Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 60 When did President 60 learn programming? !

Chapter 60 60. When did the president learn programming? !


I didn't expect it to be like this...

"What, you don't believe it?" Tsuda stared into his eyes.


Qing Zhiyuan shook his head, "Just in this way, it makes people feel more precious and pitiful."

"What?" Tsuda lowered his head shyly.

There is such a description in Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood":

[It was dark at that time, and the gloomy sound of water could be heard.

There is also an old-style tile-making water gate.

There is a big handle on the water door that can be turned open or closed.

It's not a big river.

It's just a small river, and the water plants on the bank cover most of the river surface.

It's pitch black, and if you turn off your flashlight, you might not even be able to see your ankles.

There were hundreds of fireflies flying above the water gate. The bright light reflected on the water, like burning sparks. 】

At this time, the lights in the room were turned off, and there was only moonlight outside the window.

Qing Zhiyuan inexplicably saw fireflies flying on the river and lake before his eyes.

Neon people attach great importance to the sun that rises for the first time in the new year. They will pray and make wishes towards the sun that has just risen, praying for good luck in the coming year.

Especially on extremely high mountaintops, the first ray of light projected from the sky is called "Olai Hikari" and is a very rare image.

Qing Zhiyuan opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful face of Tsuda Nao who was sleeping in front of him.

I couldn't help but feel something in my heart.

This is probably——

This is [Yu Laiguang] in my heart.

At the same time, inside Qing Zhiyuan’s home.

The two girls rubbed their eyes and got out of the quilt.

The sunshine outside was just right, illuminating the room brightly.

"Ale? What happened yesterday? Why did I sleep here?" Ayase Akane frowned.

"Hmm... I don't remember much, I just remember drinking a little wine." Ishino Mika covered her aching forehead.

After two seconds, the two people looked around and looked at each other.

"Where's the president?!"

January 4, 1991.

Construction officially started after the pokeni festival.

As a tradition, Qing Zhiyuan took the members to worship at Sensoji Temple, mainly to pray for God's blessing and hope that the game will sell well this year.

The company is booming.

It's interesting to say that Neon people are quite superstitious in this regard.

Qing Zhiyuan didn't believe it for a long time, but these people were serious about it.

On the first day, everyone seemed to be still immersed in the festive atmosphere and had no intention of working.

Qing Zhiyuan didn't say anything, and this was his reaction to returning to work after the holiday.

In the evening, the members were gathered for a dinner, and two new faces were also added.

One is Shirakawa Atsushi, and the other is Mikami Shinji.

The new members are obviously very motivated.

The topic of greatest concern during dinner parties is what the company will do in the future and what I can do.

Qing Zhiyuan waved his hand, saying there was no need to worry.

You'll find out tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Qing Zhiyuan called a meeting with the members.

The content is the two game goals that have been planned before.

"The first game is still a galgame. This time Genlai Urobuchi is the main script planner. The name of the game is "Mermaid Heart""

Mermaid Heart, the content of the project is not much, and the development difficulty is actually very small.

Basically, it’s a textual process.

It's probably similar to Diandian. You choose after multiple options appear. These options will have a certain impact on the subsequent process in the future.

In a sense, this game is the company's first true text-based romance game.

Also known as visual novel.

"The project producer is still Chunqiu Furuhara."

Hearing the name Gu Yuan Chunqiu, everyone couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh.

"Then this time, Mikami-san should also participate." Qing Zhiyuan looked at Mikami Shinji.

"Hai." The latter looked extremely excited.

To be honest, he didn't think he had any talent for playing games. He had failed several previous written exams.

However, President Ao can give him a chance, and Shinji Mikami feels that he must go all out and seize it.

Qing Zhiyuan also has his own considerations.

Genius is not achieved overnight. Even if it is a future great master like Shinji Mikami, it is impossible for him to be the producer right away.

Starting from the bottom level of planning, Qing Zhiyuan will slowly lead him to one or two projects, and he will probably grow up.

It would be better to let him take charge when the time comes.

The second game is naturally the company's blockbuster work, and it is Qing Zhiyuan's ambitious work to launch——


It's just slightly different from the previous Big Pineapple series.

In this work, Qing Zhiyuan hopes to make most of the bosses in the image of girls.

Once the attack fails, you can immediately turn around.

But Qing Zhiyuan believes that this possibility is almost non-existent.

During this period of time, Qing Zhiyuan had nothing to do and worked overtime at the company every day.

In fact, we are working on a plan for "Diablo".

He distributed the plan to the main meeting participants, then pulled up the blackboard next to him and explained the game while writing.

"Huh?" After listening to Qing Zhiyuan's explanation of the gameplay, Akanishi Ken frowned and expressed deep concern, "We have never had such a foundation to develop a real-time combat game."


The most popular games on the market now are mainly turn-based games.

It’s not that there are no real-time combat games, but there are too many information and judgment parts that need to be processed at the same time.

Especially a real-time combat game of Diablo's level.

The program is computationally intensive.

It's completely different from the turn-based system.

"This problem is actually not difficult. We will discuss it together when the time comes." Qing Zhiyuan said.

In terms of real-time games, Super Mario is actually a side-scrolling real-time game, but Diablo is much more complicated than this.

"Okay, President." Akanishi Ken nodded.

But my heart is full of doubts. The president's words sound nice, but you are not a programmer.

Didn’t you just leave it to us in the end?

Qing Zhiyuan said that in fact, the most difficult thing is not the so-called real-time battle.

Although the build of the combat system is complicated, it is not difficult if it is handled well.

"Actually, the biggest difficulty in this game is the AI." Qing Zhiyuan said.

"Huh? AI?" Ken Akanishi was slightly startled. It was rare to hear a neon person pronounce it so standardly.

This AI is not the artificial intelligence of the later chatgpt, it mainly refers to the [IQ] of the monsters in the game.

To some extent, it can be described as [behavioral strategy].

For example, when will players be attacked by monsters? If there are groups of monsters, how will they cooperate with each other?

Different monsters have very different behavior patterns and coping strategies.

For example, for monsters that live in groups, when you attack one of them, it may cause a group of monsters to pounce on you.

For those with lower IQs, such as skeletons, their modes are relatively simple and independent, and the support effect between them will be weaker.

Even some things that seem to be used for decoration, such as the swing hanging on the tree in the dark, will sway when players get close to it. This is actually the AI ​​implemented by the [Swing] item.

Of course, these are all based on planning needs, and the monsters are set at different levels and difficulties.

"Well... indeed." Ken Akanishi crossed his hands and thought carefully, "If this game wants to be done well, AI is a crucial part. This kind of flat real-time game with a top-down perspective is no better than a horizontal version. There is really too much content that needs to be processed to pass the level.”

"And the player's behavior is not so fixed. The president wants to realize the liberalization and modular splicing of the maze, which is a very scary problem in itself." Programmer Bunta Sasaki added next to him.

In this era, there is no such detailed work on the client side and the server side. Everyone is uniformly a programmer.

Only when the Internet is popularized and the concept of server is introduced, and the local and server are distinguished, will the differences between the front and back ends gradually appear.

Yes, as they say, getting Diablo right is not an easy task.

There are so many things to consider in between.

Even because they have never done anything similar before, they don’t even know what problems they will face in the future.

But it doesn't matter, Qing Zhiyuan said, I just need to think clearly.

Are you kidding?

I am also someone who has led large projects and developed a particularly powerful game engine.

It was as if these contents were engraved in Qing Zhiyuan's mind, and he could talk about them casually for three days and three nights.

At that time, he only needs to sort out the requirements documents and the content process to be developed, and the programmers can implement it according to his plan without thinking.

To put it bluntly, why is programming difficult? The difficulty is not the process of writing the code. The difficulty is figuring out what is needed and how to implement it.

As long as you can do this, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"By the way, when developing, I hope there will be no Hard Code." Qing Zhiyuan said.

"Huh?!" The main programmer Ken Akanishi was a little confused, "If it's not Hard Code, how will it be developed?"

The so-called Hard Code does not mean literally hard core, but refers to the realization of game content through dead code.

Of course, if the entire process is implemented by program and code, the final file, or the size of the cassette, will be minimized, but in this way the scalability will be lost.

The visual explanation is——

Make a robot.

Hard Code is to weld a robot directly according to the drawings.

Other methods may be to make the parts of the robot first, and then assemble the robot from these parts.

What Qing Zhiyuan hopes to achieve is to develop tools through programs and then hand them over to planners for use.

At the same time, the planner uses tools to create levels and all game content.

In the future, programmers will only need to maintain game tools, not game content, and separate them from each other, which is very beneficial to both programming and planning.

This tool will be the so-called [editor] in the future.

Qing Zhiyuan talked endlessly at the meeting.

The programmers below were stunned.

【Nani? Is this really the president and not a monster possessed by something strange? 】

[As an original artist, how could the president come up with so much program content? 】

The most important thing is that what Qing Zhiyuan said is very advanced, like a key that opens the door to everyone's brain.

The whole world looks brand new.

At this moment, programmers were impressed by Qing Zhiyuan.

The president's thinking is so rigorous and advanced, and his understanding of the code is so deep that it is simply unheard of.

Much beyond everyone's imagination.


Ken Akanishi was stunned.


When did the president go to learn programming?

No, just learning programming is not enough.

Because many concepts, such as monster AI, editors, including the [behavior tree] proposed by the president later, are currently unavailable.

It’s hard to imagine that an original painting could dismantle the program logic to such an extent.



Qing Zhiyuan discussed it with everyone for a long time, and everyone felt a little confident.

"Hmm, if we can really achieve this step." Akanishi Ken's eyes sparkled, "then we are equivalent to providing a tool for building the world. This tool can fully achieve what the president requires."

"No, it's more than that. There may be a lot of scalability in the future."


What a genius design!

Moreover, for programmers, it is simply a great good thing.

You must know that before this, whenever there was a change in planning requirements, the programmers almost had to change the code.

Not only was it time-consuming and laborious, but it also accumulated a lot of anger.

The conflict between planners and programmers is really getting worse.

Now it's great, programmers only need to develop tools, and in the future planners can make adjustments themselves if they want to make any changes.

Programmers can be freed from complex requirements implementation and spend their time on program optimization.

What could be happier than this?

"Yes, that's it." Qing Zhiyuan said, "But this will inevitably lead to a higher cassette capacity than expected. We must be mentally prepared for future optimization."

"Okay president!"

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