Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 74 74 is crooked from the source

Chapter 74 74. It’s crooked from the source

Throughout June, the sales of Mermaid Heart were rising like a rocket.

Also growing at the same time is the sales of Sega's MD game console.

MD sales this month increased by 10% year-on-year.

But I'm not sure if it was influenced by "Mermaid Heart".

Judging from normal sales trends, it may be possible to achieve such a large increase.

Good sales volume is enough to explain many problems, but Qing Zhiyuan is still not very satisfied, mainly because of Famiton's rating of the new work.

"Mermaid Heart is the most special game among the games that the editor has played so far.

It’s really hard to get started with scoring.

The main reason is that this game has outstanding advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes, you don’t even know whether to call it [advantage] or not.

Or [disadvantages]

Let’s talk about the evaluation of this game for now.

1. Richly imagined storylines

In order to evaluate accurately, there may be spoilers, which is almost inevitable, so please watch with caution.

The plot of a work is like a piece of clothing. Whether the dress looks good, is worth wearing, and whether it is eye-catching depends mostly on the style, color, fabric, etc. of the dress.

The storyline is just like the clothes waiting for customers to choose. In order to attract the audience, the plot must be vivid and in place.

"Mermaid Heart" does this very well, with a different plot. After the male protagonist Teru Yamazaki encounters the mermaid Suzune on the bottom of the sea after the shipwreck, the whole world has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

In addition, the ideas are borrowed from Osamu Tezuka's "Firebird" Resurrection Chapter, with an imaginative style and various stories that occur in it.

With the addition of a deeper plot foundation, it does have the ability to become a classic.

I won’t give too many spoilers here, please experience it for yourself in the game.

2. Strange and strange painting style

When deciding to watch an anime or start playing a game, the style and graphics are indeed one of the key points to pay attention to, so this is also an issue that authors need to consider.

pokeni is famous for its exquisite graphics, smooth painting, and exciting character creation. "Mermaid Heart" also perfectly inherits the fine tradition of P agency.

The entire work of "Mermaid Heart" presents a strange and strange style of painting, especially the protagonist Suzune. In the deep sea blue and black scene, she is the only one who is pure and flawless in white, which forms a sharp contrast and is impressive. .

3. Producer Furuhara Chunqiu

Everyone is familiar with the name Gu Yuan Chunqiu.

This person started to rise to prominence last year and then quickly became famous. His style is famous for his "relaxing and joyful" and "warm and healing" style.

"It's three chapters, and it ends with no one left" is the highest praise given to him by fans.

This has been fully verified in the two "Onmyoji" films, making countless players cry to death.

Almost every work of Furuhara Chunqiu can become a classic and praised by others. Therefore, as long as the title of Furuhara Chunqiu is attached, the work will be guaranteed. This gives "Mermaid Heart" a strong backing and indeed strength. Become a classic.

The above are the highlights of Mermaid Heart compiled by the editor for you.

As for the shortcomings, "Mermaid Heart" is also very obvious:

With the brand new galgame narrative method and large paragraphs of text and picture descriptions, this is not so much a game as it is a light novel with many exquisite illustrations.

It is this that greatly reduces the gameplay of the game.

When you are used to independent operation and game combat, reading in a novel-like way is really confusing.

However, this can be regarded as creating a new genre. It is still unknown whether more light novel-style games will appear in the future.

It is precisely because [there is almost no gameplay at all] that I gave it a score of 7. "

“If it weren’t for the brilliant plot of Mermaid Heart, this game wouldn’t be able to score any points at all. The gameplay is simply terrible, and the long text narration is quite a headache.

This almost takes away from the gameplay.

But the plot is really exciting. "Mermaid Heart" creates suspense very well from the beginning, coupled with the perfect character setting.

With exquisite graphics, excellent soundtrack, and a wonderful ending as always, it’s hard not to love and hate this work.

Even if this work cannot be selected into Famitsu's game hall, it will definitely leave a mark in the history of games.

In the spirit of objective evaluation of games, I can only say that for such a work, it is my limit to score 7 points. "

The total score is 28 points, two points short of entering the palace level game.

However, this did not hinder the praise of "Mermaid Heart" at all.

This game can be regarded as a strange flower among galgames. As the editors commented, Mermaid Heart has outstanding advantages and disadvantages, and the wonderful plot concept and three different Bad Ends are enough to make it a classic. .

Having said that, the reason why Qing Zhiyuan did not make it into a game with combat or gameplay, but instead presented it in an original visual novel way——

Mainly because "Mermaid Heart" can really only be done in this way.

Fighting or adding other game items will lose the impact of the plot.

It seems to be 28 points, but Qing Zhiyuan is quite satisfied with the editors' comments.

Famiton's game reviews are already relatively objective.

If it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to give "Mermaid Heart" a high score to be selected for the Platinum Hall.

Seeing the smile on Qing Zhiyuan's lips, HR Akane Ayase across from her was a little confused.

What kind of mentality does the president have?

In the past, you had a high score of 39 points, but you were not satisfied with being selected into the Platinum Hall, and you even cursed.

This time I was given 28 points, and you still smiled so happily? !

Alas! ~

No wonder, players always find pokeni’s games too sadistic.

It turns out that P Club has been crazy since its president.

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