Somewhere above the clouds on the edge of the eastern continent. .

Qing Lian came back from the starry sky, and it was only hundreds of millions of trillions of miles away from the Central Continent, which was not too far away.

After Qinglian said, she started to set off and headed to the Central Continent.

. . . . . .

Changhong cut through the world.

Qinglian came along all the way, taking away the eye-catching spiritual plants, spiritual materials, and Qinglian together. Although these things are not too precious in the wild land at this time, they are not too precious. At this time, it was fate, but Qinglian did not refuse.

After Qing Lian collected the materials, she moved on.

Finally, a hundred years later, Qinglian stepped into the region of the Central Continent.

The Central Continent is really full of spiritual energy, beautiful scenery, crisscrossing spiritual veins...

Qing Lian looked at the Central Continent with a smile in her mouth.

After all, he grabbed it, and the laws and rules appeared in his hands, and immediately said, "The Central Continent, the laws of the avenues and the rules of heaven and earth need to be more perfect, it is really a place of good fortune...

Qing Lian moved slightly under her feet, and then slowly lifted into the air. She was already above hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, looking at the distance of the Central Continent.

Although the distance is hundreds of millions and billions of trillions, Qinglian can still see the continuous heaven and earth, the Tianzhu Buzhou mountain that suppressed the ages. At this time, the Tianzhu area was covered with countless spiritual mists, which made the place of Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain look a little hazy, and it was impossible to see clearly.

Every time I look at the Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain, it also gives a sense of mystery at this time. It will not be transformed by the backbone of Pangu. Tianzhu, the continuous world, suppresses the ancients and oppresses the world...

After Qing Lian thought for a while, her figure moved again and flew towards the central continent.

After Qing Lian entered the Central Continent, she didn't move fast, and moved slowly all the way.

Qinglian was walking all the way to the east at this time. This direction was also because Qinglian had a feeling in her heart. Somewhere in this direction, there should be an opportunity of her own. After so long, she finally sensed her own opportunity. .

Although for the time being, it is not clear what the fate was, but when she first entered the Central Continent, she felt the sense of fate. I have to say that this is quite good for Qinglian.

‘Om! ’

In vain, Void shook slightly, and then saw a slender figure in Tsing Yi slowly walking out. It was Qing Lian who had crossed hundreds of millions of miles and came to this mountain range.

"What a mountain range, what a fairy family, what a chance..."

As soon as Qing Lian arrived here, she couldn't help but sigh in admiration. The degree of aura at this time can be said to be the mountains that Qing Lian has seen during all these years of traveling through the precipices.

Moreover, because this mountain range is located in the Central Continent, the laws of avenues and the rules of heaven and earth that are flooded here are much more perfect than other areas, and they are becoming clearer, so that you can understand the mystery and avenues more quickly. reason.

Qinglian's eyes were like a clear sky, slowly sweeping over everything in the mountains here. After a while, a faint smile appeared on her face, "The creatures here are also very qualified. It seems that there is no small reason for this place...

After Qing Lian said, she turned her gaze again, and fell to the center of the mountain, on a peak that was tens of thousands of feet high.

This mountain is not too high in the midst of the great wilderness, but this mountain does not win by high, but because of the richness of the mountain's aura, Qinglian is secretly amazed.

This is a rare fairy mountain in the prehistoric times, and it is Qinglian's travels in these years, and I have never seen it. Compared with Kunlun, this mountain is incomparable.

And the sense of chance in Qinglian's heart was guided from this mountain.

After Qing Lian smiled slightly, her figure moved, turning into a rainbow light, and fleeing towards this place.

. . . . . . .

Within a few dozen breaths, Qinglian had already descended on this mountain.

He was not eager to find opportunities at this time, but stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the whole mountain range and the central land, and then nodded.

After that, Qing Lian turned around and looked for it in the direction guided by chance on the top of the mountain.

In a moment, Qinglian came to a canyon.

The canyon is not big, but the pre-existing breath that emanates from it is extremely rich and pure. The emerald green light flashes out, Qinglian knows it without guessing, and the chance is in it.

After Qing Lian paused for a few breaths, she stepped into the canyon.

In this valley, there is a sea of ​​emerald green bamboo forests.

Countless green bamboos sway in the wind, the beautiful scenery is moving.

However, these bamboos are actually just appearances, or foils, and the real core is a slender dark green bamboo.

"Unexpectedly, it would be good fortune to encounter congenital bitter bamboo...

This bitter bamboo is one of the ten innate spiritual roots, precious and extraordinary. Although it hasn't been refined yet, Qinglian already feels that this innate spiritual root has a great chance with him.

Innate spiritual root, with its own spirituality, green lotus, palms close, pinched the tender dark green bamboo branches, directly into his green lotus fortune pot, with a smile on his face.

Later, the bitter bamboo was refined into six pure bamboos, which can seal people's six senses and is unpredictable.

Obviously, he is still very satisfied with this opportunity.

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