clan for a long time could have endured it a little longer, but now, after experiencing the illusion of this wonderful new world, their desires have been suppressed. inspired.

Demon witches use the devil as their template, and are naturally influenced by the devil's desires that represent original sin. Most of their characters are extreme and prone to extremes.

And this is also the reason why the demon witches of this era are marginalized and feared by other witches. No one is willing to get too close to a bomb that may explode at any time.

Of course, there may be some demons and witches who are actually mentally stable, but they are destined to be in the minority, and no normal person would do such things as digging for gold in shit.

Therefore, the demons and witches of this era have been enduring the temptation of original sin, but they also have to endure the ostracism of their compatriots. Even when they go to the Night City, the legendary gathering place of demons and witches, they still have to endure it. The oppression of the thirteen clans of blood.

Well, it’s really a capital word for “miserable”.

But pressure is like a spring. The more patient you are, the stronger it will be when it rebounds.

Once the resentment that these demons and witches have endured for so many years is released, it will no longer be a joke.

"Good guys, these two bad guys are indeed talented people who are causing trouble. One is fanning the flames and giving false guidance, while the other is fueling the flames. There are both Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hatchlings gathered in the Night City at the same time, so why worry about chaos?"

Dorothy sighed in wonder.

However, as a troublemaker, ah, a professional in change, she knew that this level of troublemaking was not enough.

Because living things are always servile.

When a person is oppressed for a long time, he is actually domesticated, just like humans can tame horses or dogs.

These demons and witches have been oppressed by the Thirteen Blood Clan for so many years. Even if they are not completely tamed, they have already become servile.

Some slaves are obviously strong and strong, but they dare not resist the thin or fat loser master. This may be because of the restrictions of the slave contract.

But this situation also exists in the mortal world where there is no such thing as a slave contract. This is slavish behavior.

If these demons and witches cannot defeat their servility, then they will not really follow the wishes of the Demon King Girl and the Lie Girl.

As for how to defeat servility, this is actually quite simple.

Why can’t biting dogs be kept?

That's naturally because after tasting human blood, the dog understands that its once-supreme, god-like master can actually be hurt.

If you get injured, you will lose your godhead and be downgraded from a god to a human being.

At the same time, the dog's wolf nature will also be stimulated, and it may turn from a dog into a wolf again, or even a wolf that specializes in eating humans.

This is obviously unacceptable to human beings, so this kind of disaster must not be allowed to remain.

The same principle is also applicable in this Night City.

No one dares to mess with the extremely powerful Thirteen Styles of the Blood Clan, but as long as someone can cut off the godhead of the Thirteen Styles of the Vampire Clan and demote them from the masters of the Night City to one of the demons and witches, then it will be fun. .

Dorothy looked at the audience with the help of Holmes's eyes. At this time, she felt that what she saw was not a group of witches at all, but dogs who were suppressing their instincts and starting to tuck their tails between their legs.

As long as one of the brave ones among them is the first to pounce on the prey and injure the prey, then these "dogs" raised by the former vampire witches will directly transform into werewolves who will eventually bite the vampire's neck.

The wolves are ready to move.

But, who will be the brave alpha wolf?

Dorothy thought of this, and then suddenly recalled the fleeting mysterious figure she saw when she entered the city.

Jack the Phantom Thief.

In reality, she already knew who the original werewolf was. He was really the legendary phantom thief that had caused a lot of noise recently.

Unfortunately, Dorothy, who had already read the plot in Sister Fanny's memory, knew that "Tricks and Lies" could not satisfy her curiosity about the Phantom Thief.

Next, this stage play will also enter the climax of the third chapter, which is the story of the thief Jack stealing the treasure of the Thirteen Styles of the Vampires - the True Ancestor Diamond in full view of the public.

The Phantom Thief succeeded in throwing the True Ancestor Diamond to the crowd of onlookers. A dog-man witch who was an orc witch at the time was lucky enough to catch the diamond, which concealed the power of the True Ancestor of the Blood Tribe. The werewolf, demon and witch appeared on the novel, and started the story of werewolves and vampires falling in love and killing each other that continues to this day in the Night City.

However, the audience cannot take the perspective of the phantom thief.

Well, it is obviously the absolute protagonist of the third act, but the audience has no way to take in the mysterious protagonist's perspective, and can only become the audience for the next performance of Miss Phantom Thief.

This is a trap.

And this is also the reason why the stage play "Tricks and Lies" has always received mixed reviews. After all, strictly speaking, the Demon King and the Sage of Lies are only supporting characters in this play, and the real protagonist is the mysterious Miss Phantom Thief.

But who are the Demon King and the Sage of Lies? How could Kaitou He De allow these two big guys to be her stepping stones?

This is outrageous.

Fortunately, the author of this script is Hermes herself, otherwise, this plot would definitely be scolded by others.

In fact, Dorothy also wanted to curse now.

After all, she actually wanted to experience the Phantom Thief Miss in depth.

Come on, this kind of phantom thief character is very unrealistic, but it's really cool, okay?

Just when the otaku witch felt a little regretful, she was suddenly startled because she saw a familiar figure among the crowd watching the magic show below.

It was a witch who was dressed similarly to Miss Magician, but with a mask on the upper half of her face.

Jack the Phantom Thief?

Dorothy was stunned.

The house witch is surprised

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