Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 51 51 Please give me something extra spicy

Chapter 51 51. Please give me something extra spicy

In the evening, Qing Zhiyuan invited Katayama Reiko and the photographer to have dinner together.

Although he is very confident in his appearance, he also hopes that the photographer can help him take better-looking photos.

When the time comes, I will post a few more photos of the handsome guy in the report.

"By the way, I don't know if you two can eat spicy food. If so, I know a good Chinese restaurant." Qing Zhiyuan said.

Katayama Reiko and the photographer looked at each other, then nodded.

"It seems good to eat Chinese food once in a while."

Qing Zhiyuan took them to a Sichuan restaurant called [Yang].

My stomach growled with hunger.

The main reason is that I haven’t eaten anything from my hometown for a long time, and now I’m extremely hungry.

In addition to Reiko Katayama and the photographer, Mika Ishino and Genya Urobuchi were also there.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Qing Zhiyuan first ordered a plate of Mapo Tofu, and then everyone ordered a bowl of Dandan noodles.

The waiter said in friendly Chinese-Japanese, "If you don't like spicy food very much, then order mild spicy food. But personally, I recommend regular spicy food."

Although the food here in Neon is similar to that in China, they like to add various condiments. For example, the omelette rice will be topped with a layer of soy sauce or cheese, but the taste is actually bland.

Even the light soy sauce actually tastes a few grades lighter than the ones in China.

So if you want a stronger taste, you have to add more light soy sauce.

If the spiciness level is acceptable——

According to Qing Zhiyuan's own estimation, it is probably similar to Northeast China.

Of course, this is his own ranking of spiciness:

Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan have 5 stars for spicy food, Hunan and Jiangxi have 4 stars, and then Hubei is generally considered spicy, followed by Northeast China, Hebei... and at the bottom is Guangdong.

After listening to the waiter's introduction, several Neon people looked at each other. Although it was not the first time to eat Chinese food, it was the first time to eat dandan noodles.

Finally, everyone turned their attention to Qing Zhiyuan.

"Then...please give me a spicy one." Qing Zhiyuan finished speaking, and then introduced the others, "Please give them a mild spicy one."


The waiter was obviously a little surprised by this customer's [Extra Spicy] request.

I was afraid that this person didn’t know what the level of extra spicy was, so I repeated it again, “If it’s extra spicy, it will be so spicy that your tongue will be numb. If you want to experience the original flavor of Dandan noodles, I will Bian suggested that normal spicy would be fine.”

Qing Zhiyuan smiled disdainfully and politely, "Okay, no problem at all. Please make it extra spicy for me."

You must know that Qing Zhiyuan in his previous life was a genuine Guizhou native, and eating spicy food was a common occurrence.

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Another fried dumpling, couple's lung slices, and two brown sugar glutinous rice cakes." Qing Zhiyuan said.

"Okay, then please wait a moment."

After about ten minutes, the waiter took the dishes on a tray and put them on the table.

"This is extra spicy dandan noodles, slightly spicy dandan noodles, and then...fried dumplings..."

After loading everything, he made a gesture of invitation, "Okay, please use it slowly."

Seeing the slightly rich food in front of them, everyone couldn't help but move their index fingers.

Katayama Reiko fanned her nose with her hand, "Well, it smells great. It must taste delicious."

"Okay, please have a taste," Qing Zhiyuan invited, "If you think the Dandan noodles are too spicy, just eat a little of this brown sugar glutinous rice cake to relieve it."

"No problem, it's just a little spicy." The photographer said with a smile.

This was probably the most comfortable time he had ever visited. Before, carrying a camera was tiring and heavy. Basically, he would call it a day after finishing his work and go back to rest. At most, he and Katayama would find a ramen restaurant to make do.

I didn't expect to be invited by President Pokeni today and have Chinese food.

High season!

Several people followed Qing Zhiyuan's example, first mixing the dandan noodles well, then picking up the noodles with chopsticks and stuffing them into their mouths.

"Hmm~ No! (It's so delicious)" Katayama Reiko couldn't help but admire after taking a bite.

Others nodded.

"It's delicious. It's my first time to eat such delicious Chinese food."

"The Dandan noodles have a lot of minced meat and the sauce is very rich. It feels extremely rich in texture when you eat it. The noodles are also extremely chewy!" the photographer gave a thumbs up.

Katayama Reiko gave him a roll of her eyes.

If you are so good at talking, why don't you become an editor?


It was indeed delicious.

Several people immediately ate and slurped up the noodles.

The boss in the back kitchen laughed.

There is a well-established rule for eating noodles in Neon. The louder you slurp, the more recognition you have of the chef's cooking skills.

So this table is basically full of chatter, one after another.

However, after taking a few bites, several people, including Katayama, immediately felt something was wrong.

"Ah~ so spicy!" Mika Ishino stuck out her little tongue and hurriedly looked for water.

Qing Zhiyuan smiled and said nothing. He had already picked up the teapot from the side, poured it for her and handed it to her hand.

Ishino raised his tea cup and drank it in one gulp.

"Tooth white! My tongue has lost all feeling."

"Ah! Me too." Katayama Reiko agreed.

"Actually, the spiciness is not bad, but there are a lot of numbing things added to it."

"Panthoxylum bungeanum." Qing Zhiyuan said, "It is a Sichuan cuisine method to add Sichuan peppercorns or Zanthoxylum bungeanum noodles to Dandan noodles."

"Ah~ It's unreasonable. I can't do it anymore. My tongue no longer exists."

After Katayama drank a cup of tea, he quickly ate a piece of brown sugar glutinous rice cake as Qing Zhiyuan said just now.

"Hmm~ It's delicious. The brown sugar glutinous rice cake is so sweet!"

Several other people also followed suit.

After one mouthful of brown sugar glutinous rice cake, my tongue seemed to come alive again.

After a slight relief, the dry rice cooks still finished the bowl of dandan noodles.

In addition, these people were also very curious about the [fried dumplings with ice flower bottom] they saw for the first time.

Because the fried dumplings are different from what we usually see. When they are served, what we see is a whole round piece of something similar to sesame pancakes placed on the plate.

But in fact, the so-called ice flower bottom is that when frying dumplings in a round frying pan, some starch is put in it to make it crispy, and it is folded over when serving.

So on the surface it looks like a circle. In fact, if you divide it with chopsticks, you will find that there are more than ten dumplings stuck together at the bottom.

"If you want to eat fried dumplings, you should put some chili pepper and vinegar to make them taste better." Qing Zhiyuan made a simple dip for himself.

But when others heard the word spicy, they no longer dared to touch it.

"President Ao can eat spicy food very well." Katayama Reiko couldn't help but be a little stunned when she saw the red spicy oil in his dipping dish.

Isn’t that right?

Qing Zhiyuan rolled his eyes inwardly with disdain.

You trained in my previous life in Greater China. Do you think it’s a joke?


After enjoying the meal, Qing Zhiyuan couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the taste of hometown is the best!

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