House Witch

Chapter 728 727 Departure

Chapter 728 727. Departure


Dorothy quickly adjusted her attitude.

Well, that's good. If you drop by, you'll save some express delivery fees.

She thought so.

The courier fee for Witch World is actually quite expensive.

This is not because the express delivery system of Witch World is not developed enough. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Since the birth of Magic Network, the accompanying online shopping business has also begun. With the development of online shopping business, the express delivery or logistics industry will naturally follow. Interested.

Today, there are all kinds of express logistics associations, some are run by alien races, some are run by witches, and there are even ones run by angels, demons, dragons and other three-day disasters.

After all, you always have to make money to make ends meet, which is not shabby.

However, even though the express logistics system is so developed and there are so many associations to choose from, the price of express logistics fees remains high and never comes down.

There is only one reason, and that is the cost is too high.

There is no other way. Delivering express delivery in the witch world is just like the escort agency and mercenary delivery that Dorothy saw in her previous life. This is a job that involves risking one's life, licking one's own blood, and exchanging one's life for money.

Well, it would be better to say that this is normal. On the contrary, the express delivery logistics that Dorothy remembers running all over the streets in her previous life are actually rare cases.

It was a scene of prosperity that could only be seen in a time of peace and prosperity.

But peace is a luxury no matter what era or world it is in.

The vast majority of countries are not peaceful, the vast majority of races are not peaceful, and the vast majority of worlds are even less peaceful, even if it is as powerful as the Witch World or other classic three-day disasters.

Witches are a war race, so naturally you cannot expect the witch world to be peaceful. In fact, the witch world may have never been truly peaceful for even one day in its hundreds of thousands of years of history.

Suppose you are an ordinary heterogeneous courier, such as an orc courier. You just received a new order and came to the customer's house to pick up the goods. It was a big witch customer. You rang the doorbell, and then the door opened. , the next moment a Warcraft dog stuck out its head.

That was the guard dog kept by the witch's client, a three-headed hell dog.

For the witch, it is a pet, but this terrifying monster with three heads, capable of casting three kinds of magic attacks at the same time, and is as huge as a hill, with a fingernail larger than yours, is a fatal threat to you.

So, you died and became dog food.

Well, it's so casual, and it even sounds a little ridiculous, but this is also the real daily life of ordinary aliens who live at the bottom of the witch world.

Every year, countless aliens die in such accidents. It may be because of the witch's pets, or the naughty children of the witch's family, or it may be simply unlucky to meet a drunk driver on the delivery road. The bosozō witch on the broomstick was directly killed.

This situation is so common that even Witch Daily doesn't bother to report it.

Oh, the life and death of alien species are not qualified to be published in the "Witch Daily". Unless it is a rare alien species, such as an elf queen, an orc chief, etc., then there may be a small column in the corner.

That's okay.

Moreover, even if the goods are successfully picked up, the delivery route is actually unsafe.

The only relatively peaceful places in the witch world are the major witch lords. It depends on the character of the local witch lord. If she is on the order side, she may work hard to maintain the basic order of the territory, but if she meets a chaotic person who has fun , then what the aliens living in this witch realm play every day is the real-life version of Battle Royale.

Maybe I glanced at a beautiful witch too much on the way, and was rewarded with a magic bullet on the spot.

Even if you carefully avoid the witch grandpas and just want to concentrate on delivering goods, you must also be careful of other alien species like you who are looking for gold in the witch world.

The lives of these aliens who have been living at the bottom are not easy. If many people fail to pick up some leftovers from the hands of the witch grandpas to fill their stomachs, what will these hungry people do?

They definitely don't have the courage to ask for food from the witch grandpas, but they still have the courage to eat from the mouths of those foreign races who are lucky enough to get food today, and they are very big.

If you received an order from a big witch today, then your other courier colleagues who did not receive the order may not be very happy.

They may not necessarily have the courage to covet the witch's goods, but the witch grandpas normally don't care who delivers the final courier, as long as the goods arrive on time.

And what if this order is not a city-wide express delivery, but is sent to another witch leader?

Well, it is impossible for the witch to teleport directly. For the witch grandpas, the teleportation array is the price of a city bus, but for aliens, it is the price of a private luxury yacht. How can you, a little courier, If you can afford to sit on that thing, you can only run over in the most primitive way.

But when you leave the scope of the witch's territory and go to the ownerless wilderness area outside, what awaits you are countless different kinds of bandits. If you are unlucky, you may encounter a witch bandit or something.

These exiles have no scruples, they really have the courage to kill people and steal goods.

You are lucky. Although you were frightened along the way, you finally arrived at the destination without any danger and delivered the goods to the consignee.

That is also a witch grandpa.

Grandpa Witch checked it and saw that the goods were in good condition, so she signed for them with satisfaction.

Just when you happily thought that the order was finally over and you could get the high commission from the witch order, suddenly, the consignee took out his magic wand and burned you to ashes with a fireball.

Well, this is actually a smuggling order. Otherwise, why would Grandpa Witch find you, a cheap alien logistics company, to deliver it?

Now that the goods have been delivered, your mission has been completed. In order to eliminate the evidence, you have been silenced.

In short, all kinds of mailings.

Of course, if you are a witch courier, then the situation will be much better. At least you will almost never encounter such an unknown death as being bitten to death by a dog. Even if you are a weak witch, you can't beat the sender. Hell's three-headed dog, but because you are at least a witch, it is impossible for a decent witch's family to raise a pet that would dare to show its teeth to a witch.

Even if you just hit this vicious dog with its big penis, the dog will take the initiative to stretch out its other two heads to continue beating you.

Of course, beating a dog also depends on the owner. You still have to consider whether you are justified before taking action. Otherwise, if the owner comes out and asks you to apply for a duel, you will have to give up.

Moreover, you have to be bright-eyed when accepting orders. Don't get that kind of smuggling order and then accidentally get involved in a fight between two witch leaders.

You should also be careful when joining a courier association. If you accidentally join a black-hearted association or something like that, you will be 007 every day and not make much money, so it is not worth it.

Of course, if you are still worried about your own safety, you can buy Huangjinxiang freight insurance when accepting the order, which will be very stable. Even if you really burp your fart, you can still die in peace, because the good sisters of Huangjinxiang Insurance will definitely help you get revenge.

No one can make Golden Township lose money.

If you dare to make Golden Township lose money, you will have to pay with your life.

If there is a customer who buys the insurance and then burps, the good sisters of the Dragon Witch who happened to have itchy hands in the security department after the Golden Township lost money will immediately go out and clean up the express routes in the vicinity.

Therefore, the freight insurance in Golden Township can sometimes be used as a death-avoidance token, and the exiled thieves have to let it go immediately when they see it.

It's just that the insurance premium is a little expensive.

Anyway, whether it's an alien express or a small witch express, life is quite difficult. The risk of this job is too high. If there is no high profit, who will do it.

As a result, express delivery fees will naturally increase.

Those who live a relatively comfortable life are those large express logistics associations. These associations are either formed by armed witches, veteran natural disasters or powerful alien races.

Since they are strong enough, they can naturally deliver goods all over the world without fear of transportation risks.

But if these experts charge less, who will deliver the goods? If they go to the front line to fight, they can earn more. They are the ones who run express delivery routes because they have more money and less time to do and stay close to home.

Of course, the most comfortable one is the space teleportation courier. As long as the sender gives the coordinates and the recipient also gives the coordinates, then with the magic of space teleportation, you can easily complete the order without leaving home. High-value express delivery It's easy to get the money you need.

However, the entry threshold for this industry is a bit high. Space talent is the lowest threshold, but how many noble space talent would deign to be ordinary couriers?

The masters and grandpas always only accept big orders, and others don't like small orders.

Therefore, in the witch world, it is actually better to buy less or less online. The offline witch stores are also very popular. Online shopping is only used when buying some rare materials.

Of course, rich women and young ladies, please feel free to do so, as long as you are happy.

Dorothy, a poor girl, couldn't afford online shopping before. She usually asked her sister to run errands when she was short of something, or asked her father to bring her something back when he got off work.

It was rare for her to send a courier this time, and she was quite heartbroken, but now it seems that God has allowed her to save this money.

Well, I won't send it. Anyway, she decided to earn the express fee and deliver it by herself when the time comes.

I just regret that she doesn't have enough magic power. Otherwise, with the gap skills she has mastered now, she can easily earn a few small monthly incomes as a senior courier.

The otaku witch doesn't have the "dignity" of a space genius to be superior to others. Anyway, she has already been defeated. As long as she can make money, she naturally doesn't mind working part-time as a courier.

Speaking of which, it seems that among the top logistics associations currently there is the "Subspace Association". The four major scourges of the Inquisition seem to be able to do all kinds of work. Dorothy thought that maybe she should go to Aunt Zi and ask if she could also let her Join a gang together.

If you have money, let's make it together. It seems reasonable that there are four subspace vendors and five people.

Although her current magic power cannot enable ultra-long-distance teleportation, she can still take orders for intra-city express delivery.

Even though she earns less from this kind of short-distance express delivery, it doesn't mean that no one competes with her. Anyway, other space bosses may not like this kind of small order, but she doesn't dislike it.

For Dorothy, it would be nice to earn money for food.

"Okay, the registration is over, then I'm fine and ready to go at any time. Do you have anything else to prepare?"

The otaku witch closed the spell book and then looked at the sisters beside her.

Others shook their heads.

"Well, then I'll call a car over right now."

Madeleine nodded when she saw this.

After all, it was the first time that my sister invited friends home to play. This was a big deal, and as a landowner, she naturally entertained them well.

The succubus took out her spell book and prepared to contact her family's driver to bring two luxury cars to pick her up.

But before she could move, Dorothy stopped her.

"No need, Senior Sister Madeleine, we will drive there ourselves."

The otaku witch took off the glass bottle containing the small battleship model from the hook next to it, and then opened the bottle cap.

Accompanied by the melodious roar of the dragon, the white steel giant slowly flew out from it. After a roar, it transformed into a small battleship as exquisite as a work of art.

Originally, Dorothy was quite confused about how to get to Venus City. It would not be very free if she went by car, but if she went by car, she was not familiar with the place and she didn't know if there would be any traffic restrictions or parking difficulties.

But just after hearing what Madeleine said about the history of Venus City, she suddenly stopped panicking, and she even felt as if she was not going on a trip, but going home directly.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of years between the Sin City she once stayed in and the current Venus City, and strictly speaking they can no longer be regarded as the same place, Dorothy still has an inexplicable feeling. A sense of peace of mind.

There's nothing I can do about it, Ah Zhai is like this. He's inexplicably nervous about the place he goes to for the first time, but he feels inexplicably more relaxed the second time he goes there.

Well, then just go on a self-driving tour, so you can go wherever you want.

Originally, Dorothy was not particularly interested in traveling to Venus City. After all, she was not the kind of person who particularly liked going out. During that time, she would rather stay at home, reading and studying.

But Sin City, she was suddenly interested in revisiting this old place. There were many places she wanted to see.


Madeleine: "."

The succubus's eyes widened when she looked at the white dragon battleship in front of her.

No, you call this thing a car?

Madeleine looked at the real guy in front of her who looked like a battleship no matter what, then turned to look at the eldest lady in front of her. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Although she had heard that the eldest lady and her younger sister had brought out a battleship with their hands before during the Witch's Night, and the eldest lady did lead them to create a batch of low-level warships.

But the Witch's Night was a dream after all, and now when this battleship really appeared in front of her, she was still shocked.

And as a witch whose goal is to become an armed witch, the succubus witch cannot refuse the battleship, the witch's ultimate weapon.

The appeal of this thing to armed witches is like the appeal of Oriental Express to military fans. It really makes people's blood swell and their blood boil.

She put away the spell book and decided not to let her family send a driver to pick her up.

"Then I'll trouble you, Miss."

There's a ship here, so who's going to take a car?

Of course, more important than the battleship in front of you is the person who built the ship.

Dorothy's figure was clearly reflected in Madeline's purple eyes, and the strange fragrance on her body became even stronger.

The succubus is in ecstasy.

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