Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 1 1 What game should I play?

Chapter 1 1. What game is good?

Galgame, also known as beautiful girl game.

It is a video game in which players can interact with beautiful animated girls. Its audience used to be neon men, but with the development of the all-age GalGame plot, it is no longer divided into men and women.

Most of the game types of galgame are vng (visual novels) but there are also interactive galgames.

To put it simply, it is an interactive game about falling in love with a beautiful girl.

1990, March.

Tokyo, Pokeni Co., Ltd.

The atmosphere inside the company is very solemn, and faint sighs can be heard from time to time.

"The future feels bleak."

"No, isn't it? The company has just started and is it going to be gone?"

"It should be completely hopeless this time. The sales of this game are not good, and coupled with the unlucky economic situation, the company may also go bankrupt."

"Yeah, who would have thought that the economic situation was great last year, but this year it was like jumping off the roof of the building."

"Really? I don't want the company to go bankrupt. I still have a family to support. If I lose my job at this time..."

At the same time, inside the president's office.

Qing Zhiyuan was also sighing, but the reason for his sighing was different from that of the employees outside.

"What the hell happened? Even if you were reborn, you were actually reborn in an island country, and your parents died, you have no car, no house, and you owe a lot of debt?"

Yes, Qing Zhiyuan was reborn.

The current time is April 1, 1990. It is not the Magic City of China in 2023 that he is familiar with, and his current identity is the president of Pokeni Co., Ltd.

The neon lights of this parallel world, when the economic bubble burst last year, the whole country was in mourning. It suddenly fell from the peak to the bottom. Until now, homeless people who have become homeless because their companies went bankrupt can be seen everywhere on the streets.

Pokemoni, a small game company, has almost fallen to the brink of bankruptcy since the failure of its last game. It is still unclear whether it will be able to pay employees' salaries on time next month.

"Ah...it's a hell of a start, otherwise I'd better find a job after going bankrupt."

Qing Zhiyuan frowned uncomfortably, holding his hands in pain.

But having said that, Qing Zhiyuan still can only choose to make games. If possible, it is best to continue running the company.

It is impossible to work part-time in this life.

In 1990, after the economic bubble burst in the island country, countless people became pessimistic and despairing, their willingness to consume dropped significantly, countless companies went bankrupt, and countless industries fell into an abyss. However, there were a few who bucked the trend.

Gaming is one of them.

Although the islanders have since entered an era of economic stagnation and low consumer desire, this has also become a golden age for the development of the game industry.

Games will become the largest and most popular consumer product for countless deadhouses and cashiers in the island country in the next few decades.

What's more, Qing Zhiyuan's job in his previous life was to play games.

Before his rebirth, his identity was the main program of a two-dimensional project of MiHoYo Company. His skills were certainly not to mention. He was also one of the main developers of MiHoYo's animation engine, and he himself had great knowledge of the game. His enthusiasm, and the company's main focus is on the two-dimensional game, which is more suitable for island games, so making games in this life is like a duck in water for him.

What surprised Qing Zhiyuan even more was that the original owner of this body had a very strong painting ability before taking on the role of producer.

very good.

My programming ability, coupled with a lot of game experience, strong painting skills, and advanced aesthetics of the future world...

The corners of Qing Zhiyuan's mouth raised slightly.

There is no possibility of failure in playing games in this life.

"Pokeni is in danger now and we have to find a way to save him."

The top priority is to get an investment. Apart from anything else, you must at least make a good plan first.

"I have to think about which game I should copy first, ah, which game is better to make first."

Qing Zhiyuan has many AAA masterpieces in mind, but AAA masterpieces have several fatal shortcomings: they require a lot of people, a lot of money, and a lot of time.

Yes, this is basically the definition of 3A.

To put it simply, AAA masterpieces generally refer to high-cost, high-volume, and high-quality games.

Qing Zhiyuan couldn't even imagine a game like Red Dead Redemption 2 that cost 5.6 billion yuan and took nearly 8 years to develop.

What Qingzhiyuan can best grasp is high quality.

He turned on his computer, created a new txt document, and wrote a line on it:

"Legend of Sword and Fairy"

The first thing Qing Zhiyuan thought of was the game "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" is a domestic stand-alone Chinese role-playing computer game released by Daewoo Information in 1995. Because of its grand story background, it is full of China's unique martial arts fantasy, plus a deeply touching and healing story. , achieved a generation of classics.

The results of Xian 1 are actually very good, with sales of more than 200,000 in Baodao, China. Later, it was originally planned to be transplanted to Sega SS to enter the island country market. Unfortunately, Sega failed to live up to the expectations and lost in the competition with Nintendo's console, so that Fairy Sword did not achieve good results on SS either.

Apart from cultural differences, it can only be said that bad luck does not mean that the fairy sword cannot work.

In Qing Zhiyuan’s view, human emotions are interconnected. “clannad”, an animation with obvious island characteristics, can still move the Chinese people. Why can’t Fairy Sword?

If the production level of the DOS version of Fairy Sword back then was still far behind the international mainstream, then Qing Zhiyuan is now standing above the world mainstream. With the current R\u0026D strength of Pokeni Company, the development effect on FC may not be good. It can be better, as long as the characters are well-drawn.

In addition, there is another very important reason why it is "Legend of Sword and Fairy": although pokeni's newly released new game "Heart of Sword" has been blocked, this game is an out-and-out turn-based RPG game. .

Turn-based, RPG, swordsman... these are all very suitable for "Legend of Sword and Fairy". It can save at least half of the time in game development. At least most of the work on the program side has been completed, and the rest is to add art. Re-create it, change it to another story and process, and add some details and functions, and it will be perfect.

The Fairy Sword series, especially the story of Fairy Sword 1, will definitely impress investors.

After staying up all night, Qing Zhiyuan simply wrote a rough outline of the story of Fairy Sword, and also set up the characters and described it. Then he called the company's copywriter Mika Ishino into the conference room.

"President, what's the matter?"

Ishino is a petite girl in her 20s, wearing a pair of round-rimmed glasses and a white sweater that covers her plump figure that does not match her appearance.

Her voice was not loud, but Qing Zhiyuan heard her clearly.

He raised his head to look at her and handed her the printed document.

"Take a look and see if you can finish this story. I'm going to turn it into a project and look for investment."


Ishino's eyes lit up, so the company doesn't have to go bankrupt and I don't have to lose my job?


Let me explain in advance:

The content described in this book does not entirely correspond to the real world.

It does not reflect any real-life content.

Because there are some contents that cannot be written.

If you write it, you will be banned.

Therefore, rationalization and magical changes will be made in this book.

As long as there are no logical flaws, everyone will assume that the author set up a parallel world.

If there are any flaws in the logic, please point it out in the description of this chapter, and the author will change it after seeing it.

Thank you all.

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