"Oh, yes, is that so?"

Himeko's acting skills can not be said to be too good, but it can be said that Yin Yue, who is not deep in the world, is more than enough, she also looked at Jizi worriedly, but then lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing this, Ji Zi thought that she had done too much, and when she wanted to explain, before she could speak, Yin Yue raised her head again, and at the same time, there was an extra gemstone shining with a strange red light in her hand.

"If Aunt Himeko is very distressed about this matter, then I can help, I only need this."

Yin Yue said and raised the red gem in his hand, and Kiana and Youlandale on the side also immediately noticed that something was wrong, but it was too late.

Yin Yue had already put the red gem into Ji Zi's hands that he had gladly received, and then the gem seemed to melt and melt into Ji Zi's body.


Himeko was puzzled and shocked by this strange scene, but then something even more surprising happened when she first noticed the excitement of Kiana and Youlander.

At the same time, the concentration of collapse energy around Himeko rose rapidly, she only felt that her body gradually became lighter, and in this instant she felt that she was dozens of years younger, no, am I that old?

But at this moment, countless red collapses can condense, gradually engulfing Jizi, and Kiana can only take Yinyue and Youlandale to retreat into the distance when she sees this.

At the same time, other people who felt the strangeness here also rushed over, and Teresa also hurriedly arranged for people to block this place, and specially supported Kiana and Bronia to make lunch for everyone, and the bud clothes and Bronia of the two also arrived in time.

"What happened, why did the lawyer suddenly appear in the academy?!" Teresa looked warily at the red collapse energy that was still condensing not far away.

"This, this, a little accident, but everything is still under control, don't worry."

Kiana didn't know how to explain it when she saw Teresa coming, and it was naturally impossible for him to win Teresa's trust if he was flustered, after all, it was all like this, and it would be really stupid to believe it again.

And at this moment, the changes on Himeko's side finally ended, and as the red collapse energy slowly restrained, it finally attached to Himeko and turned into a lawyer's clothing.

"Hime, Himeko?! What the hell is going on here? Why did even Himeko become a lawyer? Teresa looked at Himeko, who had turned into a lawyer, and only felt incomparable despair in her heart.

Could it be that St. Freya Academy is really a magic cave? Why are the lawyers, one after the other? Forget about the students, why are even teachers now becoming lawyers!

"Uh, this, that..." Kiana didn't know how to explain at this time, and could only look at Bud Yi and Bronia on the side with a pleading look.

As for Landall? Then forget it, although they don't get along for a long time, she can also understand the nature of her sister.

"Headmaster, this should just be an accident, and you don't have to be sad, after all, isn't Teacher Himeko also increasing the combat power of our academy, and can teach the lawyer, maybe our academy is the only one."

Bud Yi and Bronia can naturally guess the reason for the incident, after all, Yin Yue, the embodiment of Collapsed Consciousness, is here, and Ji Zi has inexplicably become a lawyer, even if you think with your knees, you can know what is going on.

"Uh, why do you say that, I feel that there is no point in teaching?" Teresa's whole person turned gray and white at this moment.

After all, if everyone is a lawyer, then what else does she teach?

Everyone is also more curious about Himeko, who has just become a lawyer, and she herself is quite incomprehensible about this, what is the situation? I remember that I seemed to be just playing with Yinyue, right?

Himeko was puzzled and moved her lower body at the same time, as if the feeling of returning to 18 years old made her want to stop, full of youthful vitality and powerful at the same time, and it would not be eroded by the collapse.

Is this the lawyer? It's really powerful!

Himeko couldn't help but sigh, and at this time the others gradually gathered around.

"Uh, you guys..."

"Himeko, how are you?" Nothing uncomfortable, right?

"Himeko-sensei, welcome to join us, do you feel about the newly become a lawyer?"

"Aunt Himeko, you are getting stronger now, don't worry about it anymore."

The scene was suddenly chaotic, but fortunately, Teresa belongs to the more coaxing type, and under the foolishness of everyone, this matter is finally about to be revealed, but...

"Yin Yue, there is an extra Flame Law Core core, did you do it?"

Just when everyone wanted to go back to lunch, familiar spatial fluctuations were heard not far away, and then they saw two figures, one big and one small, walking out of it.

The small figure was naturally No. 17, and the appearance of the big figure shocked everyone present, and then they all subconsciously looked at Cecilia who was standing with them.

"Oops, it looks like I'm not here at the right time." And that person was naturally Misterine Shanyat, who had the same appearance and voice as Cecilia, and the only difference between the two was the color of her hair and the dress she wore.

"It's really, surprisingly." Cecilia did not have any sense of rejection at this scene, but stared at the feather rabbit with a curious face, seemingly very interested in the sudden appearance of a person who looked like herself.

I don't know if there is a reason that because of the birth of Shanyat Stigmata, the feather rabbit and Cecilia can be said to have a good conversation, and during this period, No. 17 also told the true identity of Yinyue to the uninformed people present, that is, Teresa.

But fortunately, Teresa is also a reasonable person, although she is skeptical about the identity of the embodiment of Honkai consciousness, but it is already in front of her, and she is not allowed to question anything.

Although he didn't expect Yin Yue to have this ability, it was not surprising when he thought about it carefully, but fortunately, he didn't make any big mistakes.

Yin Yue's affairs were solved, and everyone decided to continue to go back for lunch, and at the same time invited the two who had just arrived, and No. 17 thought about continuing to go back to work, but saw that Mistelin seemed to have an intention to stay.

Later, under the persuasion of Mistelin, No. 17 also chose to stay, but on the way back, Cecilia also noticed that the other party seemed to have been observing Youlandale intentionally or unintentionally.

"Is there something wrong?" Seeing this, Cecilia also wanted to ask to understand, after all, it was about her daughter.

"Ah, sorry, no offense, just because I was born recently, I was a little curious about the birth of a new life."

Mistelin saw that she was exposed (in fact, she had not hidden it at all), and also opened her mouth to explain.

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