It was the introduction and quasi-promotion from the western world—the western world was too far away, and the two of them had to prepare gifts again. If they hurried, they came too late.

The two pressed Luoyun's head and ran all the way to Chen Xuan. With a thump, there was a five-body throw: "Take the lead, quasi-lift, I have seen Daoist. Daoist Wanfu Jin'an, Huang Yao Little Princess fairy blessing and eternal youth."

They knelt and made a big movement, and they were dumbfounded by the hundreds of thousands of cultivators present.

Not just them, but even Hongjun, Sanqing, and even Nuwa can't hold on to Face.

You are somehow the big bosses of the Western world. Hearing the aisles in the Zixiao Palace, the Dao ancestors who had passed the enlightenment futon, did such a brazen thing, it is simply not a son of man!

Hongjun was angry that his old face turned blue, and he felt that the own comprehension futon was divided into the wrong person-if I knew this, it was better to give it to Kunpeng and Emperor Jun!

It also saves that I have to lose my face now.

Leading and Zhunti are indeed cruel people who can be used as Magic Treasures, and their contempt for them simply ignores them. The lead took out a fiery red branch from his arms and handed it out:

"Daoist, this is a treasure obtained by Xiaodao accidentally. Today I will dedicate it to Huang Yao Little Princess as a birthday gift."

When Chen Xuan saw this branch, he felt that the more he looked at it, the more familiar he became, and he couldn't help scratching his head: "You branch, wouldn't it be..."

Zhunti rushed and said, "Daoist really has good eyesight. Although this branch looks ordinary, it was broken off from the Xiantian Parasol Tree."

Xiuyin exchanged glances with him, and said triumphantly: "This Xiantian Parasol Tree has been extinct in the wilderness, so the branch of the Xiantian Parasol Tree presented by Xiaodao and Junior Brother is the only treasure in the wilderness. . Such a treasure is worthy of Little Princess!"

Chen Xuan took the branch with an indescribable expression on his face.

At this time, the Styx who came behind him couldn't help but interject: "Two Daoists, the branches of the Xiantian Parasol Tree are really precious. But..."

With that said, he took out a windmill—this was made for the little Phoenix when Chen Xuan was idle and had nothing to do. The materials used were exactly the branches of the Xiantian Parasol Tree.

"Look at the two of you. The toys and bed of my little master are all made of this Xiantian Parasol Tree. This branch..."

Styx's words fell in the ears of Jiuying and Zhunti, no less than a thunderstorm, making them both stupid.

Styghe went on to say: "The two may not know that the Xiantian Parasol Tree tree was saved by my master and regained his youth. From birth to now, my little master has never lacked this kind of thing by his side."

The two old faces of Jiuyin and Zhunti slammed into the ground, and they became like monkey buttocks.

Anyone who has some abilities in the predicament basically knows the relationship between Chen Xuan and the Xiantian Parasol Tree, so these two old lamps usually stay in the Western world, and the news is blocked.

The two old people looked at Chen Xuan’s smile, then glanced at each other, gritted his teeth, and took out another thing: "Senior, forgive me, Junior doesn’t know this fact. Junior is willing. Give this thing as a birthday gift for Little Princess."

Chen Xuan saw that a drop of crystal clear, colorful and dazzling light was lying in the palm of her hand.

Zhunti's heart was dripping blood, but he still said, "This object is called the Eight Treasure Merit Water. It is the treasure of our Western world, and no outsider has ever obtained it."

"Today, Junior two will give this treasure to Princess Huang Yao. May Little Princess stay forever, Ruyi Scepter."Chen Xuan looked at the drop of water, and squeezed his chin and thought: "It turns out that this is the legendary Eight Treasures of Merit Water. As expected, it's not as famous as meeting."

According to legend, the eight treasures of merit are clean, cold, sweet, light and soft, moist, and peaceful.

Drinking this water of merit can not only relieve hunger and thirst, but also gain a treasure with many special effects.

Little Phoenix looked at the water of merit and felt the strong and holy breath emanating from it. He couldn't help but feel very happy in his heart, and slapped his hands to express his gratitude to the two old men.

Now that the little guy likes it, it's done.

Chen Xuan's expression eased a lot, and he took the merit water and put it in the heart of his daughter's hand, but suddenly he remembered something: "Receive Yin."

"Junior is here, I don't know what else senior has to order?"

"I suddenly remembered one thing. If I use this eight-treasure merit water to cook porridge, will the cooked porridge be the eight-treasure porridge?"


Nuwa behind him couldn't help but laughed, and then realized that he was gaffe, and quickly stopped his smile, and secretly pinched Chen Xuan to stop him from talking nonsense.

Chen Xuan also knew that this joke was not the right time, and he smiled: "Thank you for your kindness, but...Is this drop of water too much? What if my baby girl gets flooded? "

Nuwa has been with him for so long, and naturally understands what the rogue is thinking: This is too small, and I want to ask the other four daughters for a little too.

Zhun said: "Senior can rest assured, although this drop of the Eight Treasure Merit Water is enough to turn into the water of the three Tianhe Rivers, this Merit Water is spiritual, and there will never be anything that senior is worried about."

It would be better if he didn't say this, but when he said it fell into Chen Xuan's ears, it made him furious.

Good guy, one drop of water can turn three heavenly rivers, why didn't you talk about this kind of thing earlier?

No wonder you want to give this thing because you want to see my old man make a fool of yourself?

Sure enough, you two old things were not mistaken. After spending too long in the west, people became insidious.

But I didn't know that Chen Xuan had already scolded two of his brothers in his heart, and was still introducing the magical effect of the Eight Treasure Merit Water in a loud voice, for fear that others would not know that they had given him a treasure.

Seeing that Chen Xuan's face became more and more ugly, what Zhunti did next was to save the two brothers.

"Senior, this is an egg obtained by Junior by chance. I don't know what it is. I have heard that senior is very knowledgeable, so please bring it to senior."

With that said, Zhunti took out an egg two meters high and three meters long from the sea of ​​knowledge and placed it in front of Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan felt very strange, why do people always give themselves eggs?

But Jiyin and Zhunti have already taken out the eggs, so it's okay to let them take them back again, right?

At this time, the little Phoenix flew to the egg slantingly, with his ears pressed to listen for a while, and then shouted at Chen Xuan: "Dad, Dad. There are people in there, there are people!"

Chen Xuan was taken aback: Someone?

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