Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 28 28 is not [Guyuan Chunqiu]

Chapter 28 28. It’s not [Guyuan Chunqiu]

After the project is decided, what remains is an intense development period.

Due to the huge sales of the previous work "Onmyoji", Qing Zhiyuan specially gave employees five days of paid leave so that they could go back and adjust themselves before returning.

Although the company's situation has been eased to some extent, the next two battles are not simple.

July 4, 1990.

The pokeni company held a small symposium for "Onmyoji" players, with a total of 100 seats on site.

This symposium was held at the request of Qing Zhiyuan.

The main purpose is to shorten the distance between us and the players, and more importantly, to understand the players’ views on the game.

Guo Weiwei, the chief planner of the previous Chinese production Jian Wang 3, liked to use this form to communicate with players.

What's the benefit?

One is to show that the development team attaches great importance to players.

The second is to reflect the affinity of the development team.

The third is to create Guo Weiwei's personal brand image, just like creating a Neon producer.

For many games in China, the reputation of the game is far greater than that of the producer. Only games like "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and Jian Wang 3 will work hard to market their personal value.

Qing Zhiyuan is not trying to market his personal value, but at least striking while the iron is hot is still necessary to market Pokeni's corporate brand image.

What's more, he also invited DUN's president Nao Tsuda. The purpose was to prove to her——

The unprecedented success of the game "Onmyoji" is not because it is a galgame, but because it is an RPG with a very good plot.

"Do you need to prove it to me?" Tsuda Nao gave him a look.

"Of course." Qing Zhiyuan said proudly, "What I want to tell President Tsuda is - although love is an instinctive drive of human beings, we have many pursuits that are far higher than love."

For example, the "sacrifice" and "salvation" expressed in "Onmyoji" are far greater than sex.

"Okay, okay, you are right."

Tsuda Nao smiled nonchalantly.

Unlike attending important meetings and social events, Tsuda and Qing Zhiyuan dressed more casually.

Casual, but does not mean casual, just casual clothes.

Qing Zhiyuan was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans. His well-trained arm muscles were exposed, making him even more masculine.

Tsuda was wearing a ruffled cool shirt, a pair of black silk trousers, and low-heeled sandals, revealing his fair and slender arms and ankles, making him look a little more intellectually beautiful.

The symposium has not started yet, but the players who came today seemed very enthusiastic and were already waiting in the lobby early.

There are even many players having heated discussions about "Onmyoji".

When Qing Zhiyuan and Tsuda Nao arrived at the venue, the overall atmosphere was extremely warm.

Before his identity was revealed, he took Nao Tsuda and sat among the players, pretending to be one of the players, wanting to hear what they were talking about.

"Today is my first time attending a game symposium."

"No, no company has held it before. Maybe I just didn't pay attention."

"Yes, mainly because "Onmyoji" is very important to players like me today."

Several people looked at each other and smiled, and seemed to understand that they were of the same mind.

"Although I am a galgame player, no galgame game has ever moved me so much."

"Me too."

"I feel like if I don't come to pokeni's symposium today, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Yeah~ I understand. After all, this game is too special. Once you play it once, you will never forget it in your life."

"That's right. The heroines are really beautiful in the world, and the ending is so touching. This can't be described as a galgame at all, right?"

Hearing this, Qing Zhiyuan raised his eyebrows at Tsuda Nao, how about it?

Tsuda smiled and blinked, nodding slightly, you are right.

"But, the part about conquering girls is really good. It's my first time to play such an exciting gal game."

"Huh? Me too."

Everyone covered their mouths and laughed.

"I originally thought that Oniyahime was enough to make people's hearts beat. But after I met Yuuki Rei, Kurai Yue, and Kazekage Luo, I realized that these girls are really ideals in the world."

"I will always love the spirit."

"Me too."

“The picture of the spirit bathing in the lake is simply stunning.”

The players discussed it excitedly.

Tsuda Nao turned her face sideways and raised an eyebrow at Qing Zhiyuan, how about that?

Qing Zhiyuan curled his lips in disbelief.

That's just an embellishment, or a gimmick.

"Even if you take away the part about capturing girls, this game is still exciting enough, right?" He interjected, "In Onmyoji, the main battle, life and death, these are more important than capturing girls, right?"

Everyone turned around to look at the player who entered midway.

Although he is said to be a gamer, this guy's appearance and dress are indeed somewhat different from those of the geeks.

He looks so handsome, so there should be a lot of girls in real life?

Why are you playing galgame like us?


One of the middle-aged married men nodded, understanding Qing Zhiyuan very well.

Even if he is married, a man still has some hobbies and space of his own. It is also a good choice to play with him occasionally.

"Well~ that's what I'm saying, but without the galgame part, I feel like it's missing something."

"Well, I can't imagine that this game is not like galgame. Maybe it's preconceived, right?"

"Yes, yes, but if "Onmyoji" was not a restricted-level galgame game, I might not really buy it."

Hearing this, Tsuda Nao was laughing so hard that she couldn't stand up straight.

"It may also be because pokeni is so well done and blends in so naturally and seamlessly that it makes people feel that galgame itself is part of the game." Qing Zhiyuan asked with a smile.


A look of disdain from Tsuda Nao came from the side.

This is obviously a leading question, and how can anyone be so shameless as to praise their own work without blushing?

"But, I came here today to participate in the symposium. In addition to my love for "Onmyoji", more importantly, I want to see who the producer of this game is."

"Yes, yes, me too."

"It is said that it is called [Furuhara Chunqiu], right?"

"Well, old thief Gu Yuan, after I played the game, I really wanted to strangle him to death."

"Hahaha, me too."

“When I saw the scene of the soul’s death, I was completely shocked. This was the feeling I had at that time, and I wanted to kill someone.

I want to grab Gu Yuan Chunqiu's neck and ask him why he did this? ! "

"Yeah, yeah, old thief Gu Yuan, the hatred for killing his wife is irreconcilable."

Qing Zhiyuan couldn't help but feel her anus tighten.

Next to her, Nao Tsuda covered her mouth and was about to burst into laughter.

"Oh, I can't do it anymore, my stomach hurts." Nao Tsuda waved her hands.

Looking at the nameplate prepared for him on the seats in the stadium, it read "Guyuan Chunqiu" in big characters. Qing Zhiyuan silently shouted in his heart that it was not good!

He quickly stood up and walked towards Akane Ayase who was preparing for the meeting.

"Akane-chan, please quickly change the name tag in the middle [Furuhara Chunqiu] to Qing Zhiyuan." Qing Zhiyuan lowered his voice and said in her ear.

"Huh?" Ayase Akane was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect that the president would have the courage to face the players directly.

I originally thought that he would hide behind [Gu Yuan Chunqiu] for the rest of his life.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Ayase Akane smiled and bowed.

"But president, please hire a secretary quickly. I'm obviously an HR person. Why do I always do secretary work?"

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