Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 72 Does 72 actually have different endings? !

Chapter 72 72. Are there actually different endings? !

Furukawa Haoze sat there in a daze, motionless, as if his soul had been sucked away.

Judging from the plot, Suzune is obviously an ancient human being who was forced to migrate to the ocean due to environmental changes.

Yamazaki is a lonely boy. Even though he lives in the human world, he has never felt any warmth.

And Suzune, obviously the last mermaid, cannot fall in love with anyone.

In a world where she cannot find love, Suzune will not have the passion to increase her family.

Alone and exhausted, she becomes a girl in a hopeless world.

Two lonely and desperate individuals come together and become each other's only bond. Although cruel, it is healing.


Gen Urobuchi, this bastard, wanted Suzune to leave the world in this way in the end, leaving only Yamazaki alone.

Even back to the human world.

What is the use of such a world, a world without ringtones?

Suzune didn't survive, so what happiness was there for Yamazaki?

Production lists have begun to appear on televisions:

Sure enough, in the column of producers, the name Furukawa Hirosawa is extremely familiar and loved and hated——

【Guyuan Chunqiu】

Gu Yuan Chunqiu!


Sinai! Sinai! Sinai! Sinai!

Script: [Urobuchi Gen]

Xu Yuan Xuan!


Sinai! Sinai! Sinai! Sinai!

Urobuchi Gen's style is really too strong.

If the last Onmyoji 2 left a deep impression on people, then this time "Mermaid Heart" has strengthened this feeling——

Gen Urobuchi is a script creator who is very good at creating suspense.

In Onmyoji 2, the sense of suspense and the feeling that your heart becomes more and more shaken the further you go, is really addictive.

It is more vividly reflected in the heart of the mermaid.

The small details made Furukawa Hirose doubt Suzune's identity. He really didn't want this to happen, forcing the player to pray inwardly.

To a certain extent, Gen Urobuchi knows how to control the psychology of players.

Furukawa Hirose was really surprised by this man's imagination and creativity.


It's obvious that Xu Yuanxuan and Furuhara Chunqiu are no longer normal.

Can humans come up with such a worldview and story?

And the knife was so thorough, yet so beautiful, it was really uncomfortable and gratifying at the same time.

He obviously wanted to strangle them to death.

But to a certain extent, what angered Furukawa Haoze the most was that he actually felt that these two people contributed a very delicious meal.

A unique world view and unexpected character settings.

Beautiful pictures and touching story.

Delicate brushwork, healing melody...

All these woven together moved Furukawa.

When he came back to his senses, Furukawa Haoze realized that he had been sitting there for a long time.

It's over, it's over.

I suspect that the essence of P Club is the incarnation of evil, and it wants to assimilate the players too!

Become a terrible masochist.

Furukawa was so cold that his teeth chattered.

Early on Monday morning, Furukawa, Hayamikawa and Kinoshita gathered together to discuss the topic of [Mermaid Heart].

"Nene, have you all cleared the level?" Furukawa asked.


Both of them looked extremely tired.

It can be seen that this game can indeed play a spiritual critical role.

I have to say that Galgame from P Club is really good at cutting knives.

Change the pattern without repeating the hair knife.

The scariest thing is that after finishing it, you still think his knife skills are very good.

The three of them sat in the smoking room, feeling as if their souls had been sucked away.

Hayajikawa cleared up the smoke, and the three of them took a puff silently.


"The old thief Furuhara is no longer a human being. In every sense of the word." Hayamikawa said.

The other two people nodded in agreement.

"How should I put it?" Kinoshita held the cigarette butt between his index finger and middle finger, scratched his head with his thumb, and recalled the game scene, "The suspense of this game is really good. Although I have already had doubts in my heart, I In the end it was still hard to believe that Suzune was actually human.”

"Yes." The other two people nodded and agreed, "It can be seen from the changes in the male protagonist that the fish-men at the bottom of the sea are actually early humans. They are just affected by certain factors and have to survive in the sea. Transformed into a mermaid.

The ringtone is so beautiful, what a shame. "

"But even so, Suzune's heart is pure and flawless. She is someone who can die for Yamazaki."

"Well, it's really ironic. Humans can't give Yamazaki love and warmth, but it's a [mermaid] like Suzune who can empathize with Yamazaki."

"Hey, actually to a certain extent, it wouldn't be a bad thing if Yamazaki could continue to live with Suzune like this, right?"

"It's a pity that two lonely individuals cannot survive in this world."


Everyone sighed heavily.

After falling into a brief silence, Kinoshita sniffed and said with slightly red eyes, "Actually, this is fine. Even if Yamazaki becomes one of the mermaids, he is free."


As soon as Kinoshita finished speaking, the other two people raised their heads at the same time and looked at him doubtfully.

"No, no, that's not right." Hayamikawa stared at Kinoshita in surprise and amusement, "It's clear that Yamazaki saw that Suzune was killed and finally chose to die for love. How can there be any talk about turning into a mermaid?"

"Huh?" Hirokawa Furukawa asked in confusion, "Didn't Suzune send Yamazaki Teru back to the human world?"

"What are you talking about?" Kinoshita was confused.

Several people looked at the other two people in surprise.

Two seconds passed.

The three people's eyes widened at the same time.


"So "Mermaid Heart" has a different ending?!"

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