In the Ni family's old house, when the Ni brothers and sisters saw Ni Yongxiao coming back, they immediately seemed to have found their backbone...

"Ah Xiao, great, you are finally back!"Ni Yongzhong stepped forward and hugged him.

"Second brother, my father is dead and our family’s property has been robbed. We must avenge our father and take back our property!"

"Ah Xiao, our family depends entirely on you!"

Facing such a scene with his family, Ni Yongxiao remained as calm and calm as ever,"I will avenge my father. You don't have to worry. If you lose the land, you will lose it. Our family controls the channels for selling goods, so there will be no impact."

I have to say that it is not unreasonable for Ni Kun to choose Ni Yongxiao as his successor. In just a few words, Ni Yongxiao calmed down his family.

"Sister, please cook me something to eat, I'm a little hungry!"

Ni Yongzhen heard this and quickly replied:"Oh, okay, I'll prepare it right now!"

The current situation of the Ni family is that, except for the younger brother who is loyal to the Ni family, all the other family doctors, servants, cooks, etc. have run away. Although the Ni family is a Hedao family, it is not easy to force ordinary people to People continued to serve their family, so they ordered takeout from restaurants outside for the past two days, but it was hard for Ni Yongxiao to order out for the first meal when he returned home.

Although Ni Yongzhen has not touched Yangchun water for many years, the Ni family Before he became successful, he also took good care of Ni Yongxiao. Cooking was not too difficult for her.

At the dinner table, Ni Yongxiao said while eating:

"I already understand the current situation. You don’t need to be in such panic all day long. Although our Ni family’s territory has been taken away by Liansheng Caishenlong, we have no direct conflict with him, and he will not pay attention to us. What should you do? What are you doing? Don’t worry about him coming to your door."

"If the God of Wealth Dragon wants to attack our family, I'm afraid that everyone in our family will go to see my father now. Our current enemy is Han Chen, and I decided to send out a secret reward of five million to Han Chen's"five or six" Seven" heads!"

Everyone in the Ni family has no objection to this. It is true that Chen Heilong robbed their family's territory, but they did not take it from them. And with Chen Heilong's current power in Hong Kong Island, they will not come here. It would be good to cause trouble for them. How dare they tease Chen Heilong's tiger beard? They are also afraid that someone will dig a hole and bury him in the middle of the night!!

As for Han Chen, that is someone who must be eliminated in their family, not to mention that they have already They believed that the murderer who killed their father was Han Chen. Just the matter of robbing their family's territory later made them want to fight to the death.

In their eyes, Han Chen had always been a dog raised by their father, but now this dog actually If you dare to bite your master back, if you don't kill him, the evil spirit in your heart will never go away.

"Third uncle!"Ni Yongxiao turned to look at the third uncle of the Ni family and said:"I'm not familiar with the underground society in Hong Kong Island, so I'll leave the secret affair to you!"

"No problem, I'll take care of it!"

Although the Ni family has lost all their territory now, the wealth they have accumulated from being in the No. 4 business for so many years cannot be underestimated. Not to mention the five million hidden expenses, even if the price is ten times higher, it is nothing to the Ni family. It’s just that the current situation of the Ni family shouldn’t be so high-profile.

"But, Ah Xiao!"The third uncle looked at Ni Yongxiao and said:"The current situation is still very dangerous for our Ni family. Our Ni family controls a large number of customer channels and has accumulated a lot of money with No. 4. These things are very dangerous for other societies. The temptation is not small. If they cannot find a strong backer, the Ni family will soon be approached by those who covet it. Now our Ni family only has about a hundred brothers, and there is no way we can stop these hyenas!"

The words of the third uncle of the Ni family are not alarmist. The Ni family fell so fast that those who coveted it failed to react. Before they could take the opportunity to get a share of the pie, He Liansheng took away the territory.

But it was precisely because of He Liansheng The existence of the Ni family made them dare not act rashly for the time being, but the third uncle knew that Chen Heilong was not interested in their family's business, and most likely he would not pay attention to the old, weak, sick and disabled people in the Ni family. By then, those who were hiding in the dark The hyenas will pounce on their minions in two places to squeeze out the most valuable thing of the Ni family.

"I have a solution for this matter. Third uncle, you call Bobby and invite him to come to our house! Ni Yongxiao said calmly


When Bobby received the call from his third uncle, he didn't want to come over. With the current situation of the Ni family, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the Ni family is probably going to end, and this matter also involves Chen Heilong.

Last time he saw Chen Heilong... He was so ruthless that he dared to take people to Taiguo to confront his boss, the Eight-faced Buddha. His attitude towards such ruthless people was to stay as far away as possible.

But in the end, he still nodded and agreed to meet. After all, The Ni family has cooperated with the Eight-faced Buddha for many years. Even if the Ni family does not care about the collapse of the building, they still have to take into account the attitude of other partners in Hong Kong. They should not make things too ugly, but at least make things passable.

Bobby came The Ni family is still the same living room where he met Ni Kun last time, but the person he met became Ni Kun's son, which made him somewhat sad.

"Mr. Ni, I feel deeply sorry for your father. After working with your father for so many years, we are considered old friends. If there is anything I can do to help, just ask."

Bobby stopped talking when he came up. There is no problem in helping, but it must be within his ability, and it is for the sake of your father's face. If the request is too much, then I can only apologize.

Ni Yongxiao heard this He smiled lightly and said,"Just in time, I do have something to ask Mr. Bobby. Our Ni family hopes to take refuge in the Eight-faced Buddha. Please convey this to me!"

Bobby was obviously stunned when he heard this. He had thought of many possibilities before coming, but he never thought that Ni Yongxiao would say this.

As the saying goes, it is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. No matter how bad the Ni family is, Defeat, where is the foundation? Even if it cannot reach the level when Ni Kun was alive, it is still better than surrendering to the actual forces and becoming a vassal.

"you sure?"Bobby said with a hint of shock.

"I am sure! Ni Yongxiao smiled and nodded,"So, please trouble Mr. Bobby.""

"I need a quieter room, call Lord Buddha!"Bobby said

"no problem! Ni Yongxiao turned to his third uncle and said,"Third uncle, take Mr. Bobby to the study!""

"OK! The third uncle nodded and signaled to Bobby:"Mr. Bobby, please come with me!""

After the third uncle took Bobby to the study, he closed the door and stood outside. Bobby in the study took out his phone and called Taiguo Eight-faced Buddha.

"Bobby, what's the matter with you calling me at this time?"

"Lord Buddha, it’s like this. Something has happened on Hong Kong Island these days.……"

Bobby told the Eight-faced Buddha in detail what had happened to the Ni family in the past few days, and then mentioned that Ni Yongxiao wanted to bring the Ni family to join them.

The Eight-faced Buddha on the other end of the phone was obviously moved when he heard that the Ni family wanted to join him.

Although the Ni family's territory was gone, that was a small matter in his opinion. Their business was not based on how much territory they had anyway. He is not very strong in Hong Kong Island. There is only one Bobby who is acting as an agent. Bobby is from Taiguo and has no foundation in Hong Kong Island. He only has dozens or hundreds of subordinates under him. In terms of connections, status and influence, Their strength is definitely far worse than that of the Ni family.

Even though the Ni family may fall apart now, even a broken ship still has its flaws. The Ni family has been operating on Hong Kong Island for so long, not to mention the personal network. The customer resources in hand are a considerable fortune. If the Ni family can be supported as his office on Hong Kong Island, it will be of great help to his business.

And if under normal circumstances, the Ni family didn't change so quickly, even if he wanted to get involved, it would be impossible for him to get involved. It is guaranteed that the Ni family would have to be divided up by the societies in Hong Kong before he received the news.

What's more, taking over the Ni family is equivalent to driving a nail into Chen Heilong's lair. He has not forgotten how Chen Heilong took Xichuan Port from him. Now the Ni family has taken the initiative to send it to his door. Such a good opportunity , he didn’t plan to miss it.

Of course, he also knows that the Ni family's surrender to him is just a temporary measure, and they want to find a backer for themselves, but he doesn't care. Cooperation can only be achieved when both parties have their own goals, otherwise why would they ask you to cooperate?

"Tell Ni Yongxiao that I accept his surrender, and you also release the news in the world of Hong Kong Island, saying that the Ni family will be the office of my Eight-faced Buddha in Hong Kong Island from now on!"

"clear! Lord Buddha!"Bobby responded. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Bobby has no foundation in Hong Kong Island, he is also a member of the Eight-faced Buddha after all, and the news released will naturally have a certain influence. Especially those groups that coveted the Ni family's business.

In less than a day, those coveting people hiding in the dark dispersed one after another. Those groups that secretly stared at the Ni family's business were all engaged in No. 4 business. Naturally, no one wanted to offend. After all, the Eight-faced Buddha has a huge influence in Southeast Asia. If they dare to get the attention of the Ni family, the Eight-faced Buddha is not a good man or woman.

Not everyone is as awesome as Chen Heilong. If they were able to fight head-on with the Eight-faced Buddha, if it were them, they would be defeated by the Eight-faced Buddha in one round. On the other hand, after Han Chen escaped from the Ni family's territory, he was worried for a whole day and found out After He Liansheng stopped chasing him, he finally felt relieved.

Knowing the outcome of the Ni family's four kings made him extremely grateful for his decision that night. Fortunately, he realized something was wrong early and made arrangements, otherwise this would happen I'm afraid I'll have to go downstairs to reunite with those four.

Compared to the Ni family, his situation is actually much better. At least no one outside is coveting the few resources he has. He relies on the existing resources. , whether he sets up his own business or joins other societies, he can get along very well. The only thing that makes him feel regretful is that he cannot keep the Ni family's territory. Otherwise, it will save him at least ten years of hard work.

However, his mentality can be regarded as open-minded. , not too pushy, and still in the mood to ask Chen Shan to have hot pot together.

"Ah Shan, I have to respect you for whatever this glass of wine says. In that situation, you still dared to take me in. You didn’t say anything, we will be good brothers for life!"After Han Chen finished speaking, he downed the glass of wine in front of him.

When Han Chen fled and sought asylum from Chen Shan, Chen Shan arranged for him to be in a safe house without saying a word. No one had any idea at that time, and no one knew what would happen next. What will be the reaction from He Liansheng?

Chen Shan sheltering him is equivalent to putting himself in danger. Han Chen must recognize this love............

"Brother Chen, what you said is obvious. When something happened to me, you were still so supportive of me. If we don’t even have this responsibility as a brother, why should I be a brother with you?"

"Good brother, let’s not talk anymore, we both have to get drunk today!"

While the two were drinking happily, Chen Shan's younger brother suddenly ran in and whispered to Chen Shan.

Han Chen saw the change in Chen Shan's face and couldn't help but curiously asked:"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Ni Kun's second son Ni Yongxiao has returned from the Bad Kingdom. He has taken refuge in the Eight-faced Buddha of the Tai Kingdom and has issued a hidden reward of five million for your head!"

Hearing this, Han Chen's face immediately became solemn.

He has followed Ni Kun for so many years, and he naturally knows that the second child of the Ni family is not as useless as his idiot brothers. Although Ni Yongxiao seems to have not participated in the Ni family's affairs in these years, business, but Han Chen knew very well that many of Ni Kun's major decisions were made by Ni Yongxiao with the help of his staff. To a certain extent, Ni Yongxiao's role in the glory of the Ni family before its collapse was no more important than that of Ni Kun's. Mr. Kun.

And judging from his quick reaction when he came back this time, we knew how difficult this guy was. If he hadn't taken refuge in the Eight-faced Buddha, he could have killed the whole Ni family with just some of his younger brothers. All the hidden flowers with a reward have been killed, and the reward is naturally gone.

But now that guy has taken refuge in the Eight-faced Buddha. With his strength, even if he meets him head-on, he does not dare to touch him. How can we play in a place of defeat?

He is not worried about the five million bonus. Ni Yongxiao can make hidden tricks, so can he. In the worst case, they can face each other. There are always those who are bold and dare to take action. But the problem is, Ni Yongxiao's There is an Eight-faced Buddha supporting him, but there is no one behind him.

The only solution now is to find a backer like Ni Yongxiao, otherwise he will be killed by Ni Yongxiao sooner or later. The only non-bird in Hong Kong dares to confront the Eight-faced Buddha. The only one is Chen Heilong, but his relationship with Chen Heilong is not good, and they have no obligation to help him. Even if he wants to go there, Chen Heilong is not in the No. 4 business, and he can't come up with anything that can make people excited. Why would he take him in as a bargaining chip?

After thinking about it, the only choice he could make now was Zhongxinyi. Zhongxinyi was in the same business as the Ni family. He knew all the channels of the Ni family. He believed If he uses these as bargaining chips, Lian Haolong will definitely agree to his surrender.

"Brother Long, do you have time today? I want to have a dinner with you!"

Lian Haolong has actually been quite unhappy these past two days. He was supposed to earn a profit without losing any support, but because of Liansheng's intervention, he gained nothing and lost a lot of his subordinates. Even Luo Tianhong was hospitalized. , don’t expect to be discharged from the hospital in less than ten days and a half.

Every time a little brother dies, there will be a settlement fee, plus the medical expenses for injuries and miscellaneous other expenses, it will cost at least 7 to 8 million.

This amount Although Han Chen recognized the money, it was not easy to make up for the lost brothers. This time he sent all loyal and loyal elite brothers to help Han Chen. This loss cannot be measured by money at all.

It happened that he wanted to talk to Han Chen When Chen said this, Han Chen called and he naturally agreed to meet.

"If you have time, see you in the evening!"

After the two parties met in the evening, Han Chen directly expressed his demands for 4.2 without beating around the bush.

"Brother Long, Ni Yongxiao’s tricks really make it impossible for me to deal with it, so I have no choice but to come to you!"

Lian Haolong didn't expect that Han Chen wanted to meet him for this matter. He already admired Han Chen and felt that Han Chen was affectionate and righteous. He would suffer a loss by supporting Han Chen. Although he was a little unhappy, he did not express his anger. It's Han Chen's fault.

After all, this kind of thing is just like doing business. There are losses and profits. He and Liansheng's intervention is force majeure. It can only be said that they are very unlucky.

Now that Han Chen is coming to seek refuge with him, he should immediately ask him to turn his original He swallowed what he wanted to tell Han Chen. The loss of the elite younger brother was far less than the benefit of Han Chen joining him.

Ni Kun had already handed over the Ni family's business to Han Chen for management when he was still alive. They hold a large amount of customer resources in their hands. For No. 4 demolishers like them, nothing is more important than customer resources. It can even be done without an upstream company, but it is absolutely impossible to be without a downtrodden company. After all, no matter how good the goods from the upstream company are. , you have to find someone to take over.

As for the Eight-faced Buddha that Ni Yongxiao took refuge in, Lian Haolong didn't care. The conflict between Han Chen and the Ni family has nothing to do with the Eight-faced Buddha. Besides, this is Hong Kong Island, and it's not too As long as there is no direct conflict with the Eight-faced Buddha, he is not afraid of what the Eight-faced Buddha will do.

Even if the Ni family stirs up trouble, the most they can do is restrict the supply of goods to him. The problem is that his goods are not destined for the Eight-faced Buddha. channel, but to sell goods directly from Jin Sanjiao. Even if the Eight-faced Buddha wants to restrict it, he can't stretch his hand that far.

It can only have advantages and no disadvantages, so Lian Haolong naturally cannot refuse to agree,"You are welcome to join Zhongxinyi, we will be a family from now on. If anyone can’t get along with you, he can’t get along with us, Zhongxinyi.……"

PS: The new book is about to set sail. I beg you all to send some flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes!..............

Even a flower, a review vote, or a monthly pass will do.....................

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